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PM Prayut says int'l organizations not allowed to observe referendum


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The premise held by the yellow faction and in concert with the current junta is that "the large majority of Thais are incapable of understanding what is best for them and what politics is all about".

One would have to be blind not to see how fervishly these 2 groups have worked to orchestrate their position and longevity of power and influence.

"Let them eat cake" is a phrase that comes to mind as well as the revolution that followed.

The majority of Thais as well as the current power-elite know that the military and police as well as the yellow shirts are divided in their sense of loyalty to the current junta.

There will be a flash point ... and a quick exit of the junta. Differing loyalties to the "palace" are already firming up the lines in the sand. The timeliness of anything untoward in this area is critical.

It's not going to be pretty and people do have extremely long memories!

I predict another military coup before the referendum. One borne out of a "truer sense" of what is good for the nation and not what is best for a small fraction of it.

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I love Thailand, I admire what the Pm is trying to achieve, but he is no longer running just the Army

This appears to a mere mortal like me to be adopting policies like the old Burma did, and actually moving further away from democracy, The Pm is very intelligent I am sure, is he being badly advised I wonder

In any case I fully accept it is none of my business, my observations are only meant to be honest and helpful

"very intelligent"? I can only assume you are talking about a PM from somewhere else. Certainly not this PM:

"PRAYUTH CHAN-OCHA, Thailand’s prime minister, sometimes resembles a ham actor ad-libbing his way through an audition for a role as an unhinged dictator. “You cannot oppose me. No one will let you do that!”" http://www.economist.com/news/asia/21665016-unelected-dictatorship-thailands-government-finds-china-more-amenable-america-under

In case you're unfamiliar with it, The Economist is a very intelligent and well-regarded news magazine. Unlike a certain PM.

And the print version of that particular issue of the Economist was curiously missing from Thailand's newsstands.

The regular absence of certain issues of The Economist motivated me to subscribe to the on-line version some time ago. The New York Times stopped distributing in Thailand after two or three issues were published with big white spaces on the front page where a story had been censored out. Many posters here have been suspended after violating vague forum rules, usually the use of 'inappropriate', but very accurate, words to describe the junta. The list of inappropriate words and phrases is constantly growing.

Of course we have it easy, the Thai people who resist reconciliation (decline to surrender independent thought and freedom of expression to the junta) have it much worse. To my knowledge none of us have been called in for an attitude adjustment, yet.

I don't think it's time to run, but, as has already been mentioned, it's a good idea to have an exit plan.

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Burma 2.0 in the making.

Hope you guys who have put all of your eggs in one basket have an exit plan. Chances are, it will be needed in the not too distant future. And heaven help all of us when the "big event" happens and the place erupts into chaos when there is no one left to be peaceful for.

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When Push comes to Shove the PM, with Artical 44, prefers the latter. We all know when there is no monitoring nor transparency what will happen. How much anyone of you scholars in here want to bet that there is fine print clause the gives the military the power to take control anytime it sees fit in the future? 100 baht gentlemen's bet...

Edited by Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere
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Does any of you bashers in here ever stop for a moment and reflect on where, why, for who and how? I must say, I am getting increasingly tired of listening to westerners being so clever on behalf of other nations and cultures. Been here for more than a decade, I do know something about the culture and I also do speak the language. And as wrong as I might be, then I am pretty sure I would do the same as the prime minister, most of the way, if I was in his shoes. He is trying to set Thailand on a different course than it has been for a very long time, fighting very powerful people, traditions, economical structure (corruption) and even worse, ignorant keyboard warriors who need no time to think, reflect or achieve knowledge on any subject, to keep the stupidity flowing on social media.

One thing I have learned, one key thing, is, Thailand is for Thais, governed by thais. And westerners does not have to look far to se the mayor <deleted> ups they have made by imposing their "high values" on other countries. For what ever reason. The man is not perfect, and we do not fully understand what it takes to be and to rule a country like Thailand, so who are we to question, from our comfy chairs, what is right and wrong? I do not know if he has any financial gain as other prime ministers before him, but I do know, he is making himself som mighty big enemies, and even if his fight should be selective, then his fight has started. I would be VERY selective in the beginning too, to make sure I was able to stay in power to go the whole nine yards, and not making myself TOO many enemies right away. It is a very dangerous fight, because not only does he have a less educated population to deal with, he has a powerful opposition that would use every bit of freedom of speech to turn the discussion away from the issues that really matter. Just like here. And then there are all the "wise" westerners who NEVER stop to be clever on behalf on other people without being able to handle their own problems.

No, it sure is not perfect, and I do not agree with everything I hear and see, but I am born and raised in a different world, so that is to be expected, but luckily I do understand I am a guest. And I behave as such.

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Does any of you bashers in here ever stop for a moment and reflect on where, why, for who and how? I must say, I am getting increasingly tired of listening to westerners being so clever on behalf of other nations and cultures. Been here for more than a decade, I do know something about the culture and I also do speak the language. And as wrong as I might be, then I am pretty sure I would do the same as the prime minister, most of the way, if I was in his shoes. He is trying to set Thailand on a different course than it has been for a very long time, fighting very powerful people, traditions, economical structure (corruption) and even worse, ignorant keyboard warriors who need no time to think, reflect or achieve knowledge on any subject, to keep the stupidity flowing on social media.

One thing I have learned, one key thing, is, Thailand is for Thais, governed by thais. And westerners does not have to look far to se the mayor <deleted> ups they have made by imposing their "high values" on other countries. For what ever reason. The man is not perfect, and we do not fully understand what it takes to be and to rule a country like Thailand, so who are we to question, from our comfy chairs, what is right and wrong? I do not know if he has any financial gain as other prime ministers before him, but I do know, he is making himself som mighty big enemies, and even if his fight should be selective, then his fight has started. I would be VERY selective in the beginning too, to make sure I was able to stay in power to go the whole nine yards, and not making myself TOO many enemies right away. It is a very dangerous fight, because not only does he have a less educated population to deal with, he has a powerful opposition that would use every bit of freedom of speech to turn the discussion away from the issues that really matter. Just like here. And then there are all the "wise" westerners who NEVER stop to be clever on behalf on other people without being able to handle their own problems.

No, it sure is not perfect, and I do not agree with everything I hear and see, but I am born and raised in a different world, so that is to be expected, but luckily I do understand I am a guest. And I behave as such.

Why didn't you save yourself the bother of writing all that claptrap and just say;

"If you don't like it, go home!"

I mean, that's what you're really trying to say, right?

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What is he afraid of? Transparency?

And, yes, there are countless occasions where such votes have observed.

Do you think that the British government would allow Thai observers to monitor the Brexit/Bremain referendum if they requested to do so?

Probably, but this not about the UK government is it, it's about internationally respected bodies asking for access.

Speaking last night, the Christchurch MP said: “Whenever an independent Electoral Commission’s advice is rejected by any Government, then the members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe should be alerted.

“The Electoral Commission expressed its unhappiness about the pamphlets, but the advice it gave to the Government was rejected.

“Downing Street should accept this advice and allow these monitors. We send observers to other countries. We have helped developed laws on referenda.

“We must show that we have nothing to fear.”

A Government spokesman said: “Any individual or organisation is able to apply to the Electoral Commission for accreditation to observe elections or referendums in the UK."

I see, the UK government has just spent over 9 million pounds of tax payers money in sending PRO remain in Europe leaflets to 27,000,000 households and when the Electoral commission displayed their unhappiness at this, their advice was tossed aside and ignored. So much for democracy and a free and fair referendum. Just like the US, they only favour democracies and democratic principles when the 'winner' meets their approval or the favoured outcome can be achieved!!

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Does any of you bashers in here ever stop for a moment and reflect on where, why, for who and how? I must say, I am getting increasingly tired of listening to westerners being so clever on behalf of other nations and cultures. Been here for more than a decade, I do know something about the culture and I also do speak the language. And as wrong as I might be, then I am pretty sure I would do the same as the prime minister, most of the way, if I was in his shoes. He is trying to set Thailand on a different course than it has been for a very long time, fighting very powerful people, traditions, economical structure (corruption) and even worse, ignorant keyboard warriors who need no time to think, reflect or achieve knowledge on any subject, to keep the stupidity flowing on social media.

One thing I have learned, one key thing, is, Thailand is for Thais, governed by thais. And westerners does not have to look far to se the mayor <deleted> ups they have made by imposing their "high values" on other countries. For what ever reason. The man is not perfect, and we do not fully understand what it takes to be and to rule a country like Thailand, so who are we to question, from our comfy chairs, what is right and wrong? I do not know if he has any financial gain as other prime ministers before him, but I do know, he is making himself som mighty big enemies, and even if his fight should be selective, then his fight has started. I would be VERY selective in the beginning too, to make sure I was able to stay in power to go the whole nine yards, and not making myself TOO many enemies right away. It is a very dangerous fight, because not only does he have a less educated population to deal with, he has a powerful opposition that would use every bit of freedom of speech to turn the discussion away from the issues that really matter. Just like here. And then there are all the "wise" westerners who NEVER stop to be clever on behalf on other people without being able to handle their own problems.

No, it sure is not perfect, and I do not agree with everything I hear and see, but I am born and raised in a different world, so that is to be expected, but luckily I do understand I am a guest. And I behave as such.

You don't seem to understand this forum. It is a place for people, primarily foreigners (but some Thais) to discuss the current news in Thailand.

Here, you will find a wide range of opinions. Two years ago, at the time of the coup, there were perhaps 10 regular contributors who viewed the coup as a good thing, on balance. Now, maybe there are 2 or 3 such regular contributors. There is a very good reason for that change. The Junta has progressively gone against the values and norms that Thailand has pledged to the world; a democratic form of government and protection of universal human rights being the two most obvious examples.

Now, I agree, there is a dedicated group of bitter old men on this forum. You will find them here talking about the news, but you will also find them in discussions complaining about the price of melons. It is your challenge to read their diatribes without letting it derail your mental health.

Finally, we are not just "guests"; we are people from all over the world who happen to have ties to Thailand. Many of us have family, friends, and business interests here we care deeply about. We have a right to express our opinions, whatever they may be (within forum rules).

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Does any of you bashers in here ever stop for a moment and reflect on where, why, for who and how? I must say, I am getting increasingly tired of listening to westerners being so clever on behalf of other nations and cultures. Been here for more than a decade, I do know something about the culture and I also do speak the language. And as wrong as I might be, then I am pretty sure I would do the same as the prime minister, most of the way, if I was in his shoes. He is trying to set Thailand on a different course than it has been for a very long time, fighting very powerful people, traditions, economical structure (corruption) and even worse, ignorant keyboard warriors who need no time to think, reflect or achieve knowledge on any subject, to keep the stupidity flowing on social media.

One thing I have learned, one key thing, is, Thailand is for Thais, governed by thais. And westerners does not have to look far to se the mayor <deleted> ups they have made by imposing their "high values" on other countries. For what ever reason. The man is not perfect, and we do not fully understand what it takes to be and to rule a country like Thailand, so who are we to question, from our comfy chairs, what is right and wrong? I do not know if he has any financial gain as other prime ministers before him, but I do know, he is making himself som mighty big enemies, and even if his fight should be selective, then his fight has started. I would be VERY selective in the beginning too, to make sure I was able to stay in power to go the whole nine yards, and not making myself TOO many enemies right away. It is a very dangerous fight, because not only does he have a less educated population to deal with, he has a powerful opposition that would use every bit of freedom of speech to turn the discussion away from the issues that really matter. Just like here. And then there are all the "wise" westerners who NEVER stop to be clever on behalf on other people without being able to handle their own problems.

No, it sure is not perfect, and I do not agree with everything I hear and see, but I am born and raised in a different world, so that is to be expected, but luckily I do understand I am a guest. And I behave as such.

So you would be an equally corrupt Prime Minister?

You will tend to Nepotism?

You will send people to arbitrary detention?

You will push a company like AIS to give 6millions customers to True, right after the son of a top brass had a job there?

You will tell foreigners to stopb being sexy if they don't want to be raped or killed?

You will spend your whole day saying "Damn I hate Thaksin"

You will fail in every field you promised to get rid of corrpution?

You will justify the coup after Thaksin amnesty blanket but give an amnesty for past, present and futur action you may do?

You will tell people the country is their but not allow them to speak openly?

Prayut is NOT trying to set thailand to a different course : He tries to go back to a time where the mass was docile and shut up while the elite could do everything.

Open you eyes dude.

Well I am glad you are not in position to get elected...how wait they came to power with an illegal coup

About your 10 years here and speak the language : same here, and I also pay my taxes here, I spend money in thai economy, I contribute to the economy so yes I come here to give my opinion.

Right now Thai is not governed by thai as each time the election gave a winner there was a coup. Actually Thailand is governed by and for a small minority, which shrink everyday as even the high-so start to worry.

And last : if you re getting tired of these discussion, just click on the top right red square (or left round one if you re on mac) and close the windows, go out, have a jogging....

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What is he afraid of? Transparency?

And, yes, there are countless occasions where such votes have observed.

Do you think that the British government would allow Thai observers to monitor the Brexit/Bremain referendum if they requested to do so?

Probably, but this not about the UK government is it, it's about internationally respected bodies asking for access.

Speaking last night, the Christchurch MP said: “Whenever an independent Electoral Commission’s advice is rejected by any Government, then the members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe should be alerted.

“The Electoral Commission expressed its unhappiness about the pamphlets, but the advice it gave to the Government was rejected.

“Downing Street should accept this advice and allow these monitors. We send observers to other countries. We have helped developed laws on referenda.

“We must show that we have nothing to fear.”

A Government spokesman said: “Any individual or organisation is able to apply to the Electoral Commission for accreditation to observe elections or referendums in the UK."

I see, the UK government has just spent over 9 million pounds of tax payers money in sending PRO remain in Europe leaflets to 27,000,000 households and when the Electoral commission displayed their unhappiness at this, their advice was tossed aside and ignored. So much for democracy and a free and fair referendum. Just like the US, they only favour democracies and democratic principles when the 'winner' meets their approval or the favoured outcome can be achieved!!

Thanks for posting that. Let's agree you have absolutely no idea what it means nor why it's irrelevant to your earlier post. Cheers.

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Does any of you bashers in here ever stop for a moment and reflect on where, why, for who and how? I must say, I am getting increasingly tired of listening to westerners being so clever on behalf of other nations and cultures. Been here for more than a decade, I do know something about the culture and I also do speak the language. And as wrong as I might be, then I am pretty sure I would do the same as the prime minister, most of the way, if I was in his shoes. He is trying to set Thailand on a different course than it has been for a very long time, fighting very powerful people, traditions, economical structure (corruption) and even worse, ignorant keyboard warriors who need no time to think, reflect or achieve knowledge on any subject, to keep the stupidity flowing on social media.

One thing I have learned, one key thing, is, Thailand is for Thais, governed by thais. And westerners does not have to look far to se the mayor <deleted> ups they have made by imposing their "high values" on other countries. For what ever reason. The man is not perfect, and we do not fully understand what it takes to be and to rule a country like Thailand, so who are we to question, from our comfy chairs, what is right and wrong? I do not know if he has any financial gain as other prime ministers before him, but I do know, he is making himself som mighty big enemies, and even if his fight should be selective, then his fight has started. I would be VERY selective in the beginning too, to make sure I was able to stay in power to go the whole nine yards, and not making myself TOO many enemies right away. It is a very dangerous fight, because not only does he have a less educated population to deal with, he has a powerful opposition that would use every bit of freedom of speech to turn the discussion away from the issues that really matter. Just like here. And then there are all the "wise" westerners who NEVER stop to be clever on behalf on other people without being able to handle their own problems.

No, it sure is not perfect, and I do not agree with everything I hear and see, but I am born and raised in a different world, so that is to be expected, but luckily I do understand I am a guest. And I behave as such.

"He is trying to set Thailand on a different course than it has been for a very long time, fighting very powerful people, traditions, economical structure (corruption)..."

You're right, he is trying to set Thailand on a different course. Thailand was heading towards the future and the modern world, which scared the heck out of the traditional elite who saw their grasp on power slipping away. Prayuth is trying to drag Thailand backwards to a time when the elites called the shots and the peasants were obedient.

The rest is BS. Prayuth is fighting to return Thailand to the past with the support of very powerful people, using dated traditions to justify the battle. Regarding his fight against corruption, all he has to do is use his Article 44 power to mandate transparency in government, including the military and his own finances. Funny that he hasn't done that.

BTW, I've also been in Thailand for ten years, two coups, martial law, etc. I haven't spent this time in Bangkok, the center of the universe in the eyes of the elites. I've spent it up north with the ignorant buffaloes. I've met many educated, hard-working, ambitious people up here who are eager to be a part of the modern world. I support real democracy for Thailand because I have no doubt the people are ready for it. Clearly some expats aren't ready for it.

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"Prime Minister has claimed that there has been no precedent for such an action by any country in the world."

Does a single day ever go by without utter nonsense being spewed?

Google "international organization to monitor the referendum" and there are pages and pages of examples of international organizations monitoring constitutional referendums.

The situation must be viewed; that every day the arrogant Junta hold onto power it's extremely lucrative for the chosen few. To BS about the subject is expected by the Thai people as written in the Thaiess Bible, it's the non talking about it part that's changing. The problem being faced by the NCPO is 'they' are becoming more informed, and less influenced; albeit from Facebook - the sleeping giant may well wake up. Acquisitions of 'personal' mega funds (maybe including some statue windfall) now being moved off shore, shows intent. This is simply a further stalling technique, for a few more days of unseen but totally justified theft from the country - pigs at the trough. I wonder if it will be another run but you can't hide scenario - At least Thaksin was elected and did some real good which benefited the whole country (as was his sister); perhaps a little indiscretion here or there is inevitable. Everything is orchestrated here, history states this innings started with the sale of property in BKK in 2013 make no mistake. Rice was totally irrelevant, merely an excuse in the dirty arrangement of oppression.

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Does any of you bashers in here ever stop for a moment and reflect on where, why, for who and how? I must say, I am getting increasingly tired of listening to westerners being so clever on behalf of other nations and cultures. Been here for more than a decade, I do know something about the culture and I also do speak the language. And as wrong as I might be, then I am pretty sure I would do the same as the prime minister, most of the way, if I was in his shoes. He is trying to set Thailand on a different course than it has been for a very long time, fighting very powerful people, traditions, economical structure (corruption) and even worse, ignorant keyboard warriors who need no time to think, reflect or achieve knowledge on any subject, to keep the stupidity flowing on social media.

One thing I have learned, one key thing, is, Thailand is for Thais, governed by thais. And westerners does not have to look far to se the mayor <deleted> ups they have made by imposing their "high values" on other countries. For what ever reason. The man is not perfect, and we do not fully understand what it takes to be and to rule a country like Thailand, so who are we to question, from our comfy chairs, what is right and wrong? I do not know if he has any financial gain as other prime ministers before him, but I do know, he is making himself som mighty big enemies, and even if his fight should be selective, then his fight has started. I would be VERY selective in the beginning too, to make sure I was able to stay in power to go the whole nine yards, and not making myself TOO many enemies right away. It is a very dangerous fight, because not only does he have a less educated population to deal with, he has a powerful opposition that would use every bit of freedom of speech to turn the discussion away from the issues that really matter. Just like here. And then there are all the "wise" westerners who NEVER stop to be clever on behalf on other people without being able to handle their own problems.

No, it sure is not perfect, and I do not agree with everything I hear and see, but I am born and raised in a different world, so that is to be expected, but luckily I do understand I am a guest. And I behave as such.

Blind fool, do some research and stop expressing such ignorance observed through rose coloured glasses. Be realistic and make statements in alignment with reality.

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