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US primaries: Sanders challenges Clinton to debate on home turf


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The Pope? Why?

No votes there Bernie. Anti abortion, homophobes and anti gay rights Catholics are staunch Republican voters. Pointless trying to convert those across to progressive thinking. Just isn't going to happen Bernie.

Bernie has the 'perfect storm' at the moment he needs to capitalise on that. The 'Panama Papers' tax evasion, 'Corporate Inversion' Tax Dodgers, '$360K Celebrity bribery fund-raisers' he needs to be loading all this crap up into a big cannon and letting fire. A non stop assault.

There is over $1B of Koch Bros. money coming online being invested to protect the wealthy 1%'ers, Corporate Greed, Fossil Fuel polluters, Big Pharma etc etc etc so Bernie doesn't have a moment to spare on converting Republican Catholics.

White Catholics are 18% of the electorate. What religion do you think most Hispanics are? Even if it were a calculated political move, which I think it only partially is, it makes sense. It's go big or go home time for Bernie.

Fair points LB. I may have over egged the Catholic thing. Could be some votes in this from moderate reasonable Catholics. Okay a quick trip only though, back to work on Tuesday. Not a good idea to leave Republican nutters unsupervised.

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The Pope? Why?

No votes there Bernie. Anti abortion, homophobes and anti gay rights Catholics are staunch Republican voters. Pointless trying to convert those across to progressive thinking. Just isn't going to happen Bernie.

Bernie has the 'perfect storm' at the moment he needs to capitalise on that. The 'Panama Papers' tax evasion, 'Corporate Inversion' Tax Dodgers, '$360K Celebrity bribery fund-raisers' he needs to be loading all this crap up into a big cannon and letting fire. A non stop assault.

There is over $1B of Koch Bros. money coming online being invested to protect the wealthy 1%'ers, Corporate Greed, Fossil Fuel polluters, Big Pharma etc etc etc so Bernie doesn't have a moment to spare on converting Republican Catholics.

White Catholics are 18% of the electorate. What religion do you think most Hispanics are? Even if it were a calculated political move, which I think it only partially is, it makes sense. It's go big or go home time for Bernie.

Fair points LB. I may have over egged the Catholic thing. Could be some votes in this from moderate reasonable Catholics. Okay a quick trip only though, back to work on Tuesday. Not a good idea to leave Republican nutters unsupervised.

Who wouldn't take a de facto endorsement from the Pope? Talk about a Superdelegate!

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The Pope? Why?

No votes there Bernie. Anti abortion, homophobes and anti gay rights Catholics are staunch Republican voters. Pointless trying to convert those across to progressive thinking. Just isn't going to happen Bernie.

Bernie has the 'perfect storm' at the moment he needs to capitalise on that. The 'Panama Papers' tax evasion, 'Corporate Inversion' Tax Dodgers, '$360K Celebrity bribery fund-raisers' he needs to be loading all this crap up into a big cannon and letting fire. A non stop assault.

There is over $1B of Koch Bros. money coming online being invested to protect the wealthy 1%'ers, Corporate Greed, Fossil Fuel polluters, Big Pharma etc etc etc so Bernie doesn't have a moment to spare on converting Republican Catholics.

White Catholics are 18% of the electorate. What religion do you think most Hispanics are? Even if it were a calculated political move, which I think it only partially is, it makes sense. It's go big or go home time for Bernie.

Fair points LB. I may have over egged the Catholic thing. Could be some votes in this from moderate reasonable Catholics. Okay a quick trip only though, back to work on Tuesday. Not a good idea to leave Republican nutters unsupervised.

Who wouldn't take a de facto endorsement from the Pope? Talk about a Superdelegate!

And if some are to believed, he has a direct channel to someone who has the power of a real Executive Veto for any candidate.

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How cool is this....

The Pope has invited Bernie Sanders to the Vatican... Is this for real?


Not Cruz.. The bible thumper... But Bernie due to his secular beliefs in social justice


"I am delighted to have been invited by the Vatican to a meeting on restoring social justice and environmental sustainability to the world economy. Pope Francis has made clear that we must overcome 'the globalization of indifference' in order to reduce economic inequalities, stop financial corruption and protect the natural environment. That is our challenge in the United States and in the world."

... Cruz must be foaming at the mouth ...

This has got to help him continue to build momentum going into New York

The Pope feels The Bern... How about you New York?

Bloomberg Media, a strong supporter of the Clinton campaign tried to throw shade on Bernie's April 15th trip to the Vatican. Vatican hierarchy quickly shut them down.


What, you may ask, will Hillary Clinton be doing on the day Bernie flies off to give his speech in Vatican City? She will be doing her damnedest to lay out in stark relief the differences between her's and the Sanders campaign.


Bloomberg Media, a strong supporter of the Clinton campaign

Ah yes, the entire corporate establishment, USA Inc., which is in fact dominated by rightwing Republicans virtually across the board, all connects instead to Hillary Clinton. Singularly, everything and all of 'em. Indeed and as one can see, such flippancy, recitation and being glib are not assets.

Those on the right who nominally support Bernie and forever oppose Hillary continue the fallacy of assigning to HRC all the evils and flaws of the Reagan doctrine that "Big is Good," which is when corporate America became the leviathan no one accepts now that they know what Saint Ronnie had wrought.

It is anyway good to see Bernie get out once in a while. Vermont-Washington and Washington-Vermont got pretty stale after a couple of decades of it, first in the House and now in the Senate. Bernie's campaign has opened new horizons for him on his Discover Dreamland America Tour which, of all things, now takes him to the Vatican and its theme venue.

Bernie is nonetheless a welcome voice in American politics because for one thing, as in this instance, he can also speak to the world about how the great majority of Americans think about climate change, global warming, the validity of science and the like, so good for Bernie on this score.

Meanwhile, with the exception of trade issues, the vital matter of tariffs and the like, Bernie presents Four More Years of the Barack Obama foreign policy, to include the time HRC was SecState...

The Sanders website makes four pledges for a Sanders presidency:

  1. Move away from a policy of unilateral military action, and toward a policy of emphasizing diplomacy, and ensuring the decision to go to war is a last resort.
  2. Ensure that any military action we do engage in has clear goals, is limited in scope, and whenever possible provides support to our allies in the region.
  3. Close Guantanamo Bay, rein in the National Security Agency, abolish the use of torture, and remember what truly makes America exceptional: our values.
  4. Expand our global influence by promoting fair trade, addressing global climate change, providing humanitarian relief and economic assistance, defending the rule of law, and promoting human rights.


Hopefully Bernie's Excellent Adventure to the Vatican can introduce Bernie to foreign policy, foreign affairs and interactions, global issues and priorities to include ISIS, Russia and Nato, CCP China and the South China Sea to include Japan and India as strategic partners, the need to squeeze Iran as well as Saudi Arabia; to continue the activated US policy to bring South America back to market economics and democracy, away from corruption, Beijing, Moscow....etc etc.

Edited by Publicus
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Very true that a great number of corporate establishment has the Republicans in their pocket...

Also Completely agree that all corporate establishment in USA can not be all linked to Hillary...

... Just those that donate to DNC

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As much as anything else accepting an invitation to visit with the Pope is a slap in the face of Trump. Trump already clashed with the Pope recently. Indeed, every world leader Trump has had interactions with recently (Two Mexican presidents and the Pope), he's clashed with. Thus far, Trump is 0 for 3.

The Pope is also making a statement, by inviting ONLY one of the 5 remaining candidates. It can only look good for Sanders.

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I think the next great disaffected class of voters will be the Volvo and Subaru-driving set. The educated, white liberal class, especially across the West, that has been rejecting Clinton and jumping on the Bernie yuppie-mobile.

This set of voters' views likely won't matter as Clinton has the delegates super-delegates, institutional support and the most populous states.

I wonder if this group will threaten violence at the Democrat Convention - reports are that tennis racquet sales are up in these demographics and that they may use these as weapons of class war. tongue.png

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