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Please show any rules or evidence why what you suggest is legal.

You have no understanding of law. I don't have to prove to you I can do something, you prove to me that I cannot.

As a fellow "yankee" as you have so elegantly named yoruself, I am sorry to inform you that you are 100% wrong. We have to proove compliance to varied governments by having business licenses.

In additionn, no one is crying here, they are merely responding to a conversation about the legality of working with or without a work permit in Thailand and where to pay their taxes. Sadly however, there are many that pay nowhere and become a burden to the rest of their societies in one way or another.

By the way, do you wear a Hawaii floral design shirt with straw hat and speak rather loudly when away from home. You impress me as that sort. I can just visualize it! Take this exam!

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Please show any rules or evidence why what you suggest is legal.

You have no understanding of law. I don't have to prove to you I can do something, you prove to me that I cannot.

As a fellow "yankee" as you have so elegantly named yoruself, I am sorry to inform you that you are 100% wrong. We have to proove compliance to varied governments by having business licenses.

In additionn, no one is crying here, they are merely responding to a conversation about the legality of working with or without a work permit in Thailand and where to pay their taxes. Sadly however, there are many that pay nowhere and become a burden to the rest of their societies in one way or another.

By the way, do you wear a Hawaii floral design shirt with straw hat and speak rather loudly when away from home. You impress me as that sort. I can just visualize it! Take this exam!

I suppose I need to prove to you that I DON'T need a license?

Crap. You say I need a license. Prove it. Show me the law. Wait, isn't that what I told the other guy who also had it backwards? Everything is permitted unless not permitted by law.

Show me the law.

Keep the stupid shirt stuff to yourself.

Please show any rules or evidence why what you suggest is legal.

You have no understanding of law. I don't have to prove to you I can do something, you prove to me that I cannot.

As a fellow "yankee" as you have so elegantly named yoruself, I am sorry to inform you that you are 100% wrong. We have to proove compliance to varied governments by having business licenses.

In additionn, no one is crying here, they are merely responding to a conversation about the legality of working with or without a work permit in Thailand and where to pay their taxes. Sadly however, there are many that pay nowhere and become a burden to the rest of their societies in one way or another.

By the way, do you wear a Hawaii floral design shirt with straw hat and speak rather loudly when away from home. You impress me as that sort. I can just visualize it! Take this exam!

I suppose I need to prove to you that I DON'T need a license?

Crap. You say I need a license. Prove it. Show me the law. Wait, isn't that what I told the other guy who also had it backwards? Everything is permitted unless not permitted by law.

Show me the law.

Keep the stupid shirt stuff to yourself.

Numeous people have referrred to the law that stipulates both Work Permit and Taxes in Thailand and Tax obligations in the U.S. based on the threads title called "Replying to With New Regulations, Is Work Permit Needed For Telecommuting Work?" Enough said! You can find me in the other threads where I can have meaningful communication and possibly be of help to others or to provide meaningful advise on which others can base their decisions. There seems nothing left to say here!

Another mouse bites the dust. No answer, roll up your toys and run home.

No law no restriction.


No need to get each other wound up folks, sit down, eat your brekkie and sip on a cuppa coffee.

The question will still be here and many more like it.


Another mouse bites the dust. No answer, roll up your toys and run home.

No law no restriction.


What does your IQ restrict you from understanding.. As has been spelled out in detail in this thread.

Any work done inside Thailand (regardless of paid or not, paid where etc) Requires a Work Permit or a WP exemption.

Everything else follows on from that.. Long stay working visa, Paying income taxes on money generated whilst in Thailand, Tax free exemptions from your home country. Solution to doing so being a company formation.

What do you fail to grasp about work needing a work permit ??

Whew. I see everyone getting along well on this topic. :o

Its always remarkable what people will choose to convince themselves of if it means getting away without paying costs isnt it ??

Whew. I see everyone getting along well on this topic. :o

Its always remarkable what people will choose to convince themselves of if it means getting away without paying costs isnt it ??

Convince me? Do you believe that if you say something long enough, that it becomes true? I do not. Show me the law. Produce it.


This punctuates the difference between American's and most Europeans. From what I see, you Europeans take what people say at face value, you worship the government as if it were some omnipotent body incapable of tyranny or fallibility. Someone tells you it is this way and you accept it.

I do not. I want to see the law. Not your interpretation of the law, the law itself.

This punctuates the difference between American's and most Europeans

If most Americans are like you...heaven help us :o

And when someone posts the law...in Thai or English...what are you going to say then? :D


According to the Alien Employment Act (B.E. 2521) you need a work permit if you are.

"working by exerting one's physical energy or employing one's knowledge, whether or not for wages or other benefits"

This punctuates the difference between American's and most Europeans. From what I see, you Europeans take what people say at face value, you worship the government as if it were some omnipotent body incapable of tyranny or fallibility. Someone tells you it is this way and you accept it.

I do not. I want to see the law. Not your interpretation of the law, the law itself.


# ไม่เกิน 8 ชั่วโมงต่อวัน และ 48 ชั่วโมงต่อสัปดาห์

# งานอันตรายตามที่กำหนดในกฏกระทรวงไม่เกิน 7 ชั่วโมงต่อวัน และ 42 ชั่วโมงต่อสัปดาห์


# ในวันที่มีการทำงาน ให้นายจ้างจัดให้ลูกจ้างมีเวลาพักติดต่อกันไม่น้อยกว่าวันละ 1 ชั่วโมง ภายใน 5 ชั่วโมงแรกของการทำงาน

# นายจ้างและลูกจ้างจะตกลงกันล่วงหน้าให้มีเวลาพักน้อยกว่าครั้งละ 1 ชั่วโมง ก็ได้แต่ต้องไม่น้อยกว่าครั้งละ 20 นาทีและเมื่อรวมกันแล้ว

ต้องไม่น้อยกว่าวันละ 1 ชั่วโมง

# กรณีงานในหน้าที่มีลักษณะต้องทำติดต่อกันไป หรือเป็นงานฉุกเฉินโดยจะหยุดเสียมิได้ นายจ้างจะไม่จัดเวลาพักให้ลูกจ้างก็ได้



# ต้องไม่น้อยกว่าสัปดาห์ละ 1 วัน โดยมีระยะห่างกันไม่เกิน 6 วัน

# ลูกจ้างมีสิทธิ์ได้รับค่าจ้างในวันหยุดประจำสัปดาห์ (ยกเว้นลูกจ้างรายวัน รายชั่วโมง หรือตามผลงานโดยคำนวณเป็นหน่วย)

# นายจ้างและลูกจ้างจะตกลงกันล่วงหน้า กำหนดให้มีวันหยุดประจำสัปดาห์วันใดก็ได้

# งานโรงแรม งานขนส่ง งานในป่า งานในที่ทุรกันดาร (งานประมงงานดับเพลิง) งานอื่นตามที่กฎกระทรวงฯ กำหนด นายจ้างและลูกจ้าง

จะตกลงกันล่วงหน้า สะสมและเลื่อนวันหยุดประจำสัปดาห์ไปเมื่อไดก็ได้แต่ต้องอยู่ในระยะเวลา ไม่เกิน 4 สัปดาห์ติดต่อกัน

# กรณีวันหยุดประจำสัปดาห์ไม่แน่นอน ให้นายจ้างประกาศวันหยุดให้ลูกจ้างทราบล่วงหน้าไม่น้อยกว่า 3 วันและแจ้งเป็นหนังสือ

ให้พนักงานตรวจแรงงานทราบภายใน 7 วัน นับแต่วันที่ประกาศกำหนด

Above is an excerpt of the Thai labour law for your kind consideration. Although perhaps not quite so brief as your transatlantic norms and highly set expectations might dictate, it does indeed contain a number of carefully selected valuable insights and poignant pointers as to the what-have-yous and whatnots when it comes to the interpretation and literal formulation of Siamese legal peculiarities of which you with admirable brevity adressed your pressing need and also a certain amount of impatience with, inter alia, those peoples of Teutonic, Romance, Slavic and Celtic extraction which form the bulk of the cultural and ethnic sphere commonly and with reasonable accuracy referred to as Europe, whom you would have do display a certain set of distinguishing characteristics that, provided your message was relayed through the digital and physical media, which together do compose the interface through which we are currently attemtping to perform certain activities generally known as communication, to the undersigned in a timely, complete and unmodified form, the undersigned did understand and interpret, separate said individuals of Teutonic, Romance, Slavic and Celtic (naturally not intending to forget any other ethnicities, oft sadly forgotten in favour of those majority cultures inhabiting the lion's share of the Occidental geographical area which forms one generally established and distinguished part of the larger Eurasian continent) extraction, from yet another set of general but hitherto insufficiently unspecified characteristics, which you would have are significantly displayed by those individuals who inhabit that space of our colourful and merry little planet circulating around the ball of exploding gas which in most dialects of English is referred as the "Sun", which, since the time of a number of individuals who accidentally do stem from that same landmass to which was earlier referred and which is mainly inhabited by Teutonics, Celts, etc. etc. and whathaveyou, did cross the body of water separating said two landmasses by means of a cunningly designed vessel known in the common parlance, but rather inspecifically to those for which exactness is a virtue devoutly to be wished and expressed, as a boat.

Cordially yours,

Sir Weary

"working by exerting one's physical energy or employing one's knowledge, whether or not for wages or other benefits"

therefore everyone posting to this board within thailand who doesn't have a work permit specifically to do so is working illegally. :o

"working by exerting one's physical energy or employing one's knowledge, whether or not for wages or other benefits"

therefore everyone posting to this board within thailand who doesn't have a work permit specifically to do so is working illegally. :o

Congratulations!!!!! You go to the head of the class!

According to the Alien Employment Act (B.E. 2521) you need a work permit if you are.

"working by exerting one's physical energy or employing one's knowledge, whether or not for wages or other benefits"

Then I suggest all who volunteer time at the orphanage here are in violation. There must be more than what you posted.

So cleaning the dog crap from my yard is working. Trimming my tree, picking up the glass my cat broke.


According to the Alien Employment Act (B.E. 2521) you need a work permit if you are.

"working by exerting one's physical energy or employing one's knowledge, whether or not for wages or other benefits"

Then I suggest all who volunteer time at the orphanage here are in violation. There must be more than what you posted.

So cleaning the dog crap from my yard is working. Trimming my tree, picking up the glass my cat broke.


Line 1) You also get to go to the head of class. For even volunteers must have documented permission to work on projects or teach for free.

Line 2) As far as your personal chores such as the excrements of your puppy etc.........since most local people are not as concientious about such things as you are, these task were obviously not considered when the rules were written. However, I think that you can rest assured that the personal chores and minor maintenance duties of a household will not require a Work Permit. This does not mean that these unwritten parts of the rules cannot be enforced for if, or when, you become a bother and the local establishment wishes your departure. :D

But please, no one tell my wife about the rules! For these wonderful rules have managed to exempt me from cutting the lawn, washing the car, sweeping the drive or any other thing that is not in my self composed job description!! :o

This punctuates the difference between American's and most Europeans. From what I see, you Europeans take what people say at face value, you worship the government as if it were some omnipotent body incapable of tyranny or fallibility. Someone tells you it is this way and you accept it.

I do not. I want to see the law. Not your interpretation of the law, the law itself.


# ไม่เกิน 8 ชั่วโมงต่อวัน และ 48 ชั่วโมงต่อสัปดาห์

# งานอันตรายตามที่กำหนดในกฏกระทรวงไม่เกิน 7 ชั่วโมงต่อวัน และ 42 ชั่วโมงต่อสัปดาห์


# ในวันที่มีการทำงาน ให้นายจ้างจัดให้ลูกจ้างมีเวลาพักติดต่อกันไม่น้อยกว่าวันละ 1 ชั่วโมง ภายใน 5 ชั่วโมงแรกของการทำงาน

# นายจ้างและลูกจ้างจะตกลงกันล่วงหน้าให้มีเวลาพักน้อยกว่าครั้งละ 1 ชั่วโมง ก็ได้แต่ต้องไม่น้อยกว่าครั้งละ 20 นาทีและเมื่อรวมกันแล้ว

ต้องไม่น้อยกว่าวันละ 1 ชั่วโมง

# กรณีงานในหน้าที่มีลักษณะต้องทำติดต่อกันไป หรือเป็นงานฉุกเฉินโดยจะหยุดเสียมิได้ นายจ้างจะไม่จัดเวลาพักให้ลูกจ้างก็ได้



# ต้องไม่น้อยกว่าสัปดาห์ละ 1 วัน โดยมีระยะห่างกันไม่เกิน 6 วัน

# ลูกจ้างมีสิทธิ์ได้รับค่าจ้างในวันหยุดประจำสัปดาห์ (ยกเว้นลูกจ้างรายวัน รายชั่วโมง หรือตามผลงานโดยคำนวณเป็นหน่วย)

# นายจ้างและลูกจ้างจะตกลงกันล่วงหน้า กำหนดให้มีวันหยุดประจำสัปดาห์วันใดก็ได้

# งานโรงแรม งานขนส่ง งานในป่า งานในที่ทุรกันดาร (งานประมงงานดับเพลิง) งานอื่นตามที่กฎกระทรวงฯ กำหนด นายจ้างและลูกจ้าง

จะตกลงกันล่วงหน้า สะสมและเลื่อนวันหยุดประจำสัปดาห์ไปเมื่อไดก็ได้แต่ต้องอยู่ในระยะเวลา ไม่เกิน 4 สัปดาห์ติดต่อกัน

# กรณีวันหยุดประจำสัปดาห์ไม่แน่นอน ให้นายจ้างประกาศวันหยุดให้ลูกจ้างทราบล่วงหน้าไม่น้อยกว่า 3 วันและแจ้งเป็นหนังสือ

ให้พนักงานตรวจแรงงานทราบภายใน 7 วัน นับแต่วันที่ประกาศกำหนด

Above is an excerpt of the Thai labour law for your kind consideration. Although perhaps not quite so brief as your transatlantic norms and highly set expectations might dictate, it does indeed contain a number of carefully selected valuable insights and poignant pointers as to the what-have-yous and whatnots when it comes to the interpretation and literal formulation of Siamese legal peculiarities of which you with admirable brevity adressed your pressing need and also a certain amount of impatience with, inter alia, those peoples of Teutonic, Romance, Slavic and Celtic extraction which form the bulk of the cultural and ethnic sphere commonly and with reasonable accuracy referred to as Europe, whom you would have do display a certain set of distinguishing characteristics that, provided your message was relayed through the digital and physical media, which together do compose the interface through which we are currently attemtping to perform certain activities generally known as communication, to the undersigned in a timely, complete and unmodified form, the undersigned did understand and interpret, separate said individuals of Teutonic, Romance, Slavic and Celtic (naturally not intending to forget any other ethnicities, oft sadly forgotten in favour of those majority cultures inhabiting the lion's share of the Occidental geographical area which forms one generally established and distinguished part of the larger Eurasian continent) extraction, from yet another set of general but hitherto insufficiently unspecified characteristics, which you would have are significantly displayed by those individuals who inhabit that space of our colourful and merry little planet circulating around the ball of exploding gas which in most dialects of English is referred as the "Sun", which, since the time of a number of individuals who accidentally do stem from that same landmass to which was earlier referred and which is mainly inhabited by Teutonics, Celts, etc. etc. and whathaveyou, did cross the body of water separating said two landmasses by means of a cunningly designed vessel known in the common parlance, but rather inspecifically to those for which exactness is a virtue devoutly to be wished and expressed, as a boat.

Cordially yours,

Sir Weary

I am growing weary of you Sir Weary.

Do you have an English Translation. We are halfway there, seal the deal.


# ไม่เกิน 8 ชั่วโมงต่อวัน และ 48 ชั่วโมงต่อสัปดาห์

# งานอันตรายตามที่กำหนดในกฏกระทรวงไม่เกิน 7 ชั่วโมงต่อวัน และ 42 ชั่วโมงต่อสัปดาห์


# ในวันที่มีการทำงาน ให้นายจ้างจัดให้ลูกจ้างมีเวลาพักติดต่อกันไม่น้อยกว่าวันละ 1 ชั่วโมง ภายใน 5 ชั่วโมงแรกของการทำงาน

# นายจ้างและลูกจ้างจะตกลงกันล่วงหน้าให้มีเวลาพักน้อยกว่าครั้งละ 1 ชั่วโมง ก็ได้แต่ต้องไม่น้อยกว่าครั้งละ 20 นาทีและเมื่อรวมกันแล้ว

ต้องไม่น้อยกว่าวันละ 1 ชั่วโมง

# กรณีงานในหน้าที่มีลักษณะต้องทำติดต่อกันไป หรือเป็นงานฉุกเฉินโดยจะหยุดเสียมิได้ นายจ้างจะไม่จัดเวลาพักให้ลูกจ้างก็ได้



# ต้องไม่น้อยกว่าสัปดาห์ละ 1 วัน โดยมีระยะห่างกันไม่เกิน 6 วัน

# ลูกจ้างมีสิทธิ์ได้รับค่าจ้างในวันหยุดประจำสัปดาห์ (ยกเว้นลูกจ้างรายวัน รายชั่วโมง หรือตามผลงานโดยคำนวณเป็นหน่วย)

# นายจ้างและลูกจ้างจะตกลงกันล่วงหน้า กำหนดให้มีวันหยุดประจำสัปดาห์วันใดก็ได้

# งานโรงแรม งานขนส่ง งานในป่า งานในที่ทุรกันดาร (งานประมงงานดับเพลิง) งานอื่นตามที่กฎกระทรวงฯ กำหนด นายจ้างและลูกจ้าง

จะตกลงกันล่วงหน้า สะสมและเลื่อนวันหยุดประจำสัปดาห์ไปเมื่อไดก็ได้แต่ต้องอยู่ในระยะเวลา ไม่เกิน 4 สัปดาห์ติดต่อกัน

# กรณีวันหยุดประจำสัปดาห์ไม่แน่นอน ให้นายจ้างประกาศวันหยุดให้ลูกจ้างทราบล่วงหน้าไม่น้อยกว่า 3 วันและแจ้งเป็นหนังสือ

ให้พนักงานตรวจแรงงานทราบภายใน 7 วัน นับแต่วันที่ประกาศกำหนด

Sir Weary


Working hours

-Not more than 8 hr/day, and 48 hr/week

-Hazardous work or works in hazardous condition as set forth/defined by the ministry, there should not be more than 7 hr/day and 42 hr/week

Regular day - Breaks/time off

-During each regular working day – An employee must be given at least 1 hr for every 5 hrs work,

-Unless there’s the agreement or understanding between the employer and his employee that each break should be less than 1 hr, however the sum of the total breaks per day should not be less than 1 hr per day.

-In case of continuous/ emergency/ overtime work – the employer is not obligate to finding the suitable accommodation during such work hours and the employee may have the right to reject the work offered.

Regular weekly time off

-not less than 1 day/week, for every 6 days interval

-A regular employee has the right to receive/ demand the wage due to him for the work peformed during his time off (excluding for day laborers, hourly laborers, or unit price laborers)

-The employer and his employee should agree beforehand on the exact day off during the regular week.

-Works of those in …..hotel, shipping, forestry, putting out fire (such as a fireman), there should be an agreement between both parties beforehand for the time off day

- In case of no set regular time off day during the week,

then the employer must post the day off schedule for his employees to see at least 3 days before,

if there is such a general employee booklet/manual to view, then the employer must post in there 7 days before


Yes...anything you don't agree with must be stupid by definition... :o

You telling me or asking me? If the Thais were so stupid - hold on I'll say it again, IF THE THAIS WERE SO STUPID to write a law that makes it illegal for a foreigner to help children as an example, then yes I say it is STUPID not because I disagree with it. I say it is stupid because it is STUPID.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Not hard at all.

"working by exerting one's physical energy or employing one's knowledge, whether or not for wages or other benefits"

therefore everyone posting to this board within thailand who doesn't have a work permit specifically to do so is working illegally. :o

Yes it has long been pointed out that the Thais have made the Alien work restrictions VERY broad.. However its hardly acceptable to say, 'well thats too many people that need WP's. So I dont need one'..

People earning money in Thailand have no clause or shelter from the above.


I can show you "excerpts" of any law and make it seem more ominous or not at all ominous. Don't show me one sentence, I want to know what the entire section says.

Hysteria. Who needs it?

Show me the law. Spare me any babble, just the facts, not your opinion.

Were you that Sergeant Friday guy in Dragnet ?

No, but I was one of the head writers for the show. Glad you enjoyed it.

According to the Alien Employment Act (B.E. 2521) you need a work permit if you are.

"working by exerting one's physical energy or employing one's knowledge, whether or not for wages or other benefits"

Then I suggest all who volunteer time at the orphanage here are in violation. There must be more than what you posted.


Bingo give the man a cigar..

I guess your memory doesnt go as far back as the post Tsunami period..

One of the Phuket immigration bosses claimed that any and all volunteers that had come to help and rebuild Thailand after that event would be arrested, charged and deported if they didnt have a WP.. As many of them were simply souls trying to help and had no affiliation with the international aid agencies work permits were not easy to obtain. They were giving thier time not only freely but at thier own large expense.

They recently threatened Margret the lady that was running the soi dog foundation (because she publically criticised the government dog pound disaster) that she was 'working' without a permit by attempting to help with the stray dog problem. Easy way to shut her up by threatening her with deportation.

Exactly the cases you describe.. You clearly dont have much of a grip on the reality of when you need one.

The Alien Employment Act is fairly clear.. I posted the applicable line in English for you..

However you slice it sitting in Thailand working and earning you money here year after year, clearly needs a WP.. Otherwise the Government would issue WP exemptions.

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