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Leaving A Job - Visa Status

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Hi All, I am leaving a job by mutual consent but I do not really trust this company as I have been lied to on many previous occasions.

My Question is when I leave a job is my visa no longer valid, I know my work permit is obsolete.

My situation is that I have a year long visa and work permit that expires March next year. Both have BOI status.

So is there any way I can retain this visa?

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Thanks George, I wonder can I pick your brain one more time. The best visa for me to obtain would be a non-Imm B, I had one of these when I first arrived. Is it possible to apply for one within Thailand as the last time I applied in the Thai Consulate in my home country.

Also what is the cost, last time I had a multiple entry year long visa.

This time I would prefer a year long single entry if there is such a type, I suspect it is only 3 months for a single entry.

Or perhaps a 90 day tourist visa would do also.

Again can I get this in Thailand and what is the cost?

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