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Why Europe has a bigger terror problem than the U.S.


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OP: "Why Europe has a bigger terror problem than the U.S."

Er, Maybe because they've been coming in almost at will?

Officials Say Brussels Terror Cell Is Too Large To Wipe Out.
"The terror cell behind the attacks in Paris and Brussels is much larger than previously thought, according to reports.
Authorities have gained increased intelligence from a string of arrests in wake of the attacks in Brussels last Tuesday. Arrests occurred in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Germany over the weekend.
“There is a large number [of members], all across Europe,” a senior U.S. official told The Wall Street Journal about the network that’s emerging from information as a result of the arrests."
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OP: "Why Europe has a bigger terror problem than the U.S."

Er, Maybe because they've been coming in almost at will?

Officials Say Brussels Terror Cell Is Too Large To Wipe Out.
"The terror cell behind the attacks in Paris and Brussels is much larger than previously thought, according to reports.
Authorities have gained increased intelligence from a string of arrests in wake of the attacks in Brussels last Tuesday. Arrests occurred in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Germany over the weekend.
“There is a large number [of members], all across Europe,” a senior U.S. official told The Wall Street Journal about the network that’s emerging from information as a result of the arrests."

This will not come as a surprise to anyone except those that have adopted the ostrich position.

Pakistan has the correct idea.

More Than 5,000 Arrested Over Pakistan Blast


Should such an action ever occur in the EU, scumbag lawyers would be rubbing their hands at the thought of their swelling bank balances.

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OP appears to be a somewhat blinkered view of terrorism..

Even if you only consider the events since 9/11 the US has a much bigger problem.

Considering that in Europe we have a much more diverse population, yet until the last year or so little terrorism.

Clearly the so called War-on-Terror which in reality amounts to the US & Europe blowing the fuckery out of Iraq for no real reason, and trying to "democratise" the feudal tribes of the Middle East, has only left a massive vacuum - a vacuum that is now filled by the Daesh\AlQ\"moderate rebels"\other nutjobs. Maybe it time to learn to stop around with other countries and look after our own. I'm sure some one or other is making shed loads of money out of all of this!

Only if you consider the UK to be Europe. Don't blame the Europeans for the Iraq debacle.

Personally I'd hold the blame squarely on Bush, and Tony Blair's shoulders (Hopefully after Chilcott we will see Blair stand trial - don't hold your breath) . But its well documented that many European countries were also involved in the Iraq "debacle"

You need to look further back. 1990 and Kuwait. Saudis should have been told to clear it up. But we are so addicted to oil, nothing else matters.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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OP: "Why Europe has a bigger terror problem than the U.S."

Er, Maybe because they've been coming in almost at will?

Officials Say Brussels Terror Cell Is Too Large To Wipe Out.
"The terror cell behind the attacks in Paris and Brussels is much larger than previously thought, according to reports.
Authorities have gained increased intelligence from a string of arrests in wake of the attacks in Brussels last Tuesday. Arrests occurred in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Germany over the weekend.
“There is a large number [of members], all across Europe,” a senior U.S. official told The Wall Street Journal about the network that’s emerging from information as a result of the arrests."

The Belgium government really dropped the ball...look at this video.


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OP: "Why Europe has a bigger terror problem than the U.S."

Er, Maybe because they've been coming in almost at will?

Officials Say Brussels Terror Cell Is Too Large To Wipe Out.
"The terror cell behind the attacks in Paris and Brussels is much larger than previously thought, according to reports.
Authorities have gained increased intelligence from a string of arrests in wake of the attacks in Brussels last Tuesday. Arrests occurred in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Germany over the weekend.
“There is a large number [of members], all across Europe,” a senior U.S. official told The Wall Street Journal about the network that’s emerging from information as a result of the arrests."

The Belgium government really dropped the ball...look at this video.


Yep. Europe as we've known it is finished. The US isn't quite there but needs to make an about turn in some areas.

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Europeans have wide open-mindedness while bigot USA has a closed one?

No we have MEXICANS and they're not terrorists.

Next ...

Americans should count themselves lucky that our migrant neighbors from the south share a common faith, European cultural roots and a desire to work.

Americans complain that the illegals get free stuff from the gov't, but nothing on the scale that immigrants to the EU get.

The USA attracts immigrants who want to work, to help provide for their families. The EU attracts immigrants who want to sit on their butts and collect what is "owed" to them.

About 20 years ago I read an article in the Economist about immigration to the US and Europe. They quoted a guy from the Ivory Coast who said he family move to Paris and Chicago. The one in Paris told him, don't come here, they will never accept you, you will never be French. The one who went to Chicago told him, come here, it's great, no one cares where you are from and it's easy to earn money.

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I would just like one ammosexual to tell us a tale where a 'good guy with a gun' actually saved the day in real life (and not on TV or in your wet dreams).

We had our own ISIS-inspired mass shooting in Texas over the past summer. A 1st Amendment "Draw Mohammed" contest was held and over 200 people attended. Two ISIS lovers showed up heavily armed and in body armor. An off-duty traffic cop was providing security and shot them both before anyone else got shot.

Being it was in Texas, and a "right-wing" event it is safe to assume a good percentage of those 200 were packing heat.

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People may casually look at those pics and see people just jumping out of the towers without thinking about exactly WHY. They are jumping because the heat from the fire below is cooking them alive. That adds more horror to an already horrific scene.

And this happened before any invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan so those excuses for terror can be 100% discounted. I believe at the time al Qaeda was upset because the "infidel was in the land of Mecca and Medina". In other words, the Saudi gov't had allowed the US to use the Prince Sultan air base. Does anyone - even on the left - think that is a valid reason to kill nearly 3000 people in one morning?

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OP appears to be a somewhat blinkered view of terrorism..

Even if you only consider the events since 9/11 the US has a much bigger problem.

Considering that in Europe we have a much more diverse population, yet until the last year or so little terrorism.

Clearly the so called War-on-Terror which in reality amounts to the US & Europe blowing the fuckery out of Iraq for no real reason, and trying to "democratise" the feudal tribes of the Middle East, has only left a massive vacuum - a vacuum that is now filled by the Daesh\AlQ\"moderate rebels"\other nutjobs. Maybe it time to learn to stop around with other countries and look after our own. I'm sure some one or other is making shed loads of money out of all of this!

That reason has been 100% debunked by recent history.

First, 9/11 happened before the invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan.

Regime change policy in Iraq and Afghanistan did not result in waves of refugee and the rise of new, powerful terror organization.

Refusing to get involved in Syria DID result in waves of refugee and the rise of new, powerful terror organization.

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Only if you consider the UK to be Europe. Don't blame the Europeans for the Iraq debacle.

Personally I'd hold the blame squarely on Bush, and Tony Blair's shoulders (Hopefully after Chilcott we will see Blair stand trial - don't hold your breath) . But its well documented that many European countries were also involved in the Iraq "debacle"

So, can you focus long enough to discuss "Why Europe has a bigger terror problem than the U.S.?"

I keep trying to point out that it's because the people of Europe - ordinary citizens and their leaders - are puzzies.

If you are expecting us to hit the beaches at Normandy again to save your butts one more time it ain't gonna happen. You're on your own in this one because you opened the barn door and let the problem flood in and you are still doing it. You decided that national borders were "so 1400's" and that Brussels should override the will of the powerless people.

After all, "trust your government" (Brussels) crying.gif is all the rage in Europe these days. coffee1.gif


attachicon.gif11 1Li.png

Now let me think, who started all this.

I will make it easy for you, Sadam, Ghadafi .............

Lay the blame where it belongs...

Stolen Kremlin records show how the Soviets, including Gorbachev, created many of today’s Middle East conflicts


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I would just like one ammosexual to tell us a tale where a 'good guy with a gun' actually saved the day in real life (and not on TV or in your wet dreams).

We had our own ISIS-inspired mass shooting in Texas over the past summer. A 1st Amendment "Draw Mohammed" contest was held and over 200 people attended. Two ISIS lovers showed up heavily armed and in body armor. An off-duty traffic cop was providing security and shot them both before anyone else got shot.

Being it was in Texas, and a "right-wing" event it is safe to assume a good percentage of those 200 were packing heat.

A perfect example of amendment 2 supporting amendment 1. No prizes for guessing who's attacking the constitution and on who's behalf.
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People may casually look at those pics and see people just jumping out of the towers without thinking about exactly WHY. They are jumping because the heat from the fire below is cooking them alive. That adds more horror to an already horrific scene.

And this happened before any invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan so those excuses for terror can be 100% discounted. I believe at the time al Qaeda was upset because the "infidel was in the land of Mecca and Medina". In other words, the Saudi gov't had allowed the US to use the Prince Sultan air base. Does anyone - even on the left - think that is a valid reason to kill nearly 3000 people in one morning?

nobody in his right mind would consider the fact that US troops were stationed in "the land of the two most holy places of Islam" a valid reason justifiying the sep11 terror attack.

however, it was not a matter of only "using an airport" as ~5.000 US military personnel were continously stationed in the Eastern Province since "Desert Storm" in 1991, female soldiers being a major pain in the butt of fundamentalists.

this was one of the reasons stated in bin-Laden's "letter to America" in november 2002. some other reasons were "US support of Israel" and "undue sanctions against the Iraqi civilian population".

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Bottom line...

This is just a continuation of the late dark to early middle ages, when the saracens tried to push up through Europe.

All this crapola about the USA being the problem is just ignorance. Look at the big picture....(which does not include the relatively new arrival of the USA on the global map).

The time has come when an old religion...which has stayed "relatively dormant" for centuries, has decided that they must act on their faith and principles...(right or wrong to us)....rather than have their masses of followers be lost to the ways of the "Sinful" West. Their leadership has chosen these times to act...or witness the deterioration of their culture. They need to dominate, or be assimilated. There is no other options. Fail to act now, as far as their "zealots" are concerned....will forever close their options (to force Sharia Law in all parts of the World).

It is pretty much do or die..for them. There is no plan to become "assimilated"... the plan is to spread throughout the globe and exert dominance.

No ...all muslims are not bad....but they the good ones have much to fear...from the bad ones. There is only one action bestowed to an apostate....

Edited by slipperylobster
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OP appears to be a somewhat blinkered view of terrorism..

Even if you only consider the events since 9/11 the US has a much bigger problem.

Considering that in Europe we have a much more diverse population, yet until the last year or so little terrorism.

Clearly the so called War-on-Terror which in reality amounts to the US & Europe blowing the fuckery out of Iraq for no real reason, and trying to "democratise" the feudal tribes of the Middle East, has only left a massive vacuum - a vacuum that is now filled by the Daesh\AlQ\"moderate rebels"\other nutjobs. Maybe it time to learn to stop around with other countries and look after our own. I'm sure some one or other is making shed loads of money out of all of this!

That reason has been 100% debunked by recent history.

First, 9/11 happened before the invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan.

Regime change policy in Iraq and Afghanistan did not result in waves of refugee and the rise of new, powerful terror organization.

Refusing to get involved in Syria DID result in waves of refugee and the rise of new, powerful terror organization.

Still attempting the impossible task of whitewashing George Bush? If Iraq were still one integrated nation there would be no Isis or other rogue Sunni militias. Thanks to George Bush, Iraq is in pieces. Isis didn't begin in Syria. It began in Iraq. It began in Iraq because the Prime Minister hand-picked by the USA, Nouri Al-Maliki, decided to persecute the Sunnis. What have Iraqi refugees got to do with Syria? And if we had invaded Syria and thrown out Assad, who would be in charge there now? Something very like Isis, if not ultimately, Isis itself. I think you are suffering from the delusion that there are or were significant moderate Sunni forces in Syria. There weren't and aren't. They're all as bad or nearly as bad as Isis. We would still have refugees. It's so bizarre to see what distortions and omissions apologists for the Iraq war will subject facts to to deny the consequences of the massive and epic failure that was the American incursion into Iraq.

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Bottom line...

This is just a continuation of the late dark to early middle ages, when the saracens tried to push up through Europe.

All this crapola about the USA being the problem is just ignorance. Look at the big picture....(which does not include the relatively new arrival of the USA on the global map).

The time has come when an old religion...which has stayed "relatively dormant" for centuries, has decided that they must act on their faith and principles...(right or wrong to us)....rather than have their masses of followers be lost to the ways of the "Sinful" West. Their leadership has chosen these times to act...or witness the deterioration of their culture. They need to dominate, or be assimilated. There is no other options. Fail to act now, as far as their "zealots" are concerned....will forever close their options (to force Sharia Law in all parts of the World).

It is pretty much do or die..for them. There is no plan to become "assimilated"... the plan is to spread throughout the globe and exert dominance.

No ...all muslims are not bad....but they the good ones have much to fear...from the bad ones. There is only one action bestowed to an apostate....

First of all, the Saracens were already in Europe. The Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and a few other choice spots. You forgot to mention that at that time, the Saracens came from a civilization that was far more tolerant and advanced than what was to be found in the rest of Europe.

And how does this work exactly? "An old religion has decided..." There is no pope in Islam. Where or when was this "decision" made? Who made it? Some secret council somewhere?

Edited by stillbornagain
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OP appears to be a somewhat blinkered view of terrorism..

Even if you only consider the events since 9/11 the US has a much bigger problem.

Considering that in Europe we have a much more diverse population, yet until the last year or so little terrorism.

Clearly the so called War-on-Terror which in reality amounts to the US & Europe blowing the fuckery out of Iraq for no real reason, and trying to "democratise" the feudal tribes of the Middle East, has only left a massive vacuum - a vacuum that is now filled by the Daesh\AlQ\"moderate rebels"\other nutjobs. Maybe it time to learn to stop around with other countries and look after our own. I'm sure some one or other is making shed loads of money out of all of this!

That reason has been 100% debunked by recent history.

First, 9/11 happened before the invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan.

Regime change policy in Iraq and Afghanistan did not result in waves of refugee and the rise of new, powerful terror organization.

Refusing to get involved in Syria DID result in waves of refugee and the rise of new, powerful terror organization.

Sunshine, Your blovation does nothing to debunk my assertions.

Please feel free to debunk "the USA has much bigger terrorism problem than Europe" Look at the statistics for domestic terrorism in the US and then come back and tell me it ain't happening.

The war on terror has failed.. feel free to debunk that too. I'll not hold my breath as clearly we can all see terrorism is still happening, Bush's half baked idea of bombing the fick out the ME has failed, and cost billions! Its a fail of epic proportions! If the war on terror was any sort of success why is the ME in a much bigger mess than when it started?

Even the despicable war criminal Tony Blair admits the war in Iraq is a prime factor in the creation of the Deash, you wont admit because you feel you need to push an agenda..

Saying something is "debunked" means nothing with out some evidence to support that - your little blowhard post, even with emboldened text is worthless.

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That reason has been 100% debunked by recent history.

First, 9/11 happened before the invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan.

Regime change policy in Iraq and Afghanistan did not result in waves of refugee and the rise of new, powerful terror organization.

Refusing to get involved in Syria DID result in waves of refugee and the rise of new, powerful terror organization.

Sunshine, Your blovation does nothing to debunk my assertions.

Please feel free to debunk "the USA has much bigger terrorism problem than Europe" Look at the statistics for domestic terrorism in the US and then come back and tell me it ain't happening.

The war on terror has failed.. feel free to debunk that too. I'll not hold my breath as clearly we can all see terrorism is still happening, Bush's half baked idea of bombing the fick out the ME has failed, and cost billions! Its a fail of epic proportions! If the war on terror was any sort of success why is the ME in a much bigger mess than when it started?

Even the despicable war criminal Tony Blair admits the war in Iraq is a prime factor in the creation of the Deash, you wont admit because you feel you need to push an agenda..

Saying something is "debunked" means nothing with out some evidence to support that - your little blowhard post, even with emboldened text is worthless.

Actually in 2015, more Americans were killed by toddlers than by terrorists. Snopes.com judges this to be true.

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Bottom line...

This is just a continuation of the late dark to early middle ages, when the saracens tried to push up through Europe.

All this crapola about the USA being the problem is just ignorance. Look at the big picture....(which does not include the relatively new arrival of the USA on the global map).

The time has come when an old religion...which has stayed "relatively dormant" for centuries, has decided that they must act on their faith and principles...(right or wrong to us)....rather than have their masses of followers be lost to the ways of the "Sinful" West. Their leadership has chosen these times to act...or witness the deterioration of their culture. They need to dominate, or be assimilated. There is no other options. Fail to act now, as far as their "zealots" are concerned....will forever close their options (to force Sharia Law in all parts of the World).

It is pretty much do or die..for them. There is no plan to become "assimilated"... the plan is to spread throughout the globe and exert dominance.

No ...all muslims are not bad....but they the good ones have much to fear...from the bad ones. There is only one action bestowed to an apostate....

First of all, the Saracens were already in Europe. The Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and a few other choice spots. You forgot to mention that at that time, the Saracens came from a civilization that was far more tolerant and advanced than what was to be found in the rest of Europe.

And how does this work exactly? "An old religion has decided..." There is no pope in Islam. Where or when was this "decision" made? Who made it? Some secret council somewhere?

wrong. you read your history incorrectly.

you need to read this. Hispania (and Sicily) were conquered during the dark age... mid 700's. Just before middle ages started.

"The conquering army was made up mainly of Berbers who had themselves only recently come under Muslim influence"


Secondly...there is no "Pope" in Islam....no kidding. lol

They do have religious leaders, who become popular rule Caliphates, nonetheless...who have more power than the Catholic Pope.

The agenda in Islam was quite clear, since the mid 700's,,,,

ISIS and El Qaeda, (and others) still want to spread into Europe and establish Caliphates and Sharia Law. You only have to read the newspapers.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Bottom line...

This is just a continuation of the late dark to early middle ages, when the saracens tried to push up through Europe.

All this crapola about the USA being the problem is just ignorance. Look at the big picture....(which does not include the relatively new arrival of the USA on the global map).

The time has come when an old religion...which has stayed "relatively dormant" for centuries, has decided that they must act on their faith and principles...(right or wrong to us)....rather than have their masses of followers be lost to the ways of the "Sinful" West. Their leadership has chosen these times to act...or witness the deterioration of their culture. They need to dominate, or be assimilated. There is no other options. Fail to act now, as far as their "zealots" are concerned....will forever close their options (to force Sharia Law in all parts of the World).

It is pretty much do or die..for them. There is no plan to become "assimilated"... the plan is to spread throughout the globe and exert dominance.

No ...all muslims are not bad....but they the good ones have much to fear...from the bad ones. There is only one action bestowed to an apostate....

First of all, the Saracens were already in Europe. The Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and a few other choice spots. You forgot to mention that at that time, the Saracens came from a civilization that was far more tolerant and advanced than what was to be found in the rest of Europe.

And how does this work exactly? "An old religion has decided..." There is no pope in Islam. Where or when was this "decision" made? Who made it? Some secret council somewhere?

wrong. you read your history incorrectly.

you need to read this. Hispania (and Sicily) were conquered during the dark age... mid 700's. Just before middle ages started.

"The conquering army was made up mainly of Berbers who had themselves only recently come under Muslim influence"


Secondly...there is no "Pope" in Islam....no kidding. lol

They do have religious leaders, who become popular rule Caliphates, nonetheless...who have more power than the Catholic Pope.

The agenda in Islam was quite clear, since the mid 700's,,,,

ISIS and El Qaeda, (and others) still want to spread into Europe and establish Caliphates and Sharia Law. You only have to read the newspapers.

You're right. Somehow I skipped over your first sentence. Had I read it, though, I would have replied, that it may have been the dark ages for Europe, but not for the Ummayads who invaded Spain. And contrary to your assertions about Moslem intolerance, the Ummayads were extremely tolerant of Christians and Jews wherever they ruled, whether in the Middle East or the Iberian Peninsula. So much for the cliches about Islam and Jihad. Here's a link to more info on the subject.

wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umayyad_Caliphate

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Conquering tribes of "Berbers"...were not quite the same as the educated Middle Eastern followers of Islam...by the way

I assume by educated you mean literate, at the least. Or do you mean something else by it? What is there in the phrase "conquering tribes of Berbers" that rules out being educated? tribes? Berbers? what exactly? And even if they weren't educated, were the armies of Rome composed of scholars? What wars for most of human history were fought by literate warriors.? Until a hundred years ago or so, must people in the world were illiterate.

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wrong. you read your history incorrectly.

you need to read this. Hispania (and Sicily) were conquered during the dark age... mid 700's. Just before middle ages started.

"The conquering army was made up mainly of Berbers who had themselves only recently come under Muslim influence"


Secondly...there is no "Pope" in Islam....no kidding. lol

They do have religious leaders, who become popular rule Caliphates, nonetheless...who have more power than the Catholic Pope.

The agenda in Islam was quite clear, since the mid 700's,,,,

ISIS and El Qaeda, (and others) still want to spread into Europe and establish Caliphates and Sharia Law. You only have to read the newspapers.

No, the agenda wasn't clear since the mid 1700,s. As my wikipedia citation about the Ummayads shows.

As for the "religious leaders who become popular rule Caliphates [sic} I don't even understand what that means. I know that when we speak of a crime "czar" we don't really mean that the person in question is an hereditary ruler of Russia. So what do you mean by Caliph? Or do you think that a crime czar is an hereditary ruler of Russia?

And when the Christians completed the reconquest of Spain and expelled all the Muslims and Jews, do you know who took the Jews in? The Ottomans. And the Jewish community in Turkey continued unconverted throughout the Ottoman empire's history.

As for ISIS and El Qaeda, they are about as popular in the World's Moslem Community as Jeb Bush is among Republicans.

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wrong. you read your history incorrectly.

you need to read this. Hispania (and Sicily) were conquered during the dark age... mid 700's. Just before middle ages started.

"The conquering army was made up mainly of Berbers who had themselves only recently come under Muslim influence"


Secondly...there is no "Pope" in Islam....no kidding. lol

They do have religious leaders, who become popular rule Caliphates, nonetheless...who have more power than the Catholic Pope.

The agenda in Islam was quite clear, since the mid 700's,,,,

ISIS and El Qaeda, (and others) still want to spread into Europe and establish Caliphates and Sharia Law. You only have to read the newspapers.

No, the agenda wasn't clear since the mid 1700,s. As my wikipedia citation about the Ummayads shows.

As for the "religious leaders who become popular rule Caliphates [sic} I don't even understand what that means. I know that when we speak of a crime "czar" we don't really mean that the person in question is an hereditary ruler of Russia. So what do you mean by Caliph? Or do you think that a crime czar is an hereditary ruler of Russia?

And when the Christians completed the reconquest of Spain and expelled all the Muslims and Jews, do you know who took the Jews in? The Ottomans. And the Jewish community in Turkey continued unconverted throughout the Ottoman empire's history.

As for ISIS and El Qaeda, they are about as popular in the World's Moslem Community as Jeb Bush is among Republicans.


your dates are confused.

in fact...you are 1000 years off.

also...Caliphs and Caliphates are quite clear....and easily referenced. They are not crime lords. Some Caliphs have been popular..and some have not.... Wikipedia (and several other sources) explain it (if you are confused). Some are elected (Popular)...other sects believe they are chosen by Allah.

All my info is coming from factual, sources. I don't know why you are talking about russian criminals ??? You sure jump.

Not sure what you are saying here at all. lol

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Bottom line...

This is just a continuation of the late dark to early middle ages, when the saracens tried to push up through Europe.

All this crapola about the USA being the problem is just ignorance. Look at the big picture....(which does not include the relatively new arrival of the USA on the global map).

The time has come when an old religion...which has stayed "relatively dormant" for centuries, has decided that they must act on their faith and principles...(right or wrong to us)....rather than have their masses of followers be lost to the ways of the "Sinful" West. Their leadership has chosen these times to act...or witness the deterioration of their culture. They need to dominate, or be assimilated. There is no other options. Fail to act now, as far as their "zealots" are concerned....will forever close their options (to force Sharia Law in all parts of the World).

It is pretty much do or die..for them. There is no plan to become "assimilated"... the plan is to spread throughout the globe and exert dominance.

No ...all muslims are not bad....but they the good ones have much to fear...from the bad ones. There is only one action bestowed to an apostate....

First of all, the Saracens were already in Europe. The Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and a few other choice spots. You forgot to mention that at that time, the Saracens came from a civilization that was far more tolerant and advanced than what was to be found in the rest of Europe.

And how does this work exactly? "An old religion has decided..." There is no pope in Islam. Where or when was this "decision" made? Who made it? Some secret council somewhere?

wrong. you read your history incorrectly.

you need to read this. Hispania (and Sicily) were conquered during the dark age... mid 700's. Just before middle ages started.

"The conquering army was made up mainly of Berbers who had themselves only recently come under Muslim influence"


Secondly...there is no "Pope" in Islam....no kidding. lol

They do have religious leaders, who become popular rule Caliphates, nonetheless...who have more power than the Catholic Pope.

The agenda in Islam was quite clear, since the mid 700's,,,,

ISIS and El Qaeda, (and others) still want to spread into Europe and establish Caliphates and Sharia Law. You only have to read the newspapers.

You're right. Somehow I skipped over your first sentence. Had I read it, though, I would have replied, that it may have been the dark ages for Europe, but not for the Ummayads who invaded Spain. And contrary to your assertions about Moslem intolerance, the Ummayads were extremely tolerant of Christians and Jews wherever they ruled, whether in the Middle East or the Iberian Peninsula. So much for the cliches about Islam and Jihad. Here's a link to more info on the subject.

wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umayyad_Caliphate

where...in god's name...did I ever write about the Ummayads being intolerant or not?

you keep branching off in a thousand directions...so lets get this out of the way.

There is a push..in Europe...to establish Sharia law...and have it spread.

That is the main point. And historically....that will to exert Sharia law started in the mid 700's.

I don't see this push as being tolerant...in any way, shape or form...anyways.

final post.

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wrong. you read your history incorrectly.

you need to read this. Hispania (and Sicily) were conquered during the dark age... mid 700's. Just before middle ages started.

"The conquering army was made up mainly of Berbers who had themselves only recently come under Muslim influence"


Secondly...there is no "Pope" in Islam....no kidding. lol

They do have religious leaders, who become popular rule Caliphates, nonetheless...who have more power than the Catholic Pope.

The agenda in Islam was quite clear, since the mid 700's,,,,

ISIS and El Qaeda, (and others) still want to spread into Europe and establish Caliphates and Sharia Law. You only have to read the newspapers.

No, the agenda wasn't clear since the mid 1700,s. As my wikipedia citation about the Ummayads shows.

As for the "religious leaders who become popular rule Caliphates [sic} I don't even understand what that means. I know that when we speak of a crime "czar" we don't really mean that the person in question is an hereditary ruler of Russia. So what do you mean by Caliph? Or do you think that a crime czar is an hereditary ruler of Russia?

And when the Christians completed the reconquest of Spain and expelled all the Muslims and Jews, do you know who took the Jews in? The Ottomans. And the Jewish community in Turkey continued unconverted throughout the Ottoman empire's history.

As for ISIS and El Qaeda, they are about as popular in the World's Moslem Community as Jeb Bush is among Republicans.


your dates are confused.

in fact...you are 1000 years off.

also...Caliphs and Caliphates are quite clear....and easily referenced. They are not crime lords. Some Caliphs have been popular..and some have not.... Wikipedia (and several other sources) explain it (if you are confused). Some are elected (Popular)...other sects believe they are chosen by Allah.

All my info is coming from factual, sources. I don't know why you are talking about russian criminals ??? You sure jump.

Not sure what you are saying here at all. lol

Since I wrote "No, the agenda wasn't clear since the mid 1700,s. As my wikipedia citation about the Ummayads shows. " ,it was obviously a typo. Clearly it was a reply to what you had written. But you wrote this: They do have religious leaders, who become popular rule Caliphates , I was genuinely puzzled by that statement and I decided to try to figure it out rather than ask you. A religious leader is a person. A Caliphate is a nation or region ruled by someone who claims authority from Islam. So how can a person become a caliphate? I figured you meant it loosely calling religious leaders caliphs but not in its technical sense. The same way that we call a crime boss a czar. So what did you mean?

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Bottom line...

This is just a continuation of the late dark to early middle ages, when the saracens tried to push up through Europe.

All this crapola about the USA being the problem is just ignorance. Look at the big picture....(which does not include the relatively new arrival of the USA on the global map).

The time has come when an old religion...which has stayed "relatively dormant" for centuries, has decided that they must act on their faith and principles...(right or wrong to us)....rather than have their masses of followers be lost to the ways of the "Sinful" West. Their leadership has chosen these times to act...or witness the deterioration of their culture. They need to dominate, or be assimilated. There is no other options. Fail to act now, as far as their "zealots" are concerned....will forever close their options (to force Sharia Law in all parts of the World).

It is pretty much do or die..for them. There is no plan to become "assimilated"... the plan is to spread throughout the globe and exert dominance.

No ...all muslims are not bad....but they the good ones have much to fear...from the bad ones. There is only one action bestowed to an apostate....

First of all, the Saracens were already in Europe. The Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and a few other choice spots. You forgot to mention that at that time, the Saracens came from a civilization that was far more tolerant and advanced than what was to be found in the rest of Europe.

And how does this work exactly? "An old religion has decided..." There is no pope in Islam. Where or when was this "decision" made? Who made it? Some secret council somewhere?

Ah, yes, the enlightened Umayyads in Spain, with all their wisdom and tolerance. And what happened to the Umayyads? They were overthrown and massacred by the Abbasids who charged them with immorality and being unfaithful to true Islam. Sound familiar?

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