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Bangkok burglar picks the wrong house to rob as off duty cop shoots him dead


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Okay... please answer one question: did you ever try to shoot a 9mm pistol on a small, quickly and erratically moving target at a distance of 10 meters?

I did and I can tell you it's pretty damn difficult to hit the target.

For the record, I won the second prize in my club's shooting competition.

Yes, but a body from a 60-120kg man is not small. A rabbit is small and can move fast and I can shot it a lot of times.

hitting someone's moving center of mass is indeed doable, although not exactly easy either. I was refering to what you said: shoot a leg or an arm, a hand... very difficult when the target is moving quickly.

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I have managed to shoot clay pigeons with a double barrel shotgun and they are lot further than 10 meters away.

Many farmers in my country keep shotguns for various legitimate purposes, and let me tell ya, there would not be much left of a burglar if on the recieving end of one at short range.

The only wrongdoing i can see here is the copper wasted a few good bullets, where as one cartridge would have done the job.

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'could face charges of killing with intent'

'riddled with bullets lying in a pool of blood' and 'I shot at him until he fell down"

now if someone is burglarizing your house, aren't you allowed to protect yourself & your property ???

also, riddled with bullets means many bullets were fired ..... not exactly 'I shot at him' ???

Short answer NO YOUR NOT, well in civilised countries anyway. You can only kill someone if you have a genuine fear you life is in danger, the courts would also take into account whether you could flee e.g he's coming in a window and you could reasonably escape danger by going through the front door.

It is your right to stand your ground in your own house, but he should have given the burglar a chance to leave.

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Who gives a flying fig?

About sums it up.

Thievery is not tolerated amongst the ranks of normal Thais. Certainly Isaan village rules, you can get 6 months inside for home invasion and stealing a tv. First offence, straight to jail.

Of course when it is a falang, the authorities can tend to sometimes be a little

more lenient, but you can understand it considering the gullibilty

that some posters show on here.

I cannot help but think, the dogooders defending this piece of excrement,

how they would change their tune if it was there house,

and god forbid, if it was their wife or kid getting threatened with a knife or

gun of a burglar.

Ive had my place ransacked at home and it aint nice. Its

not so much the stuff they steal, but the invasion of your private

place and the harm/threat that could be done to your family

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Who gives a flying fig?

About sums it up.

Thievery is not tolerated amongst the ranks of normal Thais. Certainly Isaan village rules, you can get 6 months inside for home invasion and stealing a tv. First offence, straight to jail.

Of course when it is a falang, the authorities can tend to sometimes be a little

more lenient, but you can understand it considering the gullibilty

that some posters show on here.

I cannot help but think, the dogooders defending this piece of excrement,

how they would change their tune if it was there house,

and god forbid, if it was their wife or kid getting threatened with a knife or

gun of a burglar.

Ive had my place ransacked at home and it aint nice. Its

not so much the stuff they steal, but the invasion of your private

place and the harm/threat that could be done to your family

Nobody's defending the burglar, however killing him was not an appropriate response.

There is no reference to any weapon being used to threaten the cop or his family. Did they find any on him?

Emptying his weapon into the burglar was wrong and shows this cop is not fit to carry a weapon.

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Who gives a flying fig?

About sums it up.

Thievery is not tolerated amongst the ranks of normal Thais. Certainly Isaan village rules, you can get 6 months inside for home invasion and stealing a tv. First offence, straight to jail.

Of course when it is a falang, the authorities can tend to sometimes be a little

more lenient, but you can understand it considering the gullibilty

that some posters show on here.

I cannot help but think, the dogooders defending this piece of excrement,

how they would change their tune if it was there house,

and god forbid, if it was their wife or kid getting threatened with a knife or

gun of a burglar.

Ive had my place ransacked at home and it aint nice. Its

not so much the stuff they steal, but the invasion of your private

place and the harm/threat that could be done to your family

Nobody's defending the burglar, however killing him was not an appropriate response.

There is no reference to any weapon being used to threaten the cop or his family. Did they find any on him?

Emptying his weapon into the burglar was wrong and shows this cop is not fit to carry a weapon.

well, i will not be waiting for a burglar to pull a gun on me or my family in my own place.

doesnt really matter if it was a cop or not IMO

I can understand your logic if it were applied to a western country, as folk tend to think more about the repercussions and spending years behind bars and sentancing tends to br applied a little more uniformly.

It seems to me like the mentality of a Thai burglar would be more unpredictable and they certain show less regard for life.

But the potential here is to give some lame excuse, go stay in a temple, or even pay a bribe and they are scott free.

All i got to say is we are not in Kansas, a Thai person dealt with it Thai style.

Id surmise, if the scenario was played out in many Thai homes the same result would occur

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In the USA, this would only be a side bar story, as people have the law that they can protect

themselves, and their property. In Canada anyone who done this would likely be arrested and

charged with murder, as our laws seem to favour the criminal sometimes.

In Thailand, I am not sure what the law really says, but I have no sympathy for

some thief with a hack saw who is intent on breaking into a house.

My relative in the USA had to shoot a man who was holding a shot gun and was aiming it at

my relative. In court the judge asked why the gun was emptied into the thief. So my relative

took the unloaded pistol that he had used, gave it to the judge, then picked up the

unloaded shot gun, pointed it in the judge's direction, and said, okay Judge, you are me and I am

that thief, and it is 9PM. You came around the corner and seen me with my shot gun and I was

swinging around to point it at you. I had just robbed a business, and was on my way out to

the get away car. Now you tell me , just how many times are you going to shoot at me to

keep me from shooting at you with the shot gun. The judge gave my relative a suspended sentence,

as the thief was well known to the law , and had been violent in the past. He told my relative

that in seeing the shotgun swinging his way, he could clearly see why my relative didn't only shoot

the thief only once or twice. Moral of the story, You were not there, the cop was, it was his house

and his family that he was protecting. In my opinion, with the world that we live in,

I would do what it took to defend my property and family, even if it meant shooting a bit more

than I should have. I hope the Thai police man does not get too much sentence for this

end of a thief's life.

Just my red neck opinion. as I am a geezer Canadian, who grew up on a farm, and

lived in the Yukon for 15 years. I still wished that Canada had the Death penalty

for first degree murderers.


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“He’d only ever seen a gun once, a smaller one on the hip of that old deputy, a gun he’d always figured was more for show. He stuffed a fistful of deadly rounds in his pocket, thinking how each one could end an individual life, and understanding why such things were forbidden. Killing a man should be harder than waving a length of pipe in their direction. It should take long enough for one’s conscience to get in the way.”
Hugh Howey, Wool Omnibus

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Not sure why his emptying the weapon on the burglar is such an issue anyway.

If he had killed the guy with one fatal shot, would the end result be any better?

It's an issue because it shows a complete lack of any self control or judgement.

Not something I like to see in someone legally empowered, or in this case [when at work] duty bound, to carry a firearm.

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Hmmmm....Must be influenced by the laws and knowledge of what happens in the USA when a robber or burglar is caught red handed inside a citizens house or property with intent to commit a crime upon person or property.

Shoot to kill and ask questions later.

Usually the person having killed the other person is exonerated....End of story ...Move along folks, nothing to see here...Please move along.


Edited by gemguy
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Great news - well done to the cop clap2.gif

As for "riddled with bullets" an old instructor of mine when ask how many times one should shot at a person replied "until your gun is empty son"

This forum is full of US old furts!!! Shame on you guys! Hope you trespass some property and will be riddled by bullets. Don't forget trying to hit another person's wife can be considered as another's property too!

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In my opinion the only time a person is justified shooting an intruder is when the intruder is inside a person's house threatening the person or their family.

or the intruder is armed and in the garden

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The piece of shit got what he deserves !!! I don't feel sorry for scum that have to steal from other people no matter who they are.

I don't feel sorry for him. He probably wasn't a very nice person. However, the cop still overreacted and is not suited to carry a firearm.

Edited by Bluespunk
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No, you can't just kill someone even if they are robbing your house.

There was a case in the UK some years back of a farmer who shot and killed a burglar. He ended up serving time for it as the defence said the burglar was running away from the property when he was shot.

You are clear that Thailand is not under UK law right?

Right. What the cop did might be in violation of Thai law but in practice homeowners in Thailand are given a lot of latitude in home invasion cases.

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Shoot him in the arm or something, he certainly won't be climbing any more walls, or clambering on any rooftops, or carrying any big bags of loot when he has bullet / shrapnel injuries on his limbs. The deceased from the story wasn't even in the house yet, and seemingly this copper didn't even shout anything, simply opened fire.

Culpable homicide a la oscar pistorius. But again as were in Thailand and he is in that morally skyhigh institution that is the RTP he won't even have to sweat it once it's been designated its space under the rug. I feel for the deceased's relatives for their loss

No similarity whatsoever with the Oscar Pistorius case.

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The piece of shit got what he deserves !!! I don't feel sorry for scum that have to steal from other people no matter who they are.

I don't feel sorry for him. He probably wasn't a very nice person. However, the cop still overreacted and is not suited to carry a firearm.

Exactly , a trained cop would not fire all his bullets , how many , 5 or 6 ? , a warning shot first to see if the person gets the message , and then consider the next plan trying to hit his body without killing him .

I would not sleep well at night if I knew I killed someone, I can understand self defense if your life is at risk but the cop went too far in this case.

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You can't just shoot and kill someone for climbing over your wall with the intention of robbing you. That crime doesn't fit the punishment. Point the gun, tell him to freeze and let the on duty police deal with him.

Bring on the Tea Party and the Dads with guns and beautiful daughters brigade.

Do you know what country this alleged crime took place in?

And yes he should have been shot. His place was a outside the wall on the street. He crossed the line when he got on the wrong side of the wall.

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"I saw a man trying to gain entry through a first floor window. I shot at him until he fell down then called police," he added.

This sad, shooting down someone without having life threat to a person.

Why to shoot someone who is not threat to your life ? Why not give warning to the thief and give him a chance to run or make an arrest ?

So, police have a Gun mean they can shoot at anyone who comes in between their rouge motor cycle, or if they find they are not necessary for them ?

Is it allowed to use his official Gun off duty ? If this police not punished, probably you can declare Thailand as a Police state.

I suppose you subscribe to the Nancy Pelosi/Diane Feinstein theory.

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He's dead. Just do like American police do and say you saw him move to his waist band and were in fear of your life. Done. It's not like the dead guy is going to argue about the details of their encounter.

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We had a burglary at our house 4 years ago. At the time we were given security advice from a local policeman. I questioned him as to what we could do if we were attacked. He made it perfectly clear that only if we were attacked could we defend ourselves. He went on to add that if the thief died there wouldn't be a problem if a weapon was discovered next to the corpse.

Instructions were clear buy 2 guns obviously - farangs all have money trees to fix any unnecessary extra work, don't they!?

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Whether it`s the law or against the law, if someone is breaking into your home then that means your life is at risk. No one is going to approach a burglar and ask, excuse me sir, are you armed?

If it were me, I would act first on my instincts and I think most of us would.

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