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Doggie hero farang wows Thais online


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Doggie hero farang wows Thais online

Image: Manager Online

CHONBURI:-- The tale of a farang dog lover who looks after strays in Chonburi wowed Thai animal lovers online this week.

Michael J. Baines,48, was described as a "hero of dogs" by Manager Online after it emerged that he was spending up to 50,000 baht per month on feeding and providing for around eighty strays.

Michael, whose nationality was not mentioned, had apparently prepared meals of steamed fish, chicken, rice and dogfood. He had taken many of the dogs home to look after and found homes for around 30 - 40 others in a continual effort to help the canine community over the last five years.

He told a website called BoredPanda.com: "I feel sorry for the animals and didn't want to see them go hungry.

"I wanted to help them so I prepared water, food and medicines in my car so that when I passed them I could stop and help."

He claimed he was spending between 40,000 and 50,000 a month on them and that didn't include some emergency care that might be needed.

He said that it would be better if people adopted a stray rather than went to a pet shop to buy a dog and gave his motto as: "I think we should adopt - not shop."

The story was in the online news referred to as the 'feel good section." Impressed Thais posted their appreciation and shared the story multiple times for the dog hero describing him as a kind hearted foreigner who had created a great feeling of friendship.

Source: Manager Online

-- 2016-04-27

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I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near this bloke and his eighty disease ridden, mangy curs. The stray dog problem is bad enough in this Country without individuals such as this feeding the bloody things. 50K a month, I'll bet there's many a Thai orphanage that could do with that sort of money rather than this bloke wasting money on these creatures.

OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things.

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Nice to see an expatriate do something more than just complain about stray dogs. The truth is many foreigners all over Asia have multiple strays. Glad somebody is getting some accolades . The fellows who use to own a famous restaurant in Lupini Ville reportedly looked after 80 dogs.

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I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near this bloke and his eighty disease ridden, mangy curs. The stray dog problem is bad enough in this Country without individuals such as this feeding the bloody things. 50K a month, I'll bet there's many a Thai orphanage that could do with that sort of money rather than this bloke wasting money on these creatures.

OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things.

It's all the filthy disease ridden stray cats I hate. We don't have a dog problem but definately a smelly cat problem.
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I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near this bloke and his eighty disease ridden, mangy curs. The stray dog problem is bad enough in this Country without individuals such as this feeding the bloody things. 50K a month, I'll bet there's many a Thai orphanage that could do with that sort of money rather than this bloke wasting money on these creatures.

OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things.

"OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things."

You won't get much slack from anyone with that kind of attitude. He's chosen to help dogs, others choose to help people. If he can afford it, good for him.

It's not taxpayers money and unfortunately in this country, the governments have failed miserably in controlling the stray dog population. Too many Thais see and buy a cute puppy at the market, pet shop etc and when it matures, they discard it.

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I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near this bloke and his eighty disease ridden, mangy curs. The stray dog problem is bad enough in this Country without individuals such as this feeding the bloody things. 50K a month, I'll bet there's many a Thai orphanage that could do with that sort of money rather than this bloke wasting money on these creatures.

OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things.

Believe the words are courageous, generous and kind, not bleeding heart. Words that describe people like you, on the other hand, escape me.

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In case tall the blind people here can't see that this guy keeps them clean,

well fed and diseases/parasites free.

His money , his love, his mission.

What's yours?

but they are still on the street, which can cause problems! There was a dog charity that put the focus on controlling numbers by spaying and neutering them. Obviously keeping them clean and well fed is a good idea.
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Thanks for nothing, save dogs, dogs eat and get healthy, make more dogs, out on street, somebody save that dog, eat and get healthy, make more dogs, out on street after puppy cuteness wears off, not a solution, rather aggravating the problem further....

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I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near this bloke and his eighty disease ridden, mangy curs. The stray dog problem is bad enough in this Country without individuals such as this feeding the bloody things. 50K a month, I'll bet there's many a Thai orphanage that could do with that sort of money rather than this bloke wasting money on these creatures.

OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things.

Believe the words are courageous, generous and kind, not bleeding heart. Words that describe people like you, on the other hand, escape me.

They're always here. Pouncing on anything positive and good, looking for anyway they can to interpret it in a negative light. Toknarok, do you or have you ever given anything to Soi dog or even an orphanage in your life? The mind boggles at the negativity here. Someone does something positive, out they are trottin out their vindcitive, cynical interpretations, as quickly as they get down their first cup of coffee.

I'll bet if this guy was giving money to an orphanage, you would find something wrong with that too. Like "What are his motivations? Why does he want to hang around wiht kids.?" Go back to bed please and wake up somewhere we don't have to read this s...t!"

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I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near this bloke and his eighty disease ridden, mangy curs. The stray dog problem is bad enough in this Country without individuals such as this feeding the bloody things. 50K a month, I'll bet there's many a Thai orphanage that could do with that sort of money rather than this bloke wasting money on these creatures.

OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things.

It's all the filthy disease ridden stray cats I hate. We don't have a dog problem but definately a smelly cat problem.

and what about the filthy disease ridden humans???..... I'd rather help the animals.

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Thanks for nothing, save dogs, dogs eat and get healthy, make more dogs, out on street, somebody save that dog, eat and get healthy, make more dogs, out on street after puppy cuteness wears off, not a solution, rather aggravating the problem further....

Kind of cold but essentially true. All species overpopulate when food is plentiful, then decline; usually from disease when the food supply is curtailed. Though this man has a compassionate heart, he should give some consideration as to what will happen when he is gone and those dependent dogs go hungry.

Dogs are like refugees, the more you provide for them, the more will come.

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He was born in Scotland but grew up in Sweden. Is a restaurant owner in Thailand.

Wow . . . ohmy.png A Scot parting with 50K a month on dogs.

I don't give my wife half that . . . . . . tongue.png

Aye, but then your wifey's nae a dog, is she? rolleyes.gif

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I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near this bloke and his eighty disease ridden, mangy curs. The stray dog problem is bad enough in this Country without individuals such as this feeding the bloody things. 50K a month, I'll bet there's many a Thai orphanage that could do with that sort of money rather than this bloke wasting money on these creatures.

OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things.

Personally I cant stand the drunken tools who come here and try to bull shit you with tales of what they own ( but need to borrow to pay the rent )

Then try to impress you with their sad sex life whistling.gif

Give me dogs anytime smile.png

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The Thais must think this farung is ba mak.

Once the local mafia finds out he has been blowing 50+k per month on stray dogs, the two legged stray dogs will be coming for their share.

As for disease ridden muts, humans are the most disease ridden animals on the planet.

On a Lighter note, Salmon have been running from Point Peron to Black wall reach all week, with some big catches at Wells Park beach.

Edited by FourAces
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In case tall the blind people here can't see that this guy keeps them clean,

well fed and diseases/parasites free.

His money , his love, his mission.

What's yours?

Most posters here? To complain about anything and everything because they have empty lives.

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I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near this bloke and his eighty disease ridden, mangy curs. The stray dog problem is bad enough in this Country without individuals such as this feeding the bloody things. 50K a month, I'll bet there's many a Thai orphanage that could do with that sort of money rather than this bloke wasting money on these creatures.

OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things.

The article stated that he also carried medicines for the dogs. With proper nutrition and medicines most of what you mentioned will disappear over time. Police, Military, Airport Security, and Rescue dogs protect you and for the blind they lead the way for them. Many of the above mentioned Soi/street dogs that have been rescued worldwide were found, adopted, and sold to different agencies to protect you.

In fact one of the Thai Kings's prior Soi dogs he personally rescued and loved.

I hope your toxic thinking does not carry over to humans as well!

Your comments were very concerning, but the new norm for today's disposable society.

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