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Filing Police Report


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I've done 3 reports so far this year in Pattaya. They cost 20 baht each. I have no idea how you would go about bribing an officer to do their job. I wouldn't try it and it is not necessary. In Pattaya there is an English/Thai interpreter on duty until midnight and this is where you start.

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I think the OP's problem is that he has already left the country and isn't coming back anytime soon, but needs a police report for some reason. Can one be filed by phone or email?


Or LOL. It's hard enough to get police reports directly from the police station. On 2 occasions it took about 2 hours a piece. Police reports are always handwritten and the police officers try their hardest not to make them if they can avoid it. What's more, there's no secretaries doing these - the officers write them.

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