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Thailand eyes luxury tourists, operators say keep them safe


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Thailand never had luxury tourists, but a few, will not have them today nor will they have them any time in the future.

Thailand is for lower and middle class, always has been.

Too many other places more comfortable available in the world now.

better stick with what you got and improve on that, Thailand.

Another suggestion might be to stop inviting Chinese tourists, unless that's what you want.

In that case RIP.

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Quality tourists = Chinese/Russian? Chinese travel in tour groups meaning selected businesses and vendors get the Chinese cash. I've not seen any out enjoying the nightlife in areas the Europeans/Americans and Aussies do. Ask most Thai businesses that rely on tourist revenue and they'll tell you they aint seeing much return from them. The numbers of such tourists may sound great and the big businesses (mainly Chinese owned) are doing well but nothing is leaking down to the smaller ones. To me, this isn't all bad as the likes of taxi motorbikes/food vendors who dump rubbish all over the beaches and jetski scum will become fewer and fewer unless they can get on the Chinese bandwagon.

Russians do their own thing simple. They drink from their own supply so that's the nightlife venues also screwed. I work with loads and the general feeling is they get fleeced by Thais all the time so therefore they manage their own affairs.

People come to Thailand for 3 reasons - backpacking, beaches and natural beauty or sex. Despite these clowns dictating what they want and don't want the reality is people do NOT give a f about this garbage. The people here are where they are because of the country they were fortunate enough to be born in. If they had no beaches and prostitution really was illegal they'd be at the bottom of the dump along with Bangladesh. It's hardly brains, friendliness and openess that makes people visit or come back.

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Thailand is not exotic any more. It's predominantly a mass tourist destination.

Yes, there are some fantastic luxury hotels here but it should be remembered that for every single luxury traveller there are several hundred lower class ones. The market is very limited.

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Beaches in Thailand are for observing from a great distance, certainly not for swimming unless sewerage and garbage rings your bell.

Thing is that Thailand has had decades to sort out the well known issues that keep high end tourists away, in your face sex industry, filth and litter, rampant corruption, tolerated scams, dangerous footpaths, dangerous traffic, we all know the list. None of these things has improved since I first visited 30 years ago, in fact probably seems less free and easy these days. Expats have their own reasons for staying but that's another tale.

As such it is apparent there is no desire at the top to change anything. It will remain an affordable low end sex and fun destination. I guess these official comments are put out religiously every year to make Thais feel good about their country.

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"Honey, I'm soooo bored with Monaco. Lets go somewhere where it is hot, humid, polluted, no one understands a word I am saying and drinking the water will make us sick."

"Why don't you go down into the engine room of our mega yacht? And you can meet our Russian engine room crew at the same time."

"Honey, you are a genius. No wonder you have billions."

"Thank you. What time this afternoon is our ménage à trois with the super model?"

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The infrastructure and people skills are not present in any shape of form to efficiently and safely deal with a large quantity of high visitors. Where would you take them and what could you offer them... Take them to Pattaya ?? Don't think so bar staying in the likes of Royal Cliff and spending all there time there and on there Island what would they do? Most areas in Bangkok are not suitable for wealthy tourists in any numbers and certainly the level of service and Languages spoken is nowhere near adequate .

Thailand is a long long way from being able to cater for this market. And as for driving and safety standards and corruption A big fat no chance. Not in my life time sadly !

well, maybe Thailand missed the chance already. Vietnam is coming and also Burma. Even Cambodia next. Those three with better language skills and nice people too.

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Thailand is like an ageing painted lady who one day begins to see in the mirror her lost youth and appeal.

The grand claims of beauty and poster child seem now embarrassing to hear.

Litter and Chinese who can't afford Australia , (and have no manners ) is about all that wish to court her.

Sure some families still go...back packers .....but well heeled people are usually educated and cultured .

Why do they want to go to a military run country that is on the lowest level for human rights?

Ok , so work on that stuff perhaps ...clean up the trash and excessive deaths by accident ( see roads)

Misfortunes , murder , etc.

Aside from some Russians and very keen on girls tourists few hear the alure.

Most receptionists in Thailand have inferior English .

The rooms seem to always host a problem of some sort.

Low beat budget is Thailand's only hope.

The up market avenue is no longer hers to solicit .

Really it's a long ago dream .

The reality is the Chinese invasion has become obvious .

And call them tourists while they indeed still go home.

Girls are about the biggest draw card

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I hope this does not not sound too elitist, but being a upper middle class American from West Los Angeles and Hollywood coming to Thailand, the very first thing I noticed was all the super low class tourists.

It was really a eye opener. Its all good and a big adventure for me every day being a single guy who is bored with the Nanny States of America. I find the total lack of political correctness to be incredibly refreshing.

But there is NO WAY my MARRIED friends in the USA would find anything in Thailand interesting other to see how the other half lives and to gain a new appreciation for the Caribbean, Aspen, Sun Valley, Malibu, the Florida Keys, the South of France and the Amalfi coast. And you don't really need big money to hang out in these places on vacation.

And even the five star hotels in Thailand are lacking by USA/EU standards, but of course the hotels are much cheaper.

And all my rich friends here in Hua Hin from places like Switzerland are old guys partying with their Thai girlfriends for six months and then its back to Zurich to make sure the Ferrari battery is not dead. smile.png

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If you want luxury tourists, then you'll need something luxurious to offer them. A luxurious hotel here and there, a couple of restaurants and underground clubs and one luxurious shopping mall in smog filled, traffic crazed BKK just isn't enough. Most of the rich lifestyle being offered in Thailand is considered middle class many places in the west.

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They seem to lay a lot of their solid hopes on the Chinese tourists. Why not set up hotels with enormous gold plated troughs topped up to the gills with sea-food with starter blocks under their elbows on the tables laden with shovels to ensure notthing goes to waste.

Up Market Piggery's could be the solution to include new Chinese takeaway shops up and down the country called Gannets RUs !!!!

Just saying ....

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"Elephants trampling on tourists and tourists having their legs cut off by speed boats, this won't happen any more,"

That's right, they plan to kill the tourists on the highways BEFORE they can be trampled by elephants or maimed by speedboats. After all, a heck of a lot more tourists die from Thailand's road anarchy than from these more press-worthy forms of death.

Yes but they're blaming foreign drivers driving foreign registered cars in for much of that (especially Chinese), causing accidents, near accidents etc., hence they will soon be highly restricted. Even the head of the Bangkok traffic police I think it was stated he would instruct all traffic police to be on the lookout for foreign number (licence) plates driving inside Bangkok, which, if found, would result in a 10,000 Baht fine, the temporary seizure of the vehicle for "investigation" followed by towing the vehicle to the border for export. This in the name of preventing further traffic jams and the vehicle not being registered in Thailand therefore not paying road tax and thus being "illegal" to drive on Thai roads.

Although I agree with the plan in principle at least as far as getting Chinese vehicles off the roads (since Thailand and China don't share an agreement on cross border traffic rights), the plan and the reasons for it make little sense - how about blaming customs for allowing them in in the first place? How can they be illegal if customs let's them in? If they're illegal, customs shouldn't let them in to begin with. Nowhere up until this story reached the news (and it still hasn't reached the English language news, only the Thai news) did any foreigner driving a vehicle with foreign plates know it would be illegal to drive into Bangkok? It might have never been a sensible idea to drive into Bangkok, given the horrible traffic and mopeds that criss cross the roads, cut you off all the time etc., but illegal? What about all those Lao, Malaysian and Singaporean vehicles which have a pact on international car usage with Thailand, surely they can't be banned too, otherwise watch for those governments retaliating and banning Thai cars from Vientiane, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.

New rules on bringing in foreign vehicles (except Lao, Malaysian and Singaporean registrations, and Cambo/Burmese registrations that cross the border regularly and remain in the border areas) will include 10 days advance notice to bring a car in (no more motorhomes, caravans and motorcycles though), a 500 Baht entry fee, 500 Baht fee for a special plate, traffic orientation and a temporary driver's licence (targeted at the Chinese, who don't have a licence recognized in Thailand) and then all that gets you is driving permission for 30 days in the border province entered (such as Chiang Rai or Nong Khai). For further travel beyond that, the Thais want you to use public transport or a hire car. Or you'll need a guide and for 2 or more vehicles now, a guide and police escort in order to drive in a convoy.

I agree with getting the Chinese campers and motorhomes off the roads, which haven't done much for tourism as they bring all their own supplies, park wherever they want for free and don't stay in hotels, cook, clean and dispose of their garbage (and sometimes even do their business in the same spot), meanwhile Chinese cars rip up the roads and cause traffic headaches and accidents, especially in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. However, this new law, about to be put into force basically shifts all the blame onto foreign drivers without correspondingly trying to fix Thailand's own abysmal road safety record. A related ruling also wants to make sure that vehicle rental agencies only hire out vehicles (especially motorcycles and mopeds) to properly licenced tourists. On the other hand, while Chiang Mai has recently come out with new rules to enforce traffic laws, it remains to be seen whether it's all just a face campaign that makes it appear that they are doing something in the name of safety, while forgetting about it in a few weeks time.

Meanwhile nobody says anything when a lazy, inconsiderate moped driver named Somchai decides it's "faster" to drive alone the shoulder on the wrong side of the road and then dash across 3 lanes of traffic to do a U-turn, when that is amongst the most selfish and dangerous driving maneuver that any driver can do and should be punished accordingly. Rather than issuing 500 Baht fines to drivers for driving at 127km/h in a 120km/h section on the eastern outer ring road, something that is hardly dangerous and doesn't even begin to address the fact that speeding is rampant on all other roads where there are no cameras (which is 99.8% of roads in the country) and it's on those roads where most accidents occur - often it's a collision between a motorcyclist darting across a few lanes to do a U-turn who is then hit by a maniac driving a Hilux or a Lexus SUV doing 145km/h in the right lane. Happens all the time here.

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Thailand is like an ageing painted lady who one day begins to see in the mirror her lost youth and appeal.

The grand claims of beauty and poster child seem now embarrassing to hear.

Litter and Chinese who can't afford Australia , (and have no manners ) is about all that wish to court her.

Sure some families still go...back packers .....but well heeled people are usually educated and cultured .

Why do they want to go to a military run country that is on the lowest level for human rights?

Ok , so work on that stuff perhaps ...clean up the trash and excessive deaths by accident ( see roads)

Misfortunes , murder , etc.

Aside from some Russians and very keen on girls tourists few hear the alure.

Most receptionists in Thailand have inferior English .

The rooms seem to always host a problem of some sort.

Low beat budget is Thailand's only hope.

The up market avenue is no longer hers to solicit .

Really it's a long ago dream .

The reality is the Chinese invasion has become obvious .

And call them tourists while they indeed still go home.

Girls are about the biggest draw card

They can look at the girls from their coach windows,

hardly any chance for a nice evening all by themselves being heavenly treated by a Thai young lady.

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I hope this does not not sound too elitist, but being a upper middle class American from West Los Angeles and Hollywood coming to Thailand, the very first thing I noticed was all the super low class tourists.

It was really a eye opener. Its all good and a big adventure for me every day being a single guy who is bored with the Nanny States of America. I find the total lack of political correctness to be incredibly refreshing.

But there is NO WAY my MARRIED friends in the USA would find anything in Thailand interesting other to see how the other half lives and to gain a new appreciation for the Caribbean, Aspen, Sun Valley, Malibu, the Florida Keys, the South of France and the Amalfi coast. And you don't really need big money to hang out in these places on vacation.

And even the five star hotels in Thailand are lacking by USA/EU standards, but of course the hotels are much cheaper.

And all my rich friends here in Hua Hin from places like Switzerland are old guys partying with their Thai girlfriends for six months and then its back to Zurich to make sure the Ferrari battery is not dead. smile.png

I agree with you about the lack of political correctness here but sometimes it becomes super annoying because every now and then we get the captain obvious comments pointed our direction (almost invariably from women, typically women of the night or even well, you know, members of the third sex) like "oh, you hansom" "oh, you nice blond hair", "oh, nice big nose, give me half", "oh, you so fat", "oh, you so tall". After a while these childish comments come off as being rather crude and make you feel like Thailand is full of super immature people or people who don't know how offensive some of these comments can be. On the other hand, political correctness in the west has reached new levels of stupidity, most of the time people use words like "racism" to shut you up rather than being constructive, it's easier to devalue the use of a term and change it's original meaning rather than allowing another person to speak their mind.

However, there needs to be a sensible balance between the two. In the west, especially in the USA, you have one extreme, in Thailand it's the other. It's a bit better in Switzerland but not all that much.

But yeah I agree with you that Thailand attracts certain types of travelers including the cheap 0 Baht Chinese tourists and their Russian counterparts, the Arabs who go shopping in Bangkok with their wives and children but get up to some naughty nighttime adventures if they're coming alone, the westerners who want to feel like they're 30 years younger partying in Pattaya, Hua Hin etc. with girls who have little education and are considered the "leftovers" that Thai men don't want, and possibly worst of all, those that have reached the end of the road and are living in some lala land until it all comes crashing down and we read about how they were discovered dead after "falling" off their apartment balcony, or passed out on the beach, or on the road after a suspicious accident etc. or just simply left with 0 Baht after their "girl" robbed them blind.

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Totally agree, Quality tourist would cringe at the rubbish strewn beaches, read a post the other day that someone was saying about how dirty London UK was'. reckon his last visit was about 50 years ago. I was brought up there and then it was dirty. mainly soot covered buildings, but now its a pleasure to visit. I have been in Thailand 10 years, and whilst I understand that the ordinary folk short of a revolution can do anything about corruption, they surely can be educated to do something positive about their filthy attitude towards littering and polluting their country. Small example where i live in Hua Hin cutting through from soi 112 to 102 there is a pond where i use to stop for a pleasant coffee, about 2 months ago a mobile food stall set up, now you can hardly see the surface of the pond for floating plastic bags and bottles, and they dont give a f@#$, or i wonder if they even notice. The Uk is full of quality tourist as is most of the west, Thailand should settle for the Chinese their habits more their style. Did anybody know that 50% or more of the turtle population around Thailands coast have been wiped out by the intake of plastic rubbish, which they take for jelly fish. Sickening.......google it!

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I hope this does not not sound too elitist, but being a upper middle class American from West Los Angeles and Hollywood coming to Thailand, the very first thing I noticed was all the super low class tourists.

It was really a eye opener. Its all good and a big adventure for me every day being a single guy who is bored with the Nanny States of America. I find the total lack of political correctness to be incredibly refreshing.

But there is NO WAY my MARRIED friends in the USA would find anything in Thailand interesting other to see how the other half lives and to gain a new appreciation for the Caribbean, Aspen, Sun Valley, Malibu, the Florida Keys, the South of France and the Amalfi coast. And you don't really need big money to hang out in these places on vacation.

And even the five star hotels in Thailand are lacking by USA/EU standards, but of course the hotels are much cheaper.

And all my rich friends here in Hua Hin from places like Switzerland are old guys partying with their Thai girlfriends for six months and then its back to Zurich to make sure the Ferrari battery is not dead. smile.png

I walked into a resort hotel at the Golden Triangle to ask for a brochure, which is a habit of mine.

40.000 baht per night and nobody but some curious employees around.

A beautiful resort hotel (phu pa nam, Loei) empty except for some holidays.

My experience in luxury hotels away from the beaches..........empty.

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I hope this does not not sound too elitist, but being a upper middle class American from West Los Angeles and Hollywood coming to Thailand, the very first thing I noticed was all the super low class tourists.

It was really a eye opener. Its all good and a big adventure for me every day being a single guy who is bored with the Nanny States of America. I find the total lack of political correctness to be incredibly refreshing.

But there is NO WAY my MARRIED friends in the USA would find anything in Thailand interesting other to see how the other half lives and to gain a new appreciation for the Caribbean, Aspen, Sun Valley, Malibu, the Florida Keys, the South of France and the Amalfi coast. And you don't really need big money to hang out in these places on vacation.

And even the five star hotels in Thailand are lacking by USA/EU standards, but of course the hotels are much cheaper.

And all my rich friends here in Hua Hin from places like Switzerland are old guys partying with their Thai girlfriends for six months and then its back to Zurich to make sure the Ferrari battery is not dead. smile.png

Yeah I never noticed the number of true LOUTS in Pattaya when I moved there from a year in BKK back in 2002.

I was always flying in & out a lot, working in BKK and Sattahip and had some down time, that I spent with my wife in our swimming pool.

I left & took the wife w/ me in 2004 for work, came back in late 2009 with a pocket full of money & decided to be a bum for a while on the darkside of Pattaya.

It didn't take long before I realized I was living amongst the dregs of society.

The main reason I liked Pattaya back in the early 2000's was because of Koh Larn, which was pretty much deserted and unspoiled. Nowadays they have 100 overloaded ferries a day plying the waters back and forth.

Glad I got to experience some of what it used to be like.

I have a house in Surin. When I get there I'm bored to tears. When I'm away for a while I can't wait to get back.

I love Thailand, but many changes are happening.

As for Chinese tourists not going into bars, I stepped away from my chair at Peppermint on Walking Street once for 30 seconds and a wave of Chinese came in, one of which promptly took my seat. Barbarians, and they call farangs Quai Loh (foreign devils).

Edited by jaywalker
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Totally agree, Quality tourist would cringe at the rubbish strewn beaches, read a post the other day that someone was saying about how dirty London UK was'. reckon his last visit was about 50 years ago. I was brought up there and then it was dirty. mainly soot covered buildings, but now its a pleasure to visit. I have been in Thailand 10 years, and whilst I understand that the ordinary folk short of a revolution can do anything about corruption, they surely can be educated to do something positive about their filthy attitude towards littering and polluting their country. Small example where i live in Hua Hin cutting through from soi 112 to 102 there is a pond where i use to stop for a pleasant coffee, about 2 months ago a mobile food stall set up, now you can hardly see the surface of the pond for floating plastic bags and bottles, and they dont give a f@#$, or i wonder if they even notice. The Uk is full of quality tourist as is most of the west, Thailand should settle for the Chinese their habits more their style. Did anybody know that 50% or more of the turtle population around Thailands coast have been wiped out by the intake of plastic rubbish, which they take for jelly fish. Sickening.......google it!

Chinese habits like eating with their mouths open is very much a Thai trait.

But even the protocols in good restaurants are lacking .

Example the west .....they might say "" good evening sir , table for two ? ....please step this way ""

Or ""good evening may I have your name "? ....""yes sir reservation for Smith , please step this way""

Thailand you might get ""you want seat""? ...""please sit"" .......( your reply ) ""we booked a Sea view table under Smith "" ........""oh you want table ? Fully booked already ""

Then there is the minor details etc .

Look Chinese are a perfect fit for Thailand .

More sex tourists cities like Pattaya could be useful in keeping westerners interested in flying there.

Possibly even southern beaches if the killers were arrested .

But for now enjoy the mass tourism of the Chinese.

Perhaps Indians may join in as they prosper?

You could give 90 day visas on arrival to Americans , Europeans , Australians , etc for a $100 fee and $1000 in paid hotel documentation .

That would stimulate the economy more.

But the high end ?


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I just wanted to add what a few others have already said. Thailand is my home and we like it here. Sure, some things are better back home, but many things are better here.

What upsets me is how easy it is to solve some of these problems. A few small changes would make a huge difference.

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It's very simple. Why you NO UNDERSTAND.

Q: Government computers are unsecured in Thailand.

A: Nobody would find the link, that's why they are unsecured.

Q: There is corruption on the islands.

A: There is no corruption on the islands, otherwise we would have known about it.

Q: Thailand has seen a drop of 78% in overall foreign investment in 2015.

A: It's a temporary effect derived from the new policies of BOI to attract quality companies in 2015.

Q: Country is unstable since 2014. Could it be because...you know what?

A: Nonsense, the current administration has saved Thailand from chaos, it's the foreigners that have been gradually destabilizing the country by overstaying.

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My buddies used to try & book their hotels via email & invariably got the confirmation back (IF they got an answer at all), then invariably got the "Solly Sir Fully Booked" when they tried to check in.

They'd ask me to go look the lady in eye and make her show me on paper their booking, and get a copy of it, scan it and email it to them.

One of my favorites is when they bring out the appetizer after you've finished the main course in the restaurants.

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It's very simple. Why you NO UNDERSTAND.

Q: Government computers are unsecured in Thailand.

A: Nobody would find the link, that's why they are unsecured.

Q: There is corruption on the islands.

A: There is no corruption on the islands, otherwise we would have known about it.

Q: Thailand has seen a drop of 78% in overall foreign investment in 2015.

A: It's a temporary effect derived from the new policies of BOI to attract quality companies in 2015.

Q: Country is unstable since 2014. Could it be because...you know what?

A: Nonsense, the current administration has saved Thailand from chaos, it's the foreigners that have been gradually destabilizing the country by overstaying.

It's also those bridge players in Pattaya and the kids drinking cough syrup.

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Though this seems to be a place for backpackers, read the reviews here about sewage. Thousands of people read these reviews.


Have you noticed the number of vintage websites most hotels and restaurants have?

It kills me when I see the 1995 "Enter Our Website" splash page. clap2.gif

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The cheap argument will last forever. No matter the increase in prices for last 10 years this place is still dirt cheap compared to west. Room with ac for less than 25 euro is a bargain. Public transport bargain. Food a bargain. Hookers a bargain. Can of coke a bargain. Cigarettes a bargain. Etc. Hence I like it here.

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The cheap argument will last forever. No matter the increase in prices for last 10 years this place is still dirt cheap compared to west. Room with ac for less than 25 euro is a bargain. Public transport bargain. Food a bargain. Hookers a bargain. Can of coke a bargain. Cigarettes a bargain. Etc. Hence I like it here.

Ya but they don't like you here. They want quality tourists.

You no spend enough. Spend more.

Pffffff....omg....u no understand. :)

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"racy nightlife"?... Bars forced to close at 12pm, no alcohol if it's a birthday or Buddha day, police storming bars to check that tourists have passports on them, being forced to pee in a cup in the street, bars/clubs with the most disgusting toilets, hussled by skanks "where you come from handsome man", ladyboys mugging tourists, bouncers killing tourists...... pretty racy stuff... High end tourists will love it

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One of those up-and-coming neighbours is Vietnam where tourist numbers have skyrocketed this year. With relaxed visa requirements which encourage visitors and harsher penalties for those who commit crimes against tourists. A recent Vietnamese example of the sort of penalties Thailand should be looking at is describedbelow. Four years jail for a failed phone snatch. Crimes of violence against tourist are virtually non-existent. Vietnam is arguably the safest tourist destination in S.E. Asia. I am in a position to comment as I have spent 70% and 30% respectively of the last 10 years in Vietnam and Thailand.


Totally agree with you. I worked in Vietnam for a while, what you say is true. Vietnam will take all of Thailand's visitors eventually

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"racy nightlife"?... Bars forced to close at 12pm, no alcohol if it's a birthday or Buddha day, police storming bars to check that tourists have passports on them, being forced to pee in a cup in the street, bars/clubs with the most disgusting toilets, hussled by skanks "where you come from handsome man", ladyboys mugging tourists, bouncers killing tourists...... pretty racy stuff... High end tourists will love it

I once rolled in from 8 months in Sandland & COULD NOT WAIT to get sleezy.

I grabbed 20,000 baht from an ATM and blew it in an afternoon....ON PURPOSE.

Had me a good old time!

Miami has cleaner beaches, but they don't have soapies nor Lolita's nor Nana nor Cowboy.

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Totally agree, Quality tourist would cringe at the rubbish strewn beaches, read a post the other day that someone was saying about how dirty London UK was'. reckon his last visit was about 50 years ago. I was brought up there and then it was dirty. mainly soot covered buildings, but now its a pleasure to visit. I have been in Thailand 10 years, and whilst I understand that the ordinary folk short of a revolution can do anything about corruption, they surely can be educated to do something positive about their filthy attitude towards littering and polluting their country. Small example where i live in Hua Hin cutting through from soi 112 to 102 there is a pond where i use to stop for a pleasant coffee, about 2 months ago a mobile food stall set up, now you can hardly see the surface of the pond for floating plastic bags and bottles, and they dont give a f@#$, or i wonder if they even notice. The Uk is full of quality tourist as is most of the west, Thailand should settle for the Chinese their habits more their style. Did anybody know that 50% or more of the turtle population around Thailands coast have been wiped out by the intake of plastic rubbish, which they take for jelly fish. Sickening.......google it!

Totally agree with you ''London'' is mostly Clean, and definetly caters for high end Tourists, lots to see and do.... its not cheap but its an Exciting City...., Great varied Night Life, and the Shopping is good too...

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