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British dog lover fears Thai stranger conned her out of 7,000 Pounds


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Its about a kind hearted animal loving woman who wanted to help. Maybe she's been reading about how dogs life's are in Thailand and wanted to help. Yes maybe a bit naive but any need for all this slander?? One word..... 'pathetic' which sum's up the majority of most of you on here.

I do like to read TV as lots of useful information to be gained but by god there is some right grade A _ricks on here.

Get out more you sad bunch.... Maybe to fat and no money to do so......

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She is an idiot. The dog may not even exist in reality. Anyone can get a photo of a dog and post it online. I would have thought there are more pressing cases that could use the money and not necessarily in saving a mutt. Being so stupid she deserves to be conned

She might not be the only idiot here. If you just read the article, you wouldn't assume and write things without knowing the whole story.

These forums are full of idiots bad breed if u ask me mate !!!!

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We don't need your saving...Just don't bomb us out of extinction. wai2.gifwai2.gif

There are so many home less human beings in America and Europe...SAVE THEM...We in Third World have lived like this for a million years already.

We don't need your savings of Dogs and Cats.

Save your own people first.

Now hold on there dear Starchild5, don't be so hasty rejecting money from foreigners.

I have 10 dogs in Buriram that recently behaved in a very unThai like fashion and got out and ate some of the neighbors fighting chickens.

Whilst I secretly think this was an excellent thing to do, if anybody Thai, Lao, Cambodian, Viet, Malay, Chinese, Indian, Mexican, Eskimo, or any kind of Farang (White or Black, we have no prejudices) would care to donate 20,000 THB to pay for the dead chooks please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

I can provide a signed and chopped tax receipt or a signed and chopped dead chicken, whatever is required to validate this offer to reduce your tax burden by charitable donation.

Naturally this includes English authors, I am sure that at least one of my dogs has a smidgeon of St Bernard in them, or possibly another saint, one can never be sure about these religious matters, but no doubt we could find the appropriate paperwork if push comes to shove, or squawk.

I thank you,


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What a disgusting lot you are, the lady spends thousands trying to do a good thing and you have no empathy for her plight, that's why I love dogs more than humans, they don't have hate like you subhumans, I hope you all live in Thailand because the west doesn't want your type.

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Sad to read this, I hope that news like this doesn't affect donations to genuine rescue groups like Soi dog who do such great work in Thailand.

Shouldn't do, Soi Dog Foundation are awesome, Gill is my hero, was even voted asian of the year, only farang ever.

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What a disgusting lot you are, the lady spends thousands trying to do a good thing and you have no empathy for her plight, that's why I love dogs more than humans, they don't have hate like you subhumans, I hope you all live in Thailand because the west doesn't want your type.

What is disgusting is, this woman spends 7'000 pounds to allegedly save ONE dog

when the same money could have been used to provide access to clean water and

sanitation to 7'000 people in developing countries for an entire year BUT,

probably she wouldn't make any headlines with that. sick.gif

Maybe the right slogan for her would be:

Safe a dog (maybe), let 4500 children die a day sad.png

Edited by JoeLing
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What a disgusting lot you are, the lady spends thousands trying to do a good thing and you have no empathy for her plight, that's why I love dogs more than humans, they don't have hate like you subhumans, I hope you all live in Thailand because the west doesn't want your type.

What is disgusting is, this woman spends 7'000 pounds to allegedly save ONE dog

when the same money could have been used to provide access to clean water and

sanitation to 7'000 people in developing countries for an entire year BUT,

probably she wouldn't make any headlines with that. sick.gif

Maybe the right slogan for her would be:

Safe a dog (maybe), let 4500 children die a day sad.png

What a cretin, so she was looking for headlines you think? What business is it of yours what she does with her money?

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What a disgusting lot you are, the lady spends thousands trying to do a good thing and you have no empathy for her plight, that's why I love dogs more than humans, they don't have hate like you subhumans, I hope you all live in Thailand because the west doesn't want your type.

What is disgusting is, this woman spends 7'000 pounds to allegedly save ONE dog

when the same money could have been used to provide access to clean water and

sanitation to 7'000 people in developing countries for an entire year BUT,

probably she wouldn't make any headlines with that. sick.gif

Maybe the right slogan for her would be:

Safe a dog (maybe), let 4500 children die a day sad.png

What a cretin, so she was looking for headlines you think? What business is it of yours what she does with her money?

.... subhumans

.... cretins

You're pretty fast with your insults, aren't you?

Maybe this good lady should have spend her money on better education for you coffee1.gif

Edited by JoeLing
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What a disgusting lot you are, the lady spends thousands trying to do a good thing and you have no empathy for her plight, that's why I love dogs more than humans, they don't have hate like you subhumans, I hope you all live in Thailand because the west doesn't want your type.

What is disgusting is, this woman spends 7'000 pounds to allegedly save ONE dog

when the same money could have been used to provide access to clean water and

sanitation to 7'000 people in developing countries for an entire year BUT,

probably she wouldn't make any headlines with that. sick.gif

Maybe the right slogan for her would be:

Safe a dog (maybe), let 4500 children die a day sad.png

What a cretin, so she was looking for headlines you think? What business is it of yours what she does with her money?

.... subhumans

.... cretins

You're pretty fast with your insults, aren't you?

Maybe this good lady should have spend her money on better education for you coffee1.gif

Oh she's a "good lady" now, well it's a start after all the insults the poor lass has been getting off you lot.

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There is a lot of misleading and false information in this article and it is surprising that the reporter did not contact the rescuer in Thailand to verify. First of all this "adopter" did not lose £7,000 . Many people around the world and in Thailand had and have unconditionally donated to ensure the care and medical treatment of Ballon. The rescuer has been been looking after Ballon since last September and it is a lie that this person has been in a battle for over a year. The rescuer has records for all donations as well expenses incured. The person looking to adopt only got involved late last year. The truth is the rescuer felt bullied by the person wanting to adopt Ballon,and elected not to allow for the adoption. Now this person is spreading a false story to make people think she is the victim. Not the case, the ongoing personal attacks on the rescuer is the unfortunate outcome, which impacts all legimate Thai rescuers. End of story.

Edited by Letstellthetruth
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Is there a shortage of dogs needing rescue in the UK or closer to home Europe that she has to travel all the

way to BKK to rescue a single dog?

sometimes people do things that boggles the minds and expect that everything will be all right,

so in this case, the good Samaritan got swindled due to her own too trusting nature and wanting

to do a good deed....

Everyday there is some guy who lands in Thailand to rescue what he thinks is his Princess who was born to poverty and forced her to sell herself to feed the family. And loses everything.

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Had it been a slightly different scenario (see below) it would have been so commonplace that it would not have made it into newsprint

Is there a shortage of dogs hookers needing rescue in the UK or closer to home Europe that she he has to travel all the

way to BKK to rescue a single dog dog?

sometimes people do things that boggles (sic) the minds (sic) and expect that everything will be all right,

so in this case, the good Samaritan SexTourist got swindled due to her his own too trusting nature and wanting

to do a good deed....(many times)

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There is a lot of misleading and false information in this article and it is surprising that the reporter did not contact the rescuer in Thailand to verify. First of all this "adopter" did not lose £7,000 . Many people around the world and in Thailand had and have unconditionally donated to ensure the care and medical treatment of Ballon. The rescuer has been been looking after Ballon since last September and it is a lie that this person has been in a battle for over a year. The rescuer has records for all donations as well expenses incured. The person looking to adopt only got involved late last year. The truth is the rescuer felt bullied by the person wanting to adopt Ballon,and elected not to allow for the adoption. Now this person is spreading a false story to make people think she is the victim. Not the case, the ongoing personal attacks on the rescuer is the unfortunate outcome, which impacts all legimate Thai rescuers. End of story.

You got proof?

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What do you wish to see for evidence?

Its not hard to find both parties on Facebook. Just type in their names n you can see both. The Thai "stranger" is not exactly a stranger as mentioned in the report. In fact on seeing her Facbook, She is actually quite well known for helping strays in Thailand and re-homing the pooches. ( she has even posted detail accounting spending of the pooch in the report as well. )

You don't need much evidence as if u do your own research on it which takes less than 10mins and a little common sense, You be able to see what is going on.

I help stray dogs myself in Thailand and though not on the extend of the person in the report and I kind of understand why her concerns on not giving up the dog for adoption. When I go on holidays, I find the best place n person who is able to take care of my dog well. So it is important for the person to find the best adopter for the dog.

There is alot of misunderstanding on the adopter part and I can see she is emotional as well. And if she can just calm down, I am sure she will get the dog.

b4 you see any report and pass a judgment kindly do some self investigating 1st. I am in no way related to the Thai " stranger " I just have to be fair.

Don't just write off a Thai as a scam artist in every report you see. Even though u have to be careful in all your dealings. Not everyone in Thailand is out to get your money. There are genuine ppl who wants to help and are fair and I have met quite alot here.

Edited by Moonmoon
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There is a lot of misleading and false information in this article and it is surprising that the reporter did not contact the rescuer in Thailand to verify. First of all this "adopter" did not lose £7,000 . Many people around the world and in Thailand had and have unconditionally donated to ensure the care and medical treatment of Ballon. The rescuer has been been looking after Ballon since last September and it is a lie that this person has been in a battle for over a year. The rescuer has records for all donations as well expenses incured. The person looking to adopt only got involved late last year. The truth is the rescuer felt bullied by the person wanting to adopt Ballon,and elected not to allow for the adoption. Now this person is spreading a false story to make people think she is the victim. Not the case, the ongoing personal attacks on the rescuer is the unfortunate outcome, which impacts all legimate Thai rescuers. End of story.

You got proof?

Nobody owes you proof. Do your own homework and research, you lazy oaf

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What do you wish to see for evidence?

Its not hard to find both parties on Facebook. Just type in their names n you can see both. The Thai "stranger" is not exactly a stranger as mentioned in the report. In fact on seeing her Facbook, She is actually quite well known for helping strays in Thailand and re-homing the pooches. ( she has even posted detail accounting spending of the pooch in the report as well. )

You don't need much evidence as if u do your own research on it which takes less than 10mins and a little common sense, You be able to see what is going on.

I help stray dogs myself in Thailand and though not on the extend of the person in the report and I kind of understand why her concerns on not giving up the dog for adoption. When I go on holidays, I find the best place n person who is able to take care of my dog well. So it is important for the person to find the best adopter for the dog.

There is alot of misunderstanding on the adopter part and I can see she is emotional as well. And if she can just calm down, I am sure she will get the dog.

b4 you see any report and pass a judgment kindly do some self investigating 1st. I am in no way related to the Thai " stranger " I just have to be fair.

Don't just write off a Thai as a scam artist in every report you see. Even though u have to be careful in all your dealings. Not everyone in Thailand is out to get your money. There are genuine ppl who wants to help and are fair and I have met quite alot here.

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Good for you for looking beneath the shallowness of tabloid reporting and ferreting out the truth. Miscommunication and emotional overreaction are a common human malady leading to misunderstanding and unnecessary distress. You are a wise person, you must feel like the guy in the bible casting his pearls (of wisdom) among the swine. I see that I was a little out of line and prejudicial, and learned (or relearned what I already knew) once again to refrain from judgment when not all the facts are avail\able and the sources of the story not checked. You have done your job today sir!

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There is a lot of misleading and false information in this article and it is surprising that the reporter did not contact the rescuer in Thailand to verify. First of all this "adopter" did not lose £7,000 . Many people around the world and in Thailand had and have unconditionally donated to ensure the care and medical treatment of Ballon. The rescuer has been been looking after Ballon since last September and it is a lie that this person has been in a battle for over a year. The rescuer has records for all donations as well expenses incured. The person looking to adopt only got involved late last year. The truth is the rescuer felt bullied by the person wanting to adopt Ballon,and elected not to allow for the adoption. Now this person is spreading a false story to make people think she is the victim. Not the case, the ongoing personal attacks on the rescuer is the unfortunate outcome, which impacts all legimate Thai rescuers. End of story.

You got proof?

Nobody owes you proof. Do your own homework and research, you lazy oaf

He made the statement so should prove it, that's the way it works fool.

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