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What's the problem with western women in Thailand?


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Do Western women come to Thailand for the men?

No, they go to Kenya, Jamaica and other islands in the Caribbean.

Sex tourism for women is alive and well and has been for years.

It's just not talked about so much.

I'm guessing the numbers are significantly lower - I wonder if there are any reputable figures for number of female sex tourists?

Italy and Greece would be the obvious choice for comparison purposes.

Virtually all the Thai women I know are looking for a falang partner for themselves or one of their friends/relations. That's because Thai males rank pretty high on world rankings for chauvinism, not to mention abusive behaviours. I can't see Western women as sex tourists here - for one thing, Thais are not renowned for their genitalia.

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I know numerous western couples who've lived here for a year or more. I don't know of a single marriage that has failed within that time. So excuse me while I take your anecdotal 'evidence' with a pinch of salt.

Over the last 50 years, I too have known numerous married western couples who have lived here and in other Asian countries--many ended in divorce, but even more continued on with infidelity. However, I also know numerous married western couples who have never left the west and yet many of their marriages have ended in divorce.

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I think the OP has missed one very important distinction in her exposition on Western women and the aversion of many Western men in Thailand to them.

It's the law, stupid.

In the USA, UK and Australia when a relationship breaks down the Family Courts usually split assets down the middle. It doesn't matter if the male brought all the assets into the relationship. It doesn't matter if the female sat on her duff for 20 years while the male was out in the workplace putting a roof over their heads and food on the table. A gaggle of gutless jurists has succumbed to feminist pressures.

It gets even worse. In Australia, if you live in a defacto relationship for more than 12 months, assets are split down the middle. Children? I know one person whose wife was awarded the house he paid for. 80% of his wages are garnisheed to support the wife and children.

Believe it or not, Thai law is much more sensible. Only those assets accumulated during marriage are divided between the parties. Thai law does not recognise defacto relationships.

There are also other considerations, such as the fact most Thai women age significantly better than Western women. Ms. OP finds that objectionable. OK. However, I would like her to explain how family law in Western countries can be regarded as fair and equitable.

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Women are still 2nd class citizens here and are treated as such...

I'd like to see you call my wife a second class citizen...

You and I are more enlightened. Most Thai men would treat her with less respect.

It all starts as children. Haven't you noticed that little boys are treated like princes whilst the girls are treated like servants from a very early age?

Watch the Thai TV soap operas. Or, watch a building site and see who is doing most of the physical work.

It's all rather obvious that most women are treated as second class citizens.

This is absolutely not true. I know a large number of Thai families. In every single case, 100% of the time, Thai parents love and adore their daughters as much as their sons. I don't know what country or planet you're talking about, but it's definitely not Thailand. You really should refrain from making up ridiculous lies.

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Do Western women come to Thailand for the men?


I am really impressed that you feel you speak for all western women. Please explain the western women married to Thai men--yeah, okay, they came for the temples, but . . . Then there's the forty-something German lady who admits she is a sexpat and hangs out with two Aussie women who live with five young Thai male band members. Yeah, they all came for the elephant rides; well one of them is almost that big.

I'll let you in on another secret; western women like Asian and African men for some of the same reasons western men claim to like Asian women--more caring, better in bed, flawless skin, and younger.

And, do I need to mention the other similarity$

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Women are still 2nd class citizens here and are treated as such...

You and I are more enlightened. Most Thai men would treat her with less respect.

It all starts as children. Haven't you noticed that little boys are treated like princes whilst the girls are treated like servants from a very early age?

Watch the Thai TV soap operas. Or, watch a building site and see who is doing most of the physical work.

It's all rather obvious that most women are treated as second class citizens.

This is absolutely not true. I know a large number of Thai families. In every single case, 100% of the time, Thai parents love and adore their daughters as much as their sons. I don't know what country or planet you're talking about, but it's definitely not Thailand. You really should refrain from making up ridiculous lies.

I'll provide a contradictory example.

Granddaughter (11 years old ) of my Thai GF phones her sobbing her heart out. She gets into a fight with her half-brother ( 6 years old ) over the TV.

Father of the granddaughter changes the TV to the channel the half-brother wants. Note, he is not the half-brothers' father.

The granddaughter gets a belting, and sent to bed without any dinner.

Based on that example, you are talking rubbish.

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You and I are more enlightened. Most Thai men would treat her with less respect.

It all starts as children. Haven't you noticed that little boys are treated like princes whilst the girls are treated like servants from a very early age?

Watch the Thai TV soap operas. Or, watch a building site and see who is doing most of the physical work.

It's all rather obvious that most women are treated as second class citizens.

This is absolutely not true. I know a large number of Thai families. In every single case, 100% of the time, Thai parents love and adore their daughters as much as their sons. I don't know what country or planet you're talking about, but it's definitely not Thailand. You really should refrain from making up ridiculous lies.

I'll provide a contradictory example.

Granddaughter (11 years old ) of my Thai GF phones her sobbing her heart out. She gets into a fight with her half-brother ( 6 years old ) over the TV.

Father of the granddaughter changes the TV to the channel the half-brother wants. Note, he is not the half-brothers' father.

The granddaughter gets a belting, and sent to bed without any dinner.

Based on that example, you are talking rubbish.

Based on this ONE incredibly stupid example? Are you serious? You sir, are even more clueless than the Karen guy.

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You and I are more enlightened. Most Thai men would treat her with less respect.

It all starts as children. Haven't you noticed that little boys are treated like princes whilst the girls are treated like servants from a very early age?

Watch the Thai TV soap operas. Or, watch a building site and see who is doing most of the physical work.

It's all rather obvious that most women are treated as second class citizens.

This is absolutely not true. I know a large number of Thai families. In every single case, 100% of the time, Thai parents love and adore their daughters as much as their sons. I don't know what country or planet you're talking about, but it's definitely not Thailand. You really should refrain from making up ridiculous lies.

I'll provide a contradictory example.

Granddaughter (11 years old ) of my Thai GF phones her sobbing her heart out. She gets into a fight with her half-brother ( 6 years old ) over the TV.

Father of the granddaughter changes the TV to the channel the half-brother wants. Note, he is not the half-brothers' father.

The granddaughter gets a belting, and sent to bed without any dinner.

Based on that example, you are talking rubbish.

Based on this ONE incredibly stupid example? Are you serious? You sir, are even more clueless than the Karen guy.

You are the one claiming "in every single case, 100% of the time" All I have to do is provide one example to destroy that statement.

Take a look a round any condo. It's the women doing the work, and the guys "supervising". Or any market.

What rarified part of Thailand are you residing in? You need to get out more.

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"I too, have had the disapproving stares from European ladies"

It's a normal part of their culture not to smile at people who are not their friends. If you lived cheek to jowl packed into some brick and concrete European city, you'd frown all the time, too.

Heck, even beautiful American women don't smile at strangers.

Get used to it.

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Good women are hard enough to find already, without making it even harder by setting standards for their skin condition. Sheesh!

Why not? Everyone is entitled to like what they want, aren't they? Quite frankly, the skin is one of the more feminine attributes a woman possesses. If I wanted hairy, pasty-white, blotchy, cellulite skin; I'd look at my own.

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Call me A stereotype.I could care less.I believe that most western women in Thailand see the average Western man is a sex

Pervert.That the only reason the western man is here is to have sex with 10-12 year old's.Maybe I'm wrong but I see it in their eyes.

And the least attractive and the heavier she is,than even more so.

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Have any of you considered why they might have a low opinion of male expats?

Maybe whilst researching their trip, they stumbled upon the largest forum devoted to foreigners in Thailand? And then read page after page of sexism, misogynism, racism, and homophobia. Stories of bar-fining girls, buying teenagers from their parents, paying your girlfriend a monthly salary. People talking about Thai women as if they were a commodity, and Thai men as if they were subhuman.

Can you honestly blame them for forming a poor opinion?

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Have any of you considered why they might have a low opinion of male expats?

Maybe whilst researching their trip, they stumbled upon the largest forum devoted to foreigners in Thailand? And then read page after page of sexism, misogynism, racism, and homophobia. Stories of bar-fining girls, buying teenagers from their parents, paying your girlfriend a monthly salary. People talking about Thai women as if they were a commodity, and Thai men as if they were subhuman.

Can you honestly blame them for forming a poor opinion?

.......and yet, you are still here after nearly eight thousand posts.

Let me guess...."but I'm different".

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Have any of you considered why they might have a low opinion of male expats?

Maybe whilst researching their trip, they stumbled upon the largest forum devoted to foreigners in Thailand? And then read page after page of sexism, misogynism, racism, and homophobia. Stories of bar-fining girls, buying teenagers from their parents, paying your girlfriend a monthly salary. People talking about Thai women as if they were a commodity, and Thai men as if they were subhuman.

Can you honestly blame them for forming a poor opinion?

.......and yet, you are still here after nearly eight thousand posts.

Let me guess...."but I'm different".

What can I say? I find this place fascinating. Equal parts abhorrent, pathetic and hilarious.

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Before I left the states six years ago, I was an "Invisible man" for women under 50. I was 65. The ageism and the feminazis wore me out. I have found a very loving ,caring long-term relationship with a younger Thai lady who treats me with dignity and respect as I do her.

I am generally turned off by Western women now after experiencing a loving relationship with a Thai. My wife is so good to me, that I can't help but want to do good things for her. Never bitchy or demanding. No overpowering sense of entitlement that I saw in the US. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I am happy and so is my lovely and beautiful Thai partner.

When you were in your 40s did you want to date western women in their mid 60s? If not, that was very discriminatory of you.


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Berkshire needs to open his eyes. As I said, go visit a building site. Watch a Thai soap. Oh....and by the way.....take off the rose tinted glasses.

Here's a novel idea. Ask a Thai woman who gets treated better in Thailand; men or women?

Sorry, I don't hang out at building sites trying to pick-up migrant workers. But I do work in a professional capacity, around educated Thai females. My eye doctor is female, as well as my dermatologist. I've met high ranking government officials and university Presidents who are female. I see that you guys mostly hang out around bars and talk to bargirls, so I can understand your warped perspective.

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Berkshire needs to open his eyes. As I said, go visit a building site. Watch a Thai soap. Oh....and by the way.....take off the rose tinted glasses.

Here's a novel idea. Ask a Thai woman who gets treated better in Thailand; men or women?

Sorry, I don't hang out at building sites trying to pick-up migrant workers. But I do work in a professional capacity, around educated Thai females. My eye doctor is female, as well as my dermatologist. I've met high ranking government officials and university Presidents who are female. I see that you guys mostly hang out around bars and talk to bargirls, so I can understand your warped perspective.

And of course these educated Thai females are a majority in Thailand. Your perspective is not warped by this.facepalm.gif

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Have any of you considered why they might have a low opinion of male expats?

Maybe whilst researching their trip, they stumbled upon the largest forum devoted to foreigners in Thailand? And then read page after page of sexism, misogynism, racism, and homophobia. Stories of bar-fining girls, buying teenagers from their parents, paying your girlfriend a monthly salary. People talking about Thai women as if they were a commodity, and Thai men as if they were subhuman.

Can you honestly blame them for forming a poor opinion?

.......and yet, you are still here after nearly eight thousand posts.

Let me guess...."but I'm different".

What can I say? I find this place fascinating. Equal parts abhorrent, pathetic and hilarious.

Much like your posts. Oops, delete fascinating.

Edited by bazza40
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Berkshire needs to open his eyes. As I said, go visit a building site. Watch a Thai soap. Oh....and by the way.....take off the rose tinted glasses.

Here's a novel idea. Ask a Thai woman who gets treated better in Thailand; men or women?

Sorry, I don't hang out at building sites trying to pick-up migrant workers. But I do work in a professional capacity, around educated Thai females. My eye doctor is female, as well as my dermatologist. I've met high ranking government officials and university Presidents who are female. I see that you guys mostly hang out around bars and talk to bargirls, so I can understand your warped perspective.

I only hang out with people with BOTH a PhD and 100,000,000 million baht in bank account. Small group of elitists.

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Have any of you considered why they might have a low opinion of male expats?

Maybe whilst researching their trip, they stumbled upon the largest forum devoted to foreigners in Thailand? And then read page after page of sexism, misogynism, racism, and homophobia. Stories of bar-fining girls, buying teenagers from their parents, paying your girlfriend a monthly salary. People talking about Thai women as if they were a commodity, and Thai men as if they were subhuman.

Can you honestly blame them for forming a poor opinion?

.......and yet, you are still here after nearly eight thousand posts.

Let me guess...."but I'm different".

What can I say? I find this place fascinating. Equal parts abhorrent, pathetic and hilarious.

Much like your posts. Oops, delete fascinating.

No need to get personal, guys.

Care to address the actual point I was making? What sort of impression do you think a western woman would have of expat men after a couple hours reading this forum?

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must be hard for a western woman come to thailand and see a more natural side to western men. i avoid talking to western woman like most other people here i am guessing.

you would be wrong, not every western man, nor even the majority of western men in asia are so overcome by their own inadequacies they feel the need to avoid women of an equal status.

the numbers do seem slightly skewed on here though.

why would you assume your issues are universal?

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all i have to say is thank god for the misogynists, misfits and misanthropes out there with their insecurities.

after 20 years in thailand, i have come full circle.

give me a motivated western woman with her own life over another thai dependent any day.

personally i enjoy lying in bed discussing literature or world affairs with someone who can answer.

so, you keep it up and ill keep meeting women who are relieved that im not a sexpat <deleted>

So you've come to your senses and decided you preferred apples to oranges. How about a motivated Thai woman with her own life and a dependent western woman? If you like to discuss literature and world affairs in English and in bed, try an educated woman; she doesn't have to be western.

It seems so many farangs only know Thai bar girls; would you even consider a western prostitute for a wife?

lf l loved her & she gave up her past, l would marry her.

lf she'd have me.

you are making some pretty big assumptions there tiger.

where did i mention prostitutes even once?

i simply stated that i have discovered i am more satisfied by a partner with whom i share a common cultural bond.

personally im not hung up on race, but i find my common ground more frequently with women from the west. simples really.

Edited by HooHaa
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I know numerous western couples who've lived here for a year or more. I don't know of a single marriage that has failed within that time. So excuse me while I take your anecdotal 'evidence' with a pinch of salt.

i have seen my fair share when i was with microsoft.

infidelity abounded.

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.......and yet, you are still here after nearly eight thousand posts.

Let me guess...."but I'm different".

What can I say? I find this place fascinating. Equal parts abhorrent, pathetic and hilarious.

Much like your posts. Oops, delete fascinating.

No need to get personal, guys.

Care to address the actual point I was making? What sort of impression do you think a western woman would have of expat men after a couple hours reading this forum?

Why not? You have a number of posts on TV which have been extremely personal and judgmental. Perhaps you are better at dishing it out than taking it.

Be that as it may, you're probably right. However, you could be confusing me with someone who gives a rat's a**e about a Western woman's impression.

Now go back to my previous post on family law in Western countries and Thailand, and tell me where I'm wrong. Better still, imagine yourself in that position.

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