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Problems When Entering Text


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I described this problem earlier and the muthuh has gotten worse. When in MS Office (WORD or EXCEL) or even when typing a reply in hotmail I'll be rattling along and then look up and the cursor has jumped to another part of the screen, totally screwing up the text that was there before. Recently, I was typing a hotmail reply and hit the space bar and all the text that I had typed disappeared from the screen!

Looks like a virus problem that I probably contracted when a secretary in Vietnam loaded a bootleg copy of MS Office onto the laptop. I later uninstalled it and loaded a licensed copy held by an associate at work...no improvement. My anti-virus software has scanned the hard drive and found 6 viruses that cannot be erased for some reason. I've also spent too many hours with websites like 'Torture Mansion Virgins' etc...

How to handle the problem? I have thought of 2 approaches:

- the laptop is still under warranty; could the problem be construed as a warranty issue or do only hardware problems qualify?

- save everything that needs to be saved then take the backup Windows XP CDs and the machine to someone and do a tabula rasa number on the hard drive and wherever else needs to be cleaned up then re-install Windows. Would also then have to purchase a new and perfectly legal copy of MS Office to install.

Do you guys got any suggestions? I'm not an IT man meself and have only limited ability to fix things meself. The laptop is an HP Pavillion dv4000 and is high spec. There's supposed to be an HP service center in BKK somewhere and in whatever case I would take the machine to them to fix.

thanks in advance for your help...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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My anti-virus software has scanned the hard drive and found 6 viruses that cannot be erased for some reason. I've also spent too many hours with websites like 'Torture Mansion Virgins' etc...

Might try to clean the viruses out first and see if it behaves better. Disconnect your line to the Internet first to prevent 'calling home'. Next boot up in "Safe Mode", hit F8 several times when the system is just finished with the Bios check and select the safe mode option from the menu. Now run the virus scan again. Come back with the results and will continue from there.

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