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Springsteen cancels show because of North Carolina law


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Gotta love those Southerners in the US. It's like a different planet down there.


Looks like "The Boss" might need to rework his concert schedule in the future.


From the link provided...

"Lawmakers in seven states are looking to do something similar: Illinois,

Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee and Wisconsin. "



Horrors!!! Massachusetts, Kansas and Illinois?

They must have had a real influx of bigoted homophobic red neck trailer trash take over their state government lately.

I'm now wondering if all those disenfranchised students at the University of Missouri will consider this a micro-aggression

and refuse to attend classes.

That will teach the university a thing or two.coffee1.gif

A lot of bills get introduced in state legislatures throughout the country each year.

Then they just stay introduced cause little if anything happens to them.

There are Republicans elected to each state legislature, some are in the majority and others are in the minority. But the one thing we know is that they'll always crap out stupid or vile nonsense.

Keep us posted on the status of the bills in the states identified in the post. Let us know if hearings are scheduled, held, and if the bills advance to a vote in each chamber of each of the state legislatures to include any outcomes.

Of the states in the post several are Republican party controlled, such as Wisconsin and Gov Scott Walker, Mississippi where the toilets surpass the level of education, Tennessee which just voted to make the Bible the state official book; Kansas - ahh yes, Kansas...ugh no.

Illinois and Missouri have Democratic party governors who are against the bills; Massachusetts has an R party governor who opposes the bill (Charlie Baker for whom I voted by post/mail ballot).

The reactionary right keeps losing their fights and they have a decades old history of it. This is yet another one down the toilet too. But youse guyz are used to getting tanked out on this stuff.

Edited by Publicus
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I hope, there will be many more artists and businesses, who will "p1ss off" some of their customers and fans!

The only way, to get these backward, stoneage laws reviews, is pressure and boycott!

Springsteen for one, shows that he is still The Boss!

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"By the way...it's spelled "redneck" not red neck."

When all else fails, there is always playing the "spelling cop" to fall back on.

Just another childish post from a litany of childish posts made by you.

Edited by chuckd
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Well done Bruce, pissing off your customers and fans is a brilliant way of making a political statement ......

Excuse me. How about, 'pissing off some of your customers and fans". Do not overstep, you do not suppose

that all would not support him? I for one, support economic boycotts as a means of showing opposition to

law passed, based on religious beliefs of some, to discriminate. That holds with segregation in the US,

apartheid in South Africa or religious discrimination in Saudi Arabia. However, we are focused here on my country.

please could you point out where it mentions SA or Saudi in the article, if Bruce wants to make political statements then he should run for office. him boycotting the concert will lose the ticket holders money as you don't get 100% refunds anymore plus as he doesn't tour much anymore his loyal fans are missing out on seeing him in concert. I still think the majority will be pissed off rather than supporting him as it's not going to have any effect on the people who passed the legislation, does Bruce think the ticket holders are going to protest on his behalf?

Springsteen created some of the best music of my generation- maybe any generation. Rich, Americana, folksy, and palpable. However, when we became adults and realized he uses our support of his products to act upon very political issues, he loses credibility as an artist, not gains credibility as a politician.

I get that everyone should be able to have a voice and fame should not saddle that. However, he does not action his voice in spite of his fame, he actions his voice leveraging his fame. Without question, this is abusive of fans; he leverages the fans. Those that love him likely reject the obvious ethical conflict, but most of what Springsteen endorses over the years is entirely ethical relativity. Without question the greatest source of bigotry, intolerance, and loathing is found in his politics, dressed in liberty, fraternity, and equality. Bruce was a radical leftist long before today.

Your assessment of Springsteen's ethics seems somewhat emotional and irrational to me. Allegations of abuse. References to loathing. Why is the Right characterised by emotion? Cannot they use reason to counter the ideas of tolerance, diversity, inclusivity? They must use fear to oppose a left whose rationality is backed by centuries of philosophical inquiry. The beat up of the Trans use of bathrooms is a case in point.

Why is Springsteen to be denied a point of view just because he sings some songs? Rank hypocrisy of the Right shows its ugly face again.

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Ok - so let's get this right.

Let's say you run a Mormon bakery.

A gay couple comes in and asks you to bake a big cock shaped wedding cake.

you refuse on the basis of your religion.

Why should the law force you to bake the cake?

And why does Springsteen care?

Let's face it - these issues only come up because gay activists trawl the US looking for people to refuse to serve them. There really is very little homophobia or racism left in the US besides what activists need to find to prove their points.

A have never seen any report of any LGBT couple requesting a Wedding Cake made in the shape of a penis. Why do you make such scurrilous, unproven and false allegations. You wish to perpetuate some stereotype about LGBT promiscuity? A blatant, blunt and bigoted attack on LGBT people based on your stereotyping? Whatever you say from that point in your post has entirely no credibility. Your accusation of LGBT activists trying to beat up stories. Your complete and utter nonsense about racism and anti-LGBT bigotry not existing in America. This is directly disproved by the anti-LGBT religious hate laws in North Carolina, Mississippi, Kansas etc.

The homophobia and racism reflected on TVF is an absolute mirror of the same bigotry in western liberal democracies by a certain demographic of old white men.

Springsteen is voting with his dollars. Many, many other businesses and organisations, including the US Federal Government are doing the same.

Edited by lostboy
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Gotta love those Southerners in the US. It's like a different planet down there.


Looks like "The Boss" might need to rework his concert schedule in the future.


From the link provided...

"Lawmakers in seven states are looking to do something similar: Illinois,

Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee and Wisconsin. "



Horrors!!! Massachusetts, Kansas and Illinois?

They must have had a real influx of bigoted homophobic red neck trailer trash take over their state government lately.

I'm now wondering if all those disenfranchised students at the University of Missouri will consider this a micro-aggression

and refuse to attend classes.

That will teach the university a thing or two.coffee1.gif

I remember when the Dixie Chicks got shunned for refusing to join in the enthusiasm over the Iraq War. But I guess they learned their lesson. Too bad that the yahoos who turned on them didn't. And still haven't.

Edited by stillbornagain
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"By the way...it's spelled "redneck" not red neck."

When all else fails, there is always playing the "spelling cop" to fall back on.

Just another childish post from a litany of childish posts made by you.

Come on, man. You should at least know how to spell redneck. Na na na na na rolleyes.gif

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Gotta love those Southerners in the US. It's like a different planet down there.


Looks like "The Boss" might need to rework his concert schedule in the future.


From the link provided...

"Lawmakers in seven states are looking to do something similar: Illinois,

Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee and Wisconsin. "



Horrors!!! Massachusetts, Kansas and Illinois?

They must have had a real influx of bigoted homophobic red neck trailer trash take over their state government lately.

I'm now wondering if all those disenfranchised students at the University of Missouri will consider this a micro-aggression

and refuse to attend classes.

That will teach the university a thing or two.coffee1.gif

I remember when the Dixie Chicks got shunned for refusing to join in the enthusiasm over the Iraq War. But I guess they learned their lesson. Too bad that the yahoos who turned on them didn't. And still haven't.

Are you an Aussie as well?

If you were American you would know what the Dixie Chicks said and where they said it was the problem.

Natalie Maines announced the following at a London, England, concert right after the war began.

""We don't want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas".

Now just for your information, Texas is pretty big on country music so when Natalie made that statement critical of a favorite son in a foreign land with our troops in harm's way, it became tantamount to undermining our troops.

The yahoos that turned on them were the country music DJs and their fans.

To be quite frank about it, she let her alligator mouth overload her hummingbird ass.

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Gotta love those Southerners in the US. It's like a different planet down there.


Looks like "The Boss" might need to rework his concert schedule in the future.


From the link provided...

"Lawmakers in seven states are looking to do something similar: Illinois,

Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee and Wisconsin. "



Horrors!!! Massachusetts, Kansas and Illinois?

They must have had a real influx of bigoted homophobic red neck trailer trash take over their state government lately.

I'm now wondering if all those disenfranchised students at the University of Missouri will consider this a micro-aggression

and refuse to attend classes.

That will teach the university a thing or two.coffee1.gif

I remember when the Dixie Chicks got shunned for refusing to join in the enthusiasm over the Iraq War. But I guess they learned their lesson. Too bad that the yahoos who turned on them didn't. And still haven't.

Are you an Aussie as well?

If you were American you would know what the Dixie Chicks said and where they said it was the problem.

Natalie Maines announced the following at a London, England, concert right after the war began.

""We don't want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas".

Now just for your information, Texas is pretty big on country music so when Natalie made that statement critical of a favorite son in a foreign land with our troops in harm's way, it became tantamount to undermining our troops.

The yahoos that turned on them were the country music DJs and their fans.

To be quite frank about it, she let her alligator mouth overload her hummingbird ass.

"so when Natalie made that statement critical of a favorite son in a foreign land with our troops in harm's way, it became tantamount to undermining our troops." Because the morale of our professional army is so fragile that the Dixie Chicks could undermine it? No wonder we screwed up in Iraq. Apparently our troops were a bunch of self-doubting momma's boys and girls.. Next you'll be accusing her of giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Or is that what you've just done?

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And then there are people who are getting tired of the small special interest groups who insist that they are entitled to special treatment. Enough already.

Well that's your problem. The rest of us don't care. Deal with it.

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And then there are people who are getting tired of the small special interest groups who insist that they are entitled to special treatment. Enough already.

Well that's your problem. The rest of us don't care. Deal with it.

No, not a problem at all. The problem lies with the 5% of the population that thinks the other 95% should give in to their demands, lol. Asinine outlook on life, really.

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Looks like "The Boss" might need to rework his concert schedule in the future.


From the link provided...

"Lawmakers in seven states are looking to do something similar: Illinois,

Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee and Wisconsin. "



Horrors!!! Massachusetts, Kansas and Illinois?

They must have had a real influx of bigoted homophobic red neck trailer trash take over their state government lately.

I'm now wondering if all those disenfranchised students at the University of Missouri will consider this a micro-aggression

and refuse to attend classes.

That will teach the university a thing or two.coffee1.gif

I remember when the Dixie Chicks got shunned for refusing to join in the enthusiasm over the Iraq War. But I guess they learned their lesson. Too bad that the yahoos who turned on them didn't. And still haven't.

Are you an Aussie as well?

If you were American you would know what the Dixie Chicks said and where they said it was the problem.

Natalie Maines announced the following at a London, England, concert right after the war began.

""We don't want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas".

Now just for your information, Texas is pretty big on country music so when Natalie made that statement critical of a favorite son in a foreign land with our troops in harm's way, it became tantamount to undermining our troops.

The yahoos that turned on them were the country music DJs and their fans.

To be quite frank about it, she let her alligator mouth overload her hummingbird ass.

"so when Natalie made that statement critical of a favorite son in a foreign land with our troops in harm's way, it became tantamount to undermining our troops." Because the morale of our professional army is so fragile that the Dixie Chicks could undermine it? No wonder we screwed up in Iraq. Apparently our troops were a bunch of self-doubting momma's boys and girls.. Next you'll be accusing her of giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Or is that what you've just done?

I said what I said. You don't like it that's tough, but don't try to rephrase it into your own thoughts.

Take it or leave it.

Edited by chuckd
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"so when Natalie made that statement critical of a favorite son in a foreign land with our troops in harm's way, it became tantamount to undermining our troops." Because the morale of our professional army is so fragile that the Dixie Chicks could undermine it? No wonder we screwed up in Iraq. Apparently our troops were a bunch of self-doubting momma's boys and girls.. Next you'll be accusing her of giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Or is that what you've just done?

I remember when the Dixie Chicks got shunned for refusing to join in the enthusiasm over the Iraq War. But I guess they learned their lesson. Too bad that the yahoos who turned on them didn't. And still haven't.

Are you an Aussie as well?

If you were American you would know what the Dixie Chicks said and where they said it was the problem.

Natalie Maines announced the following at a London, England, concert right after the war began.

""We don't want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas".

Now just for your information, Texas is pretty big on country music so when Natalie made that statement critical of a favorite son in a foreign land with our troops in harm's way, it became tantamount to undermining our troops.

The yahoos that turned on them were the country music DJs and their fans.

To be quite frank about it, she let her alligator mouth overload her hummingbird ass.

I said what I said. You don't like it that's tough, but don't try to rephrase it into your own thoughts.

Take it or leave it.

So if you say something like, well, what you said, "so when Natalie made that statement critical of a favorite son in a foreign land with our troops in harm's way, it became tantamount to undermining our troops." it means what it means and that's all that it means. You sure you're not really Popeye? "I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam". I salute your service, sailor. Anyway, what I really wanted to do is apologize. It turns out I uncovered a fragment of an old news clipping from the era which proves you absolutely correct.


In the wake of Natalie Manyes denunciation of the American intervention in Iraq, American troops to a man and woman have suffered a grievous blow to their morale. As much as 98% of the troops bound for Iraq assert that they feel that what Manyes has done is tantamount to undermining them. This demoralization comes despite the fact that 72 percent of Americans in a recent Gallup Poll support the Iraqi venture. Said Airforce Specialist 1st Class and part-time Texan, Ned Wilson, I don't see any hope for us at all. I just feel so undermined." When asked if this meant that his morale had suffered, Nelson said, "I said what I said. You don't like it, that's tough. But don't try to rephrase it into your own thoughts." ...

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Ok - so let's get this right.

Let's say you run a Mormon bakery.

A gay couple comes in and asks you to bake a big cock shaped wedding cake.

you refuse on the basis of your religion.

Why should the law force you to bake the cake?

And why does Springsteen care?

Let's face it - these issues only come up because gay activists trawl the US looking for people to refuse to serve them. There really is very little homophobia or racism left in the US besides what activists need to find to prove their points.

A have never seen any report of any LGBT couple requesting a Wedding Cake made in the shape of a penis. Why do you make such scurrilous, unproven and false allegations. You wish to perpetuate some stereotype about LGBT promiscuity? A blatant, blunt and bigoted attack on LGBT people based on your stereotyping? Whatever you say from that point in your post has entirely no credibility. Your accusation of LGBT activists trying to beat up stories. Your complete and utter nonsense about racism and anti-LGBT bigotry not existing in America. This is directly disproved by the anti-LGBT religious hate laws in North Carolina, Mississippi, Kansas etc.

The homophobia and racism reflected on TVF is an absolute mirror of the same bigotry in western liberal democracies by a certain demographic of old white men.

Springsteen is voting with his dollars. Many, many other businesses and organisations, including the US Federal Government are doing the same.

You dont know many gay people, do you?

All of my gay friends have a sense if humor.

Shame they have to put up with the far left frothing at the mouth getting offended on their behalf.

And for your information. I have seen 2 penis shaped cakes in my life. Both given to gay men on their birthday. Not a single person got offended but I can understand why not every baker would want to make them.

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Has Brooce asked for his records to be pulled from the racks, no more streaming or digital downloading of his albums, no more air time in NC?

These, " Aint Going To Play Sun City "types are nothing but hypocrites.

They had no problem taking the royalties from their Sth African record sales back in the day, makes me wonder how they even allowed their albums to be sold there?

Do as I say, not as I do.

As for Brooce ripping off Woddy Guthrie, he aint fit to lace his shoes.

Edited by rgs2001uk
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Are you still in Junior High School?

Was "I said what I said. You don't like it that's tough, but don't try to rephrase it into your own thoughts." considered a valid response on your junior high school debating team? I don't think that would even make the grade in elementary school.


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Ok - so let's get this right.

Let's say you run a Mormon bakery.

A gay couple comes in and asks you to bake a big cock shaped wedding cake.

you refuse on the basis of your religion.

Why should the law force you to bake the cake?

And why does Springsteen care?

Let's face it - these issues only come up because gay activists trawl the US looking for people to refuse to serve them. There really is very little homophobia or racism left in the US besides what activists need to find to prove their points.

A have never seen any report of any LGBT couple requesting a Wedding Cake made in the shape of a penis. Why do you make such scurrilous, unproven and false allegations. You wish to perpetuate some stereotype about LGBT promiscuity? A blatant, blunt and bigoted attack on LGBT people based on your stereotyping? Whatever you say from that point in your post has entirely no credibility. Your accusation of LGBT activists trying to beat up stories. Your complete and utter nonsense about racism and anti-LGBT bigotry not existing in America. This is directly disproved by the anti-LGBT religious hate laws in North Carolina, Mississippi, Kansas etc.

The homophobia and racism reflected on TVF is an absolute mirror of the same bigotry in western liberal democracies by a certain demographic of old white men.

Springsteen is voting with his dollars. Many, many other businesses and organisations, including the US Federal Government are doing the same.

You dont know many gay people, do you?

All of my gay friends have a sense if humor.

Shame they have to put up with the far left frothing at the mouth getting offended on their behalf.

And for your information. I have seen 2 penis shaped cakes in my life. Both given to gay men on their birthday. Not a single person got offended but I can understand why not every baker would want to make them.

You are barking up completely the wrong tree on your assumption but never mind. It really does not matter how many penis shaped cakes you have seen in your life, I have seen more, none of them however were wedding cakes. You do realise there is a difference? The religious bigots are claiming their version of marriage history is the only version. The refusal to bake the cakes for LGBT weddings is because it is a WEDDING CAKE. Birthday cakes to not count. Even religious nuts can't deny the right to a birthday celebration to LGBT people on religious grounds.

So you have gay friends. So what. That makes every thing you say on LGBT issues valid?

This is about people taking a stand against discrimination. Legally enforced bigotry. Legally enforced shaming of a minority that is different. People like Springsteen voting with their dollars to make a clear statement to the bigots that their actions are unacceptable. Your trivialisation about penis cakes makes you a boor, no matter how many gay friends you claim.

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Fake red herring issue.

There is no movement to force religious cake bakers to bake obscene baked products for ANYONE!

Never has been. Never will be.

Geez, the twisted games the opponents of GLBT civil rights play are seemingly endless.

Some bakeries do erotic baked products and it's fair to assume none of them are religious fundamentalists of ANY flavor.

Can you really imagine a bakery that does penis cakes discriminating based on the sexuality of the customers? Come on now.

Duh. Double Duh.

Next ...

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And then there are people who are getting tired of the small special interest groups who insist that they are entitled to special treatment. Enough already.

Hear, hear!

Just because a guy is wearing a dress, it doesn't award him special rights.

Springsteen's heart is probably in the right place, but I don't think he (and many others) has given his position on this issue enough thought regarding the potential horrific consequences. It's needlessly dangerous and risky, and the only reason it's even being discussed is to advance a political agenda.

What horrific consequences??? How is it needlessly dangerous and risky??? The political agenda is all in the Republican wingnut's heads! In their paranoid little fear world where Trump and Cruz protect us from...from?

I DON'T CARE WHO IS TAKING A DUMP IN THE NEXT STALL unless it's a closet gay Republican congressman in a Minneapolis Airport stall, trying to get me to play footsie with him. Remember that fine upstanding gay hating POS?

This law was written for a crime that's never been committed and doesn't exist. It's just a mean spirited way to get at the LGBT community. Admit it you cowards! It's all a bogus waste of time. They created a law just to hurt people.

Bryan Adams cancels show in Mississippi for the same reason. Time for the wingnuts to start unloading on him now. Who is next?

What if you're next? Expat Americans living in Thailand are certainly suspect. Especially the certifiable ones. whistling.gif

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Bryan Adams is following The Boss!

I hope many more will!

Ok, so Springsteen isn't coming, Bryan Adams isn't coming, and New York State Employees aren't coming. I don't see a downside here.

My guess is North Carolina would be very happy if all liberal Democrats would boycott their state.

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Fake red herring issue.

There is no movement to force religious cake bakers to bake obscene baked products for ANYONE!

Never has been. Never will be.

Geez, the twisted games the opponents of GLBT civil rights play are seemingly endless.

Some bakeries do erotic baked products and it's fair to assume none of them are religious fundamentalists of ANY flavor.

Can you really imagine a bakery that does penis cakes discriminating based on the sexuality of the customers? Come on now.

Duh. Double Duh.

Next ...

Nobody said they were, you klutz.

It was merely injecting a little humor into the debate.

What IS happening is that homosexual couples are suing cake shops for not making cakes with (for example) two male figurines on and "well done Ben and Joe" on them.

Now - the reason you should be allowed to refuse to make the cake is simple. The act of making the cake is participating in the event. It's not refusing someone because you don't like them. It's refusing to participate. There is a huge difference.

If you are devoutly religious and your religion tells you that homosexuality is a mortal sin (something I do not believe), then you should not be forced to participate in any way in a homosexual event.

It is not about prejudice it is about forced participation.

The LGBT community very much has it in for Christians. Muslims get a free pass for some reason, so we don't see LGBT activists trawling southern states looking for Mulsim bakeries to sue. Christians are very much a target.

At the end of the day, I'll bake the bloody cakes. They won't look much - but these Christians have their beliefs. I don't agree - but honestly, it's hardly saving the world forcing them to cook your dick-cake is it?

Edited by pedro01
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Bryan Adams is following The Boss!

I hope many more will!

Of course they will. Protecting toilet rights for transvestites is such an earth-shakingly important issue.

It's ridiculous isn't it?

I think they should just change the signs on the doors to "have penis" and "don't have penis".

As I see it.

Allowing Transexuals access to their desired gender bathrooms:

Upside - .01% of the population get to pee sitting down instead of standing up

Downside - perverts will abuse the law and dress as the opposing sex to get access to womens toilets/changing facilities

Now - I think the downside far outweighs the upside there but then - I'm a parent, perhaps the fact that 99.999% of the people pushing this ludicrous law don't have children to worry about is why they don't care about the downside.

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