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I wonder if anyone canpoint me in the right direction to removea 'pop up' which I have no idea where it came from.

I get

"Windows Script Host"

X cannot find script file c/.........(varies with loads of letters and numbers).

OK or delete.

It comes up about every 15 minutes and I have tried to locate what it is, but cannot.

Silver surfer here, not to savvy with the intricacies of the computer.

Thank you very much.


It could be a task in Task Scheduler

Maybe this helps


Ps: Did you check for Viruses / Malware ?

If not, use programs like HitmanPro, Malwarebytes, SuperantiSpyware

Thank you. Very useful that link. I have also downloaded Superspyware.

I'll see what happens, as I can't tell if successful until the pop up dosen't appear - if you follow me. Let you know. Once again, thanks.


Can you supply a screenshot of such a popup?

I searched around for this kind of error messages.

There are so many different cases and no easy scheme.

From the appearance it is clear that some program/service (could be legit or could be malicious) is running periodically trying to start a script which is not there.

Could be the result of an erroneous de-installation or an erroneous "cleanup" tool been run.

OR: the script has been detected as malicious by antivirus SW and moved/deleted.

What you could do.

Start event viewer:


Navigate to "Windows Logs" / "System Logs" and clear the log: right click in the left pane on the "System Logs" and select "Clear Log".

Leave the event viewer open and wait for the popup.

When popup appeared check the log and see whether there are useful/more details.

Can also be copy/pasted.


Can you supply a screenshot of such a popup?

I searched around for this kind of error messages.

There are so many different cases and no easy scheme.

From the appearance it is clear that some program/service (could be legit or could be malicious) is running periodically trying to start a script which is not there.

Could be the result of an erroneous de-installation or an erroneous "cleanup" tool been run.

OR: the script has been detected as malicious by antivirus SW and moved/deleted.

What you could do.

Start event viewer:


Navigate to "Windows Logs" / "System Logs" and clear the log: right click in the left pane on the "System Logs" and select "Clear Log".

Leave the event viewer open and wait for the popup.

When popup appeared check the log and see whether there are useful/more details.

Can also be copy/pasted.

Thanks very much.

I think this thing is maybe malicious as you suggest. It's interesting that System Restore fails as it says 'something is blocking it from performing.' I'll have a crack at sceenshot and get back to the thread.


Do you have AVG antivirus SW running?

Some findings on the net indicate that it might result from a problem with this?

Some SW installed with version nr.

Maybe previously?

Go through your list of installed SW.

Did you use any "registry cleaner" or other "cleaner" programs?

Sometimes they do more harm than good.

The "magic number" (class registration?) did not bring a result:


All in all: to me it does not look like a malicious SW.

More like a mishap.

Some suggest to create an empty file with the shown name/location.

But don't be surprised if then another file comes up tongue.png, care for some?:


(many similar messages but no good answer found so far)


Since this comes from Windows Scripting Host I'd be surprised it has anything to do with Firefox.

Looks very much to me like a leftover of some VBScript malware that was once automatically launched by some mechanism (could be a scheduled task like MJCM suggested). The script file (fofa.txt) is gone, probably eaten by your a/v software but the startup link subsists. Hence the error popup.

If it comes at regular intervals, a scheduled task is the likely culprit. Have you checked them ?

You may want to install this Microsoft utility (autoruns): https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb963902.aspx

Then run it and browse through all tabs (particulary "Scheduled Tasks") until you find a reference to something that includes the lengthy hex string (64F68C35-...), then uncheck the box next it to.

I wouldn't hope much for a malware detector to automagically find this leftover because it's not malignant per se and it probably doesn't carry a recognizable signature.


Firstly I would like to thank all of you who replied with suggestions. It's been a 'mini' education for me using some of the suggestions.

Secondly we have success!! No pop up for several hours, whereas before I would have had to delete it about 10 times.

The solution finally came when I downloaded the Broken Record link in post 9.

I ran thorough the suggestions but could not find anything in the 'delete programme' through the control panel.

So I went on to the various 'downloads' suggested. Firstly I tried ADW Cleaner but this was not successful so I moved on to the "Junkware Removal Tool'

After I ran the programme it buzzed around and finally identified a load of things it had deleted. It also specifically asked me if I wished to remove this particular pop up. Not quite sure why that was considered specific but I don't care. Hit the key and it had gone.

So once again thanks all and particularly Borken Record (I've saved that link), You have been very helpful as I've never been on a specific forum before, just the general ones.clap2.gif


Just a footnote. My computer has also a beeter performance after that clean up. Now watching cricket uninterrupted in lovely HD. Ta

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