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PM threatens 10 year prison sentence for politicians who criticize referendum


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"Are you serious ?" said the bar host .""You honestly think this Government is going to lock people up"?


I added "" progressively it will tighten the noose" and eventually expel westerners after sanctions .

""seize assets""

These were my 2014 july predictions as i left.

Several friends laughed in my face .

Most said the Government would return democracy by 2015 and be a stabilising Good thing.

And the self appointed leader was a good guy.

Now with AA and imprisonment and threats there of- and rigged elections in the future .

Arrests over red bowls and Facebook likes or 'any dissent and /or opinion not in favour of charter , times are becoming more manifestly clearer.

The next phases will silence the Junta boys here for good.

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Clearly, the Thai Voter will not be allowed to "Change things".

If at all, "changes" will possibly be made by a number younger, more worldly oriented Colonels that have reached the conclusion, that leading Thailand back into the 18th century can not possibly be the future of this country.


How sad is it that the best hope for this country is now that another military coup rises up to overthrow this idiotic military coup?


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What about the man (or woman),on the street ,will they also get

10 years forced holiday,if they criticize it ?,or is it just a way to

put all politicians in the nick,and thereby clean up Thai politics.

regards Worgeordie

My guess it that the junta expects the Thai kowtow culture to deal with it. If we lock up your leaders b/c they don't kowtow to us, then we are the only one's left to kowtow to.

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I like Abhisit, if given a second chance I think he'd make a good go of it.

I do actually like him.... and would like to see him get a second chance...

Now that Suthep is out of the picture I do believe he would be freer to be himself rather than having to tow the line.

Yes, I think most expats were happy with him as PM. Shame Thaksin ruined it for him.

Well actually, it was the Thai electorate who ruined it for him.

They didn't want him, so they voted him out.

Still, it couldn't happen now - the voting I mean.

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I like Abhisit, if given a second chance I think he'd make a good go of it.

I do actually like him.... and would like to see him get a second chance...

Now that Suthep is out of the picture I do believe he would be freer to be himself rather than having to tow the line.

Yes, I think most expats were happy with him as PM. Shame Thaksin ruined it for him.

Well actually, it was the Thai electorate who ruined it for him.

They didn't want him, so they voted him out.

Still, it couldn't happen now - the voting I mean.

Yes, and that is apparently a huge step forward according to a few confused posters on TVF.

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Just empty threats. No politicians, activists, editors and even students are afraid of these regular display of idioscrantic outburst. Even the intimidating AA has worn off and not frightening anyone to denounce what they stand for. Just what laws are there to jail someone for 10 years for speaking out. Well unless 44 and that will ignite something that the junta will regret.

I don't even see any angry warning after Thaksin held his more than 5 person Skype meeting. Ahbisit also have his more than 5 conference and spoke in no uncertain terms of the charter negativities. Even little Penquin is daring the junta to do something. Just read the today article in BP and harsh comments about the junta charter. It's almost daily that articles appearing condemning the charter.

What is he going do. Jail all. Doubt so. We will see more condemnation of the charter as politicians and sundries will push the envelope and dare the junta who is getting more and more unpopular to do something. If that something happen, viola, creat an excuse for the people to congregate for a common cause. For all the fierce some facade, he is a unsecured and ordinary guy and doubt he will lay down his life and his pride for other people cause. He is not into this for himself, just a crony acting on orders.

I'm pretty sure you're right about the empty threats although he could just imprison a few to try to act as a deterrent.

I'm not so sure about him being a crony acting on orders though. However despite the fact he said he now had complete control of the country with article 44 (that's his translated words not mine and there may be a English word for that) he only has that control with the backing of the army. At the moment that means the generals and other top brass. That's why you won't see any great action taken against them and their privileges. There seems to be an easing of pressure on the police as well maybe for the same reason.

The big question is the level of support in the lower ranks. There were several posters on here a couple of years ago that said a coup wasn't possible due to the lower ranks not being willing to take part. That obviously wasn't the case but I don't know how far or how long their support will last.

I was one of them.

This coup is based upon and worked because of the the belief/fear of the population that the junta actually has the strength to take widespread action if they want to. That belief/fear is underpinned by the 2010 shootings, carried out by a relatively small number of units in the Bangkok Garrison which the generals could rely on. I don' t know, but suspect that those units are recruited from very specific areas, and officered by members of the "right teams".

So far when the military has needed to act they have managed by using relatively small numbers of "enforcers" drawn, it is my impression, from the regular (not conscript) elements, predominately within various headquarters.

I would still argue that the rank and file, predominately conscript, predominately drawn from the poorer and rural sectors of the population, would be unwilling to take part." Stagging on" at checkpoints is one thing. Going into action against the ordinary people is another. They won't shoot their own...

...I'm not so sure about that. These "ordinary people" you mention seem to have no trouble shooting each other for far more trivial reasons day in, day out here............

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Naughty or nice...

Who were the last people to wear uniforms as government officials? The Nazis.

Who are the only nation on earth who use Hitlers image commercially in a non-ridiculing way? Thailand.

Which civilian Airport inexplicably boasts a Luftwaffe Stuka dive-bomber hanging from the ceiling? Don Muang

I'm surprised the current Reichs Chancellor has ditched all the gongs and gold braid for a nice Sukhumvit suit.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Democrat Party, shut up, shut your mouths.

If I had things my way, I'd have senior members of the Democrat Party put in prison for ten years, with or without remarks regarding whatever referendum.

Bunch of Chinese-Thais, why don't you just go home to China ? We do actually know that you look the same as a load of Chinese people, even though nobody in Thailand dare say so.

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Democrat Party, shut up, shut your mouths.

If I had things my way, I'd have senior members of the Democrat Party put in prison for ten years, with or without remarks regarding whatever referendum.

Bunch of Chinese-Thais, why don't you just go home to China ? We do actually know that you look the same as a load of Chinese people, even though nobody in Thailand dare say so.

All of Thailand's political parties are packed with Thai-Chinese. Have a look at Puea Thai Cabinet group photos.

Thai-Chinese are the ruling class whatever their political leanings.

Edited by apetley
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Democrat Party, shut up, shut your mouths.

If I had things my way, I'd have senior members of the Democrat Party put in prison for ten years, with or without remarks regarding whatever referendum.

Bunch of Chinese-Thais, why don't you just go home to China ? We do actually know that you look the same as a load of Chinese people, even though nobody in Thailand dare say so.

All of Thailand's political parties are packed with Thai-Chinese. Have a look at Puea Thai Cabinet group photos.

Thai-Chinese are the ruling class whatever their political leanings.

Chinese are a clever breed of people , ancient and wiser than many Asian counter parts .

They also own much of the asian economies .

Eventually the scripts read each Friday evening will become more about "" The People"" and sound like a Chinese State speech Writer...is behind it all....( as indeed they will be) denouncement s of westerners are not far off.

And the old "returning Happiness to the people will be on billboards ."

Edited by Plutojames88
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