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Does Anyone Know How To Setup A Satellite Broadcast Station In Europe

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Dear chang paarp & skippybangkok your posts tell me only that you don´t have any ideas and knowledge. So do others but they don´t post it.

Seen tonnes of marketing and sales guys over the years. Great in talking , weak on execution (some are good though, but like movie stars, few and far between). Based on ur "How To Setup A Satellite Broadcast Station In Europe"...Since ur not specific, i guess the answer is end to end then. You would need studio's, support staff, production equipment, broadcasting equipment including headends, sattelite dish ( them big ones ) and conditional access patent .... do you want to lease a transponder or just shoot ur own sattelite?..... and then maybe a 1/2 million or so DTH boxes for a start up at anywhere from $xx to $yyy each depending on ur spec, not to mention the content (make or buy?) its self and governmental licences and kick backs ..not to forget the tons of cash u will spend on marketing.

Now if thats too expensive you could always lease at maybe $50,000 to $100,000per hour or so depending on the channel.

If u dont need deep pockets for setting up this "broadcasting station", then I am charlie chaplin.( who knows, maybe Rupert Murdoch will be the next poster on TV ).

Hope it helps, and hope u find ur Expat wannabee

Edited by skippybangkok
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There are open channels also on TV.Well at least I know some, I did a web radio programm 6 hours on saturday nights but that was mostly playing music with different DJ´s. Also I have experience marketing a not commercial homepage offering news and party tips in my homeregion with a couple of friends.They still run the homepage, I split up with them as I´m not really interested in what they are doing.

There are possibilities and I do have some knowledge.Dear skippybangkok you are thinking far too big, I guess you are from the USA? Of course I´m not able to do professional TV and so it´s a task to an entrepreneur to define the first steps of an idea.And perhaps an idea leads to something related but different.That´s a part of the brainstorming and so my intention is not specific.Perhaps the topic title is a little too "loud", but in such a huge forum it´s not so easy to find people discussing ideas.Well, at least I found someone and we are chatting via pm.

For the case of executing marketing strategies I wouldn´t be employed by a MN to enter their business in the German market if I wouldn´t know about what I´m doing.

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Don't you think venture capital companies might be more fertile ground than ThaiVisa for something like this.

"Also I have experience marketing a not commercial homepage offering news and party tips in my homeregion with a couple of friends."

Well, you can take that to the bank.

Marketing is about 'commercial' as far as I know.

Sales, plans, ROI, research, profit and loss that sort of thing.

Edited by johnnyk
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Well, there is somethig that exist, kinda kind of TV on internet : Winamp

There is possible to set up a server for a minimal cost (I did commit some test 4 years ago, but the idea was not taken as I was farang ). From that you can have audience, or not.

There is exemple of channels in winamp that broadcasted during 2 or 3 years, became too succesful for winamp (let say it's 500 users per channel max). Then with this popularity they got money (banks) and went professional.

Yes it's possible to do something , but it must be thinking as a long way. The business have to be made for 10 years, and it means the invetment must be ble to pay the cost during 10 years (including personal fees, housing rent, food .....)

The media market is not a small market, millions are necessary just for surviving, so technically I can (I supposeI still cando it) set up a server located outside thailand, handle the tech part, even maybe try to ring some thai company in the media industry if you suppose to diffuse thai stuffs (movies or singers), the question I would like to ask is the following : are you able to hire someone for 10 years at 100 000 bht per month? If yes, feel free to PM me, if not I do not think you will find someone here. Better if you contact someone like Eddy Barclay (if still alive) who can add the power of his media firm to you (provide the needed financing).

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Why set one up - there are plenty there all ready - if you have a good, licensable idea for content, do some research and talk to the current providers, do a suitable deal.

Also Satellite as we know it is under great threat from the net - but in the future satellite could be used more for mass capacity push broadband - the data capacity on just 1 transponder is phenomonal. 4 years ago I use to download 60GB a day from Astra sat using Europe Online - the company folded now. Satellites have massive capacity to provide diverse digital delivery into a massive area. The bandwidth far exceeds most current home delivery. However WiMax may compete there. And there may be WiMax delivery of content competing with satellite, Digital TV and Radio.

If there was a video version of Shoutcast (radio streaming) - this would be a cheap way in (maybe i just explained YouTube et al)

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