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Supporters gather as Israeli soldier appears in court


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I understand Israel is in a very rough neighborhood and they have to continue to be HARD CORE in order to continue to exist. That's a given. But I'm idealistic enough to think there can be a balance that includes ethical standards.

Obama also thought so,only to be dissapointed in the end ?

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I understand Israel is in a very rough neighborhood and they have to continue to be HARD CORE in order to continue to exist. That's a given. But I'm idealistic enough to think there can be a balance that includes ethical standards.

Obama also thought so,only to be dissapointed in the end ?

I don't really see the connection.

Here is the IDF ethical code:

Ruach Tzahal Draws from Four Sources:
  • The tradition of the IDF and its military heritage as the Israel Defense Forces.
  • The tradition of the State of Israel, its democratic principles, laws and institutions.
  • The tradition of the Jewish People throughout their history.
  • Universal moral values based on the value and dignity of human life



Edited by Jingthing
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US Senator Leahy recently sent a letter to the State Department to investigate the extra judicial killings by Israeli forces like the one mentioned in the OP.

Senator Leahy said:

"The congressional letter cites allegations of possible serious abuses, identified by respected international human rights organizations, by the military and police forces of Egypt and Israel. Under the Leahy Law it is the responsibility of the State Department to evaluate the credibility of such allegations,"


For those unfamiliar with the Leahy law, it prohibits the Defense and State Departments from providing assistance to foreign military units that violate humans rights with impunity.


Bravo, Senator Leahy!



It's long past time for the tail to stop wagging the dog.

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I understand Israel is in a very rough neighborhood and they have to continue to be HARD CORE in order to continue to exist. That's a given. But I'm idealistic enough to think there can be a balance that includes ethical standards.

Obama also thought so,only to be dissapointed in the end ?

I don't really see the connection.

Here is the IDF ethical code:

Ruach Tzahal Draws from Four Sources:
  • The tradition of the IDF and its military heritage as the Israel Defense Forces.
  • The tradition of the State of Israel, its democratic principles, laws and institutions.
  • The tradition of the Jewish People throughout their history.
  • Universal moral values based on the value and dignity of human life



nice to hear some different ideas among jews! regards to jingthing for clearly defending the fact that all army personnel in this world need to have some moral and ethical standards.

and the fact that no one on earth deserves to be murdered while laying on the ground unconsciousness.\

and i am sure jingthign is aware of the fact that supporting such murderer is just bad propaganda for jewish people.

and girl on the far left is looking good. Some Israeli girls are very beautiful, i agree:)

Believe it or not but i had an Israeli gf before and she was so nice.


Edited by Galactus
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US Senator Leahy recently sent a letter to the State Department to investigate the extra judicial killings by Israeli forces like the one mentioned in the OP.

Senator Leahy said:

"The congressional letter cites allegations of possible serious abuses, identified by respected international human rights organizations, by the military and police forces of Egypt and Israel. Under the Leahy Law it is the responsibility of the State Department to evaluate the credibility of such allegations,"


For those unfamiliar with the Leahy law, it prohibits the Defense and State Departments from providing assistance to foreign military units that violate humans rights with impunity.


Bravo, Senator Leahy!



It's long past time for the tail to stop wagging the dog.

That's probably a pretty meaningless law, otherwise how could they continue to give assistance to Thailand?

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Consider the mental state of this young soldier, in his mind he imagined that the terrorist had a bomb, no time to stuff around, its the quick or the dead here.

That's the standard excuse that the IDF use to for their license to cold blooded murder.
The reality is quite different. The murderer has a background of ultranationalistic extremism. He wrote "Kahane was right" on his Facebook page.[Kahane, the violent fanatical founder of Kach party...banned in Israel for being racist] and also on Facebook "liked" the far-right Kahanist, Baruch Marzel with whom he shook hands after the murder; the racist rapper, The Shadow, who advocated burning Palestinians alive on his Facebook page; the La Famiglia page [the gangland-style fan club who chant "Death to the Arabs" at soccer matches]
More evidence has emerged that the killing was quite deliberate.
"Soldier Said Palestinian Assailant 'Needs to Die' Before Shooting, Army Probe Finds
Army investigation into shooting reveals fellow soldiers tried to calm shooter."
Edited by dexterm
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" Palestinians, meanwhile, say the shooting proves their claims that Israel is guilty of using excessive force and carrying out extrajudicial killings. "

Extrajudicial killings are one aspect of retaliation that may be understandable, but should not be condoned, - but how do the Palestinians expect Israel soldiers to react against life threatening attacks on them and the public, by knife wielding kamikaze Palestinians. What force is used by the Palestinians attackers to thrust their knives in human bodies with the sole aim of murder?

Think you need to see the context here.

This wasn't an attack on Israeli citizens in an Israeli town.

This was an attack on a foreign invader (Israeli soldier) in a Palestinian town which has seen a big influx of extremist settlers.

Palestine doesn't exist as a state and NEVER has.

There was British Mandate Palestine which included a lot more land than Israel/West Bank/Gaza and included Palestinian Jews and Arabs who did NOT identify as Palestinians.

West Bank is a case of DISPUTED TERRITORY.

I think many people of good will, including me, hope that someday there can be peaceful and secure separate states of Israel and Palestine but we aren't nearly there yet.

You're correct the Jews in Hebron area tend to be unusually extremist.

Well, that's all very odd because 4 of Israel's Prime Ministers (Allon,Rabin,Sharon,Olmert) and the current President (Rivlin) all have Palestine written on their birth certificates.
6 others were born in Russia, Poland, or Ukraine.
And only one Netanyahu was born in Israel (after Zionists renamed Palestine)
That looks pretty much like a colonialist takeover to me.
And that is why Palestinians are still resisting this European invasion. Hence the OP.
Edited by dexterm
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" Palestinians, meanwhile, say the shooting proves their claims that Israel is guilty of using excessive force and carrying out extrajudicial killings. "

Extrajudicial killings are one aspect of retaliation that may be understandable, but should not be condoned, - but how do the Palestinians expect Israel soldiers to react against life threatening attacks on them and the public, by knife wielding kamikaze Palestinians. What force is used by the Palestinians attackers to thrust their knives in human bodies with the sole aim of murder?

Think you need to see the context here.

This wasn't an attack on Israeli citizens in an Israeli town.

This was an attack on a foreign invader (Israeli soldier) in a Palestinian town which has seen a big influx of extremist settlers.

Palestine doesn't exist as a state and NEVER has.

There was British Mandate Palestine which included a lot more land than Israel/West Bank/Gaza and included Palestinian Jews and Arabs who did NOT identify as Palestinians.

West Bank is a case of DISPUTED TERRITORY.

I think many people of good will, including me, hope that someday there can be peaceful and secure separate states of Israel and Palestine but we aren't nearly there yet.

You're correct the Jews in Hebron area tend to be unusually extremist.

Well, that's all very odd because 4 of Israel's Prime Ministers (Allon,Rabin,Sharon,Olmert) and the current President (Rivlin) all have Palestine written on their birth certificates.
6 others were born in Russia, Poland, or Ukraine.
And only one Netanyahu was born in Israel (after Zionists renamed Palestine)
That looks pretty much like a colonialist takeover to me.
And that is why Palestinians are still resisting this European invasion. Hence the OP.

This particularly vicious and immoral breed of European colonist needs to be brought to heel. The sooner the better.

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Palestine doesn't exist as a state and NEVER has.

There was British Mandate Palestine which included a lot more land than Israel/West Bank/Gaza and included Palestinian Jews and Arabs who did NOT identify as Palestinians.

West Bank is a case of DISPUTED TERRITORY.

I think many people of good will, including me, hope that someday there can be peaceful and secure separate states of Israel and Palestine but we aren't nearly there yet.

You're correct the Jews in Hebron area tend to be unusually extremist.

Depends on who you talk to and whether you care about things like global consensus.

On 15 December 1988, the State of Palestine's declaration of independence of November 1988 was acknowledged in the General Assembly with Resolution 43/177.[54]

As of 14 September 2015, 136 (70.5%) of the 193 member states of the United Nations have recognised the State of Palestine.

On 29 November 2012,[32]UN General Assembly resolution 67/19 passed, upgrading Palestine to "non-member observer state" status in the United Nations.[34][35] The change in status was described as "de facto recognition of the sovereign state of Palestine".[17]

On 3 October 2014, new Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven used his inaugural address in parliament to announce that Sweden would recognise the state of Palestine.

On 13 October 2014, the UK House of Commons voted by 274 to 12 in favour of recognising Palestine as a state.[58]

On 2 December 2014, the French parliament voted by 331 to 151 in favour of urging their government to recognise Palestine as a state.

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What the above suggests is that there IS dispute on Palestinian statehood. Some recognize but some do not.

There is NO dispute, however, that the global majority RECOGNIZES statehood.

I side with the UN and the majority here, and thus consider IDF in the West Bank an "unwanted foreign occupying force".

I understand you do not side with consensus. Fair enough.

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