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Nationalist group submits list of people supporting Buddhism to be made national religion


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a name list of 100,000 people whom they claimed have supported their call for Buddhism to be enshrined in the constitution as national religion.

What if the Muslims produced a name list of 100,000 people who support Islam to be the national religion? They number over 4 million so getting 100,000 names should be possible.

Or in the alternative Muslims request to have Islam enshrined as the national religion only in the South where Muslims account for over 95% of the population. I'm sure the Buddhists in the South can respect the dominance of Islam there and visa versa. Such a provision would require the South to be autonomous from a Buddhist head of state however. But the referendum for Meechai's draft constitution will receive overwhelming support from Malay-Thais!

Absolutely. That's why I support making Buddhism the state religion only to stop the infiltration of Islam into Thai society. Look how that has worked for Europe. Thailand doesn't need more Islamic influence - the far south is enough. A slight correction though - I believe only 80% of the 3 southernmost provinces are Islamic, while for southern Thailand overall it's about 30%, still a very high figure for a supposedly Buddhist nation.

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This idea comes up every time a new constitution is being drafted, which is quite often. It is disgusting to try to impose a national religion on the 10% or more of Thais who are not Buddhist and will definitely increase divisions with the Muslim South that is already badly discriminated against. It is also unnecessary for Buddhists. Much better to stick to the principle that freedom of religion is guaranteed under the constitution and leave it at that.

Oh those poor, poor Muslims, killing teachers and soldiers in the south. Destroying anything non-Islamic, protesting against the construction of a big Buddhist park in Pattani, yeah they're discriminated against! Not!

Islam doesn't need another free pass to grow further. It's influence should be suppressed as much as possible.

Islam teaches hate, intolerance, misogyny towards women and is truly incompatible with a modern, 21st century society. It's insane that such a violent, backward 7th century ideology can still exist today.

If anything Buddhism is one of the few religions that is truly peaceful and can function peacefully in harmony with modern society.

I for the life of me can't understand how some westerners can blindly support such a hateful ideology like Islam, that hates us (and BTW Dogmatix I thought I might point out how much Islam despises dogs, the word you so carefully chose to be part of your username) all in the name of political correctness.

Edited by Tomtomtom69
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