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Overstay with about 60 days

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Hello Folks. About circumstance related to an work permit I suppose to get about two month ago and been on the hold since than, I am by now about 60 days overstay. (Extention for 30 days stamped at Immigration Office till 01.02.2016)

Does anyone know if an immigration office do another detention for like 2 days if showing flight ticket out and pay the fine?

It do I have to find my way to Airport to fly out?

My idea is getting a tourist visa in Laos getting there by aeroplane.

Kinda tricky even reaching the airport without pumping in a control.

Glad to hear some advices on that. What is the safest way?


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  • If you make it to the airport and exit with less than a 90 day overstay you will have a 20,000 baht fine but no ban.

You should be able to get a tourist visa from Vientiane but it will be not allow you to get a work permit/work.

There has been a report of Laos airlines not allowing someone with an overstay to check in/fly. You should be ok exiting via land at Nong Khai.

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I will working in the marketing sector. The company is sort of an startup and stumbled over some issues that given this delays. As I understand - the ban takes place if I get caught or been over 90 days. Hope that's correct. I'm just worry if I'm on the way to Airport that I get in a control and must expect a than 5 year ban. Wonder what's the best way to airport avoiding such controls.I'm in the Pattaya Area.

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I guess from Pattaya to BKK the chances to get caught are less than a 12 hours bus ride. So? I shall fly with another airlines or is any other country better? And yes - thanks about the Tipp for work permit on tourist Visa. For this part is another Tripp to China on the Line as soon as they get all done that the company needs. The 20.000 I am aware of too.

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You need to check with the airline to find out if they will allow you to fly to Laos. Bangkok and Lao airways are not allowing because Lao immigration at the airport in Vientiane have informed them that overstayers will not be allowed entry.

You can also fly to Udon Thani from Pattaya (utp) on Air Asia.

Penang would also be an option to get your visa.

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As usual follow ubon advice. The flights to udon thani are cheap. They don't arrive early so stay one night UT. Early in morning get minibus from centra plaza. Quick trip to boarder. Clear overstay go to Vientiane Thai consulate and apply for setv. next day collect pp. Just saw your in pattaya. If you don't want to go udon get bus to airport and fly somewhere like Penang. Personally I would go to Vientiane.

Edited by jacksam
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Ok... sounds like an idea/plan. But how long is that trip from Udon in to the safety of the Bridge/Boarder... mean how great the odds to get pumped into a control? I mean - if I make it already to an airport with international flights - shall I really count the Bahts I could save and take the risk of another road trip till I reach a boarder? If Penang is an option - anything to know? Differences to Vientiane?

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I will working in the marketing sector. The company is sort of an startup and stumbled over some issues that given this delays. As I understand - the ban takes place if I get caught or been over 90 days. Hope that's correct. I'm just worry if I'm on the way to Airport that I get in a control and must expect a than 5 year ban. Wonder what's the best way to airport avoiding such controls.I'm in the Pattaya Area.

Fly Monday from Pattaya to Kuala Lumpur on Air Asia for about 2,300 baht.

Get down from Kuala Lumpur to Penang (probably by bus).

Get an SETV in Penang.

Return to Thailand. At short notice, flights may be expensive. If you have never done the train, this might be an enjoyable option.

[On no account try to convince yourself that you might be able to get a visa in KL!]

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Ok... sounds like an idea/plan. But how long is that trip from Udon in to the safety of the Bridge/Boarder... mean how great the odds to get pumped into a control? I mean - if I make it already to an airport with international flights - shall I really count the Bahts I could save and take the risk of another road trip till I reach a boarder? If Penang is an option - anything to know? Differences to Vientiane?

It is short trip to the bridge from the Udon airport. Taking the van from the airport to the bridge is the best choice. Others have done it without a problem.

No big difference between Penang and Vientiane. In Penang you can use an agent to get your visa.

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I know... if and when... that's are tge things I asked myself a lot the past 2 month. 4 times my flight to China was changed in that times. Always the company saying: "in the next 3-5 days". They paying the overstay but its my butt in the Line. Now I have to bridge it till they really ready.

So... thanks for the pointing fingers BUT....


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Well ... thanks Folks. I guess it's settled than.

KL it is. Coach to Penang, and 3 days later flight back with an SETV - so I hope. Does anyone know if I have to have a ticket out of Thailand again? Meaning... do I have to do bookings for 3 flights?

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Well ... thanks Folks. I guess it's settled than.

KL it is. Coach to Penang, and 3 days later flight back with an SETV - so I hope. Does anyone know if I have to have a ticket out of Thailand again? Meaning... do I have to do bookings for 3 flights?

Good plan. No 3rd flight needed because you will be travelling/entering with a visa.

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Good luck. I think all should go fine.

There is just one point that may need thinking about. You will be questioned on exit about the reason for the overstay, and may be questioned when you fly back about what you will be doing in Thailand. This is all generally nothing to worry about, just routine. However, it may not be the best wording to say you have been waiting to start a job and there are problems with the work permit. Immigration on a really bad day might manage to interpret this as an intention to work illegally. Personally, I would just say you were having a great time and just slipped into overstay because you did not want to leave. Now, you are looking forward to a few more weeks of the good life.

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Just renewed my retirement visa extension this morning. They now have you sign a two-page form letter that says you are aware of the new overstay rules. They did not however let me read the form.

That has beenm in place since the new year I signed it in January. GF read iot for me .

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Just renewed my retirement visa extension this morning. They now have you sign a two-page form letter that says you are aware of the new overstay rules. They did not however let me read the form.

That has beenm in place since the new year I signed it in January. GF read iot for me .

Some immigration offices have been getting people to sign to acknowledge the overstay rules/bans since the second half of 2014.

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Ok... sounds like an idea/plan. But how long is that trip from Udon in to the safety of the Bridge/Boarder... mean how great the odds to get pumped into a control? I mean - if I make it already to an airport with international flights - shall I really count the Bahts I could save and take the risk of another road trip till I reach a boarder? If Penang is an option - anything to know? Differences to Vientiane?

Penang is easy. I had a 81 day overstay on visa exemption no question asked. Delivered passport one day, got it back next day and straight to airport.

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Good evening from KL. Short update on the case.

Got after a bit of "swinging the sword" like : "You will have biiig problem now" my fine to pay and left the country as planned.

The guys there seems not to be used to deal with OS as he had not even the books there to write my fine. Finally after leaving for like 20 minutes he came back and we began to write my crime. 4 times we count together the days I'm over due - 57 days we agreed on finally. He counted 28.500 Baht fine... my disagreement on a fine higher than 20.000 made him not really happy. Long story short. He had to look for each line in that form into precious site in that crime record book to know what he has to write into it. I finally got it done with an friendly officer that even made his way out of his Box to send me away with a shoulder clap and handshake and the advice to get a visa in KL. Lucky I mentioned my kid - located upper country - which was his birthplace and home of his parents. That gave me a lot of sympathy.

Hope I will get the right stamp in Penang with out any issue about this OS. Will know very soon.

Thanks again for all the kind advices and finger points.

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Good evening from KL. Short update on the case.

Got after a bit of "swinging the sword" like : "You will have biiig problem now" my fine to pay and left the country as planned.

The guys there seems not to be used to deal with OS as he had not even the books there to write my fine. Finally after leaving for like 20 minutes he came back and we began to write my crime. 4 times we count together the days I'm over due - 57 days we agreed on finally. He counted 28.500 Baht fine... my disagreement on a fine higher than 20.000 made him not really happy. Long story short. He had to look for each line in that form into precious site in that crime record book to know what he has to write into it. I finally got it done with an friendly officer that even made his way out of his Box to send me away with a shoulder clap and handshake and the advice to get a visa in KL. Lucky I mentioned my kid - located upper country - which was his birthplace and home of his parents. That gave me a lot of sympathy.

Hope I will get the right stamp in Penang with out any issue about this OS. Will know very soon.

Thanks again for all the kind advices and finger points.

Good luck. Be sure to report back as to how you got on....

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