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I have used both Bayer brand and Unigen brand for TRT. From what I can tell, Unigen is registered for use in Thailand. I have been having some problems at times with the Unigen brand with muscle soreness and unpleasant reactions from the injections. Has anyone else ever used this specific brand? I am considering switching back to Bayer brand as I have used it many times with no issues. I am concerned the preservatives or quality of oil used in the Unigen may not be consistent.



I know the owner of Unigen. An American , that seems to be the main guy behind many UGL'S. The product is made in India and many people have problems with it. If you know how the Thai FDA works here. It is very strict, not to mention expensive to get registration. I Would throw it away and stick with Beyer. Underground Labs are nothing to mess with.

The Scam starts with guys getting the permits and then to cheat the govt they smuggle the product into the country to thwart paying the duty.....


I know the owner of Unigen. An American , that seems to be the main guy behind many UGL'S. The product is made in India and many people have problems with it. If you know how the Thai FDA works here. It is very strict, not to mention expensive to get registration. I Would throw it away and stick with Beyer. Underground Labs are nothing to mess with.

The Scam starts with guys getting the permits and then to cheat the govt they smuggle the product into the country to thwart paying the duty.....

Yeah, I would never knowingly use an underground lab. However, these products ae registered on MIMS and they are approved by the Thai FDA. That is why I am starting to worry a bit about the product. I may take your advice and switch back to Bayer.

Here is the link showing the registration on MIMS



You do nto mention which Bayer preparation yo uwere using.

If Nebido, this is testosterone undecanoate

whereas Depo-Test 250 is testerosterone enanthate

They are both long-acting testosterone and both preparations can cause pain and irritation, soreness at the injection site in some people, that is a known side effect. But it could be that you are more sensitive to one preparation than the other.

The soreness etc is not a sign of anything wrong with the drug, it is as mentioned a known side effect, but if it hard to tolerate then would make sense to switch back to the other formulation.


You do nto mention which Bayer preparation yo uwere using.

If Nebido, this is testosterone undecanoate

whereas Depo-Test 250 is testerosterone enanthate

They are both long-acting testosterone and both preparations can cause pain and irritation, soreness at the injection site in some people, that is a known side effect. But it could be that you are more sensitive to one preparation than the other.

The soreness etc is not a sign of anything wrong with the drug, it is as mentioned a known side effect, but if it hard to tolerate then would make sense to switch back to the other formulation.

The Bayer I was using was also Testosterone Enanthate. The reason I am worrying is because the fist 10ml vial of Unigen I used I was sore after every injection. The second 10ml vial, no problems with any injections. The 3rd, 10ml vial cause the worst reaction I ever had on the first injection and have not used it again. It was about a week ago and it seems like I have a cyst in the glute. It was very visibly swollen for about 4 days but seems to be going down now. And just last night I injected with a new set of single amp Unigen brand vials and very sore again (opposite glute, no visible swelling this time though). This is why I am wondering if it is possible that Unigen is switching oil base or preservatives. Or is it possible sometimes my glutes just handle the injections better than other times? Because of the 25 Bayer amps I have used, I never had such a problem.


This is very odd and it does sound like something is wrong.

Further, I now note that the Depo-test 250 which is registered in Thailand is not made by Unigen, it is made by Samarth Pharma (see the link in your post).

In fact, nothing made by Unigen is listed in Mims.

Apparently Unigen did at one time have this product registered with the Thai FDA and that registration was revoked some years ago. What is the expiration date on the product you bought?

I would suggest not using this. If you want Depo-Test 250, get the currently registered product, which is manufactured by Samarth Pharma and distributed by Krungthep Pharma Distributors


This is very odd and it does sound like something is wrong.

Further, I now note that the Depo-test 250 which is registered in Thailand is not made by Unigen, it is made by Samarth Pharma (see the link in your post).

In fact, nothing made by Unigen is listed in Mims.

Apparently Unigen did at one time have this product registered with the Thai FDA and that registration was revoked some years ago. What is the expiration date on the product you bought?

I would suggest not using this. If you want Depo-Test 250, get the currently registered product, which is manufactured by Samarth Pharma and distributed by Krungthep Pharma Distributors

Thanks for double checking on that for me, appreciate it. I figured Samarth Pharma was the parent company of Unigen because Krunthep Pharma is actually importing Unigen as well. And they are both "Depo-Test 250" (everything Unigen makes by name is actually listed in MIMS under Samarth Pharma....many testosterone's and steroids). All of the Unigen products are well within their expiration date. The current box was produced Aug 2014 and expires Jul. 2017.

Regardless, I am not going to be using this brand anymore. The pain in my right glute has been increasing over the day and my left glute is still messed up from last week. Would seeing a Dr. or taking some antibiotics as a precaution make sense in case there is an abscess or cyst forming? To help kill or fight off any bacteria or infection? Would rather be pro active if possible, just in case. Thanks again, appreciate it!



Yes, I would see a doctor as an abcess may be forming. From what I gather, the reason Unigen's registration was pulled may have related to bacterial contamination of their products.

Samarth and Unigen are entirely different companies AFAIK.


P.S. If you want more info best top ask would be the distributor - have a Thai speaker call and ask them when they stopped importing Unigen products.


Yes, I would see a doctor as an abcess may be forming. From what I gather, the reason Unigen's registration was pulled may have related to bacterial contamination of their products.

Samarth and Unigen are entirely different companies AFAIK.

Exactly what I was afraid of. I will see a Dr. Thanks again......


To anyone who sees this thread now or in the future, please avoid this brand! Saw a Dr. and he said it looks like a mild infection in both glutes.

This, however, is very minor compared to the fact Sheryl was nice enough to confirm that this is an unregistered brand and not supposed to be sold in Thailand. I should never have been so presumptuous to assume that Samarth Pharma and Unigen were related simply because their drug names match. A huge lesson learned! Please do not take the risk with any injectable steroid that is not properly registered for sale here in Thailand.

And thank you to NickJ as well........

Looks like plenty of reasons to forget this brand.......

  • 1 year later...

probably a re-labeled Cortisone, what with the noted after effects...


Are there any clues on how long this stuff can be taken for, either on the pack or what the salesperson said?


Stay off the riods peeps. Train naturally and don't inject all these drugs into your system unless you want to die young. Lots of pro-bodybuilders and non-pro bodybuilders die very young from taking all type of riods, testosterone, HGH, insulin and all the other stuff they use. "Zyzz" is an example of some Aussie dude who died in Thailand while on holiday at 22 years old from a heart attack. Lots of others have died of a heart attack, stroke, liver failure, kidney failure, liver cancer, etc. It might take you 10 years of lifting naturally to get big rather than 2 years on the gear, but you will end up healthier.


Seems like sticking with the winners (Bayer in this case) is always the way to go.  

A few extra baht well spent if it keeps you in the optimal range with no adverse reaction. 

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