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CDC bows more to NCPO’s demand on fully-appointed Senate


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This is a sad day for Thailand. Now the military will completely rule the country forever. Plus why does Thailand need 250 senators? A country this small does not need this many. Seems like a way to keep the friends and family of the military in position to make money for the long haul.

The military won't rule forever I can asure YOU of that

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"the person to become the prime minister must receive at least three-fifths of the votes of the Senate and the House instead of two-thirds"

250 senators + 500 MPS = 750

3/5 of 750= 450

250 hand-picked senators + 200 dem MPs= 450

At least they know how to count!

The next election has been crafted and designed to have a Parliment full of small parries that could be bought and influenced to achieve the desired junta objective. Dem will never ever get 200 seats. Thailand is sailing into unknown territory with this charter and next 5 years will be shaky.

Dems or other parties with similar political orientation. They only need 200 MPs (40%) in order to get three-fifths of votes and elect an outsider PM. So even if the PTP and related parties would get 60% of seats (which is more than optimistic), they could do nothing against it.

That's why the 250 senators and 3/5 majority.

Hold on, I take this to mean 60% of the votes in BOTH the lower house AND the senate. Not the combined tally.

It needs to be checked. My understanding was that is was combined, i.e. 3/5 of 750. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense as it's very unlikely that yellow-tainted (or anti-ptp, whatever you call them) parties get 3/5 of MPs.

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The goal this time around was always to solve the fundamental conflict of Thai politics by disenfranchising the majority of Thais who would re-elect Thaksin tomorrow given the chance. They made a mistake after the last coup in letting an elected government come to power again. The new solution is elections without democracy and real power in the hands of the military forever.

How do you KNOW that the majority of Thais would re-elect the Thaksin tribe given the chance? The only way you could know is to take a poll of every Thai with voting rights in the country and that would be called an election.

In the last election the PTP itself did not gain an overall majority of votes but because of the electoral boundaries they did get more MPs which in turn gave them more party list MPs.

IMHO there should be NO party list MPs at all and the number of eligible voters inside the constituency boundaries should determine the actual number of MPs.

Simply divide the number of parliamentary seats (NO party list MPs) into the voting population and that will give you a headcount. Divide the headcount into the number of voters in the constituency to get the number of MPS.

Again IMHO if anybody wants to be an MP then stand in a constituency, stump the district and earn the position. If you are good enough you will be elected.

If the junta thought that they or their cohorts would win a fair election they'd call one tomorrow. They know the PTP would walk it, that's why they stood back and let their mates block the last one.

Why not be honest and quit all this flannel.

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This is a sad day for Thailand. Now the military will completely rule the country forever. Plus why does Thailand need 250 senators? A country this small does not need this many. Seems like a way to keep the friends and family of the military in position to make money for the long haul.

The military won't rule forever I can asure YOU of that

But they will have a bloody good try...

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The goal this time around was always to solve the fundamental conflict of Thai politics by disenfranchising the majority of Thais who would re-elect Thaksin tomorrow given the chance. They made a mistake after the last coup in letting an elected government come to power again. The new solution is elections without democracy and real power in the hands of the military forever.

How do you KNOW that the majority of Thais would re-elect the Thaksin tribe given the chance? The only way you could know is to take a poll of every Thai with voting rights in the country and that would be called an election.

In the last election the PTP itself did not gain an overall majority of votes but because of the electoral boundaries they did get more MPs which in turn gave them more party list MPs.

IMHO there should be NO party list MPs at all and the number of eligible voters inside the constituency boundaries should determine the actual number of MPs.

Simply divide the number of parliamentary seats (NO party list MPs) into the voting population and that will give you a headcount. Divide the headcount into the number of voters in the constituency to get the number of MPS.

Again IMHO if anybody wants to be an MP then stand in a constituency, stump the district and earn the position. If you are good enough you will be elected.

We don't "know" because the chance to find out (the Feb2014 election) was blocked, and the junta is strangely reluctant to allow the electorate to have a say.

Mind you, don't you think that, given these two factors, it is not an unreasonable assumption that they quite possibly would?

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"the person to become the prime minister must receive at least three-fifths of the votes of the Senate and the House instead of two-thirds"

250 senators + 500 MPS = 750

3/5 of 750= 450

250 hand-picked senators + 200 dem MPs= 450

At least they know how to count!

The next election has been crafted and designed to have a Parliment full of small parries that could be bought and influenced to achieve the desired junta objective. Dem will never ever get 200 seats. Thailand is sailing into unknown territory with this charter and next 5 years will be shaky.

vote buying among the general public has been proven to not work.

vote buying of MPs has historically been much more effective.

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"the person to become the prime minister must receive at least three-fifths of the votes of the Senate and the House instead of two-thirds"

250 senators + 500 MPS = 750

3/5 of 750= 450

250 hand-picked senators + 200 dem MPs= 450

At least they know how to count!

The next election has been crafted and designed to have a Parliment full of small parries that could be bought and influenced to achieve the desired junta objective. Dem will never ever get 200 seats. Thailand is sailing into unknown territory with this charter and next 5 years will be shaky.

vote buying among the general public has been proven to not work.

vote buying of MPs has historically been much more effective.

Bhumjaithai fine example. Rumor strong they will again play a significant role in the next election and Khun A will shine.

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