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Police hunt thugs who brutally attacked British family in Hua Hin

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Yep, s##t happens sometimes, had Songkran been celebrated in UK, the hoodies and the chavs would've created more havoc and mindless violence than this. All the "share this with everyone you know" crowd, are you also this enthusiastic about sharing good experiences you may encounter in TH, or do you just enjoy a good whinge?

Yes, i do share good experiences here. I also share weird experiences here.....most people do, so why not share bad things?

It may have happened if they had Songkran in the UK, but they don't and they didn't. So rather than try to dilute blame and assume everyone "could" be like this, why don't you just take it as something that has actually happened and see how disgusting it is?

If i was the first person on the moon, there would be an Australian flag there.....but i wasn't so why would I bring that up?

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Thai guy in yellow shirt is arguing with someone else as the 3 walk by, pushes one for no reason, he falls, woman confronts him, they argue, his employees or body guards take him away and proceed to kick the hell out of them.

Edited by Millsee77
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What are they doing in an area based on prostitution at 2:00 AM in the morning? They only have themselves to blame for being in this situation

Preposterous nonsense.

Have you never been on holiday in a foreign land on one of the big holidays of the year? Or were you tucked up in bed by 9PM?

The only people who will 'deserve' anything from this are the three cowards who will not be so brave when cowering before a stern-faced judge about to pass down a stiff custodial sentence to them....(I hope).

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What are they doing in an area based on prostitution at 2:00 AM in the morning? They only have themselves to blame for being in this situation

Pretty much the stupidest thing I have read for a while....and I have read the bible.

They were on holiday.

More importantly, what were the local men doing there who surely knew what a seedy area it is?

Edited by ljd1308
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I didn't even watch the end as something even worse has happened to me on Chinese New Year.

One guy started an argument with me when I was trying to find the key of my bike.

He all in a sudden attacked me and I went down. Three more guys came to help him and four kicked on my body until my wife arrived with the spare key and shouted that they can stop, because I'd be already dead.

It would be a long list to write down the injuries i had.

What they left was a bloody mess. They never fight alone and I hope that some people who read this will understand that.

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What are they doing in an area based on prostitution at 2:00 AM in the morning? They only have themselves to blame for being in this situation

Preposterous nonsense.

Have you never been on holiday in a foreign land on one of the big holidays of the year? Or were you tucked up in bed by 9PM?

The only people who will 'deserve' anything from this are the three cowards who will not be so brave when cowering before a stern-faced judge about to pass down a stiff custodial sentence to them....(I hope).

They were playing with fire and got burned. No place for families to be at 2:00 AM.

Perhaps a crowded resort town is no place for "fire" at any time.

I hope you are on a wind up and if not I really hope you are sterile.

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What are they doing in an area based on prostitution at 2:00 AM in the morning? They only have themselves to blame for being in this situation

Preposterous nonsense.

Have you never been on holiday in a foreign land on one of the big holidays of the year? Or were you tucked up in bed by 9PM?

The only people who will 'deserve' anything from this are the three cowards who will not be so brave when cowering before a stern-faced judge about to pass down a stiff custodial sentence to them....(I hope).

They were playing with fire and got burned. No place for families to be at 2:00 AM.

You are making yourself look even more foolish by just repeating the same drivel.

They had every right to be there, they weren't attacked for their being there but on the whim of some cretinous drunken thugs who certainly wouldn't have had a pop at a Thai family in the same area at that time.....I suppose using your 'logic' every road traffic accident victim 'deserves it' for being on a road?

Now, pop orf missie, you are getting tiresome and only heading for more humiliation....

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its utterly digusting,

and for sure the police are NOT hunting down the thai scum, in fact the thai police dont care.

Please share this with your friend, on facebook and twitter, send this to your local newspaper... its time for payback!!!

Payback yes. But what did the foreign men do before the whole shit starts? I feel really sorry for the woman. Kicking a woman in her face is something hard to understand.

There're a few other Thais waiting to jump in. Hope the woman is okay, such a kick can easily break your neck.

Edited by lostinisaan
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Avoid confrontations whilst intoxicated with Thai people, if someone else can see this and understand it's better to walk away than this happening to you, the locals are not innocent but this could have been avoided. It's true people get drunk and full of themselves forgetting where they are then it all end in tears, I wish quick recovery your the family involved and the gang members PROPERLY dealt with. I don't wish to seem to black hearted but this can be seen as an education on how bad things can go wrong for you here. Take note if this surprised you. And be thankful we weren't watching them get stabbed

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There are no consequences, 500 baht fine each, and of you go ....

Being taken up by the British press now, think that will be bringing down some pressure and also putting the Thai cops under the spotlight, a light that is starting to a little more intense these days. Not expecting miracles but can't hurt.


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Yep, s##t happens sometimes, had Songkran been celebrated in UK, the hoodies and the chavs would've created more havoc and mindless violence than this. All the "share this with everyone you know" crowd, are you also this enthusiastic about sharing good experiences you may encounter in TH, or do you just enjoy a good whinge?

People who make senseless comments make me wrench in anger. Don't you honestly believe we're being taken advantage of ?

Isn't it time something was done about this carnage of serious inflictions upon us foreigners? Do we really deserve this? All they want is our money and hurt murder or assault us in order to accomplish this.

Gangs saving face wouldn't get away with this in some of our hometowns back home otherwise an all out war would take place.

What kind of man would survive in our country or prisons after kicking a mother with her child in a pram by her side. This country is an absolute disgrace and about time someone did something about.

Thailand Land Of Shit

Edited by ScotBkk
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After months of The Daily Mail being off the Black List, suddenly it seems the site is being censored again.

it wouldn't surprise me in the least if those doing the censoring firmly believe that if they do this, and can'r see the reports in Thailand, then neither can the rest of the world either.

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Make them walk through Manchester City Centre on Derby day in Liverpool shirts and then we'd see how tough they are....

That really doesnt say much about British people.blink.png

Back OT,

2 week to appear and seemingly "influential's" at the heart of it, somethings rotten in HH

Wonder if this is making any headway on Thai based SM?

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How come it's taken so long for the video to be shown ?

That happened 2 weeks ago !

I haven't read subsequent posts so I apologise if this has already been elucidated.

There was a report on the forum 2 weeks ago, linking to an anecdotal report on a Hua Hin based forum, about this very event. Why it's only made the news recently, I have no idea.

If this happened in Pattaya, OK we can debate about the type of place it is, but this happened in Hua Hin. I went on a school trip there only a few months ago & it was full of elderly, retired couples. Even the students remarked that they noticed that the old people were annoyed by their presence. smile.png

This should make headline news around the world, given that Hua Hin is largely a haven for elderly, retired couples.

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After months of The Daily Mail being off the Black List, suddenly it seems the site is being censored again.

it wouldn't surprise me in the least if those doing the censoring firmly believe that if they do this, and can'r see the reports in Thailand, then neither can the rest of the world either.

Being carried in the Sun too.


Lot more depth in this story as the Mail is trying to find out who the family is. Not a fan of either paper but they serve a purpose. Whats the betting TV appearances soon ? I'm as cynical as most of you about the Thai justice system, but I also believe you should follow the money and this sort of event causes a lot of damage to Thailand's image as a tourist destination. So did Ko Tao, but there are no Burmese suspects here, just Thai's and my betting is that they or their families don't have the influence that could buy off the swift justice and sentence the powers that be would be looking for to gain some credibility.

Edited by roamer
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Yep, s##t happens sometimes, had Songkran been celebrated in UK, the hoodies and the chavs would've created more havoc and mindless violence than this. All the "share this with everyone you know" crowd, are you also this enthusiastic about sharing good experiences you may encounter in TH, or do you just enjoy a good whinge?

New year is celebrated every year in the UK as it is the world over. Would you be so kind as to point out where I can find stories of Brits kicking the shit out of Tourists I'll give you new years eve and new years day to play with.

Put up or shut up.

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At the very end of the video is the final indignity as once explained by an Thai ex-girlfriend. A Thai person would/should never step over any part of a seated or sprawled body from my hazy recollections. At least one of the gang does this - perhaps as a final insult?

But regardless of the situation punching a guy from the flank is bad but hitting a woman and an old woman at that...Geez, very low.

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At the very end of the video is the final indignity as once explained by an Thai ex-girlfriend. A Thai person would/should never step over any part of a seated or sprawled body from my hazy recollections. At least one of the gang does this - perhaps as a final insult?

But regardless of the situation punching a guy from the flank is bad but hitting a woman and an old woman at that...Geez, very low.

Only applies to Buddhists, and their handbag if female, you might be stepping over their Buddha. Feet, head etc. Same reason why you are stopped walking over a Sukhumvit footbridge should certain motorcades be passing underneath.

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