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How much for the Hitler House?


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What appears to be the problem here? This Pommer woman is the rightful owner, she has been renting the thing out for 40 y now to the Austrian state. Not the slightest hint of her wanting to turn it into a Nazi attraction. Austria is still renting it from her (that's the 5k Euro of rent), they just don't know what to do with it as she refuses to allow alterations for better accessibility and refurbishing the bathrooms. Which is within her rights, a lot of elderly landlords don't want that to bw sone to a house they liklely lived in themselves during their childhood. Disown while she is still using it economically, i.e. renting out? Tough cookie! So while using the thing (it's not 'Hitler's house', he never owned it nor is this Pommer woman related to him) as a workshop for disabled might be a nice touch with a view to the Nazis' ableism, there does not seem to he a call for that.

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To prevent it from being a shrine for the neo-nazis. Doesn't make much sense to spend money on preserving it.

Too late, the actual private owner, Gerlinde Pommer, makes some average 4.800 EUR per month on random visitors.

Not all of them are neo-Nazi's...

Nice attempt at being sarcastic, but that thing is standing empty, the Austrian state is paying for it.
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This thread has been kind of fun, but honestly I don't really care at all and not sure why people would care very much. Hitler lost big time ... dustbin of history and all that, his name is deservedly synonymous with the worst of the worst and at the end of the day it's just a building.

Edited by Jingthing
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Torch it.

why ?

To prevent it from being a shrine for the neo-nazis. Doesn't make much sense to spend money on preserving it.

Should have been raised to the ground along with the whole village back in 1945/6... they had the justification to do it then, now it is not so easy.

Razed, not raised!

Just trying to be helpful, lol!

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Turning it into anything relating to the Jews would be an insult to over 6 million souls...

I can well understand that POV and perhaps you're right but I don't pretend to know what most of them would think about that. I reckon Jewish religious leaders would probably agree with you but Jews weren't slaughtered by Hitler for their religion but rather for Hitler's ideology of racism.

And their cash & possessions.

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