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US says Russian planes buzzed Navy ship in Baltic Sea


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I saw the video of this occurrence, and indeed these Russian pilots were

buzzing very low. When a fighter flies so close to the ocean that it

kicks up a wake, it is way less than a second of becoming a multi-million

dollar piece of debris on the ocean. It was a lucky day for the Russians in

that they did not have a couple of dead pilots and an SU-24 jet lost at sea.

Pretty childish activity of these pilots, who are heroes now, to someone, since they did not crash.


You've gotta love the pro-US crowd. Childish , aggressive and other negative names thrown about. If it were American pilots the words would be "ace ' "top gun" "gun pilot" etc.

The of course there is the Anti-Putin comment insinuating he was behind this.... belies thinking.

Here enjoy some top gun / childish flying..http://web.facebook.com/TheUltimateFacts/videos/587405641334511/

notice that the last one is by a Russian who beats the others hands down for daring / stupidity depending on whether you are spoon fed propaganda or not.

Your video adds nothing to this argument. All were planned and coordinated and all were very OLD. The Russian acts were uncontrolled, unplanned and reckless in every way.

And for the record the last video was not Russian, it was by a Marine AV-8 Harrier acft who has a mission involves doing exactly what was in the video.

Better to not spout utter assumptions and lies if you dont know what you are talking about. It does nothing to further your credibility in this type of discussion. Not all of us are as dumb as you so want to believe.

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... Go home Yankee, go home. Nobody wants you in the Baltic Sea. ...

That simply is not true. But fun for you to indulge in some cheap America bashing.

And just how would you know that? Are you from any of the Baltic countries and have an idea about the public sentiment on the matter? (note: public, not the US/NATO bought puppet politicians). You would be surprised how many people in Europe are starting to realize who is the actual aggressor here. It's your corrupt government JIng, and not Russia or China.

Totally agree with you. Many Europeans like me believe that the US has nothing to do so far away from their land even if they need military conflicts to maintain the superiority of their army at Pharaonic cost.
Let us add that we would want a Europe going from the Atlantic to the Urals, integrating friends of Mr. Putin got rid of archaic communism. This still seems a utopia, but not for long in my opinion.
Indirectly the US are responsible of a magority conflicts around the world. In North Africa, for example, they promoted hatred by their unacceptable protection intransigent and sectarian leaders of Israel.
Same for their activities in Afghanistan or their incessant provocations off the Chinese coast pretext to protect South Korea.
The awareness is growing day by day. When she will be majority, I'm sure we will experience a change of alliance upsetting the planetary balance.
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I saw the video of this occurrence, and indeed these Russian pilots were

buzzing very low. When a fighter flies so close to the ocean that it

kicks up a wake, it is way less than a second of becoming a multi-million

dollar piece of debris on the ocean. It was a lucky day for the Russians in

that they did not have a couple of dead pilots and an SU-24 jet lost at sea.

Pretty childish activity of these pilots, who are heroes now, to someone, since they did not crash.


You've gotta love the pro-US crowd. Childish , aggressive and other negative names thrown about. If it were American pilots the words would be "ace ' "top gun" "gun pilot" etc.

The of course there is the Anti-Putin comment insinuating he was behind this.... belies thinking.

Here enjoy some top gun / childish flying..http://web.facebook.com/TheUltimateFacts/videos/587405641334511/

notice that the last one is by a Russian who beats the others hands down for daring / stupidity depending on whether you are spoon fed propaganda or not.

Your video adds nothing to this argument. All were planned and coordinated and all were very OLD. The Russian acts were uncontrolled, unplanned and reckless in every way.

And for the record the last video was not Russian, it was by a Marine AV-8 Harrier acft who has a mission involves doing exactly what was in the video.

Better to not spout utter assumptions and lies if you dont know what you are talking about. It does nothing to further your credibility in this type of discussion. Not all of us are as dumb as you so want to believe.

First of ll I won't stoop to your level of insults. second have a look at the last video again and listen to the crowd of people filming...I know the US has many different accents but ...come on...or perhaps they are engaged in joint US / Eastern bloc exercises?

It makes no difference, the fact remains that the pilots from BOTH sides have the ability to show great skill. My comparison was to point out that whilst some can appreciate it, the pro US team sees anyone that is as good as, or heaven forbid, better than the homegrown version to be labeled in a negative context.

No insults, no opinions, just facts is what I wrote. I have worked in the US military acft arena both in maintenance and operations for 35+ years and know what I speak of.

Quit with the strawman arguments.

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This thread is about Russian reckless pilots performing very dangerous simulated strafing runs against a US ship without any coordination or approval from the US. Its not about US or Russian politics or opinions of such.

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... Go home Yankee, go home. Nobody wants you in the Baltic Sea. ...

That simply is not true. But fun for you to indulge in some cheap America bashing.

And just how would you know that? Are you from any of the Baltic countries and have an idea about the public sentiment on the matter? (note: public, not the US/NATO bought puppet politicians). You would be surprised how many people in Europe are starting to realize who is the actual aggressor here. It's your corrupt government JIng, and not Russia or China.

And what do you base your opinion on? I know a lot of people from along the Baltic Sea who are tired of Russian aggression and want an even larger NATO presence while apparently the closest you have been to the Baltic Sea is the smoking area outside your office in Olgino.

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... Go home Yankee, go home. Nobody wants you in the Baltic Sea. ...

That simply is not true. But fun for you to indulge in some cheap America bashing.

And just how would you know that? Are you from any of the Baltic countries and have an idea about the public sentiment on the matter? (note: public, not the US/NATO bought puppet politicians). You would be surprised how many people in Europe are starting to realize who is the actual aggressor here. It's your corrupt government JIng, and not Russia or China.

Talk about a clueless post. I spent month in the Baltics last year. There is no love for russia, especially considering how they were treated under Soviet rule. Do some research on their history. It isn't good. Look up The Baltic Way. That will give you an idea of their thinking.

US aggression? Ask the Ukranians, Syrians, Georgians, or those from chechnya about Russian aggression. LOL

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US, buzz a Russian ship; curious to see the difference in reactions.

US buzzes daily Chinese warships outside territorial waters in South China Sea...which aren't reported as provocation...

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1460687699.170095.jpg

And you are claiming that is a US fighter jet?

OI course it is, Mopar. Don't you know all US fighter jets have door gunners? cheesy.gif

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This thread is about Russian reckless pilots performing very dangerous simulated strafing runs against a US ship without any coordination or approval from the US. Its not about US or Russian politics or opinions of such.

You forgot to mention that the US Thomas Cook was coming closer to the Russian air base of Kalinigrad.

The Russians responded with a non-aggressive response.

As many other posters mentioned, it is a pure US provocation.


Edited by Thorgal
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This thread is about Russian reckless pilots performing very dangerous simulated strafing runs against a US ship without any coordination or approval from the US. Its not about US or Russian politics or opinions of such.

You forgot to mention that the US Thomas Cook was coming closer to the Russian air base of Kalinigrad.

The Russians responded with a non-aggressive response.

As many other posters mentioned, it is a pure US provocation.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1460693362.816660.jpg

Back to the topic please.

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The arms manufacturers are loving all this "my dick is bigger than your dick" cold war stand off stuff. Looks like NATO defences budgets could get bigger, and executives at defence manufacturing companies will be putting a deposit on a new luxury yacht.

Edited by ThaiKneeTim
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It should have been shot down.

With what ?

The USS Thomas Cook Aegis radar system was jammed for a while.

Your link to Voltaire is from November 2014 relating to an incident from April 2014 and makes the claim that an SU-24 jammed the Aegis system on the Donald Cook at that time. If one finds that believable, then one must also assume the US Navy has done nothing to correct the fault within the Aegis in the two years since.
If the US Navy discovered a fault within the Aegis system, they would have repaired the fault. I seriously doubt this one even happened
I just got off the phone with a former employee and retired Aegis technician who claims he never heard of any successful attempt to jam the Spy-1D radar or the fire control radars of the Aegis system.
My source said he was on the first Ticonderoga Class Cruiser that entered the Black Sea and fly-by's or sail-by's were regular events from all the countries bordering on the Black Sea. He said nothing was quite as spectacular or insane as flying within 9 metes and kicking up a rooster tail near his ship but there were regular incidents. The incidents were generally regarded as good photo ops.
This one was stupid and careless. The next one could be catastrophic.
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This thread is about Russian reckless pilots performing very dangerous simulated strafing runs against a US ship without any coordination or approval from the US. Its not about US or Russian politics or opinions of such.

You forgot to mention that the US Thomas Cook was coming closer to the Russian air base of Kalinigrad.

The Russians responded with a non-aggressive response.

As many other posters mentioned, it is a pure US provocation.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1460693362.816660.jpg

"As many other posters mentioned, it is a pure US provocation."

The USS Donald Cook was 70 miles from land in international waters. That is not provocation.

The SU-24 was within 9 meters and flying below bridge level. THAT is provocation.

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This thread is about Russian reckless pilots performing very dangerous simulated strafing runs against a US ship without any coordination or approval from the US. Its not about US or Russian politics or opinions of such.

You forgot to mention that the US Thomas Cook was coming closer to the Russian air base of Kalinigrad.

The Russians responded with a non-aggressive response.

As many other posters mentioned, it is a pure US provocation.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1460693362.816660.jpg

Looks to be much closer to NATO allies Poland and Lithuania.

Kaliningrad isn't really Russia anyway. The last remaining Baltic territory still under Russian occupation.

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It should have been shot down.

The problem with that is the resultant quid pro quo. Both sides play these games. And they 'are' essentially a 'Cold War' game that we played often prior to the collapse of the old Soviet Union.

If you want to understand why the US is there, read The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski. For further understanding the the geopolitical ramifications read The Geographical Pivot of History by Halford John Mackinder. Brzezinski was his protege.

If you chose to stay ignorant, well, 'Bad Russia, bad!' The MSM will not provide you with unbiased, geopolitical analysis. The uninformed simply parrot what they hear. No blame there imho, it's the price of ignorant 'bliss.' However, personally I sleep better at night when I understand what I'm seeing.

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It should have been shot down.

With what ?

The USS Thomas Cook Aegis radar system was jammed for a while.

I'm sure the Master-At-Arms could have broken out the 20s and 50s and have attempted to manually throw lead at the SU-24s, lmao. whistling.gif The Ruskies were probably tweaking their EW gear, gathering data, and providing a flying show for the bridge and those on deck.

Edited by connda
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Hum? A US Destroyer 70 nautical miles off the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad. In all fairness to the Russians I wonder how the White House would react to a Russian Destroyer 70 nautical miles off the cost of New York City or L.A.? Or even Hawaii as Kaliningrad has been a Navel Base for Russia on the Baltic Sea for a long time. Since it is sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania the only way Russia can get to Kaliningrad is by air or by sea. Like Hawaii!.

I suppose the US has a right to be there, just like Russia would have a right to be near Hawaii to, but I can't help thinking that if you go looking for trouble you are bound to find it. Sorry, but I don't see any innocent parties here.

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... Go home Yankee, go home. Nobody wants you in the Baltic Sea. ...

That simply is not true. But fun for you to indulge in some cheap America bashing.

And just how would you know that? Are you from any of the Baltic countries and have an idea about the public sentiment on the matter? (note: public, not the US/NATO bought puppet politicians). You would be surprised how many people in Europe are starting to realize who is the actual aggressor here. It's your corrupt government JIng, and not Russia or China.

Talk about a clueless post. I spent month in the Baltics last year. There is no love for russia, especially considering how they were treated under Soviet rule. Do some research on their history. It isn't good. Look up The Baltic Way. That will give you an idea of their thinking.

US aggression? Ask the Ukranians, Syrians, Georgians, or those from chechnya about Russian aggression. LOL

Oh, you spent months(!) in the Baltics last year. And I spent more than 40 years in the region, many of which in the armed forces. So will kindly reject your advice on this matter.

Your rant about Ukraine, Syria and other places where US and its puppet partners in NATO have instigated unrest, shows clearly that you don't have the faintest idea of what you are talking about. Anyone that knows anything on this subject would agree.

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I love that word: provocation. It's framed in the light of a moral relativism that is a function of how much propaganda a person accepts from their own country and their personal level of nationalism (and gullibility imho), regardless of what country they hail from. It's much more fun to simply watch the fun from the sidelines and hope none of it splatters on Thailand. Hopefully Prateet Thai can maintain that 'we've never been occupied' meme over that long-term. Trust me, the globalist don't care either, they simply want to move the 'pawns' to their advantage as they shape the world, e.g., "America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests." - Henry Kissinger. And as was previously noted, their are no 'innocents': there are players and the played.

And remember, 'never let a good crisis go to waste.' thumbsup.gif Stay tuned for news at 6! lol

Edited by connda
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It should have been shot down.

With what ?

The USS Thomas Cook Aegis radar system was jammed for a while.

I'm sure the Master-At-Arms could have broken out the 20s and 50s and have attempted to manually throw lead at the SU-24s, lmao. whistling.gif The Ruskies were probably tweaking their EW gear, gathering data, and providing a flying show for the bridge and those on deck.

The conflict could not ended with downing the SU-24's with a Phalanx.

While jamming the radar system, the S-400 missiles at Kaniningrad would have been operational. Even so, the region is also defended with many submarines with missiles launching capabilities.

It's uncommon to see a solo US destroyer nearing the Russian enclave. Knowing that the Russian S-400 missiles have a target range of 500 kms.

Weapons superiority was on the Russian side...


Edited by Thorgal
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And just how would you know that? Are you from any of the Baltic countries and have an idea about the public sentiment on the matter? (note: public, not the US/NATO bought puppet politicians). You would be surprised how many people in Europe are starting to realize who is the actual aggressor here. It's your corrupt government JIng, and not Russia or China.

Talk about a clueless post. I spent month in the Baltics last year. There is no love for russia, especially considering how they were treated under Soviet rule. Do some research on their history. It isn't good. Look up The Baltic Way. That will give you an idea of their thinking.

US aggression? Ask the Ukranians, Syrians, Georgians, or those from chechnya about Russian aggression. LOL

Oh, you spent months(!) in the Baltics last year. And I spent more than 40 years in the region, many of which in the armed forces. So will kindly reject your advice on this matter.

Your rant about Ukraine, Syria and other places where US and its puppet partners in NATO have instigated unrest, shows clearly that you don't have the faintest idea of what you are talking about. Anyone that knows anything on this subject would agree.

You sure sound you know what you are talking about but wasn't Russia involved with 2 or 3 wars in Afghanistan and aren't they in Syria in force now? Maybe I'm wrong but isn't it Russian jets that are bombing the heck out of Syria now?

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It should have been shot down.

With what ?

The USS Thomas Cook Aegis radar system was jammed for a while.

I'm sure the Master-At-Arms could have broken out the 20s and 50s and have attempted to manually throw lead at the SU-24s, lmao. whistling.gif The Ruskies were probably tweaking their EW gear, gathering data, and providing a flying show for the bridge and those on deck.

The conflict could not ended with downing the SU-24's with a Phalanx.

While jamming the radar system, the S-400 missiles at Kaniningrad would have been operational. Even so, the region is also defended with many submarines with missiles launching capabilities.

It's uncommon to see a solo US destroyer nearing the Russian enclave. Knowing that the Russian S-400 missiles have a target range of 500 kms.

Weapons superiority was on the Russian side...


Everything went normally, American radars calculated the speed of the approaching target. And suddenly all the screens went blank. “Aegis” was not working any more, and the rockets could not get target information. Meanwhile, Su-24 flew over the deck of the destroyer, did battle turn and simulated missile attack on the target. Then it turned and repeated the maneuver. And did so 12 times.

Apparently, all efforts to revive the “Aegis” and provide target information for the defence failed.

The system with which the Russian Su-24 shocked the American destroyer “Donald Cook” has the code name “Khibiny”. This is the name of the mountain range on the Kola Peninsula in the Arctic Circle. “Khibiny” is the newest complex for radioelectronic jamming of the enemy. They will be installed on all the advanced Russian planes .


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It should have been shot down.
With what ?

The USS Thomas Cook Aegis radar system was jammed for a while.

I'm sure the Master-At-Arms could have broken out the 20s and 50s and have attempted to manually throw lead at the SU-24s, lmao. whistling.gif The Ruskies were probably tweaking their EW gear, gathering data, and providing a flying show for the bridge and those on deck.
The conflict could not ended with downing the SU-24's with a Phalanx.

While jamming the radar system, the S-400 missiles at Kaniningrad would have been operational. Even so, the region is also defended with many submarines with missiles launching capabilities.

It's uncommon to see a solo US destroyer nearing the Russian enclave. Knowing that the Russian S-400 missiles have a target range of 500 kms.

Weapons superiority was on the Russian side...


Everything went normally, American radars calculated the speed of the approaching target. And suddenly all the screens went blank. “Aegis” was not working any more, and the rockets could not get target information. Meanwhile, Su-24 flew over the deck of the destroyer, did battle turn and simulated missile attack on the target. Then it turned and repeated the maneuver. And did so 12 times.
Apparently, all efforts to revive the “Aegis” and provide target information for the defence failed.

The system with which the Russian Su-24 shocked the American destroyer “Donald Cook” has the code name “Khibiny”. This is the name of the mountain range on the Kola Peninsula in the Arctic Circle. “Khibiny” is the newest complex for radioelectronic jamming of the enemy. They will be installed on all the advanced Russian planes .


Well here you have the SU-24 with 2 Khibiny modules just under the wings :

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It should have been shot down.

With what ?

The USS Thomas Cook Aegis radar system was jammed for a while.

I'm sure the Master-At-Arms could have broken out the 20s and 50s and have attempted to manually throw lead at the SU-24s, lmao. whistling.gif The Ruskies were probably tweaking their EW gear, gathering data, and providing a flying show for the bridge and those on deck.

The conflict could not ended with downing the SU-24's with a Phalanx.

While jamming the radar system, the S-400 missiles at Kaniningrad would have been operational. Even so, the region is also defended with many submarines with missiles launching capabilities.

It's uncommon to see a solo US destroyer nearing the Russian enclave. Knowing that the Russian S-400 missiles have a target range of 500 kms.

Weapons superiority was on the Russian side...


What's a solo US destroyer doing near Kaliningrad? The same thing the SU-24 was doing with that EW/Reconnaissance pod under the wing. Quality data is gathered up close and personal.


Sukoi 24MR? Look familiar? Nice machine. Built to do exactly what they were doing. http://www.16va.be/3.4_la_reco_part3_eng.html

Cold wars are so much fun!

Edited by connda
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It should have been shot down.

With what ?

The USS Thomas Cook Aegis radar system was jammed for a while.

I'm sure the Master-At-Arms could have broken out the 20s and 50s and have attempted to manually throw lead at the SU-24s, lmao. whistling.gif The Ruskies were probably tweaking their EW gear, gathering data, and providing a flying show for the bridge and those on deck.

The conflict could not ended with downing the SU-24's with a Phalanx.

While jamming the radar system, the S-400 missiles at Kaniningrad would have been operational. Even so, the region is also defended with many submarines with missiles launching capabilities.

It's uncommon to see a solo US destroyer nearing the Russian enclave. Knowing that the Russian S-400 missiles have a target range of 500 kms.

Weapons superiority was on the Russian side...


The SS-400 is an anti aircraft, surface to air missile. Useless against a ship. The only aircraft in the area were the russian jets and Polish helicopter that was practicing landings on the US ship.

This is all for Russian domestic consumption in support of Putin.


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And just how would you know that? Are you from any of the Baltic countries and have an idea about the public sentiment on the matter? (note: public, not the US/NATO bought puppet politicians). You would be surprised how many people in Europe are starting to realize who is the actual aggressor here. It's your corrupt government JIng, and not Russia or China.

Talk about a clueless post. I spent month in the Baltics last year. There is no love for russia, especially considering how they were treated under Soviet rule. Do some research on their history. It isn't good. Look up The Baltic Way. That will give you an idea of their thinking.

US aggression? Ask the Ukranians, Syrians, Georgians, or those from chechnya about Russian aggression. LOL

Oh, you spent months(!) in the Baltics last year. And I spent more than 40 years in the region, many of which in the armed forces. So will kindly reject your advice on this matter.

Your rant about Ukraine, Syria and other places where US and its puppet partners in NATO have instigated unrest, shows clearly that you don't have the faintest idea of what you are talking about. Anyone that knows anything on this subject would agree.

You sure sound you know what you are talking about but wasn't Russia involved with 2 or 3 wars in Afghanistan and aren't they in Syria in force now? Maybe I'm wrong but isn't it Russian jets that are bombing the heck out of Syria now?

No, Russia was not involved in the Afghan war, but the Soviet Union was (which they btw lost thanks to US support for the Taliban). Same Taliban that since has turned on US and is the reason "coalition forces" (read US lead puppets) are still in Afghanistan with no perspective to pull out 15 years later, since they accomplished zilch, null, nada other than spending taxpayers' money and wasting lives of good men.

Yes, Russia has a presence in Syria on invitation by the Syrian government, and accomplished more in shooting up IS and Al-Queda fractions during their first operative two weeks than US (which is still uninvited in Syria and thus in breach of international legislation) managed to do during the entire preceding year. But then again, that has never been the US aim with the war in Syria.

I am not surprised that many US people don't subscribe to the above, as they have been brain washed by system media for the better part of their lives. It takes more than watching CNN and Fox to understand what's really going on in the world.

Edited by ThailandLOS
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It should have been shot down.
With what ?

The USS Thomas Cook Aegis radar system was jammed for a while.

I'm sure the Master-At-Arms could have broken out the 20s and 50s and have attempted to manually throw lead at the SU-24s, lmao. whistling.gif The Ruskies were probably tweaking their EW gear, gathering data, and providing a flying show for the bridge and those on deck.
The conflict could not ended with downing the SU-24's with a Phalanx.

While jamming the radar system, the S-400 missiles at Kaniningrad would have been operational. Even so, the region is also defended with many submarines with missiles launching capabilities.

It's uncommon to see a solo US destroyer nearing the Russian enclave. Knowing that the Russian S-400 missiles have a target range of 500 kms.

Weapons superiority was on the Russian side...


The SS-400 is an anti aircraft, surface to air missile. Useless against a ship. The only aircraft in the area were the russian jets and Polish helicopter that was practicing landings on the US ship.

This is all for Russian domestic consumption in support of Putin.

S-400 are anti aircraft and anti-missiles defense systems.

Perhaps some of us forgot that the Russian naval base of Kalinigrad is still operational and still docking partially the Russian fleet.

Coming within 70 miles of a foreign naval base without permission is reckless and provocative.

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Talk about a clueless post. I spent month in the Baltics last year. There is no love for russia, especially considering how they were treated under Soviet rule. Do some research on their history. It isn't good. Look up The Baltic Way. That will give you an idea of their thinking.

US aggression? Ask the Ukranians, Syrians, Georgians, or those from chechnya about Russian aggression. LOL

Oh, you spent months(!) in the Baltics last year. And I spent more than 40 years in the region, many of which in the armed forces. So will kindly reject your advice on this matter.

Your rant about Ukraine, Syria and other places where US and its puppet partners in NATO have instigated unrest, shows clearly that you don't have the faintest idea of what you are talking about. Anyone that knows anything on this subject would agree.

You sure sound you know what you are talking about but wasn't Russia involved with 2 or 3 wars in Afghanistan and aren't they in Syria in force now? Maybe I'm wrong but isn't it Russian jets that are bombing the heck out of Syria now?

No, Russia was not involved in the Afghan war, but the Soviet Union was (which they btw lost thanks to US support for the Taliban). Same Taliban that since has turned on US and is the reason "coalition forces" (read US lead puppets) are still in Afghanistan with no perspective to pull out 15 years later, since they accomplished zilch, null, nada other than spending taxpayers' money.

Yes, Russia has a presence in Syria on invitation by the Syrian government, and accomplished more in shooting up IS and Al-Queda fractions during their first operative two weeks than US (which is still uninvited in Syria and thus in breach of international legislation) managed to do during the entire preceding year. But then again, that has never been the US aim with the war in Syria.

I am not surprised that many US people don't subscribe to the above, as they have been brain washed by system media for the better part of their lives. It takes more than watching CNN and Fox to understand what's really going on in the world.

Sorry I thought Russia and the Soviet Union were synonymous terms during the existence of the USSR. Aren't Russia and the USA on opposite sides in Syria? The USA wants Assad gone and Russia wants Assad to stay? Isn't Russia bombing American allies in Syria?

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It should have been shot down.
With what ?

The USS Thomas Cook Aegis radar system was jammed for a while.

I'm sure the Master-At-Arms could have broken out the 20s and 50s and have attempted to manually throw lead at the SU-24s, lmao. whistling.gif The Ruskies were probably tweaking their EW gear, gathering data, and providing a flying show for the bridge and those on deck.

The conflict could not ended with downing the SU-24's with a Phalanx.

While jamming the radar system, the S-400 missiles at Kaniningrad would have been operational. Even so, the region is also defended with many submarines with missiles launching capabilities.

It's uncommon to see a solo US destroyer nearing the Russian enclave. Knowing that the Russian S-400 missiles have a target range of 500 kms.

Weapons superiority was on the Russian side...


The SS-400 is an anti aircraft, surface to air missile. Useless against a ship. The only aircraft in the area were the russian jets and Polish helicopter that was practicing landings on the US ship.

This is all for Russian domestic consumption in support of Putin.


S-400 are anti aircraft and anti-missiles defense systems.

Perhaps some of us forgot that the Russian naval base of Kalinigrad is still operational and still docking partially the Russian fleet.

Coming within 70 miles of a foreign naval base without permission is reckless and provocative.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1460717893.237849.jpg

Fully agree, I'm just stunned by the bad judgement to send USS "Donald Duck" on this provocation mission. Someone in Breedlove's European NATO command is taking really bad decisions, and it's not the first time either.

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