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Clinton says she, not Trump, is the one to defeat IS group


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The Trumpster nailed it.Billary has been around for yonks and has f'all to show for it.she is part of the gang of idiots who got things this bad to begin with.

She will just surround herself with all who are beholden to her and wreak the same old havoc she always has.

At least you can count on Mr. Trump not hiring career incompetents and choosing the right team without fear or favour.

Tell me more about the "right team of career competents" that helped him bankrupt four companies.

I'd just dying to know.


Declaring bankruptcy can also be part of a well thought out ploy, business or legal strategy.

Hopefully he wont pick any of the morons who bankrupted the usa.

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Am enjoying watching some bloke embarrassing the "Fox & Friends" goons by telling them how Islamic State was formed in Rammadi in 2003.

They appear to be trying to whiz him past that bit, as they have to show Giuliani doing the "Hillary Clinton could be considered a founding member of ISIS" soundbites.

Dear oh dear they are such a godawful excuse for a news channel.


Edited by Chicog
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The Trumpster nailed it.Billary has been around for yonks and has f'all to show for it.she is part of the gang of idiots who got things this bad to begin with.

She will just surround herself with all who are beholden to her and wreak the same old havoc she always has.

At least you can count on Mr. Trump not hiring career incompetents and choosing the right team without fear or favour.

Tell me more about the "right team of career competents" that helped him bankrupt four companies.

I'd just dying to know.


Declaring bankruptcy can also be part of a well thought out ploy, business or legal strategy.

Hopefully he wont pick any of the morons who bankrupted the usa.

Yes, it's a really clever plan if your intention going in is to suck as much out of it as you can, leaving a bankrupt company and the bill for someone else to pay.

I could not agree more.


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MockingJay, bull crap! I can't stand the woman but she had nothing to do with the debacle in Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Talk about beating a dead horse. Perhaps if the right wing Republicans had not cut the State Dept. defense budget there might have been enough personal in place. Jeez, get an education. Now back to subject, like all since Cheney/Bush et al started a damned war in the Mideast and set it on fire, China's leaders, the real threat, are still laughing their collective asses off at the stupidity of the US that has given them the opportunity to encroach in the China Seas and expand their power world wide. Hillary will not change that policy with her bomb, bomb, bomb the Mideast version of McCain.

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The Trumpster nailed it.Billary has been around for yonks and has f'all to show for it.she is part of the gang of idiots who got things this bad to begin with.

She will just surround herself with all who are beholden to her and wreak the same old havoc she always has.

At least you can count on Mr. Trump not hiring career incompetents and choosing the right team without fear or favour.

Tell me more about the "right team of career competents" that helped him bankrupt four companies.

I'd just dying to know.


Declaring bankruptcy can also be part of a well thought out ploy, business or legal strategy.

Hopefully he wont pick any of the morons who bankrupted the usa.

Yes, it's a really clever plan if your intention going in is to suck as much out of it as you can, leaving a bankrupt company and the bill for someone else to pay.

I could not agree more.


Stranger and shadier things happen in bidness.

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I don't know details of Bangazi. But if right-wingers are so eager to pin those deaths on HRC, try this on for size:
Right-Wingers' patron saint, Ronald Reagan, was prez at the time when 61 US marines were killed in a Beirut terrorist bombing. Do right-wingers want to blame those deaths on Reagan?

To be fair she does have a long history of fighting terror and must have learned a lot under Obama.
Because of her long history and experience of fighting terror, the world has become what it is.
Can anyone say the sad state of the world hasn't occurred under the watch of Obama and Clinton?

Bring on Trump, he can't make things worse and will probably make America safer and proud again.
What have Americans got to lose, lets face it the last 7 years have been a disgrace!!

There's a lot Americans could lose, by trusting foreign affairs to a neophyte who is quick to anger. Americans could lose sons and daughters, not to mention wars are very expensive. I guess it comes down to whether a person believes HRC would be cool-headed and seek advice from veterans, or an impulsive hot-head like Trump.

How many times has Trump declared something emphatically, ....only to contradict himself the next day. If it's about domestic policy, then it's just bad, ....but if he starts a war, it's worse, because once the US starts carpet bombing or dropping N-bombs, it's darn hard to put the mass-killing genie back in the bottle. I'm referring partially to Trump's promise to kill the families of terrorists.

Another note: If Trump so openly claims he'll encourage uses of torture worse than water-boarding, then US's enemies will have justification and incentive to do the same. Granted, ISIS has already beheaded some captives, but Trump is upping the ante, so ISIS's captives they might ordinarily put in prison, they may instead treat them even more severely. Do right-wingers think ISIS can't do any worse than they've already done? I'll let right-wingers in on a secret: ISIS can do worse. Plus, with greater numbers (Trump is a great for ISIS recruitment), they'll be able to do more damage.

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Cool alright.

"Ms. Clinton has supported every war initiated by the United States not in self-defense for more than twenty three years since she first occupied the

White House as First Lady: Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, ISIS, Al- Qaeda, Yemen, Somalia" *

If she is President she has promised to obliterate Iran if it attacks Israel

You speak about what Trump said he will do. At this point in time it's just pre election talk, whereas with Hillary so far it is REAL

* You can read more on the Goddess of War http://www.huffingto..._b_9157892.html

I can't speak for HRC, but most of the countries listed above were not wars. Most were military engagements which involved a few military sorties. If you chase a guy down the block because you caught him rummaging through your garbage can, would you call that a riot?

The US had no military involvement with Yemen. The others except Iraq and Afghanistan were military engagements of limited scope.

Do Right-wingers think the US should not have gone into Afghanistan with guns blazing, after 9-11? Perhaps conservatives think the US should have just let bygones be bygones and sent the Taliban a chocolate cake shaped like a Bible (which is what Reagan's cabinet did for Iranian leaders in the early 1980's, while Iran was holding US hostages). That's Republican foreign policy in a nutshell: Either start a war, or send pastries.

When it's convenient, Right-Wingers can bend the truth and fool some of their easily fooled conspiracy-theorist brethren. The list of countries above all involved with terrorism. Most of the engagements were quick-in, cause damage, then quick-out. ....except the wars the Republicans started, which became quagmires we're still stuck in.

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Don't know whether this photo has been enhanced in anyway, if not, this is what a villain who is evil incarnate looks.

I always wonder if the cretins that put idiotic memes like this together are actually aware that that Ambassador himself twice turned down additional security, or if they just lie about it.

Which is it?


Or Stupid?

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Nowadays, when a person is famous and in the public eye, there are thousands of pics taken each day and night. If you want to find photos of any of the candidates when they're looking good or bad, happy or tired, intense or mellow, ....it's not hard to do. Let's hope all Americans aren't voting based on looks. If so, then Brad Pitt would be a top contender. Maybe Trump's wife would make a better candidate than Hillary because she's prettier.

Trump is always saying how he will make great deals everywhere. Sometimes it sounds like he thinks the presidency is all about making deals. Well, making deals is one component, but keeping deals is another. Trump made deals with his first two wives, and didn't keep the deals. He made deals re; building businesses, but didn't keep them, and bankruptcies are (at least a partial) proof of that. Perhaps Trump should write a sequel to "The Art of the Deal" and call it, "The Art of Breaking Deals."

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Donald Trump.... back in 2008, the American people thought that the time to elect a black president, something

that was the unthinkable only a decade or so ago, is the right thing to do and it is high time that a person such

as Obama who came with no special credentials to speak of is that person,

Maybe this time around, American and the world need a madman, balls buster and a bully, to put the fear of god

in them rouge countries and groups that has enjoyed mocking and snubbing their noses at the US and world order,

and maybe, just maybe, a man like Trump can deliver, it's a long shot, but right now, it is the only shot the US has....

"Maybe this time around, American and the world need a madman, balls buster and a bully."

If it's working in Russia, it can work in America.

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The Trumpster nailed it.Billary has been around for yonks and has f'all to show for it.she is part of the gang of idiots who got things this bad to begin with.

She will just surround herself with all who are beholden to her and wreak the same old havoc she always has.

At least you can count on Mr. Trump not hiring career incompetents and choosing the right team without fear or favour.

Tell me more about the "right team of career competents" that helped him bankrupt four companies.

I'd just dying to know.


Declaring bankruptcy can also be part of a well thought out ploy, business or legal strategy.

Hopefully he wont pick any of the morons who bankrupted the usa.

Yes, it's a really clever plan if your intention going in is to suck as much out of it as you can, leaving a bankrupt company and the bill for someone else to pay.

I could not agree more.


Once when asked about his business philosophy on borrowing huge amounts of money Trump replied :

"In America if you owe the bank a million dollars and you can't pay you are in trouble, but if you owe the bank a hundred million dollars and you can't pay, the bank is in trouble".

He willingly puts the risks of his businesses on banks, shareholders and debtors, which is no different than any good capitalist these days. If the banks are foolish enough to lend him money to build yet another failing casino, then why not ? Also the investment bankers will gleefully put together a security offering, covering up the details and making it smell nice so everybody can get fleeced. Caveat emptor when dealing with snakes.

Edited by tonray
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That would be the day!

She has already been showing her abilities when working as a secretary of state

Clinton visited 112 countries during her tenure, making her the most widely traveled secretary of state ever,

Clinton's tenure as secretary of state did not bring any signature diplomatic breakthroughs as some other Secretaries of State had.


Those 112 visits help restore the alliances with the EU and key Asian allies as well as key relationships in Africa and Latin America. These all pretty much in tatters after 8 years of Bush II.

Also accomplished the nearly impossible task of getting China, Russia, the European Union and the civilized world on board with crippling sanctions against Iran. This is what brought Iran to the negotiating table.

Exports to China increased by over 50%, as well as work on climate change treat.

Just to name a few...


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That would be the day!

She has already been showing her abilities when working as a secretary of state

Clinton visited 112 countries during her tenure, making her the most widely traveled secretary of state ever,

Clinton's tenure as secretary of state did not bring any signature diplomatic breakthroughs as some other Secretaries of State had.


Those 112 visits help restore the alliances with the EU and key Asian allies as well as key relationships in Africa and Latin America. These all pretty much in tatters after 8 years of Bush II.

Also accomplished the nearly impossible task of getting China, Russia, the European Union and the civilized world on board with crippling sanctions against Iran. This is what brought Iran to the negotiating table.

Exports to China increased by over 50%, as well as work on climate change treat.

Just to name a few...


I am reminded of the famous Python sketch....

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The moderators here really need to stop these right wing, hate filled, and untrue meme's from being g posted. Hillary has accepted responsibility as secretary of state for the deaths. "I was the one ultimately responsible for my peoples safety, and I never felt that responsibility more deeply than I did that day, she wrote in her 2014 memoir, Hard Choices. Still, she added: I will not be a part of a political slugfest on the backs of dead Americans. "

Despite repeated, extensive, and very expensive attempts to potray her as incompetent, nothing has been proved other then "Two different bureaus within the State Department had authority over the mission but failed to work togethersomething that, according to the probe, resulted in stove-piped discussions and decisions on matters of policy and security."


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"Hillary has accepted responsibility as secretary of state for the deaths. "I was the one ultimately responsible for my peoples safety, and I never felt that responsibility more deeply than I did that day, she wrote in her 2014 memoir, Hard Choices. Still, she added: I will not be a part of a political slugfest on the backs of dead Americans. "

​Right! As in, "What difference does it make?" Is that what you're talking about?

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"Hillary has accepted responsibility as secretary of state for the deaths. "I was the one ultimately responsible for my peoples safety, and I never felt that responsibility more deeply than I did that day, she wrote in her 2014 memoir, Hard Choices. Still, she added: I will not be a part of a political slugfest on the backs of dead Americans. "

​Right! As in, "What difference does it make?" Is that what you're talking about?

You make exactly the point of her last statement.


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Declaring bankruptcy can also be part of a well thought out ploy, business or legal strategy.

Hopefully he wont pick any of the morons who bankrupted the usa.

Yes, it's a really clever plan if your intention going in is to suck as much out of it as you can, leaving a bankrupt company and the bill for someone else to pay.

I could not agree more.


Once when asked about his business philosophy on borrowing huge amounts of money Trump replied :

"In America if you owe the bank a million dollars and you can't pay you are in trouble, but if you owe the bank a hundred million dollars and you can't pay, the bank is in trouble".

He willingly puts the risks of his businesses on banks, shareholders and debtors, which is no different than any good capitalist these days. If the banks are foolish enough to lend him money to build yet another failing casino, then why not ? Also the investment bankers will gleefully put together a security offering, covering up the details and making it smell nice so everybody can get fleeced. Caveat emptor when dealing with snakes.

It would be nice if you did some research before you blow off steam.

"If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem." J. Paul Getty LINK
For all of the geniuses on here that keep bloviating about Trump's presumed bankruptcies, be aware that he never ran a business into bankruptcy nor did he ever file personal bankruptcy. He bought businesses that were doomed and put them through Chapter 11 bankruptcy which is a way to save a business. It saves the employee's jobs, the landlord's rent, and so on. He turned the companies around and made them profitable which is something the prior owners couldn't do.
If all the noise being made is the best you can do about Trump, you need another hobby.
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Declaring bankruptcy can also be part of a well thought out ploy, business or legal strategy.

Hopefully he wont pick any of the morons who bankrupted the usa.

Yes, it's a really clever plan if your intention going in is to suck as much out of it as you can, leaving a bankrupt company and the bill for someone else to pay.

I could not agree more.


Once when asked about his business philosophy on borrowing huge amounts of money Trump replied :

"In America if you owe the bank a million dollars and you can't pay you are in trouble, but if you owe the bank a hundred million dollars and you can't pay, the bank is in trouble".

He willingly puts the risks of his businesses on banks, shareholders and debtors, which is no different than any good capitalist these days. If the banks are foolish enough to lend him money to build yet another failing casino, then why not ? Also the investment bankers will gleefully put together a security offering, covering up the details and making it smell nice so everybody can get fleeced. Caveat emptor when dealing with snakes.

It would be nice if you did some research before you blow off steam.

"If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem." J. Paul Getty LINK
For all of the geniuses on here that keep bloviating about Trump's presumed bankruptcies, be aware that he never ran a business into bankruptcy nor did he ever file personal bankruptcy. He bought businesses that were doomed and put them through Chapter 11 bankruptcy which is a way to save a business. It saves the employee's jobs, the landlord's rent, and so on. He turned the companies around and made them profitable which is something the prior owners couldn't do.
If all the noise being made is the best you can do about Trump, you need another hobby.

Trump said it...where it got it is irrelevant.

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Once when asked about his business philosophy on borrowing huge amounts of money Trump replied :

"In America if you owe the bank a million dollars and you can't pay you are in trouble, but if you owe the bank a hundred million dollars and you can't pay, the bank is in trouble".

He willingly puts the risks of his businesses on banks, shareholders and debtors, which is no different than any good capitalist these days. If the banks are foolish enough to lend him money to build yet another failing casino, then why not ? Also the investment bankers will gleefully put together a security offering, covering up the details and making it smell nice so everybody can get fleeced. Caveat emptor when dealing with snakes.

It would be nice if you did some research before you blow off steam.

"If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem." J. Paul Getty LINK
For all of the geniuses on here that keep bloviating about Trump's presumed bankruptcies, be aware that he never ran a business into bankruptcy nor did he ever file personal bankruptcy. He bought businesses that were doomed and put them through Chapter 11 bankruptcy which is a way to save a business. It saves the employee's jobs, the landlord's rent, and so on. He turned the companies around and made them profitable which is something the prior owners couldn't do.
If all the noise being made is the best you can do about Trump, you need another hobby.

Trump said it...where it got it is irrelevant.

Maybe, maybe not. Got a link?

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Once when asked about his business philosophy on borrowing huge amounts of money Trump replied :

"In America if you owe the bank a million dollars and you can't pay you are in trouble, but if you owe the bank a hundred million dollars and you can't pay, the bank is in trouble".

He willingly puts the risks of his businesses on banks, shareholders and debtors, which is no different than any good capitalist these days. If the banks are foolish enough to lend him money to build yet another failing casino, then why not ? Also the investment bankers will gleefully put together a security offering, covering up the details and making it smell nice so everybody can get fleeced. Caveat emptor when dealing with snakes.

It would be nice if you did some research before you blow off steam.

"If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem." J. Paul Getty LINK
For all of the geniuses on here that keep bloviating about Trump's presumed bankruptcies, be aware that he never ran a business into bankruptcy nor did he ever file personal bankruptcy. He bought businesses that were doomed and put them through Chapter 11 bankruptcy which is a way to save a business. It saves the employee's jobs, the landlord's rent, and so on. He turned the companies around and made them profitable which is something the prior owners couldn't do.
If all the noise being made is the best you can do about Trump, you need another hobby.

Trump said it...where it got it is irrelevant.

Maybe, maybe not. Got a link?

I guess that link is hiding out with the links that support your BS tale of Trump bankruptcies saving businesses, you know, like Trump Airline, Trump University, Trump Steaks and that golf course in Scotland that featured on "You've Been Trumped".

The lover of big corporates rebranding to be the anti-Wall street iconoclast. What is more Wall street than filing Chapter 11 and feeding all the snouts at the trough including the lawyers, financiers, management consultants and not forgetting the guy that controls the capital who is massively enriched by the process. Nothing of course for the work force - you know, those jobs that are being hyped as the buzz word of this election cycle. Nothing for the retired who get their pension funds raided in the restructuring. All these blue collar white angry men cheering for the guy who represents the very thing that is destroying them. All of this cheered on by gold bugs and debt hawks and anti-fiat currency nuts who still believe in Reagan-era trickle down voodoo.

Oh well.

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It would be nice if you did some research before you blow off steam.

"If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem." J. Paul Getty LINK
For all of the geniuses on here that keep bloviating about Trump's presumed bankruptcies, be aware that he never ran a business into bankruptcy nor did he ever file personal bankruptcy. He bought businesses that were doomed and put them through Chapter 11 bankruptcy which is a way to save a business. It saves the employee's jobs, the landlord's rent, and so on. He turned the companies around and made them profitable which is something the prior owners couldn't do.
If all the noise being made is the best you can do about Trump, you need another hobby.

Trump said it...where it got it is irrelevant.

Maybe, maybe not. Got a link?

I guess that link is hiding out with the links that support your BS tale of Trump bankruptcies saving businesses, you know, like Trump Airline, Trump University, Trump Steaks and that golf course in Scotland that featured on "You've Been Trumped".

The lover of big corporates rebranding to be the anti-Wall street iconoclast. What is more Wall street than filing Chapter 11 and feeding all the snouts at the trough including the lawyers, financiers, management consultants and not forgetting the guy that controls the capital who is massively enriched by the process. Nothing of course for the work force - you know, those jobs that are being hyped as the buzz word of this election cycle. Nothing for the retired who get their pension funds raided in the restructuring. All these blue collar white angry men cheering for the guy who represents the very thing that is destroying them. All of this cheered on by gold bugs and debt hawks and anti-fiat currency nuts who still believe in Reagan-era trickle down voodoo.

Oh well.

" What is more Wall street than filing Chapter 11 and feeding all the snouts at the trough including the lawyers, financiers, management consultants and not forgetting the guy that controls the capital who is massively enriched by the process."

I can think of one that should be included with all those feeding at the trough.

Anybody being paid $225,000 by Wall Street for a half hour speech.

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Maybe, maybe not. Got a link?

I guess that link is hiding out with the links that support your BS tale of Trump bankruptcies saving businesses, you know, like Trump Airline, Trump University, Trump Steaks and that golf course in Scotland that featured on "You've Been Trumped".

The lover of big corporates rebranding to be the anti-Wall street iconoclast. What is more Wall street than filing Chapter 11 and feeding all the snouts at the trough including the lawyers, financiers, management consultants and not forgetting the guy that controls the capital who is massively enriched by the process. Nothing of course for the work force - you know, those jobs that are being hyped as the buzz word of this election cycle. Nothing for the retired who get their pension funds raided in the restructuring. All these blue collar white angry men cheering for the guy who represents the very thing that is destroying them. All of this cheered on by gold bugs and debt hawks and anti-fiat currency nuts who still believe in Reagan-era trickle down voodoo.

Oh well.

" What is more Wall street than filing Chapter 11 and feeding all the snouts at the trough including the lawyers, financiers, management consultants and not forgetting the guy that controls the capital who is massively enriched by the process."

I can think of one that should be included with all those feeding at the trough.

Anybody being paid $225,000 by Wall Street for a half hour speech.

This tired old attack. You upset because nobody wants to pay you to give speeches about your area of expertise? I guess people aren't interested in how to get cozy with Asian Generals. I have a friend who happens to be a right wing Texan from Houston who started his career in Thailand as an arms dealer in the 80's. I've heard his stories and I don't think they are very marketable. So sorry about that Charles. Maybe a speech on the Back Woods of Loei might be of interest.

On the issue of your attack, it makes no sense to me because Trump probably makes the same amount of money every time he goes for a piss. But I don't see the fanboys and anti-Clintonistas having a go at him for this. And I'm told he has a gold plated toilet seat. But Clinton, who spoke as a private citizen is accused of being bought by Wall Street.

How much does Baby Bush get for his rare appearances in public. Too afraid of being arrested and being renditioned to the ICC in the Hague, so that's why he rarely appears I guess. Are Clinton's fees out of line with others of her status, experience and knowledge? I don't think so. How much does Trump charge for his appearances? What is his fee for the few minutes he appeared on The Apprentice. He would have raked in millions. A person will charge as much as the market can bear for their services. It is called good business sense. I though this was the feature you lot so loved about Trump.

Everything is relative. In preparing the project that I am working on in Afghanistan, I interviewed one lawyer who started negotiations at $900 an hour. This is standard charge out rates for those calling themselves 'senior' lawyers now. I got him down to less than half that but it still took more than 40% of the budget so I dropped him and took a different direction. Should I accuse him of being immoral? Of being bought by special interests?

I was invited by the US State Department to give a speech to a group of State Department officials from the region a couple of weeks ago in my area of expertise. They offered $100. I did it for free (they made me sign a waiver) and I got a nice letter from a Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary on Wednesday. Would you like to buy it for $100? Its from a Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary after all.

So on the issue of the amount of money involved, you are on a hiding to nothing, particularly when the comparison is with such a venal money grubber like Trump.

On the issue of Clinton's political capture by Wall Street and her 'snout being in the trough', I do not believe she would have been involved in any proceedings related to Trump or anyone else's Chapter 11. So your draw a fallacious comparison. I would accept an argument of influence peddling were she not a private citizen when giving the speech.

Can you find some other line of attack? The whole Wall Street speech thing is pretty lame, particularly when politicians of both sides do plenty of sleazy things when leaving office. Remember Jack Abramoff.

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Maybe, maybe not. Got a link?

I guess that link is hiding out with the links that support your BS tale of Trump bankruptcies saving businesses, you know, like Trump Airline, Trump University, Trump Steaks and that golf course in Scotland that featured on "You've Been Trumped".

The lover of big corporates rebranding to be the anti-Wall street iconoclast. What is more Wall street than filing Chapter 11 and feeding all the snouts at the trough including the lawyers, financiers, management consultants and not forgetting the guy that controls the capital who is massively enriched by the process. Nothing of course for the work force - you know, those jobs that are being hyped as the buzz word of this election cycle. Nothing for the retired who get their pension funds raided in the restructuring. All these blue collar white angry men cheering for the guy who represents the very thing that is destroying them. All of this cheered on by gold bugs and debt hawks and anti-fiat currency nuts who still believe in Reagan-era trickle down voodoo.

Oh well.

" What is more Wall street than filing Chapter 11 and feeding all the snouts at the trough including the lawyers, financiers, management consultants and not forgetting the guy that controls the capital who is massively enriched by the process."

I can think of one that should be included with all those feeding at the trough.

Anybody being paid $225,000 by Wall Street for a half hour speech.

This tired old attack. You upset because nobody wants to pay you to give speeches about your area of expertise? I guess people aren't interested in how to get cozy with Asian Generals. I have a friend who happens to be a right wing Texan from Houston who started his career in Thailand as an arms dealer in the 80's. I've heard his stories and I don't think they are very marketable. So sorry about that Charles. Maybe a speech on the Back Woods of Loei might be of interest.

On the issue of your attack, it makes no sense to me because Trump probably makes the same amount of money every time he goes for a piss. But I don't see the fanboys and anti-Clintonistas having a go at him for this. And I'm told he has a gold plated toilet seat. But Clinton, who spoke as a private citizen is accused of being bought by Wall Street.

How much does Baby Bush get for his rare appearances in public. Too afraid of being arrested and being renditioned to the ICC in the Hague, so that's why he rarely appears I guess. Are Clinton's fees out of line with others of her status, experience and knowledge? I don't think so. How much does Trump charge for his appearances? What is his fee for the few minutes he appeared on The Apprentice. He would have raked in millions. A person will charge as much as the market can bear for their services. It is called good business sense. I though this was the feature you lot so loved about Trump.

Everything is relative. In preparing the project that I am working on in Afghanistan, I interviewed one lawyer who started negotiations at $900 an hour. This is standard charge out rates for those calling themselves 'senior' lawyers now. I got him down to less than half that but it still took more than 40% of the budget so I dropped him and took a different direction. Should I accuse him of being immoral? Of being bought by special interests?

I was invited by the US State Department to give a speech to a group of State Department officials from the region a couple of weeks ago in my area of expertise. They offered $100. I did it for free (they made me sign a waiver) and I got a nice letter from a Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary on Wednesday. Would you like to buy it for $100? Its from a Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary after all.

So on the issue of the amount of money involved, you are on a hiding to nothing, particularly when the comparison is with such a venal money grubber like Trump.

On the issue of Clinton's political capture by Wall Street and her 'snout being in the trough', I do not believe she would have been involved in any proceedings related to Trump or anyone else's Chapter 11. So your draw a fallacious comparison. I would accept an argument of influence peddling were she not a private citizen when giving the speech.

Can you find some other line of attack? The whole Wall Street speech thing is pretty lame, particularly when politicians of both sides do plenty of sleazy things when leaving office. Remember Jack Abramoff.

"I was invited by the US State Department to give a speech to a group of State Department officials from the region a couple of weeks ago in my area of expertise."

Yeah, sure. And what area of expertise would that be?

There are any number of ways to attack the scandal ridden Clinton machine.

Why don't we let the federal government conclude those five active investigations into her actions before giving her a clean bill of health?

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Whether its passively acting as the 'face' of the United States President or actively courting war in Libya against the recommendations of the entire military, Clinton created DAESH; she is complicit. There is no wiggle room. She helped create a terrorist army to achieve her neocon ambitions. It was to the State Department that the orders for hundreds of Toyota Hiluxs were routed. It was through the State Department that weapons were routed to DAESH. HRC is a maternal parent of ISIS. It was through State Department and its non governmental oversight email/communication system that the entire creation of Frankenstein was birthed and nurtured. Clinton was the proxy/cut-out by which Obama circumvented congress and waged war by proxy.




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Sorry boomer, gotta disagree and I will throw this out to you.

I read somewhere in the last couple of days that Trump was calling for America to be more insular and take a step back from the world stage. He was advocating making America great and the world can sort out their own problems. I will try and find the report.

That does not sound to me like a man that wants to go gung-ho around the world causing chaos.

That is something that I actually agree with. If more Nations dealt with the their own internal problems and kept their beaks out of other Countries business, the world would be a far better place.

You should know by now Trump is a 1st class flip-flopper. That's why, as awful as Cruz is, he's better than Trump. With Cruz, at least you know you'll get a Bible-Thumping holier-than-thou war monger. With Trump, you get a big question mark of a man who is very easily offended, quick-to-anger, quick-to-name calling. Trump has said during the debates that he would be tougher on ISIS than anyone else. What does that mean? Cruz said he might Nuke them. What's tougher than Nuking them? Maybe Nuking all the territory between the Paki-Indian border and Morocco? That will show who's the toughest. Kill 80 million Muslims and irradiate half the world's landmass. Then no one would doubt Trump has a big dick. If you go that far, why spare Bangladesh and Indonesia, for Christian God's sake?

Sorry Sgt., I want a commander in chief with a cool head, who will not fly-off-the-handle in a childish temper tantrum. How about you?

I'll tell you one thing . I am glad my country has'nt got someone like Merkel in charge.

I cant think how angry i'd be if i was a German, but not only Germans, she has put the whole of Europe in a precarious situation.

The time for political correctness is surely over. It just doesnt work anymore.

There is no reasoning with an enemy that hates you for no real reason and encourages its followers to cut your head off.

The middle east, for heavens sake, just leave them to their own devices and let them sort each other out, whatever, but DONT throw open the borders and allow the potential for them to overtake and invade from inside.

wow what stupidity.

I'm sure Trump gained a good few supporters who are now acting in protest of "Merkelism" and who are shuddering at the thought of having a Merkel at the helm of America.

If things were different, would Clinton throw open the borders if it would gain her popularity with the main stream?

Heil yeah, she would do anything she is told and i dont need to tell you why.

Its the game of the big powers. They agitate both sides simply because your enemy is my enemy, and this creation of conflict allows whoever you want to be, in the palm of your hand.

Trump is getting through on the assumption that he wont be told what to do by the evil ones behind the curtain.

He may be an egotistical meglomaniac, but if by some miracle he is elected he will soon do an "about face" once the big boys tell him the rules..

resistance is futile

a few presidents have resisted, and they are the ones who got shot

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" What is more Wall street than filing Chapter 11 and feeding all the snouts at the trough including the lawyers, financiers, management consultants and not forgetting the guy that controls the capital who is massively enriched by the process."

I can think of one that should be included with all those feeding at the trough.

Anybody being paid $225,000 by Wall Street for a half hour speech.

This tired old attack. You upset because nobody wants to pay you to give speeches about your area of expertise? I guess people aren't interested in how to get cozy with Asian Generals. I have a friend who happens to be a right wing Texan from Houston who started his career in Thailand as an arms dealer in the 80's. I've heard his stories and I don't think they are very marketable. So sorry about that Charles. Maybe a speech on the Back Woods of Loei might be of interest.

On the issue of your attack, it makes no sense to me because Trump probably makes the same amount of money every time he goes for a piss. But I don't see the fanboys and anti-Clintonistas having a go at him for this. And I'm told he has a gold plated toilet seat. But Clinton, who spoke as a private citizen is accused of being bought by Wall Street.

How much does Baby Bush get for his rare appearances in public. Too afraid of being arrested and being renditioned to the ICC in the Hague, so that's why he rarely appears I guess. Are Clinton's fees out of line with others of her status, experience and knowledge? I don't think so. How much does Trump charge for his appearances? What is his fee for the few minutes he appeared on The Apprentice. He would have raked in millions. A person will charge as much as the market can bear for their services. It is called good business sense. I though this was the feature you lot so loved about Trump.

Everything is relative. In preparing the project that I am working on in Afghanistan, I interviewed one lawyer who started negotiations at $900 an hour. This is standard charge out rates for those calling themselves 'senior' lawyers now. I got him down to less than half that but it still took more than 40% of the budget so I dropped him and took a different direction. Should I accuse him of being immoral? Of being bought by special interests?

I was invited by the US State Department to give a speech to a group of State Department officials from the region a couple of weeks ago in my area of expertise. They offered $100. I did it for free (they made me sign a waiver) and I got a nice letter from a Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary on Wednesday. Would you like to buy it for $100? Its from a Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary after all.

So on the issue of the amount of money involved, you are on a hiding to nothing, particularly when the comparison is with such a venal money grubber like Trump.

On the issue of Clinton's political capture by Wall Street and her 'snout being in the trough', I do not believe she would have been involved in any proceedings related to Trump or anyone else's Chapter 11. So your draw a fallacious comparison. I would accept an argument of influence peddling were she not a private citizen when giving the speech.

Can you find some other line of attack? The whole Wall Street speech thing is pretty lame, particularly when politicians of both sides do plenty of sleazy things when leaving office. Remember Jack Abramoff.

"I was invited by the US State Department to give a speech to a group of State Department officials from the region a couple of weeks ago in my area of expertise."

Yeah, sure. And what area of expertise would that be?

There are any number of ways to attack the scandal ridden Clinton machine.

Why don't we let the federal government conclude those five active investigations into her actions before giving her a clean bill of health?

I do feel your pain Charles. I really do. I know that it is hard for your to accept that we younger Liberals managed to get through life without poking out our eyes with our forks but you will just have to come to terms with the fact that many of us do have skills, knowledge and experience that is relevant to the new generation. I understand that it sucks getting old. My State Department letter is still for sale. I hold it in as much regard as the American Medal of Freedom awarded to Lewis Paul Bremer III for his work in Iraq for Baby Bush.

You say there are any number of ways to attack Clinton. We know. We have seen them all on TVF. In terms of the OP and who would be better at defeating ISIS, well I don't think email servers, Ben Ghazi hysteria, Monica fetishes or various places with the word 'gate' put after their names have any meaning. As a consummate insider she has global connections, global recognition and global respect. American unilateralism is getting tired. Coalitions of the willing are not that willing any more. They are artificial beasts created by US Imperial Power, not by consensus or mutual respect. Bypassing existing international channels because America wants to get its own way has soured international relations. Clinton will continue the Obama legacy on foreign policy which is far more multilateralist than the previous neocon warmongers. To be a multilateralist, you have to work in partnership in an environment of mutual trust. Who in their right mind will trust Trump? The deal maker? No, the bully. American's friends and allies will make a meal of him. What can he offer to persuade others to accept one of his 'deals'? Trump has no plan to defeat ISIS. He denies their existence as a political entity. That is not just stupid, it is insanely dangerous. And he will have no hope of getting coalitions to work together under American leadership, which means such coalitions will not be able to achieve anything because nobody fundamentally respects a person like Trump.

Love or hate Clinton, and you lot are in a frenzy of hate with one of your loudest and obnoxious mouths trademarking the juvenile sobriquet of Royal Highness because he clearly has a problem with white, educate women. In any case, whatever you think of her, I do believe that getting others to cooperate with you will be a fundamental key to defeating ISIS. Clinton has demonstrated her abilities in this area many times over, in the White House, in the Senate and in the State Department. You may respond with your list of what you define as her 'failures' which is basically Benghazi repeated ad nauseous but I know the flash, bling and bluster of Trump reveals an empty shirt and this Joke cannot and will not have the measure of ISIS or the respect of those whose cooperation he needs to defeat them.

Right Wing security freaks have created an FBI more politicised than when the cross dressing pervert Hoover ran it. A politicised security agency is an extremely dangerous thing.

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For all of the geniuses on here that keep bloviating about Trump's presumed bankruptcies, be aware that he never ran a business into bankruptcy nor did he ever file personal bankruptcy. He bought businesses that were doomed and put them through Chapter 11 bankruptcy which is a way to save a business. It saves the employee's jobs, the landlord's rent, and so on. He turned the companies around and made them profitable which is something the prior owners couldn't do.

If all the noise being made is the best you can do about Trump, you need another hobby.


Not a shred of truth in your statement on him buying companies then saved them through Chapter 11.

Trump has filed for corporate chapter 11 4 times.

One is the Trump Plaza Hotel he bought in 1988, after 4 years as CEO debt had almost doubled and he filed bankruptcy, giving up 49% of his stakeas well as day to day control.

Trump's casino business has filed 3 times under 3 different names. Original company was founded by Trump when he built the Trump Taj Mahal in 1990. A year later it filed and Trump lost about half his personal net worth in that one. It filed again in 2004 and 2009 with Trump reducing his stake to 10% and the company paying a licence fee for the Trump name. In fact most of Trump's current business is in licensing his name (hence the bizarre "Trump Steak" speech a few weeks ago).

So, no, Trump has never bought a failing business and rehabilitated it through Chapter 11. That was actually Mitt Romney that did that. Don't get your republicans mixed up.


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