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Tickets for traffic violations in Thailand to be printed in English


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Driving Licence no have.

Get caught, and I hope you do, they should take the vehicle from you and give you jail plus a heavy fine

You jumped in too quick. I have a D/L and was just speculating on the English on a ticket but if you can't read between the lines.

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Will the ones written in English attract the extra cost for foreigners ?

Should do as we have all been taught to drive properly and respect the laws. The Thai's have bad training so to some extent it is a fault of the system as much as it is the person.

So laws for some and not others depending on who you are ?

Now where have i heard that before ?

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Driving Licence no have.

Get caught, and I hope you do, they should take the vehicle from you and give you jail plus a heavy fine

You jumped in too quick. I have a D/L and was just speculating on the English on a ticket but if you can't read between the lines.

Your words and I quote "Driving License no have" how can you fail to understand that?

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Is there a crackdown down on foreigners comming, those tarnishing Thailand's impeccable road safety image. We know it is foreigners that are littering all across Thailand spoiling the pristine landscape. Foreigners wearing bikinis that cause normally rational thai men to rape and male foreigner not wearing shirts thus tarnishing Thailand's image.

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Driving Licence no have.

Get caught, and I hope you do, they should take the vehicle from you and give you jail plus a heavy fine

You jumped in too quick. I have a D/L and was just speculating on the English on a ticket but if you can't read between the lines.

Your words and I quote "Driving License no have" how can you fail to understand that?

Rhetorical question. You failed or do i always need t put an emoticon ?

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More money/more ways for B.I.B. to screw money out of Farangs.

How much money have they screwed out of you Colin because in my twelve years they haven't screwed a single satang from me.

for me nabbed just once in 10 years. Cost me 1,500 baht for speeding. Just pulled out of a rest stop traveled about 100 meters and got waved over charged for doing 140 kph in a 120 zone. Great pickup in a little vios.
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More money/more ways for B.I.B. to screw money out of Farangs.

How much money have they screwed out of you Colin because in my twelve years they haven't screwed a single satang from me.

for me nabbed just once in 10 years. Cost me 1,500 baht for speeding. Just pulled out of a rest stop traveled about 100 meters and got waved over charged for doing 140 kph in a 120 zone. Great pickup in a little vios.

Indeed I've had tickets for speeding also, I was travelling 120 in a 90 and it cost me 400 baht, a fair cop and I paid the man at the desk and got a receipt. But that's not "screwing money out of farangs", that's enforcing the law and catching law breakers.

Edited by chiang mai
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More money/more ways for B.I.B. to screw money out of Farangs.

How much money have they screwed out of you Colin because in my twelve years they haven't screwed a single satang from me.

for me nabbed just once in 10 years. Cost me 1,500 baht for speeding. Just pulled out of a rest stop traveled about 100 meters and got waved over charged for doing 140 kph in a 120 zone. Great pickup in a little vios.

Indeed I've had tickets for speeding also, I was travelling 120 in a 90 and it cost be 400 baht, a fair cop and I paid the man at the desk and got a receipt. But that's not "screwing money out of farangs", that's enforcing the law and catching law breakers.

for me I had only reached a top speed of about 60. Paid the cash to avoid further problems but the wife went right off.
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I totally agree with you. They do things they know they could never get away with back home and then complain when they get a fine. Thailand doesnt need people like that. Many complain that they were fined for not wearing a crash helmet but back home they would be fined a lot more for not wearing one. They tend to forget that

When the Thais all follow the rules, I will follow the rules. In the meantime, I do what they do while doing ANYTHING I have to in order to avoid an accident, avoid the police, or avoid traffic.

When in Rome...

This is their country, we must follow their rules...

Blah, blah, there are no rules other than STAY ALIVE and DONT GET CAUGHT. Nothing else matters here. Nothing.

Edited by dcnx
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Driving Licence no have.

Get caught, and I hope you do, they should take the vehicle from you and give you jail plus a heavy fine

As much as it displeases you, he will never have his car impounded or be jailed for not having a license. He'll enjoy the exact same freedom on the road as you do. Sorry for the bad news.

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What a hilarious headline

BANGKOK:-- Tickets for traffic violations are being printed in English to WELCOME in the Asean Economic Community. The A4-format ensures also, that bigger bank notes can be hidden from all those dreadful CCTV-cameras overhead, well done!

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Foreign vehicles "flood" into Thailand?? Probably better to print the forms in Chinese as I don't see many people driving from Worthing or San Francisco to Thailand.

New forms will, naturally, have a list of offences and appropriate fines. Amongst which will be:

1, Killing a Police Officer. Must buy a ticket to Malaysia

2 .Not wearing seat belt. Vehicle has no seat belts. Fine 100B

3. Killing several people. Voluntary Community Service if surname contains Na

4. Overtaking on inside lane. Fine 100B

5. Failing to stop at red traffic light. Fine 200B

6. Driving pickup with 20 passengers in rear. If Thai 10 B per person. If not Thai: Deportation.

7. Driving with No Licence. Fine 200B

8. Stopped on suspicion of offence on or after 26th of the month. Fine 500B to defray officer's expenses until pay day

The writer clearly hasn't done his homework because starting late next month or in June, foreign registered vehicles from most countries will effectively be prevented from entering Thailand altogether!

This so-called "flood" of foreign vehicles has nothing to do with ASEAN either. Lao and Malaysian vehicles have been coming to Thailand for decades - Lao ones since at least the late 1990s, Malaysian ones since the 1970s or even earlier. These vehicles will be exempt from the new regulations about to be imposed. I would have agreed with putting Chinese on the forms however that won't be necessary once Chinese vehicles stop coming by June. Having said that, Chinese drivers could still be renting cars, and in fact may be renting in larger numbers so fines being printed in Chinese might not be a bad thing. Although since the car rental operators will receive the fines, there won't really be a need for anything other than Thai after all.

I see a lot of police stopping Lao vehicles in Nong Khai, after just having entered Thailand. One time I was driving a Lao vehicle and was caught too but wasn't fined unlike most of the other ones I usually see, who are caught for speeding, no seatbelts etc. Similarly, whenever I drive my Thai car past these vehicles I'm never stopped. However, the automatic cameras probably can't process fines for foreign plates so the police need to be out handing out paper fines until they figure out a way of sending fines to the registered owners of vehicles in Laos/Malaysia/Singapore and force those drivers to pay them. A similar system to Europe and even America/Australia perhaps.

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Why write them in English? What a load of croc. I have seen more Thais recently given tickets and naughty farrangs who disrespect all laws so too bad.

The vehicles I see do not have Plates from UK, USA or Australia on them but I do see a lot from CHINA.

Now why not print the tickets in Chinese so when they return home the Chinese have a nice souvenir as they wont pay

Well it seems you don't know that the Chinese are effectively about to be banned from driving their cars to Thailand. It's been in the news a lot recently. No more motorhomes can enter, with motorcycles it's a bit unclear while for passenger cars they will require 10 days advance notice, itineraries, 3rd party insurance, a traffic rules orientation and a temporary Thai driver's licence plus payment of an entry fee of 1000 Baht for cars. All of this must be requested through a travel agent based in Thailand and cars won't be permitted to travel outside the border province entered. They will also need to return the same way they came.

The writer of this article clearly doesn't know this.

Most foreign vehicles in Thailand have always been Malaysian and Lao and this will continue in the future as they won't be affected by these new rules. The new rules are to come into effect by June, although one Thai language article mentioned May 23rd. Not sure who's right, but by late June at the latest, we will see the effects.

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This is to help the honest Thai police to cut down on corruption. Farangs always pay there violation but the Thai offenders do not. If they do not pay there fines and no one care. Why ticket the Thai people at all because they all know nothing will happen to them! Called Thai cooking!

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I totally agree with you. They do things they know they could never get away with back home and then complain when they get a fine. Thailand doesnt need people like that. Many complain that they were fined for not wearing a crash helmet but back home they would be fined a lot more for not wearing one. They tend to forget that

When the Thais all follow the rules, I will follow the rules. In the meantime, I do what they do while doing ANYTHING I have to in order to avoid an accident, avoid the police, or avoid traffic.

When in Rome...

This is their country, we must follow their rules...

Blah, blah, there are no rules other than STAY ALIVE and DONT GET CAUGHT. Nothing else matters here. Nothing.

A rather pathetic and immature outlook. You think that because some others choose to ignore rules, that makes it OK for you to do the same.

Fortunately the majority of civilisation doesn't take the same view that you have, or anarchy would very quickly prevail.

I expect you think you come across as a daring-do, cool maverick outlaw type, but in reality you come across as a bit of a prat.

Thankfully those with smug attitudes like yours, and who like to boast about how they choose to live above the law, are usually the ones who get caught.

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Why are people here so skeptical? I have been here for over 30 years and never once had a fine and yes I drive a car and used to ride a motorbike. It isnt really difficult to remain fine free, just stop thinking you can do as you wish and you wont get fined.

You must be the luckiest man on the planet, you should go and buy a lottery ticket. I got stopped on road blocks many times saying that I was speeding, although I wasn't and they have no radars to prove it, 200 Bahts in their pocket and away I went. One time, one cop stopped me for no reason at all, asked me if I had any money, I said no, my gf told me to give him a tip, I gave him 100 Bahts and I went. One other time, one started to give me a lecture because I was in the passing lane, which to me is for passing slower moving vehicules, 200 Bahts in his pocket and away I went. I hope that your luck doesn't run out, or you must have a bullet proof approach to those scams.

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Why are people here so skeptical? I have been here for over 30 years and never once had a fine and yes I drive a car and used to ride a motorbike. It isnt really difficult to remain fine free, just stop thinking you can do as you wish and you wont get fined.

You must be the luckiest man on the planet, you should go and buy a lottery ticket. I got stopped on road blocks many times saying that I was speeding, although I wasn't and they have no radars to prove it, 200 Bahts in their pocket and away I went. One time, one cop stopped me for no reason at all, asked me if I had any money, I said no, my gf told me to give him a tip, I gave him 100 Bahts and I went. One other time, one started to give me a lecture because I was in the passing lane, which to me is for passing slower moving vehicules, 200 Bahts in his pocket and away I went. I hope that your luck doesn't run out, or you must have a bullet proof approach to those scams.

Conversely you could turn what you wrote on it's head and say that you must be the unluckiest man on the planet, and you should definitely avoid any games of chance!

Interestingly, and especially so given the usual high percentage of TV memberships anti Thai rhetoric, it would seem that there as many, if not actually a majority posting on this thread, who do not seem to have any more problems with traffic police in this country than anywhere else...

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