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Any one ever snatched a toe nail?


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This morning I lifted a heavy bag on my bare feet and snatched my big toe nail.

Very painful and bloody. I pushed the nail down, wife got some disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide 3%, (she brought a bottle of ethyl alcohol 70 % don' t think it would be wise to use that) waited until blooding stopped, applied isobetadine and got the toe wrapped up by some medical tissue.

I surely need to avoid infection, I have all my vaccines up to date, including tetanus.

I am on asaflow (blood thinner) blooding did stop after a few minutes though.

Toe is painful, don' t feel the urge to walk around, let stand to go see a doctor, it's Songkran...

Will that toe attach itself or will I loose it?

Any one lived something similar?

Any advise how I should handle this is welcome, thanks

Edited by tartempion
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Just keep it covered and change the plaster often as well as clean with betadine.

Toe nail will probably fall off but don't worry, there is another one underneath.

Wear shoes outside and avoid puddles of dirty water if possible.

Best wishes.

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If the nail is detached from the nail bed it will not re-attach.

You should keep the toe clean and dry.

It may be helpful to attend a hospital where they will clean an dress the toe. Watch how they do it then copy !

It will take a few weeks for a "new" nail to grow and replace the one that is damaged.

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About five months ago I tripped while exiting a songthaew and partially ripped off my big toenail. Very bloody but washed it with soap & water and then protected with bandaids (one around the nail and one over the top of the toe). I also used transparent tape, Nexcare, bought at 7-11 for more secure protection. Didn't look too good with my sandals and a hassle because I was traveling at the time but nail eventually came off naturally. And now a new nail is slowly growing.

There was some swelling and discharge at first, where the nail was still attached to the toe, but I kept the area clean and changed dressing daily so no problem with healing.

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