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Paris climate accord is signed by record 175 countries


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Such a relief, I was worried the spate of bombing attacks and mass murders through northern Europe was going to interfere with this climate change summit. The bombing attacks carried out by a well known terrorist cult is readily identifiable and could be quickly and permanently remedied if needed - making proper countries citizens happy and relieved. Climate change of course may or may not be occurring, and if it is occurring there is no evidence that man's activities have anything whatsoever to do with the climate change that may or may not even be occurring anyway. It is difficult to draw conclusions from cyclical natural patterns that have a large element of random and chaos. I can see why our politicians are so pleased with themselves this week.

Yeeeah...so climate change is a global conspiracy without a shred of evidence? Even when the vast majority of climate scientists (you know, the people who actually study this stuff) agree. Not to mention scientists other than climate like Richard Dawkins...Stephen Hawking...Neil DeGrasse Tyson...Jerry Coyne...Phil Plait...Lawrence Krauss...Cara Santa Maria and on and on and on...

'Climate change of course may or may not be occurring'...

...kinda like saying smoking may or may not cause cancer...obesity and high fat, low fiber diets may or may not lead to heart disease...evolution may or may not be a fact...drunk driving may or may not be dangerous...secondhand smoke may or may not be harmful...and on and on and on...

Conspiracy Theorist much??? bah.gif

Climate change/global warming are a verifiable fact, however man's impact on this natural cyclical occurrence is far from unquestionably proven. In addition is that the west is the only nations that agreed to cut anything in the near future, while China says it will hit peak co2 in 2040 and India won't even discuss when they will heat peak co2, sometime after bringing electricity to 700 million more people mostly by dirty coal.

Additionally, the developed nations owes the developing nations 100 billion $ in the process. This deal is more to do with globalization, you know where the rich get richer, the independent thinking middle class is eliminated while jobs are exported and the former middle class become dependent on government largess.

A scandal of social engineering by the elitist class (soon to be commie) is ongoing and destroying the fabric of those freedoms the US constitution calls Inalienable rights.

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