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Assurancetourix - Daily life in Thailand and what I see

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Sunday 28 of august ;

despite it's raining nearly all day all night , I can find some hours to cycle and shoot photos;

since last tuesday I cycle 220 km in three days;

nothing today ; I'm in front of my laptop listening some blues





Some photos  maybe u have already seen in differents topics here..


Some strange road mark, have a look at the curve..








A Komatsu crane in my favorite " kaya" house



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As usual we had much rain during the night and a bonus, " fye dap " from 5 am to I don't know exactly , but coming back home at 1 pm I had electricity :facepalm:


A little bit blurred, sorry - 07.04 am - 1/100* ..why so slow ?




07.44 am - Ban Ya school , flood...



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Coming back home  ; I had no rain ..Lucky man  :wai:


Rd 22 - TG 860 - f/8.5 - 1/800* - iso 400 - 39 mm - 2.20 pm



Rd 22 - TG 860 - f/5.2 - 1/500* - iso 400 - 45 mm -2.45 pm



Our new washing machine


Our village :P - TG 860 - f/3.5 - 1/60* - iso 400 - 21 mm - 3 pm



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Hi everybody ,


Wow.. So much rain every nights, every days also ..

But sometimes, not today; it was raining until now 11 am ..


So yesterday leaving the house at about 7 a.m raining a little bit ,


Rd 22 going to Nong Han - 9 am




9.50 am , not raining but no sun




I'm in Nong Mek, about 6 km before Nong Han ;

they resolved the problem about flying wires :cheesy: ; like they want to do in Bangkok



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Cycling just before this big truck ..We are at about 30 km/h




Mini Bik Chi ( it's what is writting on the publicity :P )




Coming back home, as usual, excessive speed AND overload , result =

and maybe or surely too much air in the tyres .


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Since last monday..We had so much rain , all the nights and nearly all the days;

but between two downpour I can cycle a little bit .:P


Tuesday 6 of september, half of my dogs ..it's raining ..






Wednesday 7 of september , cycling a little bit on rd 22 direction Udon Thani



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Yesterday a very bad sunday ..Rain , rain & rain ..:(

This morning no rain , so I decided to cycle a little bit .

I went to Phangkhon , rd 22 direction of Sakon Nakhon;

Going to the house of a french friend ...

The first time since I know him there is no road...






Last week he went to Pattaya for some holidays; he was a " chef" in Jomtien during many years .

He said to me ,

Oh! Pattaya and Jomtien are beginning to be a ghost town; so many buildings , shops to sell

and nearly nobody, nearly no clients in some well known cafe like The Bodega ( soi Yamato or Post Office, I don't remember )


On rd 227, coming back home



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Raining and raining ...But it cannot stop me for cycling .

Today came to Nong Mek direction of Udon Thani ;

did 59 km


Rd 22 before it begins to rain ..



Found a beautiful Leo " krapong "




Coming back; in our village they are working with this big mecanical showel



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Yesterday, raining all the day ..so in front of the computer ; and playing with the dogs and the cat .

This morning a beautiful sun ...Yip ! Yip  on the MTBike  for a ride ..

76 km ; coming back home without rain  !

But now at 2.36 pm it's raining again :bah:


How many Michelin dolls can u see on this truck ? :cheesy:


Olympus TG 860



The sky end of morning ..


Olumpus TG 860



Another Bibendum truck with beautiful helmets


Olympus TG 860


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 Tuesday , september 20 - 2016 ----------------  99 kilometers today .



Electricity as usual in Thailand ;:post-4641-1156693976:

we are on rd 2021 , Song Dao to Ban Kham_Bit ..

Hope the guy who will cut the grass and the trees will have good eyes ...





Rd 227, a few km before arriving in Phangkhon



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Ah ! Yesterday a few kilometers ; about 30 on red roads...and the rest 32 on main roads such as rd 22

I like to ride on these roads even the MTBike is dirty when arriving at home ..

All photos with Olympus TG 860

Just outside my village




The rd to Ban Tha_Sila ( rd 4039 ) ; a poor lonely buddy, a beautiful one, don't know why thai people don't care about their dogs:post-4641-1156693976:




And an Etan




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