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UK to face EU migration 'free-for-all', warns Michael Gove


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I've got to the stage where I don't care what the UK does as long as my private pension company keeps on paying me.

The UK will be forced to stay in the EU as Brussels has now where else to scrounge the money from.

I personally believe the only way out is when people take to the streets and start fighting. Note sure the British youth is up to that.

I could think or one or two member states that would be "happy" to take over your share. I do not think that Brussels is too worried about the British contributions. Mainly Germany and France will simply step in. What else could we do?

Do you really think that the people of France and Germany will simply say "If the UK does a Brexit we will happily pay extra taxes to support the EU"?

If their governments do that then they will most probably be tossed out at their next election. Angela Merkel and her party will certainly lose anyway. So who will be left as net contributors if the UK leaves?

IMHO the EU as it is now will be changed out of all recognition by 2020 and will be on its way to its own breakup.

Parties that are against the EU got around 5 % of the votes in the last general elections. They will probably more than double in the 2017 elections but mainly because of the refugee crisis. In general, the people of Germany are still very Europe-friendly. The success of new (anti-EU) parties will force the "old" parties (SPD and CDU) to build a coalition as we have it right now. This is the political situation for the next election periods. And for this coalition it will be clear: Europe will not fail. BTW: compared to what we spend on refugees for the next two years (around 16 Bio. EUR), the British contribution to the EU (5,5 Bio. EUR as far as I know) is not that shockingly high, just saying...

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The debacle in the UK... in Austria... Germany, indeed all of the EU, is a direct result of policies and agenda. None of this is because of an earthquake, tsunami, rock from space, or even refugee issues that could clearly have been avoided. Nor are the problems the result of the national aims and behaviors that had previously governed the independent states for many years- self interest. All of the problems are a direct result of elitists effecting social engineering polices without the consent of the governed. It cannot be overlooked that there appears to be a race to set in place irreversible population shifts (in the US as well) so that by the time constituency wake they are powerless.

Like Trump or not there is a parallel in all of this. The Brexit issue forces into the open the arrayed agents who are actually behind the the very problems. Whereas previously many actors remained opaque they are now transparent as they scream "the sky is falling" to prevent a Brexit (not unlike the agents who surface opposing Trump). Without question, the issues do not reduce only to immigration. Immigration is the symptom of the dissolution of a nation, not the underlying issue. The issue involves self determination, self interest, and ensuring national posterity. Immigration (and other facets) are simply the problems generated by the failed agenda of elitists colluding with special interests.

Its disingenuous to suggest the straw that broke the camel's back (immigration) would worsen if citizens seek to apply a remedy (circular fear). Fear! Always fear. Legitimacy/governance by fear, fracture, division, ridicule, ad naseum. These are the stewardship tools of Socialism/Progressivism.

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The words straws and clutching spring to mind

He's a bit odd

So you have imformation that this will not be the case? You seem well informed, even moreso than the ex Lord Chancellor, and Secretary of State, hmm you are very clever. Can you tell us what will happen with migration then please?

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I think he's underselling it. I work in London and the number of Romanians working and living here now is huge, by the end of this year the Romanian population of UK will be 4-5 x bigger than the government predicted back when they opened the gates. The same will happen when the next batch of countries join the EU, but on an even larger scale as the new countries joining are even poorer. If we don't leave the EU we are finished as a country well and truly.

And which countries will that be?

Currently, there are NO countries that would have the slightest chance to join (except for Iceland, Switzerland and Norway, and these have no intention to do so right now). And those countries with the applicant-status have years and years ahead of them and I do not see any of them doing their homework properly. So, no new members in the foreseeable future.

Have you forgotten Turkey and its 75,000,000 population or even forgotten that Turkish is now (even before they join this year) an official EU language?

I only just read today, it was on Facebook mind you, that Cameron has agreed in principal to sign up for Albania to join. They even make Romania seem prosperous....
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Since Merkel is about to hand the Turks the keys, the sooner Britain pulls out the better.

I understand what you mean. But just as a reminder: at the time, Germany (supported by our French brother and sisters) were strictly against Turkey becoming an EU-applicant while the British supported the Turkish wish to join. So, first you force them onto us and then you leave. Great! (don't take this too serious :-) )

I thought it was a Schengen agreement for visa free travel for Turks to Schengen countries, not 100% sure on that though...that would mean they cannot go to the UK anyway, because they are not a Schengen country Edited by Ghostnigel
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I've got to the stage where I don't care what the UK does as long as my private pension company keeps on paying me.

The UK will be forced to stay in the EU as Brussels has now where else to scrounge the money from.

I personally believe the only way out is when people take to the streets and start fighting. Note sure the British youth is up to that.

I could think or one or two member states that would be "happy" to take over your share. I do not think that Brussels is too worried about the British contributions. Mainly Germany and France will simply step in. What else could we do?

I wish Brussels would say "cheers, been nice knowing you, we didn't really need your 350,000,000 pounds a WEEK anyway!" That would be nice.
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I've got to the stage where I don't care what the UK does as long as my private pension company keeps on paying me.

The UK will be forced to stay in the EU as Brussels has now where else to scrounge the money from.

I personally believe the only way out is when people take to the streets and start fighting. Note sure the British youth is up to that.

I could think or one or two member states that would be "happy" to take over your share. I do not think that Brussels is too worried about the British contributions. Mainly Germany and France will simply step in. What else could we do?

I am not worried. The EU has failed the European people and it will be forced to make massive changes or call it a day and END.

People of Germany are sick and Tired of Merkels incompetent handling of the Muslim invaders.

Austria have Far Right wing political party that are winning, Same in France Marine le pen is gaining ground.

Brussels controlling political power by total control of the media is going to fail. because the Truth will get out.

EU is a dictatorship. EU puts European people last and uses and abuses them.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's puts Merkel right. This guy should be running the EU

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Since Merkel is about to hand the Turks the keys, the sooner Britain pulls out the better.

This an interesting one. On the one hand, keeping Turkey onside will mitigate the migraine Crisis. On the other, they can never be an EU member. If they get in then I will want leave. The issue is as serious as that for me

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As I see it , the EU provides a bigger stage for a UK prime minister to prance and cavort upon .

but the EU doesn't carry any weight world wide . The EU is an under performing free trade area , but politically is a nonentity , it's an ally to the US that manipulates it .

No effect on Russia, Iran via sanctions?

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The words straws and clutching spring to mind

He's a bit odd

So you have imformation that this will not be the case? You seem well informed, even moreso than the ex Lord Chancellor, and Secretary of State, hmm you are very clever. Can you tell us what will happen with migration then please?

We would never agree to Turkey becoming a full member

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The words straws and clutching spring to mind

He's a bit odd

So you have imformation that this will not be the case? You seem well informed, even moreso than the ex Lord Chancellor, and Secretary of State, hmm you are very clever. Can you tell us what will happen with migration then please?

We would never agree to Turkey becoming a full member

"WE" might not be a member in a couple of months.

I have a sneaky feeling that if Turkey is not allowed to be a member then they will simply open the gates to allow the immigrants currently in Turkey to enter the EU.

Then what will the EU do?

This is only my thoughts and sort of an opinion.

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I've got to the stage where I don't care what the UK does as long as my private pension company keeps on paying me.

The UK will be forced to stay in the EU as Brussels has now where else to scrounge the money from.

I personally believe the only way out is when people take to the streets and start fighting. Note sure the British youth is up to that.

I could think or one or two member states that would be "happy" to take over your share. I do not think that Brussels is too worried about the British contributions. Mainly Germany and France will simply step in. What else could we do?

I am not worried. The EU has failed the European people and it will be forced to make massive changes or call it a day and END.

People of Germany are sick and Tired of Merkels incompetent handling of the Muslim invaders.

Austria have Far Right wing political party that are winning, Same in France Marine le pen is gaining ground.

Brussels controlling political power by total control of the media is going to fail. because the Truth will get out.

EU is a dictatorship. EU puts European people last and uses and abuses them.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's puts Merkel right. This guy should be running the EU

So you want to go back to prewar times? Count me out....

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I think he's underselling it. I work in London and the number of Romanians working and living here now is huge, by the end of this year the Romanian population of UK will be 4-5 x bigger than the government predicted back when they opened the gates. The same will happen when the next batch of countries join the EU, but on an even larger scale as the new countries joining are even poorer. If we don't leave the EU we are finished as a country well and truly.

Speaking as one that worked in the NHS for 10 years, Britain is already finished- the population just doesn't realise it yet.

To think that Britain once ruled half the world! Now they can't even rule the teeny bit that they didn't give away.

I bet the government is PO that they gave away all the oil rich bits of the middle east- what a bunch of losers!

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I've got to the stage where I don't care what the UK does as long as my private pension company keeps on paying me.

The UK will be forced to stay in the EU as Brussels has now where else to scrounge the money from.

I personally believe the only way out is when people take to the streets and start fighting. Note sure the British youth is up to that.

I could think or one or two member states that would be "happy" to take over your share. I do not think that Brussels is too worried about the British contributions. Mainly Germany and France will simply step in. What else could we do?

I am not worried. The EU has failed the European people and it will be forced to make massive changes or call it a day and END.

People of Germany are sick and Tired of Merkels incompetent handling of the Muslim invaders.

Austria have Far Right wing political party that are winning, Same in France Marine le pen is gaining ground.

Brussels controlling political power by total control of the media is going to fail. because the Truth will get out.

EU is a dictatorship. EU puts European people last and uses and abuses them.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's puts Merkel right. This guy should be running the EU

So you want to go back to prewar times? Count me out....

Your Out

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The words straws and clutching spring to mind

He's a bit odd

So you have imformation that this will not be the case? You seem well informed, even moreso than the ex Lord Chancellor, and Secretary of State, hmm you are very clever. Can you tell us what will happen with migration then please?

We would never agree to Turkey becoming a full member

"WE" might not be a member in a couple of months.

I have a sneaky feeling that if Turkey is not allowed to be a member then they will simply open the gates to allow the immigrants currently in Turkey to enter the EU.

Then what will the EU do?

This is only my thoughts and sort of an opinion.

If Turkey does that they can forget about EVER becoming a member. IMO the reason they won't get in now is because, IN MY OPINION Erdogan is a closet fundamentalist.

They will also kiss goodbye to all the money the EU is giving them to keep the refugees in Turkey.

As for the EU, the politicians will probably run around like headless chickens and DO nothing- bit like they are doing now.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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The words straws and clutching spring to mind

He's a bit odd

So you have imformation that this will not be the case? You seem well informed, even moreso than the ex Lord Chancellor, and Secretary of State, hmm you are very clever. Can you tell us what will happen with migration then please?

We would never agree to Turkey becoming a full member

"WE" might not be a member in a couple of months.

I have a sneaky feeling that if Turkey is not allowed to be a member then they will simply open the gates to allow the immigrants currently in Turkey to enter the EU.

Then what will the EU do?

This is only my thoughts and sort of an opinion.

If Turkey does that they can forget about EVER becoming a member. IMO the reason they won't get in now is because, IN MY OPINION Erdogan is a closet fundamentalist.

They will also kiss goodbye to all the money the EU is giving them to keep the refugees in Turkey.

As for the EU, the politicians will probably run around like headless chickens and DO nothing- bit like they are doing now.

We'd have to give them one up the Dardanelles!

Edited by Grouse
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The words straws and clutching spring to mind

He's a bit odd

So you have imformation that this will not be the case? You seem well informed, even moreso than the ex Lord Chancellor, and Secretary of State, hmm you are very clever. Can you tell us what will happen with migration then please?

We would never agree to Turkey becoming a full member

"WE" might not be a member in a couple of months.

I have a sneaky feeling that if Turkey is not allowed to be a member then they will simply open the gates to allow the immigrants currently in Turkey to enter the EU.

Then what will the EU do?

This is only my thoughts and sort of an opinion.

If Turkey does that they can forget about EVER becoming a member. IMO the reason they won't get in now is because, IN MY OPINION Erdogan is a closet fundamentalist.

They will also kiss goodbye to all the money the EU is giving them to keep the refugees in Turkey.

As for the EU, the politicians will probably run around like headless chickens and DO nothing- bit like they are doing now.

We'd have to give them one up the Dardanelles!

There are several countries that would not ratify Turkey joining the EU, chief among them would be Austria who stopped them at The Gates of Vienna in the past.

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The words straws and clutching spring to mind

He's a bit odd

So you have imformation that this will not be the case? You seem well informed, even moreso than the ex Lord Chancellor, and Secretary of State, hmm you are very clever. Can you tell us what will happen with migration then please?

We would never agree to Turkey becoming a full member

"WE" might not be a member in a couple of months.

I have a sneaky feeling that if Turkey is not allowed to be a member then they will simply open the gates to allow the immigrants currently in Turkey to enter the EU.

Then what will the EU do?

This is only my thoughts and sort of an opinion.

If Turkey does that they can forget about EVER becoming a member. IMO the reason they won't get in now is because, IN MY OPINION Erdogan is a closet fundamentalist.

They will also kiss goodbye to all the money the EU is giving them to keep the refugees in Turkey.

As for the EU, the politicians will probably run around like headless chickens and DO nothing- bit like they are doing now.

We'd have to give them one up the Dardanelles!

There are several countries that would not ratify Turkey joining the EU, chief among them would be Austria who stopped them at The Gates of Vienna in the past.

Achtung, achtung! An intellectual in our midst! ?

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European Ministers Lay out Explicit Plan to Create United States of Europe

European ministers have explicitly laid out their intentions to create a federal Unites States of Europe, directly contradicting the British Prime Minister, David Cameron’s claims that Britain will not be sucked into a European superstate should the people of Britain vote to remain within the European Union (EU).

Presenting his renegotiated deal on EU membership in February, Mr Cameron insisted: “Britain will be permanently out of ever closer union, never part of a European super-state.”


I've no doubt that the EU plan a Federal State of Europe, but am undecided as to whether this is better or worse than the UK govt. being left to its own devices when it comes to the average working person in the UK, let alone those in poorly paid jobs.

The UK fought the maximum working hours directive (or whatever it was called) tooth and nail - and I can only see this getting worse if they aren't held in line by EU decisions.

There are already plans for an EU army, with the armies of Germany and Holland already in the process of merging. If we don't exit things don't just stay the same, they progress along the path the EU is already on.


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European Ministers Lay out Explicit Plan to Create United States of Europe

European ministers have explicitly laid out their intentions to create a federal Unites States of Europe, directly contradicting the British Prime Minister, David Camerons claims that Britain will not be sucked into a European superstate should the people of Britain vote to remain within the European Union (EU).

Presenting his renegotiated deal on EU membership in February, Mr Cameron insisted: Britain will be permanently out of ever closer union, never part of a European super-state.


I've no doubt that the EU plan a Federal State of Europe, but am undecided as to whether this is better or worse than the UK govt. being left to its own devices when it comes to the average working person in the UK, let alone those in poorly paid jobs.

The UK fought the maximum working hours directive (or whatever it was called) tooth and nail - and I can only see this getting worse if they aren't held in line by EU decisions.

There are already plans for an EU army, with the armies of Germany and Holland already in the process of merging. If we don't exit things don't just stay the same, they progress along the path the EU is already on.


The Dutch army? Srebrenica - remember?

The Germans will not fight anyone for decades

No, a European fast reaction force would be primarily a French and British effort

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European Ministers Lay out Explicit Plan to Create United States of Europe

European ministers have explicitly laid out their intentions to create a federal Unites States of Europe, directly contradicting the British Prime Minister, David Camerons claims that Britain will not be sucked into a European superstate should the people of Britain vote to remain within the European Union (EU).

Presenting his renegotiated deal on EU membership in February, Mr Cameron insisted: Britain will be permanently out of ever closer union, never part of a European super-state.


I've no doubt that the EU plan a Federal State of Europe, but am undecided as to whether this is better or worse than the UK govt. being left to its own devices when it comes to the average working person in the UK, let alone those in poorly paid jobs.

The UK fought the maximum working hours directive (or whatever it was called) tooth and nail - and I can only see this getting worse if they aren't held in line by EU decisions.

There are already plans for an EU army, with the armies of Germany and Holland already in the process of merging. If we don't exit things don't just stay the same, they progress along the path the EU is already on.


The Dutch army? Srebrenica - remember?

The Germans will not fight anyone for decades

No, a European fast reaction force would be primarily a French and British effort

I wouldn't bank on a reaction force being fast or even possible if the Falklands were invaded again should we merge with an EU army.
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The debacle in the UK... in Austria... Germany, indeed all of the EU, is a direct result of policies and agenda. None of this is because of an earthquake, tsunami, rock from space, or even refugee issues that could clearly have been avoided. Nor are the problems the result of the national aims and behaviors that had previously governed the independent states for many years- self interest. All of the problems are a direct result of elitists effecting social engineering polices without the consent of the governed. It cannot be overlooked that there appears to be a race to set in place irreversible population shifts (in the US as well) so that by the time constituency wake they are powerless.

Like Trump or not there is a parallel in all of this. The Brexit issue forces into the open the arrayed agents who are actually behind the the very problems. Whereas previously many actors remained opaque they are now transparent as they scream "the sky is falling" to prevent a Brexit (not unlike the agents who surface opposing Trump). Without question, the issues do not reduce only to immigration. Immigration is the symptom of the dissolution of a nation, not the underlying issue. The issue involves self determination, self interest, and ensuring national posterity. Immigration (and other facets) are simply the problems generated by the failed agenda of elitists colluding with special interests.

Its disingenuous to suggest the straw that broke the camel's back (immigration) would worsen if citizens seek to apply a remedy (circular fear). Fear! Always fear. Legitimacy/governance by fear, fracture, division, ridicule, ad naseum. These are the stewardship tools of Socialism/Progressivism.

"The debacle in the UK... in Austria... Germany, indeed all of the EU, is a direct result of policies and agenda. None of this is because of an earthquake, tsunami, rock from space, or even refugee issues that could clearly have been avoided. Nor are the problems the result of the national aims and behaviors that had previously governed the independent states for many years- self interest. All of the problems are a direct result of elitists effecting social engineering polices without the consent of the governed. It cannot be overlooked that there appears to be a race to set in place irreversible population shifts (in the US as well) so that by the time constituency wake they are powerless.:

Native Americans definitely agree with you.

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I've got to the stage where I don't care what the UK does as long as my private pension company keeps on paying me.

The UK will be forced to stay in the EU as Brussels has now where else to scrounge the money from.

I personally believe the only way out is when people take to the streets and start fighting. Note sure the British youth is up to that.

I could think or one or two member states that would be "happy" to take over your share. I do not think that Brussels is too worried about the British contributions. Mainly Germany and France will simply step in. What else could we do?

I am not worried. The EU has failed the European people and it will be forced to make massive changes or call it a day and END.

People of Germany are sick and Tired of Merkels incompetent handling of the Muslim invaders.

Austria have Far Right wing political party that are winning, Same in France Marine le pen is gaining ground.

Brussels controlling political power by total control of the media is going to fail. because the Truth will get out.

EU is a dictatorship. EU puts European people last and uses and abuses them.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's puts Merkel right. This guy should be running the EU

So you want to go back to prewar times? Count me out....

I wasn't around at that time, but they seem pretty good times to me...kids playing outside, not on computer games...a nice clip round the ear by a bobby...get a rap on the knuckles by teacher if you are naughty...great times, look at us now, after 40 wasted years in the eu.

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I could think or one or two member states that would be "happy" to take over your share. I do not think that Brussels is too worried about the British contributions. Mainly Germany and France will simply step in. What else could we do?

I am not worried. The EU has failed the European people and it will be forced to make massive changes or call it a day and END.

People of Germany are sick and Tired of Merkels incompetent handling of the Muslim invaders.

Austria have Far Right wing political party that are winning, Same in France Marine le pen is gaining ground.

Brussels controlling political power by total control of the media is going to fail. because the Truth will get out.

EU is a dictatorship. EU puts European people last and uses and abuses them.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's puts Merkel right. This guy should be running the EU

So you want to go back to prewar times? Count me out....

I wasn't around at that time, but they seem pretty good times to me...kids playing outside, not on computer games...a nice clip round the ear by a bobby...get a rap on the knuckles by teacher if you are naughty...great times, look at us now, after 40 wasted years in the eu.

By prewar I mean 80 years ago. Since the war, Europeans have tried to bond to avoid wars and increase prosperity

This has been a successful strategy

Do please read up on this otherwise I can not debate the real issues with you

Remember it was Thatcher who stated there was no such thing as society and our social structure has been fractured since then. Nothing to do with Europe

In fact several European countries have the sort of cosy social cohesion that we all crave smile.png

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I could think or one or two member states that would be "happy" to take over your share. I do not think that Brussels is too worried about the British contributions. Mainly Germany and France will simply step in. What else could we do?

I am not worried. The EU has failed the European people and it will be forced to make massive changes or call it a day and END.

People of Germany are sick and Tired of Merkels incompetent handling of the Muslim invaders.

Austria have Far Right wing political party that are winning, Same in France Marine le pen is gaining ground.

Brussels controlling political power by total control of the media is going to fail. because the Truth will get out.

EU is a dictatorship. EU puts European people last and uses and abuses them.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's puts Merkel right. This guy should be running the EU

So you want to go back to prewar times? Count me out....

I wasn't around at that time, but they seem pretty good times to me...kids playing outside, not on computer games...a nice clip round the ear by a bobby...get a rap on the knuckles by teacher if you are naughty...great times, look at us now, after 40 wasted years in the eu.

By prewar I mean 80 years ago. Since the war, Europeans have tried to bond to avoid wars and increase prosperity

This has been a successful strategy

Do please read up on this otherwise I can not debate the real issues with you

Remember it was Thatcher who stated there was no such thing as society and our social structure has been fractured since then. Nothing to do with Europe

In fact several European countries have the sort of cosy social cohesion that we all crave smile.png


Its only a succesful strategy thought up by the in brigade...'debate the real issues?' Tell you what, YOU vote IN, and I Will vote OUT...OK, Debate over....June 23, we shall see.

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