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SURVEY: Is Thailand at risk of another terrorist attack?


SURVEY: Is Thailand at risk of a terrorist attack?  

147 members have voted

  1. 1. SURVEY: Is Thailand at risk of a terrorist attack in the next year?

    • There is a very high probability of a terrorist attack within the next year.
    • There is a high probability of a terrorist attack within the next year.
    • There is about the same probability of a terrorist attack as most countries.
    • There is a low probability of a terrorist attack within the next year.
    • There is a very low probability of a terrorist attack witnin the next year.

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Isis is a product of the U.S. invading Iraq. Keep up the good work America. War anywhere seems to work for you.

You are unwilling to take out Assad in Syria and are as responsible as Russia for the deaths of innocents in Syria and other places.

Didn't take long for one of the "blame America" nut bags to show up!

Seriously... Less time on TV, more time with books.

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They wouldn't dare attack Thailand because they know it is a load of military generals country and they might get caught and punished unlike an attack on the west where they could end up in a cushy prison after 15 years of appeals and retrials regarding their human rights Thai general human rights what rights we decide your rights

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... at risk of another terrorist attack? What do you mean?

There are terrorist attacks almost every day in Thailand. Or is Thailand only Bangkok?

Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat .... rings a bell?

Of course, these daily terrorist attacks have never been a reason for the military to stage a coup. 2,500 killed? No problem...

But a few victims in Bangkok and the whole military apparatus goes in overdrive to justify a military coup, destruction of civil and human rights and democracy. Strange, no?

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There is one about every 2 days down south, but since it's just poor Thais being blown to bits, no one seems to care much. To exclude the south is wrong.

He's talking about bangkok/pattaya where most westerners visit.The attack at erawan was an attack on the west as well.Sure thais were killed

and the bombing was in the heart of Bangkok,but i think there was an underlying motive to kill foreigners and show up thailand.

There will be another bombing both in thailand and other countries-it is almost inevitable.

I understand what he was saying, I simply think it's wrong to brush off attacks that don't target or kill foreigners.

However, such a targeted future attack is inevitable. It's just a matter of when and how many bodies.

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Isis is a product of the U.S. invading Iraq. Keep up the good work America. War anywhere seems to work for you.

You are unwilling to take out Assad in Syria and are as responsible as Russia for the deaths of innocents in Syria and other places.

Didn't take long for one of the "blame America" nut bags to show up!

Seriously... Less time on TV, more time with books.

If you don't think America is not more than mostly responsible for the " Terrorism Quagmire" the World is currently experiencing, I think you should go back and watch some footage of all the members of Congress who voted against the war in iraq, you would think they had a crystal ball. With the vacuum Bush created his name should have beet Hoover and not George W.

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... at risk of another terrorist attack? What do you mean?

There are terrorist attacks almost every day in Thailand. Or is Thailand only Bangkok?

Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat .... rings a bell?

Of course, these daily terrorist attacks have never been a reason for the military to stage a coup. 2,500 killed? No problem...

But a few victims in Bangkok and the whole military apparatus goes in overdrive to justify a military coup, destruction of civil and human rights and democracy. Strange, no?

Your being generous with your math.

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Isis is a product of the U.S. invading Iraq. Keep up the good work America. War anywhere seems to work for you.

You are unwilling to take out Assad in Syria and are as responsible as Russia for the deaths of innocents in Syria and other places.

Didn't take long for one of the "blame America" nut bags to show up!

Seriously... Less time on TV, more time with books.

If you don't think America is not more than mostly responsible for the " Terrorism Quagmire" the World is currently experiencing, I think you should go back and watch some footage of all the members of Congress who voted against the war in iraq, you would think they had a crystal ball. With the vacuum Bush created his name should have beet Hoover and not George W.

A truer statement has never been written......smile.png .....Glad to see someone knows what is going on in these 'terrorist times'

books he says....what books?........Books on how Amerika has not won a war since ww2.......but started many foreign interventons.wink.png

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Asia Pacific is the fifth riskiest region. It does not host any severe risk countries, and the risk of terrorism and political violence is regarded as low in Singapore, Brunei and many of the Pacific Islands. But six economies are rated “high-risk” – India, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines and North Korea.



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There is one about every 2 days down south, but since it's just poor Thais being blown to bits, no one seems to care much. To exclude the south is wrong.

He's talking about bangkok/pattaya where most westerners visit.The attack at erawan was an attack on the west as well.Sure thais were killed

and the bombing was in the heart of Bangkok,but i think there was an underlying motive to kill foreigners and show up thailand.

There will be another bombing both in thailand and other countries-it is almost inevitable.

I understand what he was saying, I simply think it's wrong to brush off attacks that don't target or kill foreigners.th

However, such a targeted future attack is inevitable. It's just a matter of when and how many bodies.

Yeah ok..........now i don't know my history on what led up to the apparent 2001 attacks in the south.......so.........

Could the problems in the south be called a civil war?...........or terrorism?.......

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What still worries me,is what happened a few months ago,when that airport on one of the islands had an electricity beak down.3000 unchecked 'Tourists breezed through immigration.And that idiot ( a high ranking immigration officer) said"we are not concerned about them,because they all came with tourist company's"what a stupid and ignorant comment.I only hope he has been moved to an 'inactive,keep your gob shut' post.

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What still worries me,is what happened a few months ago,when that airport on one of the islands had an electricity beak down.3000 unchecked 'Tourists breezed through immigration.And that idiot ( a high ranking immigration officer) said"we are not concerned about them,because they all came with tourist company's"what a stupid and ignorant comment.I only hope he has been moved to an 'inactive,keep your gob shut' post.

And now he's devoting his spare time to hunting you down!!

Only joking, 5555

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There is one about every 2 days down south, but since it's just poor Thais being blown to bits, no one seems to care much. To exclude the south is wrong.

He's talking about bangkok/pattaya where most westerners visit.The attack at erawan was an attack on the west as well.Sure thais were killed

and the bombing was in the heart of Bangkok,but i think there was an underlying motive to kill foreigners and show up thailand.

There will be another bombing both in thailand and other countries-it is almost inevitable.

I understand what he was saying, I simply think it's wrong to brush off attacks that don't target or kill foreigners.th

However, such a targeted future attack is inevitable. It's just a matter of when and how many bodies.

Yeah ok..........now i don't know my history on what led up to the apparent 2001 attacks in the south.......so.........

Could the problems in the south be called a civil war?...........or terrorism?.......

No, civil wars generally don't include the targeted killings of school teachers and monks. Most rationale people consider such acts terrorism.

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A troll post has been removed as have been replies.

A discussion of the South is not out of bounds, but the survey itself is about the possibility of terrorist attacks outside the south.

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All criminals like soft targets. It doesn't get softer than the kingdom.

I saw the article about them knowing terrorists had entered the country. Uh, so they know and they still allowed it to happen? Don't they check passports at border crossings anymore?

Making a statement like that shows in what danger we all are here.

You don't hear statements like that in the U.S. or the EU.

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There is one about every 2 days down south, but since it's just poor Thais being blown to bits, no one seems to care much. To exclude the south is wrong.

He's talking about bangkok/pattaya where most westerners visit.The attack at erawan was an attack on the west as well.Sure thais were killed

and the bombing was in the heart of Bangkok,but i think there was an underlying motive to kill foreigners and show up thailand.

There will be another bombing both in thailand and other countries-it is almost inevitable.

It is unbelievable what is going on in the south, don't visit this link while you are eating.


Thankyou for getting this information out there.

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Isis is a product of the U.S. invading Iraq. Keep up the good work America. War anywhere seems to work for you.

You are unwilling to take out Assad in Syria and are as responsible as Russia for the deaths of innocents in Syria and other places.

Didn't take long for one of the "blame America" nut bags to show up!

Seriously... Less time on TV, more time with books.

If you don't think America is not more than mostly responsible for the " Terrorism Quagmire" the World is currently experiencing, I think you should go back and watch some footage of all the members of Congress who voted against the war in iraq, you would think they had a crystal ball. With the vacuum Bush created his name should have beet Hoover and not George W.

I'm American and a Vietnam Combat Veteran. what you say about America is true but they are just one of the players. All the "super powers" have got their hand in the pie and are profiting from all this. America is just the most obvious...

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Two weeks ago I visited the Thai National Museum, which is adjacent to the Ministry of Defense...I was a bit stunned when I saw what is considered "security"...the museum is filled with national treasures, yet taxis are free to drive into the grounds and park next to the buildings...cars and taxis are allowed to drive up to the MOD, which surely is a symbolic target at the very least...it would be a simple matter of driving a truck filled with a fertilizer bomb up to the steps of the MOD...the blast would tear apart the museum as well and all its antiquities...the "security" barely noticed me, preferring the company of their cell phones...

and of course, there is the thorough inspection I get when I use the MRT and BTS...

the only deterrant to terrorism in Thailand is that an offender would surely be caught eventually, with the omnipresence of CCTV...however, for individuals who believe their reward awaits in the afterlife, or who are suicidal (Muslim extremists), this is not deterrent at all...I used to live in a condo in BKK, and the Muslim security staff there openly bragged about having family members who placed bombs in the Southern region of Thailand...

instead of targeting Farangs who are seen as a threat to Thainess, the leadership of the country needs to look within...

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Thailand has as much chance as most countries of an attack although if Wattana and his ilk are not kept in check the chances rise significantly.

That's a cheap shot ...denouncing politicians as terrorists or capable of being involved , whilst overlooking the greatest fear Thais have concerning protesting ( being shot dead by callous troops under orders)

The snide catty remarks aside .

Thailand is under serious threat because the airport security is lax at best.

The police are keystone in their detections of irregular activities.

The Muslim hardcore embedded within are tempted to hit soft targets like walking street and busy markets.

Westerners on the beaches of beach side resorts are easy targets .

Bombs on planes .

Tankers exploded after hijacking and high powered mall attacks with automatic firearms .

All are very possible and though not necessarily probable ....it's certainly better than 50% chance.

Assassination of government officials is maybe now also a high likely hood .

CIA and MI5 would never be seriously blamed were a shooter dispatched.

Islamic terrorists could well be blamed .

But with so many people keen to take down the military government who knows?

I would say the likelihood is over 80% in under a year of a significant event taking place .

Over 95% in south .

And Thailand should not be considered peaceful .

Even civil war has a higher than 10% chance within a real

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