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Brussels Zaventem airport rocked by two explosions


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Fast forward a couple of decades...and Europe will be indistinguishable from the mess in the ME...

Way to go EU...

We have enough in the UK already armed and ready to blow.

Get out of the EU and secure the borders from these savages!

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Perhaps you and others should appreciate that there are some people on this forum that have a degree of expertise when it comes to terrorism.

What a joke!

From the comfort of their chair?

The comment from Trogers is just a pure trolling thing and he is probably now drinking some beer...."degree of expertise"....my arse

Naahh...such acts are not terrorism. Just acts of tantrums from unhappy voters...

A quick election would bring peace back for another couple of years...

Did I say it wasn't terrorism?

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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Just waiting to hear now that is was a one off attack from out of the blue that nobody could have seen coming, etc etc...

The country had been on high alert since the arrest in Brussels last week of Salah Abdeslam, a key suspect in last year's Paris attacks that left 130 people dead.

Belgium's interior minister, Jan Jambon, said on Monday the country was aware of the risk of a possible revenge attack following the capture of 26-year-old Abdeslam.

"We know that stopping one cell can ... push others into action. We are aware of it in this case," he told public radio.


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This would appear to be yet another well planned terrorist attack.

The Politicians should be held accountable for their "open door policies" which have allowed these fanatics into Europe.

Those who dared voice concern where labeled as being "wacist" but it seems the concern was well placed.


small correction !

When you export war and weapons, don't be surprised to import refugees and terrorists.

The open door policies wouldn't happen if we didn t mess with Syria, Libya, Irak,....

And there you have it, folks. Those people blown to bits deserved it?

Nope, not more than the 100 thousands of civilians in the middle east countries where we bring terrorism.

Do you really think the terrorism in europe is due to people who just wake up and think "today I am gonna kill people"

Probably have an history behind this, don't you think?

Or are you from the ones who think we bring peace and order there

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Why is it the serfs always have to suffer for the actions of the ruling class? How many bankers or politicians, the ones that started the ME wars and what flowed from them, get blown up by terrorists?

True , but the Belgians had the chance to vote out muslims for 3 decades ( VB) , but they did the opposite . Today some of them got to pay the price.

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Every single attack comes from one ideology, Islam

I'm with Trump keep them out and if necessary revoke any passports of those who are suspects, especially in the EU.

Enough is enough, let them go and blow themselves up in the desert, so we can join them in their celebrations!!

if you are with Trump, move to USA!

just because pervert sects like ISIS bombed somewhere, all muslim does not mean bad people!

or it does not mean you can discriminate them or revoke their passport and send them where?

if you are not happy with muslim, you can move to mars. bc they are everywhere and with such words, you just inviting more bombs!

hatred brings hatred!

Doesn't matter where you move these scum find the tiniest crevice to cause carnage.

I do not want to be anywhere near a Muslim, that's my human right isn't it?

I don't give a shi-ite where they are sent as long as it's a long way from me.

Move to Mars, what a sensible retort. laugh.png

i can understand your trauma and fear.

but ethnic cleansing or extreme measures like camping them or killing them etc will never work and these measures will just bring more bombs and result on more muslim radicals.

and you know, how you understand a muslim? so when a muslim sits next to you, you always understand? how? i really wonder.

and at the end, you give a s..ite or not, you cannot choose to live away from muslim. some muslim guy can buy the house next to you tomorrow. even in Thailand where 10 percent of population is muslim!

so yes, only solution for you being away from muslim is moving to mars or moving to a cave in himalayas.

I don't want to camp them unless the camp is in Pakistan or Somalia.

I don't even want to kill them, just re-home them in the desert where they will be happy.

I don't want to know what all Muslims think, actions have spoken for them and they remain silent.

Of course they will try to move next to me wherever I go, that's their plan isn't it to take over?

All you're doing is reinforcing what they are trying to do, by telling innocent people to move away from them!

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Since Europe does not believe in God it is time for Europe to accepted Ali and this might stop.

Europe is afraid to fight back just deiding day by day

Whay are they afraid to fight back

Churchill must be turning in his grave!

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Since Europe does not believe in God it is time for Europe to accepted Ali and this might stop.

Europe is afraid to fight back just deiding day by day

Whay are they afraid to fight back

Ali is not a God, he is my friendly neighbor who sell tomatoes...

A country cannot believe in God, the people of a country can. Do you think believing in a christian god would have help them?

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if you are with Trump, move to USA!

just because pervert sects like ISIS bombed somewhere, all muslim does not mean bad people!

or it does not mean you can discriminate them or revoke their passport and send them where?

if you are not happy with muslim, you can move to mars. bc they are everywhere and with such words, you just inviting more bombs!

hatred brings hatred!

Doesn't matter where you move these scum find the tiniest crevice to cause carnage.

I do not want to be anywhere near a Muslim, that's my human right isn't it?

I don't give a shi-ite where they are sent as long as it's a long way from me.

Move to Mars, what a sensible retort. laugh.png

i can understand your trauma and fear.

but ethnic cleansing or extreme measures like camping them or killing them etc will never work and these measures will just bring more bombs and result on more muslim radicals.

and you know, how you understand a muslim? so when a muslim sits next to you, you always understand? how? i really wonder.

and at the end, you give a s..ite or not, you cannot choose to live away from muslim. some muslim guy can buy the house next to you tomorrow. even in Thailand where 10 percent of population is muslim!

so yes, only solution for you being away from muslim is moving to mars or moving to a cave in himalayas.

I don't want to camp them unless the camp is in Pakistan or Somalia.

I don't even want to kill them, just re-home them in the desert where they will be happy.

I don't want to know what all Muslims think, actions have spoken for them and they remain silent.

Of course they will try to move next to me wherever I go, that's their plan isn't it to take over?

All you're doing is reinforcing what they are trying to do, by telling innocent people to move away from them!

just think straight. you camp them in Somalia and you think they will never come back to hunt you and people think like you?

such action is same as how nazis camped all jews!

all you need is more tolerance and better politicians on top. be careful whom you are voting for next time and select some competent politicians!

or basically camp yourself and people like you!

Edited by Galactus
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Wow, what a carnage....wonder what the liberal leaders of usa and europe will say now to diminish the significance of these attacks.

They make it sound like they got everything under control....but they havent got a clue.

People are watching though ....and donald trumps words are ringing more true by the day.

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This would appear to be yet another well planned terrorist attack.

The Politicians should be held accountable for their "open door policies" which have allowed these fanatics into Europe.

Those who dared voice concern where labeled as being "wacist" but it seems the concern was well placed.


small correction !

When you export war and weapons, don't be surprised to import refugees and terrorists.

The open door policies wouldn't happen if we didn t mess with Syria, Libya, Irak,....

I thought the open door was Merkel's idea and it wouldn't have happened if she had not said come one come all.

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just think straight. you camp them in Somalia and you think they will never come back to hunt you and people think like you?

such action is same as how nazis camped all jews!

all you need is more tolerance and better politicians on top. be careful whom you are voting for next time and select some competent politicians!

or basically camp yourself and people like you!

I don't need to be camped I've never hurt anyone all my life and I've never wished ill on people, up until now.

I just don't want to be anywhere near Muslims, I have that right unless you can show me otherwise

More tolerance.....for what blowing people to bits?

Yes the Nazis committed unforgivable atrocities upon a people for no reason, Islam is committing atrocities on people for no reason. Who has the closer link to Nazism?

Edited by uptheos
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Doesn't matter where you move these scum find the tiniest crevice to cause carnage.

I do not want to be anywhere near a Muslim, that's my human right isn't it?

I don't give a shi-ite where they are sent as long as it's a long way from me.

Move to Mars, what a sensible retort. laugh.png

i can understand your trauma and fear.

but ethnic cleansing or extreme measures like camping them or killing them etc will never work and these measures will just bring more bombs and result on more muslim radicals.

and you know, how you understand a muslim? so when a muslim sits next to you, you always understand? how? i really wonder.

and at the end, you give a s..ite or not, you cannot choose to live away from muslim. some muslim guy can buy the house next to you tomorrow. even in Thailand where 10 percent of population is muslim!

so yes, only solution for you being away from muslim is moving to mars or moving to a cave in himalayas.

I don't want to camp them unless the camp is in Pakistan or Somalia.

I don't even want to kill them, just re-home them in the desert where they will be happy.

I don't want to know what all Muslims think, actions have spoken for them and they remain silent.

Of course they will try to move next to me wherever I go, that's their plan isn't it to take over?

All you're doing is reinforcing what they are trying to do, by telling innocent people to move away from them!

just think straight. you camp them in Somalia and you think they will never come back to hunt you and people think like you?

such action is same as how nazis camped all jews!

all you need is more tolerance and better politicians on top. be careful whom you are voting for next time and select some competent politicians!

or basically camp yourself and people like you!

Original post removed due to too many posts. More tolerance? I don't think any of those innocent people who died today would agree with you.


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I am missing the Europe of the sixties and seventies. I backpacked all over the place, and it was the best experience of my life. I even had one of those American flags sewed on my pack. I was always treated decently, and my negative experiences were few.

Liberal Policies don't work. Strict Immigration Laws, Screening, Background Checks and Fences do. (Not that I like these). Tough times mean tougher measures.

Looking at what has happened in Europe this year...I would certainly want my homeland to get tougher or immigration. It may not be humane (in all cases) but this is where it is heading. I can actually see Trump gaining more support for his strict stance on immigration.

Orwellian society has been predicted by 1984, and it is late...but starting. I hate this...but what other choices are out there?

Hornets are out...nests are in place.... I am actually glad I am retired, and can move where I feel I have the most freedom. Right now...it's not so bad....Northern Thailand. Just face melting hot. I am not anxious to live in either the USA, or Europe. There are still some interesting places...where I can just relax and enjoy life.

RIP to those killed...and peace to the families.

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Here is the Israeli view on the terrorist attacks, I would summarize it as, stop appeasing, get control of your borders and deal with your own domestic politics instead of interfering with ours. Oh, there was also a hint of schadenfreude I do



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225 Belgian paratroopers are mobilised in Brussels.

1600 extra policemen in Paris and alongside Belgian-French border.

Explosives used were similar to those used in Paris.

False alarm from a suspect package at the Belgian parliament was destroyed by the Belgian bomb squad through controlled explosion.

All victims and injured have been transferred to hospitals.

Contact number for TV members for questions from their beloved can contact (+32) 1771...

Zaventem Airport : 11 fatalities, 85 injured

Metro station Maelbeek : 15 fatalities, 55 injured

Edited by Thorgal
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RIP the innocent...

If some countries would stop destroying other countries by bombing them to smithereens, the refugee influx to Europe and other countries would obviously stop, or at least reduce to a manageable proportion. Then these terrorists will have no chance to use the refugee movement as a Trojan horse - in fact, the number of radicals too would reduce. Chasing away the refugees will not solve the problem, the core issues should first be addressed.

If all countries learn to mind their own businesses and stop helping 'freedom fighters' for their convenience, this world will definitely be a better place to live in. Unfortunately, history teaches us that this has been existing since time immemorial...

The unspoken question is, who is responsible for creating this issue?

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Fifteen Dead In Brussels Metro Station Blast

At least 15 people have reportedly been killed after a rush-hour explosion at a metro station close to EU buildings in Brussels.

Footage of the blast at Maalbeek station showed black smoke pouring from the entrance, with people being moved on stretchers and victims seen with facial injuries.

Passengers were evacuated from trains in the tunnels around Maalbeek and led along tracks to other stations.

-- Sky News

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just think straight. you camp them in Somalia and you think they will never come back to hunt you and people think like you?

such action is same as how nazis camped all jews!

all you need is more tolerance and better politicians on top. be careful whom you are voting for next time and select some competent politicians!

or basically camp yourself and people like you!

I don't need to be camped I've never hurt anyone all my life and I've never wished ill on people, up until now.

I just don't want to be anywhere near Muslims, I have that right unless you can show me otherwise

More tolerance.....for what blowing people to bits?

Yes the Nazis committed unforgivable atrocities upon a people for no reason, Islam is committing atrocities on people for no reason. Who has the closer link to Nazism?

sorry but you cannot call ISIS islam. they are a pervert bloody sect.

and such thinking (or ignorance) liek all muslim are bombers and killers etc is what brings those bombs.

just think straight. you camp them in Somalia and you think they will never come back to hunt you and people think like you?

such action is same as how nazis camped all jews!

all you need is more tolerance and better politicians on top. be careful whom you are voting for next time and select some competent politicians!

or basically camp yourself and people like you!

Original post removed due to too many posts. More tolerance? I don't think any of those innocent people who died today would agree with you.


sorry for the dead people:( horrible photos and nearly happening every day nowadays. I hate loss of human life at such events and for nothing!

but yes, if enough tolerance is shown or Europe does not have fascist non tolerant politicians effecting the citizens, i believe maybe no ISIS or no bombings now.

so a young muslim guy being discriminated, listening Hitler rhetoric from the likes of Trump, facing hatred due to his religion from politicians and pushed by people in Europe,they are thrown out of planes just bc they muslim too.

then they become muslim radicals as those ISIS guys wash the brains of those young guys easily due to non tolerant and non supportive paranoid European society.

so non tolerance is the result of such radicalism. what do you expect?

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Deadly Attacks Hit Brussels Airport And Metro

At least 26 people have been killed when a suicide attack ripped through Zaventem Airport in Brussels and another terrorist blast hit a city metro station.

Shots were fired and Arabic shouted before the two airport bomb blasts, according to Belgian news agency Belga.

An image showed an empty pushchair surrounded by debris from a blast.

Maalbeek metro station was targeted in a separate attack during the morning rush hour - after which children could be heard screaming.

-- Sky News

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