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Phuket vs Bali

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Since we are doing so many somewhere in Thailand vs somewhere in Se Asia thread, let's all weigh in on Bali and Phuket. I just came back from a trip to Bali and quite liked the place.

I lived in Phuket for a few years and used to love it but the past few times I went I was less than impressed with how it is these days. I am sure the same can be said by people who remember Bali way back when. So I think many people could say that both are relatively over developed and have traffic problems.

The first thing I noticed upon landing at the airport in Bali is that although the airport seems to be well over capacity the immigration queues go quickly as almost all desks are staffed and the officials are actually polite.

The taxis are probably about the same in regards to being pushy and ripping off people that do not know better. I paid way too much for my ride into Seminyak but I also knew this and just paid it so I could leave right away. I was tired and the amount simply didn't matter. Once you have arrive the drivers use meters (except if you are drunk at night) and are a reasonable value compared to the Phuket tuk tuks.

English is widely spoken was my experience and I had no trouble dealing with the locals at shops or restaurants etc.

The price of cigarettes are lower and alcohol in some cases. At bars and clubs I would say maybe alcohol was a tad more than Thailand but not by that much. Wine is expensive in either location.

For western and local food I didn't notice much of a price difference either way. I think that the quality of casual western food is higher than Phuket. I liked the Indonesian food I had and I also like Thai food so it was a wash for me in terms of taste. What struck me in Bali is you can get a cheap meal in an atmosphere that is not too hideous. Many cheaper places around Bali have a sense of style that doesn't seem to exist on the low end in Thailand. On the higher end of the fine dining experience I think both islands have places that can compete. Variety of food in supermarkets would go to Phuket I think if you were thinking of living there and eating western goods a lot.

The beaches that I saw in Bali are hands down completely beaten by the beaches of Phuket. Maybe there are a few exceptions I didn't visit but I don't think many people would dispute this. Although the main tourist beaches in south Bali seemed cleaner in some cases than the main tourist beaches in Phuket.

One thing that contributes to this is I found the hawkers on the beaches much more annoying than their Phuket equivalents.

I happened to stay in Seminyak so I have to compare this and Kuta to the likes of Patong and Phuket town. Hands down the atmosphere of Seminyak beats anything in Phuket. Kuta would be similar to Patong maybe even worse in some ways but the over all atmosphere and diversity of what's on offer in south Bali beats any of the towns in Phuket. Seminyak for example has greenery and sidewalks you can actually walk on.

Aside from the beaches the diversity and what is on offer culturally and as far as scenery on the interior of the island, Bali also scores a clear win. Shopping wise in regards to international brands around the same I would say. Not sure about prices as I didn't go to brand name shops on my visit. As far as locally produced goods go Bali, especially Ubud would be comparable to a museum where as Phuket would be a garage sale in a low income area. There is no doubt that Balinese furniture and crafts are some of the best on earth. If anybody disputes this please tell me where in Phuket you can buy anything that isn't pure junk?

Architecturally speaking another clear winner for Bali although this is only my personal preference. Indonesia has so many natural resources that the mix of old school materials and modern design meld together perfectly. You will find many more examples of villas with the traditional grass thatch and intricate hand carvings on display.

So that brings us to temples. I am not a great fan of temples but again because of the Balinese eye for architecture and detail another decisive win. The fact that many temples are perched in some of the most naturally blessed areas of the island helps. I have not seen anything truly spectacular like this in Phuket.

Girls or guys whatever your preference may be would go squarely in the Phuket win column. I am getting too old for this anyway so didn't much care. Although I find Thai guys to be infinitely more attractive than what was on offer in Bali. I know most the guys there aren't actually from Bali before somebody feels the need to pipe in on that subject. Same as most aren't from Phuket either for that matter.

I haven't spent enough time there to comment about the climate but it was a bit cooler there than it seemed when I left Thailand that day. It was still pretty hot but seemed cooler at night and had some rain here and there. Maybe somebody more knowledgable can weigh in on this.

The people I like about equally in either place but I find there seems to be a harder edge to the Phuket dwellers. The tourism fatigue is more apparent there. I mainly dealt with drivers and people from the villas I stayed in and the level of service was superb as it probably would be at similar places in Phuket. I went to Bali with my partner to basically indulge in a sheltered luxurious experience so didn't mingle that much as we were doing our own thing.

The last trivial little touch was the airport on the way out. They have decent places to sit and eat near an outdoor smoking area that is very pleasant and you can bring your beer with you out to smoke. Not a big deal but beats the smoking rooms offered in Thailand.

My conclusion is that although both islands are somewhat ruined by development Bali and it's people seem to be more in touch with nature and it's culture. Many places don't give plastic bags for example.

So I obviously prefer Bali but haven't heard others opinions whether it is a short trip or over all living there. So things like visas and such would be fair to bring up. I would love to hear from anybody with experience living there. Also I didn't go into religion because other than a mosque here and there I didn't even notice it. I

So which do you prefer and why?

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There have been many terrorist bombings in Bali.

And many muslims are hell bent on killing non believers or infidels as written in koran.

The population of Bali itself is over 80% Hindu however. Which probably explains the liberal culture, influx of tourists and attacks by Muslim fundamentalists on the "infidel" province.

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The wife and I have been visitors (never lived there) to Bali on a regular basis since about 1987 with our last trip in late 2015. And that will be our last due to several reasons. I guess the main one is that Bali seems to have lost its charm. We are Aussies and can bogan with the best, but there were just way too many Aussies in the Kuta, Legian and Seminyak areas for our liking. We were living in Thailand at the time, but not Phuket, even though we have been there previously.

The traffic in Bali is becoming ridiculous and the driving there is becoming worse, probably due to frustration. Other than huge resorts and the like going up, the infrastructure hasn't really improved that much over the years. The beaches themselves are much cleaner, until you go into the surf, then you will notice rubbish everywhere. The food is bland and lacking compared to LOS and depending on your taste buds, this may be an issue for you. I have also experienced more aggro from locals in Bali than I have in LOS, and I am a fairly laid back and polite person. This was especially the case when shopping and saying 'no' (politely) to silly prices.

With regards to the religion there, even though Muslims are by far the minority, they are slowly getting a foothold there. Jakarta tolerates Bali because it is a cash cow for them and they understand and seem to appreciate tourism. But like a lot of Asian countries, it appears to be rife with corruption on all levels and continuously moving the goal posts so as expats don't get too comfortable. At the end of the day, both places have their pros and cons, just anywhere else on the planet, and I guess it all comes down to what the individual prefers. If you like surfing, then Bali, but if you like good food, then Phuket. Are there other options though??

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I would stay out of Kuta at all cost. On the other hand I'm not part of the Patong fan club either, It all comes down to what your interests are and what you want to get out of your stay in Bali,

If it's beach life and relaxation I would recommend the resorts on the south edge of the island. The south east side is also nice. Would also recommend a trip to one of the volcanos on the north side.

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There have been many terrorist bombings in Bali.

And many muslims are hell bent on killing non believers or infidels as written in koran.

Many? Not really. At the last was more than 10 years ago. Certainly far fewer and less recent than, say, Bangkok.

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Phuket and Bali are both big islands. You can find almost any sort of vacation you want on either - from the drunken craziness of Patong and Kuta to quiet, beautiful, secluded beaches... backpacker to 5-star accommodation. However, there's nothing on Phuket that really compares to Ubud.

I've stopped going to both Phuket and Bali since I 'discovered' Khao Lak (an hour north of HKT) a few years ago.

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I would not go to Bali on principle. I know they are not pure Indonesian's but its still Indonesia. They hate Australians with a passion, so I would not want to assist their economy by spending 1 cent there. I would also be worried about the police and their propensity to trump up charges to let you off with a nice backhander. Oh and heaven forbid don't get into a traffic accident.

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It depends what you want to do there. Vacation or living.

If you want vacation - both places are good to experience. Bali is more for culture and nature. Phuket is more for beach vacation lovers.

If you want living - I would say neither. But it depends on individual.

I was staying for 2 weeks in Bali and living in Bangkok for 7 months now. I find thai food more attractive and big city life more fun and interesting. When I want to get away from big city, I just go to some island or national park in Thailand, very easy to reach from BKK.

So to me, Thailand is more attractive than Indonesia, both Bali and Phuket are ok for vacation, but there's many better places for that.

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There have been many terrorist bombings in Bali.

And many muslims are hell bent on killing non believers or infidels as written in koran.

There was a terrorist bombing in BKK not long ago and another failed attempt the day later at the river.

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Visit wise both have appeal.

Living there, forget Indonesia, you are on a hiding to nothing unless you marry a local. Visas are awkward to say the least.

As for owning anything, forget it.

Bali used to be nice, but Lombok is better, or even Flores if you want really relaxing.

Food wise both have appeal.

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Last year the Indonesian government executed 14 people, 12 of those executed were foreigners so only 2 were Indonesians.

There's something very wrong in Indonesia.

Probably for drugs. What is wrong with that? These drug dealers are going to ruin many lives with plying their trade

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If you count 'paradise' by golden sands , Phuket wins hands down.

A lot of newcomers dont realize that as Bali is volcanic , the beaches are brown or black even ... try walking the beach on a sunny day when the sand is black !

Water clarity is also superior in Phuket , but if its surf you want , then Bali is the best.

I always find Bali taxis much cheaper , but Phukets rooms are better value for money.

Indonesian food has the potential to rival Thai , but on my last few visits the locals seem uninterested in selling , or preparing their own cuisine , and my Thai gf was unimpressed with limp veggies and ambivalent sauces.

Downright theft of your money by exchange kiosks , or even a shop youve just spent your hard earned in , when changing to rupiah, is rampant in Bali .

I have caught exchangers flick a note or two of my cash onto their laps , and they commonly use rigged calculators.

Ive never seen anything like this in Thailand.

Scamming is aided by the impossible figures you are forced to deal with , hundreds of thousands here , millions there...

While goods on offer in Bali very often is a treasure trove of Eastern wonders compared to Phuket , shopping itself is usually an elaborate and time consuming ritual I can barely tolerate. I no longer consider it as "fun" to begin negotiations on , say a sarong , at 3 times the price availlable in a western country , only to settle , hot and infuriated an hour later , at a price 20% cheaper than at home. Its a $10 sarong <deleted>....

And being treated rudely for saying , "No thank you" is rife in Bali.

Never get that in Phuket ...people actually say thank you when you say, " no thank you" !!

Balinese architecture and craftsmanship is very beautiful and leaves Phuket for dead , but maybe not CMs...

Theres lots more comparisons to be had , but having visited both extensively it is Phuket that I chose to live in ....probably because Phuket still has accessible , visible and expansive green spaces left whereas with Bali I felt Everywhere had people 'owning' and living on the land...

I mourn the loss of the Jetstar 1500 baht airfares between the 2 destinations and pray they return !!

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Last year the Indonesian government executed 14 people, 12 of those executed were foreigners so only 2 were Indonesians.

There's something very wrong in Indonesia.

Really......In indonesia nothing goes wrong, but in the minds of drug traffickers. Indonesians or foreigners who do not respect the laws of the country.Although I am absolutely against the death penalty, but if a country applies this, I have to respect that. Ergo, the condemned are to blame.

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For me, Bali wins hands down! The people are definitely more attractive in Phuket but the Balinese are generally nicer people and have a much better culture. Once out of the touristy beaches of Kuta and Legian, the beaches are MUCH better in Bali especially in the north and east of the island. The western food is a virtual draw but the Thai food has more variety and is more spicy ...but be sure to try my favorite food in SE Asia which is Nasi Padang which unlike Thai food this is not too spicy.

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There have been many terrorist bombings in Bali.

And many muslims are hell bent on killing non believers or infidels as written in koran.

I suppose even one is too much, but there have not been "many."

Some comments about Islam, Indonesia, executions, etc., may be true, but are out of context for this OP specifically.

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They hate Australians with a passion sounds like they havee good taste

I would not go to Bali on principle. I know they are not pure Indonesian's but its still Indonesia. They hate Australians with a passion, so I would not want to assist their economy by spending 1 cent there. I would also be worried about the police and their propensity to trump up charges to let you off with a nice backhander. Oh and heaven forbid don't get into a traffic accident.

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There are some great posts in this thread. Some are very informative and well thought out. I have lived in Asia many years now and deal with having to "fit" in all the time so I sort of liked the fact that parts of Bali are very westernized and I could just speak English. Thanks for the great replies guys keep them coming. I suppose that Phuket could be used interchangeably with Samui or any other tourist island in Thailand.

Remember the spirit of the thread is Bali vs Phuket not Indonesia vs Thailand. So comparisons of Jakarta and Bangkok aren't really what this thread is about.

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They hate Australians with a passion sounds like they havee good taste

I would not go to Bali on principle. I know they are not pure Indonesian's but its still Indonesia. They hate Australians with a passion, so I would not want to assist their economy by spending 1 cent there. I would also be worried about the police and their propensity to trump up charges to let you off with a nice backhander. Oh and heaven forbid don't get into a traffic accident.

Having spent considerable time in Bali and Indonesia, and having visited Phuket, I find it hard to say which I prefer. I suppose it would have to be Bali (just based on the beaches). I do not like the Kuta beach area (Nearly stepped on a syringe once. Soured me).

To say that Balinese do not like Australians is ridiculous. Australians are the primary source of income for the Balinese.

On a side note, the comments about the Balinese police clearly evidence a personal indictment, rather than one based on facts (perhaps my comment is personal as well). I previously trained many of the Detachment 88 police of Bali. Moreover, I remain friends with one of their chiefs. He is among the most respectable and decent men I have known. While there are bad eggs everywhere, Bali is heavily dependent on foreigners visiting. In fact, in my estimation, tourism is the single thing that enables the Balinese to continue a life and belief system significantly at odds with Jakarta. I highly doubt the Balinese oppose any 'decent' visitors. It is the very thing that preserve its cultural heritage.

Bali has many beautiful areas besides its beaches. A trip up to the volcanic lake is quite exceptional. What I found disturbing was the frequent places along the road where one could stop to buy Balinese tea, coffee, herbs, knickknacks, etc (often along typical inland tourist routes). It seems nearly every single place actually imported the objects for sale, rather then them being local.

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There have been many terrorist bombings in Bali.

And many muslims are hell bent on killing non believers or infidels as written in koran.

I suppose even one is too much, but there have not been "many."

Some comments about Islam, Indonesia, executions, etc., may be true, but are out of context for this OP specifically.

I knew when I started this thread that there would be a few of those people joining in. It wouldn't be TV if we didn't get a few people that have to be utterly rabid about their opinions when comparing two destinations.

Would love to hear more about other places that haven't been covered yet on this forum.

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That is a very compelling argument. Were 9 of those people convicted drug dealers by chance?

I guess you prefer your drug dealers alive?

You miss the point, out of such a large populace nearly all the executions are foreigners.

What does this say ? Only foreigners are criminals or there is something seriously wrong with this evil regime ?

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If i had my way i would pick up the two islands and swap them round. Just a two hour flight for me to the kingdom then rather than 6 hours. But in my mind Phuket is definately a better option.

The traffic in Bali drives me nuts. Want to go from Seminyak to Ubud? 25k? Expect to spend at a minimum 1 hour in a taxi

Love the beaches in Phuket better. Nice sand rather than volcanic rock.

Food in thailand is much better. I find Bali food to be not much more than fried rice and satay sticks. Though there is some good western food available.

Rubber time. I know its bad in both countries but find it more frustrating in Bali.

Of course all comes down to the individual but thats my thoughts

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That is a very compelling argument. Were 9 of those people convicted drug dealers by chance?

I guess you prefer your drug dealers alive?

You miss the point, out of such a large populace nearly all the executions are foreigners.

What does this say ? Only foreigners are criminals or there is something seriously wrong with this evil regime ?

So which do you prefer Phuket or Bali?

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