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Trump amassing delegates who might not be loyal to him


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whats the point of holding primaries if the delegates are not bound to honor the voters wishes?

The whole US presidential election system if fatally flawed. My vote as an individual is only counted at the state level. Americans do not vote directly for our president.

We are stuck with a system that was cobbled together as a compromise 200 years ago!

The US presidential system is just fine. It is done as it is suppose to be done and as agreed upon in the Continental Congress. Remember the United States of America consists of 50 states and each state has their say. It is a federal system and adds the final check and balance on the DC bunch. Could you imagine how difficult it would be to rig 50 states, but I guarantee that DC bunch would figure how to rig everything about an election if it wasn't for state rights. Naw, lot of history on how we are governed including the two senators from each state, fine the way it is.

I agree. It's a hodge-podge system, but that's part of its appeal. By stretching out the primary season, it precludes a candidate getting elected on impulse alone. If the primary season lasted one day (all states voting), either Trump or Cruz or Bush would be the likely candidate. ....or possibly even Carson, as he was leading for a week in November. And later, when Republicans get a better idea of what a dufus candidate they elected, there would be no way to change it. The current way, with it drawn out, gives uncommitted voters weeks to mull their choices. it's sort of like choosing someone to wed. In places like Syria, Saudi Arabia or N.Korea, there is only one choice, like or lump it.

Even with the drawn-out US primary season, Republicans will likely wind up with a dufus. Kasich was their comparatively decent option, but Republicans don't want decency, they want a firebrand. Remember what your mama said(?), "don't play with matches" ....particularly when hanging out at the pumps at a gas station.

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Trump Delegate Cries Foul.

"They took my delegate credentials because I support Trump!" "They replaced me!" "My name is not on the Delegate list and I was prevented from voting!"


National news, right wing radio and blogs are spreading this. It's gone viral!

The guy claimed he was replaced as a delegate, because he supported Trump. He was not a state delegate. Never was. He thought he was...but he screwed up. LOL Then he stupidly went and made those angry videos and burned his republican party registration papers. LOL. FOX , Drudge and Right Wing "news' outlets went viral with this 100% false story.

Fact, Larry Lindsey erroneously claimed he’d been elected as a delegate to the state assembly from his precinct caucus, something that is not possible under the rules in Douglas County. “Since Mr. Lindsey did not attend the County District Assembly he was not elected to be a delegate to the State Assembly, nor could he have been, so there is no way that he would have been listed as a delegate to the State Convention when he tried to check in on Saturday morning,” Tanne Blackburn, chairman of the Douglas County Republican Party, explained.

Mr Lindsey now admits "he may have missed the meeting." LOL!

Prove it. Where is the link.

And do NOT post something from RNC.

They know (as well as Cruz) they are in deep shit.

It was / is simply not acceptable.

Well, perhaps to you, CousineEddie, it is.

Where are you from?

Edited by howto
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Trump Delegate Cries Foul.

"They took my delegate credentials because I support Trump!" "They replaced me!" "My name is not on the Delegate list and I was prevented from voting!"


National news, right wing radio and blogs are spreading this. It's gone viral!


The guy claimed he was replaced as a delegate, because he supported Trump. He was not a state delegate. Never was. He thought he was...but he screwed up. LOL Then he stupidly went and made those angry videos and burned his republican party registration papers. LOL. FOX , Drudge and Right Wing "news' outlets went viral with this 100% false story.

Fact, Larry Lindsey erroneously claimed hed been elected as a delegate to the state assembly from his precinct caucus, something that is not possible under the rules in Douglas County. Since Mr. Lindsey did not attend the County District Assembly he was not elected to be a delegate to the State Assembly, nor could he have been, so there is no way that he would have been listed as a delegate to the State Convention when he tried to check in on Saturday morning, Tanne Blackburn, chairman of the Douglas County Republican Party, explained.

Mr Lindsey now admits "he may have missed the meeting." LOL!

Prove it. Where is the link.

And do NOT post something from RNC.

They know (as well as Cruz) they are in deep shit.

It was / is simply not acceptable.

Well, perhaps to you, CousineEddie, it is.

Where are you from?

The gentleman posted a rant on YouTube. Said he was a state delegate and was replaced because he was a Trump supporter.

He was furious and made all sorts of accusations and threats, burned his republican registration papers.

He was going to get even with the establishment. Blah blah blah.

Drudge, FOX and right wing radio spread his story. It went viral.

Turns out, Mr Lindsey didn't know the rules or knew the rules and didn't follow them.

He never went to the county assembly meeting to be chosen as a delegate.

He we not registered so that is why he was not allowed to vote. He was not replaced because he was a Trump supporter. That was nonsense.

2 days ago he admitted " I just found out I missed a meeting" Oooops!

What a dummy.

The conservative news took the bait too!

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"Since Mr. Lindsey did not attend the County District Assembly he was not elected to be a delegate to the State Assembly, nor could he have been, so there is no way that he would have been listed as a delegate to the State Convention when he tried to check in on Saturday morning,” Tanne Blackburn, chairman of the Douglas County Republican Party, explained.


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"Since Mr. Lindsey did not attend the County District Assembly he was not elected to be a delegate to the State Assembly, nor could he have been, so there is no way that he would have been listed as a delegate to the State Convention when he tried to check in on Saturday morning, Tanne Blackburn, chairman of the Douglas County Republican Party, explained.


Gotta wonder about the mentality of the Trumo voters?

I suggest the secret service observe this guy if he shows up at the convention

The guy's name is Larry Lindsey. His YouTube ID is 'Brew Skie'

Check out his other videos.

Redneck bloggers, journalists and YouTubers have published the false story.

Amazing. The conservative news runs a story like this without checking.

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So why was EVERY Trump delegate

suppressed AND replaced with a Cruz supporter,

and WHY was there not a caucus for the people to vote.

This is NOT a false story,

perhaps to this one man, however,




That is what's wrong here.

CousinEddie where are you from???

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"Since Mr. Lindsey did not attend the County District Assembly he was not elected to be a delegate to the State Assembly, nor could he have been, so there is no way that he would have been listed as a delegate to the State Convention when he tried to check in on Saturday morning, Tanne Blackburn, chairman of the Douglas County Republican Party, explained.


Gotta wonder about the mentality of the Trumo voters?

I suggest the secret service observe this guy if he shows up at the convention

The guy's name is Larry Lindsey. His YouTube ID is 'Brew Skie'

Check out his other videos.

Redneck bloggers, journalists and YouTubers have published the false story.

Amazing. The conservative news runs a story like this without checking.

They have a trainwreck on their hands CE, will continue to grasp at the thinnest of straws.

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So why was EVERY Trump delegate

suppressed AND replaced with a Cruz supporter,

and WHY was there not a caucus for the people to vote.

This is NOT a false story,

perhaps to this one man, however,




That is what's wrong here.

CousinEddie where are you from???

Every Trump delegate was suppressed or replaced?

You are getting bad information somewhere. It's been explained several times.

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Howto, him saying what?

The point is that this "replaced, suppressed delegate" was not. He's a farce and the mainstream right-wing press ran with it.

You then have also posted that all Trump's delegates have been replaced and/or suppressed" that is also wrong.

So now I am concluding you are just trolling. You don't have any idea of what you are posting about, and now are ranting.

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A redneck is described in the dictionary as, a white person who lives in a small town or in the country especially in the southern U.S., who typically has a working-class job, and who is seen by others as being uneducated and having opinions and attitudes that are offensive ..and due to their labor under the summer sun, their necks would turn red and so the descriptor red-neck was born.

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I've voted in many elections over the years. Have supported candidates on both sides of the political spectrum. This election cycle has really shown how in both parties the political insiders run the politics of the country. The whole process is rigged from the get go. In general, candidates anointed by the parties have the upper hand before the primaries get started. The primary system is a fraud perpetrated on the American public at the outset with money and support gathered to push the party candidate to the forefront. Hillary was the anointed one of the Democrats until Bernie stepped into the race. Trump as totally upset the Republican side of the deal as has Cruz to a lessor extent. I am very disappointed the the choices for President all around.

The primary system as it exists is a hoax and in every state the parties can make up the process in selecting delegates for the convention in differing ways. The primaries are all held on different dates so for example by the time one gets to vote in California in June half the candidates have dropped out of the race. New Hampshire a state with no population to speak of is considered an important victory. It's a total joke. High schools and colleges have a better process for selecting a student body president. If all this primary process is basically about selecting delegates for a political convention, then the tax payers should not be footing the bill for those state elections. Make the parties do it.

On a positive note, I know that no matter who gets elected it will be another 4 years of deadlocked government and in that I take solace as none of the candidates will be able to do much harm. The only reason to vote is in local elections where it might make a difference. Certainly we can all see that the federal government just grinds on decade after decade and the only thing it knows how to do is increase its size. For the most part it is impotent to do anything.

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For once I agree with trump, it is rigged against him.

The Republicans (at least the smart ones) realize they are on a suicide mission with Trump as their nominee.

Sure, there are a lot of crackpots out there but not enough to elect the Trumpmeister.

Sadly, I will miss him. He's fun to watch ... Like those failed NASA rocket launches are fun to watch.

Yep those are the GOP rules! Never mind Trump, it's the anti democratic rules that you should be concerned about. Bugger what the people want

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What the RNC needs to consider is Trump's other bargaining chip here, and that's the threat of third-party candidacy. Even if he can't win the nomination on the first ballot because he simply doesn't have the majority number needed, and even if it's totally true that delegates are "free" after that first ballot to vote for anybody they want, if Trump isn't satisfied with the fairness of the process, he has a huge monkey wrench to throw into the works that the RNC will be powerless to stop. The RNC needs to work with him WRT the rules, or it shoots itself in the foot. But Trump also needs to understand that the process doesn't guarantee him anything if he can't take the nomination on the first ballot, and that's a huge possibility. They need each other.

Dems are in the same boat. Alienated Sanders supporters aren't going to magically morph into enthusiastic Hillary voters on Election Day.

I've never bothered to find out the exact details, but Trump may have a problem running as an independent candidate due to deadlines in certain states.

Otherwise, I agree that it would be important leverage for Trump.

He could join the Libertarian Party

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The prior poster is correct- there is no real direct election of a President and the rules to even run favor the wealthy and machine politicians. The only real candidate who could make a difference is Bernie Sanders. He abhors the current system and rails against the wealthy bankers and business people and their bought politicians who created one of the worst economic meltdowns in history and all of them were bailed out. Millions of Americans suffered during this crisis and are still suffering. The wealthy lost nothing and the people who caused it- instead of being jailed- are free to profit from a bailout funded by my tax dollars- and try to get richer off the backs of the American people. Unless Bernie Sanders became President much of the same will continue. The politicians and their wealthy backers will continue to steal from the American people until finally the poor and middle class are able to create the next American Revolution. The current situation is not sustainable. If you think Thailand was chaotic wait till the 'fun' starts in America.

Your right-whingers will scream socialism mate. You know, a fear mongering "ism" that most people who throw it about can't even define.

Please define it for us

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If you don't know enough about the electoral process to run it effectively, what processes about running the government is Trump also not aware of.

He has no business being in politics. Go back to bankrupting your casinos and firing people on your reality TV show. it's what you do best.

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Just goes to show how much of a GOP insider Cruz actually is despite his claims of being

an outsider. One thing is for sure, he is slick and slippery. Machiavelli has nothing on Cruz. coffee1.gif

Just wait, they're going to spit him out when the time is right.

Cruz is not as stupid as the character that he portrays on the stump, but they're not going to let him run. On the GOP ticket, that is.

Consider the possibility of more than three candidates in November.

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What the RNC needs to consider is Trump's other bargaining chip here, and that's the threat of third-party candidacy. Even if he can't win the nomination on the first ballot because he simply doesn't have the majority number needed, and even if it's totally true that delegates are "free" after that first ballot to vote for anybody they want, if Trump isn't satisfied with the fairness of the process, he has a huge monkey wrench to throw into the works that the RNC will be powerless to stop. The RNC needs to work with him WRT the rules, or it shoots itself in the foot. But Trump also needs to understand that the process doesn't guarantee him anything if he can't take the nomination on the first ballot, and that's a huge possibility. They need each other.

Dems are in the same boat. Alienated Sanders supporters aren't going to magically morph into enthusiastic Hillary voters on Election Day.

I've never bothered to find out the exact details, but Trump may have a problem running as an independent candidate due to deadlines in certain states.

Otherwise, I agree that it would be important leverage for Trump.

He could join the Libertarian Party

Most states must have deadlines for being listed on the ballot, because ballots DO have to be printed and distributed. But he can always run as a write-in. Is he a realistic contender as a write-in candidate? Probably not. Is he a realistic contender if has to run as a write-in candidate just in SOME states with early deadlines? 'Depends on which states those would be I guess...

At this point, it's looking to me like there's less & less chance of Trump securing the needed number of delegates on the first ballot. There'll be just as many embittered Republicans if Trump doesn't make it as there will be embittered Democrats if Sanders doesn't. If they both lose out at their respective conventions (and I personally think that the most likely scenario, absent a Clinton indictment), it's going to be interesting to see what happens next.

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What the RNC needs to consider is Trump's other bargaining chip here, and that's the threat of third-party candidacy. Even if he can't win the nomination on the first ballot because he simply doesn't have the majority number needed, and even if it's totally true that delegates are "free" after that first ballot to vote for anybody they want, if Trump isn't satisfied with the fairness of the process, he has a huge monkey wrench to throw into the works that the RNC will be powerless to stop. The RNC needs to work with him WRT the rules, or it shoots itself in the foot. But Trump also needs to understand that the process doesn't guarantee him anything if he can't take the nomination on the first ballot, and that's a huge possibility. They need each other.

Dems are in the same boat. Alienated Sanders supporters aren't going to magically morph into enthusiastic Hillary voters on Election Day.

I've never bothered to find out the exact details, but Trump may have a problem running as an independent candidate due to deadlines in certain states.

Otherwise, I agree that it would be important leverage for Trump.

He could join the Libertarian Party

Most states must have deadlines for being listed on the ballot, because ballots DO have to be printed and distributed. But he can always run as a write-in. Is he a realistic contender as a write-in candidate? Probably not. Is he a realistic contender if has to run as a write-in candidate just in SOME states with early deadlines? 'Depends on which states those would be I guess...

At this point, it's looking to me like there's less & less chance of Trump securing the needed number of delegates on the first ballot. There'll be just as many embittered Republicans if Trump doesn't make it as there will be embittered Democrats if Sanders doesn't. If they both lose out at their respective conventions (and I personally think that the most likely scenario, absent a Clinton indictment), it's going to be interesting to see what happens next.

It's frightening, reading the blog & facebook comments of some of the Trump supporters. They are really getting hyped up and frothing at the mouth. And most have guns and are feeling way too "patriotic" ...saying all sorts of crazy things, threats about "civil war", "time sane people took things into their own hands"....

These knuckle draggers are the 'poster child' of the type that should not have access to guns. Squirt guns only for these nitwits.

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There has already been noise regarding Trump supporters calling delegates and saying " we know where you live", "we're watching you" "do the right thing with your vote" "we're going to find out what hotel room you're in come Cleveland".

Wondering how many laws these intimidation tactics are breaking?

But agreed, a nutso bunch.

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All people posting about CO without knowing the facts are tools & fools... "The RNC changed some rule and the CO GOP decided to not do a,straw poll at the caucus on March 1, because it would bind the votes to the winner, which could've been say Rubio who is now not running, making CO votes no good at the RNC.

So, all neighborhoods are divided into precincts. On the night of caucus you meet in your precinct and elect your neighbors to be delegates at the county level. Of the elected County delegates you elect a certain amount of State delegates. The county and state delegates participate at the county assembly and vote on proposed bills and county officials. The state delegates go to the state assembly and elect national delegates at their designated congressional district meeting, of which there are 3 national delegates and 3 national alternates. Then the same state delegates go to the state GOP convention and elect 13 more national delegates and alternates. Cruz organized and endorsed certain national delegates nominees or slated people who would go to the RNC convention and vote every ballot for Cruz if there is a brokered convention. The Cruz slate was elected by delegates who were elected by their neighbors. Very convoluted, but in a sense the voice of the people was heard through the delegates.

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All people posting about CO without knowing the facts are tools & fools... "The RNC changed some rule and the CO GOP decided to not do a,straw poll at the caucus on March 1, because it would bind the votes to the winner, which could've been say Rubio who is now not running, making CO votes no good at the RNC.

So, all neighborhoods are divided into precincts. On the night of caucus you meet in your precinct and elect your neighbors to be delegates at the county level. Of the elected County delegates you elect a certain amount of State delegates. The county and state delegates participate at the county assembly and vote on proposed bills and county officials. The state delegates go to the state assembly and elect national delegates at their designated congressional district meeting, of which there are 3 national delegates and 3 national alternates. Then the same state delegates go to the state GOP convention and elect 13 more national delegates and alternates. Cruz organized and endorsed certain national delegates nominees or slated people who would go to the RNC convention and vote every ballot for Cruz if there is a brokered convention. The Cruz slate was elected by delegates who were elected by their neighbors. Very convoluted, but in a sense the voice of the people was heard through the delegates.

Very interesting CE.thanks.

I am not American so I find this system very complex.In my country we get 2 votes one for your party of choice and one for a candidate (from any party) So we can cross party vote. American politics is 2 party mostly and you seem to have to be for or against one or the other.( borne out on TV ! ) For instance if I could vote I would probably vote Repub in some form because I hold right wing economic values but then I think Obama's ideas on gun control good (with a shooting per day something has to be done, in my country cops don't even bear arms, but I digress).

Trump complaining that the rules are rigged is fair enough even if he knew of the rule change a year earlier doesn't change that fact

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So, if Trump doesn't get the nod on the first ballot (which looks likely to happen), then why is everyone assuming he won't win on 2nd or 3rd ballots. It is because everyone, except Trump's die-hard 17% are seeing how Trump is a cartoon cut-out drowning in baffoonery? Just because Trump doesn't win on the 1st ballot doesn't mean he won't win the nomination. He might be a sliced black olive short of an enchilada, but with enough money, arm-twisting, and promises, ....anything can be achieved within the Republican Party.

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So, if Trump doesn't get the nod on the first ballot (which looks likely to happen), then why is everyone assuming he won't win on 2nd or 3rd ballots. It is because everyone, except Trump's die-hard 17% are seeing how Trump is a cartoon cut-out drowning in baffoonery? Just because Trump doesn't win on the 1st ballot doesn't mean he won't win the nomination. He might be a sliced black olive short of an enchilada, but with enough money, arm-twisting, and promises, ....anything can be achieved within the Republican Party.

Interesting point, Boomer! (I liked your choice of a Mexican dish as a reference.thumbsup.gif ) Strange things do happen in politics.

I really don't know enough of the inner workings of the GOP. So, there's no prediction from me.

However, let's not forget who wrote The Art of the Deal. Maybe we'll get to see how artful "The Donald" really is.

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FYI helpisgood, Tony Schwartz penned that but yes, point taken.

That trend of ghost writers is continuing. Of course, original writing is time consuming and all politicians and celebrities employ ghost writers but with Trump it's absolutely undisguised, because the sometimes concise and elegant prose does not remotely match his gruff, ill-researched and 3rd grade style simplistically-reasoned oral Trump.

For example, in the recent Wall St. Journal piece criticizing the GOP for rigging the rules at the upcoming convention, almost every journalist pointed out the glaring contrast in the well-written and reasoned arguments in that piece vs everything else Trump has uttered, and they have uniformly concluded that for sure he did not write that piece. What would be interesting to know if he actually read and understood any subtle distinctions drawn in it.

Again, the lack of depth of this guy keeps being revealed, but his popularity does not suffer for it.

It's always been interesting and a good model to follow to watch highly educated politicians "dumb down" their oral presentation in order to reach more people. It works well in business too, and especially overseas with non-native speakers.

With Trump, he's naturally below that level so he needs to try to "smarten up" his persona by these ghost written pieces. wink.png

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