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My experience getting a Chinese Visa in Bangkok. It sucked.

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I made a little video out of my frustration. Please check it out, and let me know if any of you have had similar experiences.

Also, if this is in the wrong topic, I am truly sorry. I am sure that the forum Gods of old will punish me in the afterlife.

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as soon as "advert" popped up I stopped watching... about 3 seconds.

had 3 'Z' visa's there and never had a problem, one day service, drop off paperwork in morning and pick up visa in afternoon.. job done.

but don't suppose straight forward service would sell whatever it is the advert is your promoting!

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as soon as "advert" popped up I stopped watching... about 3 seconds.

had 3 'Z' visa's there and never had a problem, one day service, drop off paperwork in morning and pick up visa in afternoon.. job done.

but don't suppose straight forward service would sell whatever it is the advert is your promoting!

What advert are you talking about?

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Yep - Chinese visa process is a lottery that depends on current political issues, day of the week, phase of the moon etc.

Fun, lively video - like the tight cuts. Did they know you were making a video in the visa center? biggrin.png

1 lady saw me doing it and didn't seem to mind. haha.

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If you are an American, you can only get a 10 year visa now. I assume the OP is either Canadian or American. The big mistake you made was not posting the question before you started. I could have broken it down in minutes and if you asked nicely maybe I would write you a correct invitation letter with a Chinese company stamp.

You should have never told them why you are going, you should just say its a holiday. All that documentation you have is the reason they made it a hassle. If you read the news they just announced that China is banning all NGO's. I don't want to watch the video again but I think he mentioned the UN. The point is that he gave them a bunch of stuff that made them suspicious so they made it a total hassle. Its the China way.

OP can PM me if he has any questions as I have run a biz in China 11 years.

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if people just stop going to China or import any junk products from there, we could save the world from eventual environmental disaster, there are hundreds of lovely destinations that s worth a visit and does not require any visas !!!

Edited by marcofunny
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Found a person on the internet last year (Thai local) met with him at a shopping mall provided my documents and 1 week later I received my 10 year China visa. It was very smooth. Not any problem.

Sorry, you went to a shopping mall and gave your passport and personal documents to a guy you found on the Internet?

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If you are an American, you can only get a 10 year visa now. I assume the OP is either Canadian or American. The big mistake you made was not posting the question before you started. I could have broken it down in minutes and if you asked nicely maybe I would write you a correct invitation letter with a Chinese company stamp.

You should have never told them why you are going, you should just say its a holiday. All that documentation you have is the reason they made it a hassle. If you read the news they just announced that China is banning all NGO's. I don't want to watch the video again but I think he mentioned the UN. The point is that he gave them a bunch of stuff that made them suspicious so they made it a total hassle. Its the China way.

OP can PM me if he has any questions as I have run a biz in China 11 years.

Yep, keeping it straight helps. Last thing you want with the Chinese embassy is complications.

Anyway, thanks for the video @SamDean. Was entertaining to watch.

Edited by ThailandLOS
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Last year I applied for a business visa for China, had all my documentation, invitation letter and proof of previous visits. Handed in documents after 30 minutes waiting in the queue, and after five minutes I was informed I could pick the visa up next afternoon, no problems.

There must have been something out of the ordinary to complicate the OP's application; I found it very simple and straightforward if you have the documents.

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Videos like this...make the Thai Apologists job so much harder...

Many people can relate to the "visa paper shuffle" routine in Thailand...

What? They only charged you 4Xs as much?

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Full of yourself!

Because I made a video? or because I am so damn handsome in it? Wait? Are you flirting with me?

I don't understand why you are having so much hassle? Normally a return ticket and a hotel booking is good enough.

I have had "F" Multi entry one year and two year, "Z" Visas work permits and more for me and my family. I even had a 1 year "F" Visa for my 3 month old son. Never ever been asked for anything worse than a medical declaration.

What has changed?

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Maybe You can speak faster !! Your vdo is maybe interesting but tiring to see and listen .Why this speed cut and this flow of words, difficult to understand . And never experienced difficult ways to get my chinese visa and people at embassy are very kind and helpful. But if You talk to them like in your vdo....

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Putting a video up of folks working in the Chinese visa office strikes me as not a very good idea, especially before your trip. Indeed, before you even get the visa!

If you want to have any sorts of dealings in China, then don't poke Chinese officials in public.

Edited by taxout
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Sorry Bro, I wish you the best of luck. But as an American, married to a Thai, I had a much more difficult and expensive time getting in to the UK! You may not understand the Birth Certificate but I was told I married my Thai wife only to get into UK, work, and remain! (Notwithstanding I get UK visa on arrival and only applied for visa to travel on same doc as wife).

So, while your heartache is real, it is not exceptional. I wish you luck, but I think you should appreciate a lot of this visiting other countries business is fraught with problems.

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