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Khmer Times/Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

The Chief Abbot in Kampong Speu province will resign from his position as the Head of Buddhist Monks in Kampong Speu after video of the monk singing and dancing at a Khmer New Year celebration was released to the public on Wednesday, according to Ministry of Cults and Religion spokesman Seng Somony. The Venerable Dou Vandoeun, 51, was forced to resign from his position for “violating Buddhist regulations,” Mr. Somony said. Ven. Vandoeun was not defrocked, however, and remains the Chief of Trapaing Koung commune’s Roleang Kompul Pagoda in Samrong district. Despite this, he is under investigation for possible sexual transgressions.

On April 16, Ven. Vandoeun took to the stage to sing and dance during a concert that was being held at his pagoda, Mr. Somony said. In the video of the event, a band plays and crowds of people are seen dancing.Ven. Vandoeun was summoned to Wat Botum in Phnom Penh for questioning by the supreme patriarch of Buddhist monks yesterday. Along with Samdech Nuon Ngeth, representatives from the Ministry of Cults and Religions also sat in on the questioning.

“The supreme patriarch of Buddhist monks in Cambodia considers dancing on stage, publicly, as an act contrary to regulations of the Buddhist religion, and will harm the honor of the religion, especially the reputations and honor of Buddhist monks,” Mr. Somony told Khmer Times. “The supreme patriarch has decided to force him to resign immediately from the position of Chief Abbot and the Head of Provincial Buddhist Monks in Kampong Speu.”

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/24093/dancing-senior-monk-forced-to-resign/

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