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What's the problem with western women in Thailand?


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I should say she should enjoy her time in Thailand. But paradise it is not. Give some time and she will discover some of the negatives. For example, you can't move to Thailand like you could move from the UK to France. You will always need to comply with the visa rules and justify why she is in Thailand. There is not automatic entitlement to stay, but she will discover that herself.

Unless she gets married to a Thai man... much different, she then has many more rights than a farang man married to a Thai woman.

Perhaps there is also a downside?

The Thai male's idea of the ideal behaviour in a marriage may be very different to the idea that the Western woman may have.

Not wishing to fall into the stereotype trap but.....

In my circle of family/friends, I know many Thai ladies who are divorced and have to take care of children with no support from the fathers of the children.

Heck, I married one 555

The Thai's have the "informal" marriage ceremony.

Just a party and blessings from Monks.

Then as soon as either of them become bored, they simply move on,

leaving what ever children had been produced.

One Thai man can easily have 5 serial "marriages" like this.

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Women are still 2nd class citizens here and are treated as such...

I'd like to see you call my wife a second class citizen...

You and I are more enlightened. Most Thai men would treat her with less respect.

It all starts as children. Haven't you noticed that little boys are treated like princes whilst the girls are treated like servants from a very early age?

Watch the Thai TV soap operas. Or, watch a building site and see who is doing most of the physical work.

It's all rather obvious that most women are treated as second class citizens.

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What's the problem with western women in Thailand?

One of the problems I have with western woman in Thailand is their inability to start a discussion thread about western woman, or any other subject, without turning it into a western man bashing thread.

Arguably, there are some men with various social and other problems, who tend to gravitate to Thailand and the lifestyle available to them because here they can find a place where they fit. Many of them failed at life in western countries and resent that old life following them here.

However, there are also many thousands of quite normal, or even exceptional, men who come here for a variety of other reasons including work, family, taxes, or retirement.

​But this thread purports to be about western women, not men!

The author, who's seems to be a fairly intelligent and well educated person, started her article on subject, but soon turned it into the usual diatribe about men's attitudes towards western women. The bulk of it became about misogynistic men who can't cope with strong, empowered women, or those who require a meek subversiant woman to cater to their every whim.

A couple of times she used disclaimers such as "This isn’t a feminist diatribe, but more of a collection of observations" just to cover herself before continuing the usual boring war against the other gender.

It's all been said before by scores of other western women on these forums and, just once, I would like to see a discussion that is actually about life in Thailand for a western woman without the associated male bashing.

I don't think thats an fair response to the article at all. She begins by acknowledging that most expats aren't like that, and that those she is talking about are merely a subsection. Then goes onto to discuss this minority of male expats by way of responding to their comments about expat women. She then ends by once again stressing that she's not talking about all men, but only a small but vocal minority.

The whole point of the article is about the problem some have with western women - it's not intended to be about 'life in Thailand as a western woman'. You've both misunderstood the point of the article and misrepresented its contents.

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Women are still 2nd class citizens here and are treated as such...

I'd like to see you call my wife a second class citizen...

You and I are more enlightened. Most Thai men would treat her with less respect.

It all starts as children. Haven't you noticed that little boys are treated like princes whilst the girls are treated like servants from a very early age?

Watch the Thai TV soap operas. Or, watch a building site and see who is doing most of the physical work.

It's all rather obvious that most women are treated as second class citizens.

Most Thai men treat my wife with the utmost respect.

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Just a bunch of nasty comments by old men.

It's what you make of it. Period. There are plenty of people who are just mean spirits anyway. They look at the glass as being half empty. They will always have a negative comment.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

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Flawless skin? In Thailand?

Must be a combination of makeup and beer goggles.

l have personally enjoyed many Thai women with smooth flawless skin.

lt is something that l look for & demand.

Don't know where you've been.

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Flawless skin? In Thailand?

Must be a combination of makeup and beer goggles.

l have personally enjoyed many Thai women with smooth flawless skin.

lt is something that l look for & demand.

Don't know where you've been.

Something that you demand?

Well...that speaks volumes.......

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all i have to say is thank god for the misogynists, misfits and misanthropes out there with their insecurities.

after 20 years in thailand, i have come full circle.

give me a motivated western woman with her own life over another thai dependent any day.

personally i enjoy lying in bed discussing literature or world affairs with someone who can answer.

so, you keep it up and ill keep meeting women who are relieved that im not a sexpat <deleted>

So you've come to your senses and decided you preferred apples to oranges. How about a motivated Thai woman with her own life and a dependent western woman? If you like to discuss literature and world affairs in English and in bed, try an educated woman; she doesn't have to be western.

It seems so many farangs only know Thai bar girls; would you even consider a western prostitute for a wife?

lf l loved her & she gave up her past, l would marry her.

lf she'd have me.

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all i have to say is thank god for the misogynists, misfits and misanthropes out there with their insecurities.

after 20 years in thailand, i have come full circle.

give me a motivated western woman with her own life over another thai dependent any day.

personally i enjoy lying in bed discussing literature or world affairs with someone who can answer.

so, you keep it up and ill keep meeting women who are relieved that im not a sexpat <deleted>

So you've come to your senses and decided you preferred apples to oranges. How about a motivated Thai woman with her own life and a dependent western woman? If you like to discuss literature and world affairs in English and in bed, try an educated woman; she doesn't have to be western.

It seems so many farangs only know Thai bar girls; would you even consider a western prostitute for a wife?

lf l loved her & she gave up her past, l would marry her.

lf she'd have me.

As long as she had flawless skin......right?

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For an "editor" madam, you sure change the subject, or you have made a complete mess of the headline.

This article is all about what Steph thinks is wrong with western men in Thailand.

It is precisely this attitude that western men find infuriating about western women in Thailand, so now you know. It's not just because 90% of you are overweight or obese, it's the attitude that goes with it.

Get over it,

Or go home if you hare come here looking for a western man, you have cut your chances to about ten million to one against.


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Flawless skin? In Thailand?

Must be a combination of makeup and beer goggles.

l have personally enjoyed many Thai women with smooth flawless skin.

lt is something that l look for & demand.

Don't know where you've been.

Something that you demand?

Well...that speaks volumes.......

Of course it does.

To each their own.

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all i have to say is thank god for the misogynists, misfits and misanthropes out there with their insecurities.

after 20 years in thailand, i have come full circle.

give me a motivated western woman with her own life over another thai dependent any day.

personally i enjoy lying in bed discussing literature or world affairs with someone who can answer.

so, you keep it up and ill keep meeting women who are relieved that im not a sexpat <deleted>

So you've come to your senses and decided you preferred apples to oranges. How about a motivated Thai woman with her own life and a dependent western woman? If you like to discuss literature and world affairs in English and in bed, try an educated woman; she doesn't have to be western.

It seems so many farangs only know Thai bar girls; would you even consider a western prostitute for a wife?

lf l loved her & she gave up her past, l would marry her.

lf she'd have me.

As long as she had flawless skin......right?

Now you're getting it.

Amongst other things.

Go on, ask me what other things! lol

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Good women are hard enough to find already, without making it even harder by setting standards for their skin condition. Sheesh!

Setting the skin bar at 'flawless' doesn't help either

Haven't had any problems finding smooth, flawless skin so far.

You're all looking in the wrong places. lolz

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Good women are hard enough to find already, without making it even harder by setting standards for their skin condition. Sheesh!

Setting the skin bar at 'flawless' doesn't help either

Haven't had any problems finding smooth, flawless skin so far.

You're all looking in the wrong places. lolz

I have't started looking and can't see a time when it ever would become an overriding feature for me

I am yet to meet any woman with flawless skin...but my definition of flawless might differ from yours

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Even pigs can have flawless skin.

I tend to look at the whole package.

Naturally l also look at the whole package.

Smooth flawless skin just happens to be one of my criteria.

Anyway, enough already about flawless skin.

Don't we all have other important items to discuss?

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Many western men mostly don't like western women her because of their attitude. It's the same as back wherever we got the hell out of. Too many back packing men hating NGO types. Only place I ever got really got dirty looks was in CM with my Thai wife, yea 1/2 my age. I finally had enough and faced one down with a good middle finger salute and the appropriate words to go with. Look on her face, priceless. Maybe, but I doubt it, she'll think twice about the holier than thou dirty looks.

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Many western men mostly don't like western women her because of their attitude. It's the same as back wherever we got the hell out of. Too many back packing men hating NGO types. Only place I ever got really got dirty looks was in CM with my Thai wife, yea 1/2 my age. I finally had enough and faced one down with a good middle finger salute and the appropriate words to go with. Look on her face, priceless. Maybe, but I doubt it, she'll think twice about the holier than thou dirty looks.

You probably just reinforced her opinion of you.

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Many western men mostly don't like western women her because of their attitude. It's the same as back wherever we got the hell out of. Too many back packing men hating NGO types. Only place I ever got really got dirty looks was in CM with my Thai wife, yea 1/2 my age. I finally had enough and faced one down with a good middle finger salute and the appropriate words to go with. Look on her face, priceless. Maybe, but I doubt it, she'll think twice about the holier than thou dirty looks.

You probably just reinforced her opinion of you.

A rare win-win situation

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