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Marrige /divorce What Happens If

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Friend dropped in to ask my help.on the following, He has been married to a thai for many years, Befor marrying ,he had a rent contract from her, it still has 8 years to run. he assumed when he married it was null and void,?? The only income from the union has been, and still is, his.

He has put the children through to uni. they are adults now. He is considering divorce, What would be the possible costs involved, Is the rent contract still valid, do you think . I advised a change to retired visa asap . But on goods and chattles and the rest .no ideas your advice please sunbelt, senior mermbers

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Friend dropped in to ask my help.on the following, He has been married to a thai for many years, Befor marrying ,he had a rent contract from her, it still has 8 years to run. he assumed when he married it was null and void,?? The only income from the union has been, and still is, his.

He has put the children through to uni. they are adults now. He is considering divorce, What would be the possible costs involved, Is the rent contract still valid, do you think . I advised a change to retired visa asap . But on goods and chattles and the rest .no ideas your advice please sunbelt, senior mermbers

I don't think you intended to post your question in the jokes section did you yaimar?

Anyway, I am going to move it to the housing forum.

Lets see if someone can help.


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Friend dropped in to ask my help.on the following, He has been married to a thai for many years, Befor marrying ,he had a rent contract from her, it still has 8 years to run. he assumed when he married it was null and void,?? The only income from the union has been, and still is, his.

He has put the children through to uni. they are adults now. He is considering divorce, What would be the possible costs involved, Is the rent contract still valid, do you think . I advised a change to retired visa asap . But on goods and chattles and the rest .no ideas your advice please sunbelt, senior mermbers

I am no expert - but, before anyone can help - need to understand a few things.

1. Is the marriage at an Amphur or just religious?

2. Are the children his?

3. This rent agreement - is it a lease - do you have more details ?

4. What is the income/where does it come from?

5. Retirement visa - there is a TV visa forum with all the requirements for this and how to apply (ie: 50 years old, 800K baht or 65k a month or a mix). see link below

6. Does he have a pre-nup/'post-nup' or anything ?


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Divorce has been covered many times before.

My understanding is that anything they had before the marriage remains the property of each partner individually. Any property purchased together as a couple is split 50:50.

Divorce here can be very easy or very messy and is a personal issue. If they both agree what to do beforehand and she is amicable and one of the less explosive Thai's then the divorce at the Amphur will take 10 minutes. However if she wants to skin him then he seriously needs to consider options and get a lawyer etc...

He could of course just split and let the divorce happen through abondonment :o

As for the rental agreement it is difficult to advise without seeing the terms of the contract but usually there will be a default clause in there somewhere that stipulates what will happen if he bails out early. In most cases it simply means a loss of a deposit and that's it but without seeing the terms implied or otherwise it's difficult to say how it will impact him.

Edited by Casanundra
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