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Brussels mayor deplores 'hooligans' who disrupted Place de la Bourse


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For those always blaming the West, don't read this article, it will make you head explode. For everyone else, enjoy!.

Stolen Kremlin records show how the Soviets, including Gorbachev, created many of today’s Middle East conflicts


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I was around during the PIRA bombing campaigns of the 1970s.

Indeed, had I not been delayed I would have been with my friends in the Horse and Groom in Guildford when the PIRA bomb went off.

Did anyone then blame all Irish, or even all Irish Republicans, for the activities and murders of PIRA?

Did anyone suggest taking violent action against Irish citizens living in the UK?

Well, a few fanatical Unionists not only suggested it, they committed similar terrorist outrages in Republican communities in Northern Ireland; but the overwhelming majority of British people were intelligent enough to know the difference between the terrorists, whether they be Republican or Unionist, and the majority of Irish people .

Just as now the overwhelming majority of the population of Europe are intelligent enough to know the difference between Islamic terrorists and the majority of Muslim people.

However, as the actions of the thugs in the OP, and many posts in this and similar topics show, not everyone has the intellectual capacity to tell the difference.

So, instead, they fall for the "Some Muslims are bad therefore all Muslims are bad" crap put out by the hate sites.

Fortunately, despite the efforts of the hatemongers, such people are in the minority.

Just as, despite the efforts of those Muslims who promote hate, supporters of Islamic terrorism are also a minority; and a small one at that.

Even though the hate sites, and sad to say some mainstream media, try to convince the gullible otherwise.

No, one in five British Muslims doesn't support Isis

Cut the BS please.

I was raised amongst well thinking Catholics, and forced to become one of them, which I did to save myself.

I therefore am convinced most of the Muslims will follow the rules and condone and support their own BS.

I don't need to live in Muslim country to see how they live their religious lives (Allah wants it like this, Allah wants it like that)

I did live and work in Brussels, have seen more than enough how normal Muslims live their lives in Brussels and Antwerp, no thanks.

I rejected Catholicism and despise Allah equally.

And Yvan Mayeur is an idiot.

Edited by tartempion
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Today a German train company announced its carriages will be segregated by sex., bringing it into line with sundry Islamic Countries.

Wrong. Not done to 'bring it into line with sundry Islamic countries' at all. These carriages will be women and women with young children only; but women will not be forced to use them, they can sit anywhere they wish.

Sex segregation: German train operator to introduce ‘women only’ carriages

A central German train operator is launching ‘women and children only’ carriages on one of its services in a bid to help women feel safer.

You will no doubt now say, as many of the hate sites already have, that this is due to Germany being overrun by Muslim rapists!

Other countries have women only carriages; Israel, Japan, India, Egypt, Iran, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates (source). Notice anything? 6 out of those 11 are not Muslim countries! neither can I find significant reports of gangs of Muslim men preying on lone women travellers in any of them.

In the UK women only carriages were common as late as 1977,. The increasing number of incidents of harassment of women, especially those travelling alone, by drunken men on the London Underground and elsewhere has resulted in calls for their reintroduction.

As for your articles 'proving' no go zones exist; both mention regular police patrols!

Despite your quote from Brice De Ruyver and similar comments; a 'no go zone' regularly patrolled by the police is not a no go zone.

It is, of course, deplorable that these areas are centres for gang membership, that the police do at times seem to have lost control.

But there are many similar areas; not just areas with a predominantly Muslim population. It is deplorable that such areas exist anywhere; regardless of the ethnicity and religion of the gangs.

That they do exist is a social problem, not a religious one.

It is also deplorable that the police do, sometimes, come under attack in these areas; but that also happens elsewhere; and it's not just stones thrown:

Northern Ireland police attacked with petrol bombs in Lurgan

Maybe you believe Lurgan is a Muslim controlled area!cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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