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Vietnam and Cambodia trying to keep China and US happy


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South-east Asian nations seek increased security ties with the US but are wary of rattling an assertive China

The United States army plans to store disaster relief equipment in Vietnam and Cambodia, a top American general has revealed.

General Dennis Via, who heads the US Army Materiel Command, told reporters at an Alabama symposium recently that the stockpiling of such equipment in these two countries is part of a broader strategy to pre-position supplies across the world for rapid deployment.

Unlike its pre-positioned supplies in Europe, which include tanks, those placed in this region will generally be "light" equipment geared towards humanitarian assistance, he was quoted as saying in online magazine Breaking Defense.

Tan Hui Yee

read more http://www.straitstimes.com/world/vietnam-and-cambodia-trying-to-keep-china-and-us-happy

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