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1. May I add a few more thoughts to why farangs can have problems and make trouble for themselves. The first and foremost is the issue of property laws.If you buy property in the name of anyone you are entitled to apply the usufruct rule. This cost about 75 Baht to put you name on the bottom line of the chanote deed. I have done this for several provinces over the past 32 years. Normally the land office charges you about 75 Baht. You are protected and the Supreme Court has ruled that you can sub-let and even though you die the contract remains in effect until it is finished. I do not want to create a lot of discussion on this subject as it has been beat to death many times. Unfortunately many farangs won't listen and then they place the property in the name of someone they have no control over.

2. Many people live with Thai ladies for years and refuse to get legally married. They are protected for property overseas. It does not work that way in Thailand. If you stay together for about 2 weeks in the eyes of the Thai Police you have married the woman. If a confrontation occurs then you have one of two choices ship out or buy out. Buying out can be a function of how long you have been together and what local tangible assets you and your live in has. Ben down that road before and chose to buy out. Can be very expensive.

3. About doing business. Many people come here and decide they want a business so they set it up in their wife or girl friend's name in order to avoid taxes and ealing with Thai officials. This is really stupid as you can lose you ass quickly. When you set the company up as a registered limited company you have to have Thai nominees which are illegal. If you want to do this this try investigating a joint partner ship with your Thai parter with side documents to keep her from ripping you off.

I have been down these roads for 32 years in 9 provinces and I have been very lucky by listening to people who know what they are talking about. The scams that I have paid out for were all brought on by myself sleeping with the staff. I paid out fairly big when it came to selling property that they were stock holders in.

4. Regarding death. In Phuket I had 2 English customers who were twice the ages of their wives. Their wives had children from Thai husbands which is not uncommon. They Thai husband bails out and does not take care of the wife and children. The Thai governments refuse to pass laws to require the husband to be responsible. My two customers in Phuket built beautiful houses for their wives. They wanted to take care of them when they passed. Both Thai wives passed before their elderly husbands did. They had no will and were not legally legally. They siblings claimed the houses by probate law and they were thrown out. REAL FRINGING STUPID!. Take care of your own affairs in this even to could happen to you.

I am providing this information to our members of the Chiang Rai Forum. I do not wish to argue or debate with you if you think I am wrong. An old mant once said that if we could live long enough we could b smart. The next bit of advice I will share is what happens when you die and the cost of many different prices of funerals.

As a rule most farangs refuse to think about these issues and prepare for them.

All very good points Don. Very refreshing that you admit to your own shortcoming and don't blame everything on someone else. Hopefully some will listen.


The buyout or ship out issue with a Thai woman you want to dump is very simply. You pay her off and get her to sign a release at the police station or ship yourslef out and leave so you will not be persecuted for your own mistakes. I bought out a few time and ams still here. Do it at the police station with a copy of the agreement.

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I've heard of a lot of issues being resolved by the Pu Yai Bahn in our village. I was initially sceptical to how much clout the village head had based on my western perceptions of law/legal. Quite refreshing that at times problems are resolved amicably and without a mountain of red tape. Perhaps western values could learn from this system of mediation.

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The buyout or ship out issue with a Thai woman you want to dump is very simply. You pay her off and get her to sign a release at the police station or ship yourslef out and leave so you will not be persecuted for your own mistakes. I bought out a few time and ams still here. Do it at the police station with a copy of the agreement.

This one is new to me. So, if I have a Thai girlfriend and we decide to share a rented condo, for example, and the relationship turns sour, I pay her some money to leave ... thereby ending things amicably? Or I pack up and head for the hills?

Or, are you talking about a divorce? Where you've gone through a Thai civil ceremony?

I still don't fully understand the police agreement, unless it is a legal arrangement like a divorce?


The buy out or ship out mode is mostly for unmarried couples. The police do the mediation and have you sign the agreement. If she or breaks the agreement then your next recourse would be the courts or ship out. If you are legally married then you reach an out of court settlement agreement that is legally implemented by the court or you go to court and let the judge decide if you are to get anything and or how much you may have to pay now and over the long haul.

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The buy out or ship out mode is mostly for unmarried couples. The police do the mediation and have you sign the agreement. If she or breaks the agreement then your next recourse would be the courts or ship out. If you are legally married then you reach an out of court settlement agreement that is legally implemented by the court or you go to court and let the judge decide if you are to get anything and or how much you may have to pay now and over the long haul.

Thank you. I get it. I don't mind a settlement to a wife, I'd be less generous with a girlfriend.


The term junglized is often used for farangs that have moved into their wife's village and has a steady diet of Esan food. How many people fit into this group that you know.

Most farangs depend on their Thai wives to do all of the speaking for them as less than 3% can speak Thai. What would they do if their wives pass away or leave. Virtually non of the farangs that live here spend the time to learn to speak, read and write Thai and are totally dependent on a Thai person to do the talking for them. Most farangs do not work and have lots of time to learn the language and culture. Not sure why people don't do this. We often criticize people who come to our own country and do not learn the language. Any comments why farangs don't want to take the time to learn the Thai language and culture?

I can walk into any village I want and get along just fine for the most part, they won't hear me speak a single English word (unless I decide they should). One farang my senior looked at me and said "So the !@#$ what?! Any parrot can learn to speak a language...", but he died shortly afterwards! Personally I like being able to go around and not have the basic communication problems.


1. May I add a few more thoughts to why farangs can have problems and make trouble for themselves. The first and foremost is the issue of property laws.If you buy property in the name of anyone you are entitled to apply the usufruct rule. This cost about 75 Baht to put you name on the bottom line of the chanote deed. I have done this for several provinces over the past 32 years. Normally the land office charges you about 75 Baht. You are protected and the Supreme Court has ruled that you can sub-let and even though you die the contract remains in effect until it is finished. I do not want to create a lot of discussion on this subject as it has been beat to death many times. Unfortunately many farangs won't listen and then they place the property in the name of someone they have no control over.

2. Many people live with Thai ladies for years and refuse to get legally married. They are protected for property overseas. It does not work that way in Thailand. If you stay together for about 2 weeks in the eyes of the Thai Police you have married the woman. If a confrontation occurs then you have one of two choices ship out or buy out. Buying out can be a function of how long you have been together and what local tangible assets you and your live in has. Ben down that road before and chose to buy out. Can be very expensive.

3. About doing business. Many people come here and decide they want a business so they set it up in their wife or girl friend's name in order to avoid taxes and ealing with Thai officials. This is really stupid as you can lose you ass quickly. When you set the company up as a registered limited company you have to have Thai nominees which are illegal. If you want to do this this try investigating a joint partner ship with your Thai parter with side documents to keep her from ripping you off.

I have been down these roads for 32 years in 9 provinces and I have been very lucky by listening to people who know what they are talking about. The scams that I have paid out for were all brought on by myself sleeping with the staff. I paid out fairly big when it came to selling property that they were stock holders in.

4. Regarding death. In Phuket I had 2 English customers who were twice the ages of their wives. Their wives had children from Thai husbands which is not uncommon. They Thai husband bails out and does not take care of the wife and children. The Thai governments refuse to pass laws to require the husband to be responsible. My two customers in Phuket built beautiful houses for their wives. They wanted to take care of them when they passed. Both Thai wives passed before their elderly husbands did. They had no will and were not legally legally. They siblings claimed the houses by probate law and they were thrown out. REAL FRINGING STUPID!. Take care of your own affairs in this even to could happen to you.

I am providing this information to our members of the Chiang Rai Forum. I do not wish to argue or debate with you if you think I am wrong. An old mant once said that if we could live long enough we could b smart. The next bit of advice I will share is what happens when you die and the cost of many different prices of funerals.

As a rule most farangs refuse to think about these issues and prepare for them.

Don, this is great stuff, and directly from your experience makes it priceless! Keep up the great work.

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This just gets better and better, you should really write this stuff up and publish it, much better than some of the best I have seen out there!!!


Starting with funerals. Did you know that when the king dies there will be 3 years of morning. No elections and no big festivals. Based on who you are, the other funerals can last 1 year with paid prayers every night. When I worked in Laos and lived in Udorn the easiest funeral I have been to was held in the corner of a rice field where rice would not grow. Two coconut palms were cut and put together in an X configuration for the open box to sit on top of. People brought sticks, old bicycle tires and anything that would burn. all of the participants sat on the ground in the sun. I found a shade tree to get under and listen to Thai men tell dirty jokes. The fire was started by 2 monks and we all threw our combustible materials under and then walked back to the village.

When my brother died in Chiang Rai he did not know 5 people. I warned my nephew that this funeral can get out of hand and should be controlled. He let his Thai wife handle things. There were big tents set up everywhere with food and free beverages including a lot of Lao Khao. This went on for 5 days including a tin can band and all night slop operations with open bar. Hundreds came every night and many stayed all night. At the funeral there were about 300 people who my brother did not know. As a christian he really went out in high Buddhist style. The total cost was about 200,000 Baht. Note none these people ever came to visit before he died. A wold class hog slopping and drunk in for 5 days. They loved it.

An Australian friend died and he had in his will he did not want his Thai wife to spend more than 1000 Baht. It was held in town at a watt and the cremation was over an open fire on the grounds. A good way to be put away.

As a veteran of the Korean war I would like to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery. I have this is my will. Now my wife wants me to start putting money away for a 5 star 5 day Buddhist funeral. I shall try to spend all the cash I have to prevent this.


Weddings like funerals are a lot about free food and beverage. I dare say if you did not have either the crowd would be very small. The big thing about a wedding is sin sot. IT IS THE MONEY THAT A MALE HAS TO PAY IN ORDER TO BUY THE BRIDE. As my wife had previously been married and a live in for a long time I asked her what the price was for second hand merchandise. She quickly growled that there is no discount. She finally bled me out of 10,000 Baht that stopped the argument. A real bunch of BS. There is an advantage to not registering the marriage. Note how in India the bride has to pay the dowery. Let your pocket book be your guide. A run away marriage is a lot cheaper. My wife divorced me and I stayed single for 27 years. I needed to take care of my many businesses without a concrete block around my neck. I finally decided to get married as it is un wise for people like me to live alone. I have had two falls in my lakes and one fall with a broken arm. Without having a partner I probably would still be laying there. You do pay the price for marriage. Your loving goes down and the cost go up. Recently my wife told me that I did not understand Thai culture or Thai people. I said wait and let me think. I spent one year in the university in Bangkok learning everything Thai for 5 hours per day and a lot of up country field trips with the class. After that I spent 16 years working up country with only Thais. My conclusions is that after 32 years here I feel that I have learned enough to last me and I don't need to know anymore from my wife. I don't recommend this attitude as it can get you in trouble.

My next essay will be about the 4 different Thai languages.

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Many people have offered their kind comments about my essays. I have only one left in mind for now and it is abut the 4 Thai languages. Glad you enjoyed some of my life experiences and opinions.

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While acknowledging that it is very uncommon, it is not impossible to avoid some of the more trying customs and rituals. My wife and I eloped and told our respective families after the fact. We managed to avoid the traditional housewarming party and also refused to produce offspring. Not everyone agrees with our choices but we are happy.

I am not a fan but there seems no way around the funeral stuff, so since I won’t be attending mine, I’ll not be a prick and tell people what to do when I am gone. Funerals are all about the living anyway so they can do as they wish.
I would be unable to singlehandedly organize any of the many different ceremonies and rituals but that does not mean I don’t understand them. I have been living in Thailand just as many years as my wife and I have had many experiences which she hasn’t. Sometimes it is not that we don’t understand Thai ways but rather that we do understand but don’t necessarily wish to participate.
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In regards to myself and to coin a phrase: "you hit the nail on the head" in your last sentence:

>>>Sometimes it is not that we don’t understand Thai ways but rather that we do understand but don’t necessarily wish to participate<<<

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Paid my CAT bill recently and was somewhat bemused by brochures on the counter offering sims for Chinese tourists, apparently supplying 24 hours of "in network" calls and unlimited, if somewhat slow, internet for 14 days for 129 baht.


CAT like TOT is about money. In Phuket I had two CAT fiber optic lease lines direct o Bangkok. They supplied the big modem for the mall wifi. The service was great and quick response when I had problems. I gave CAT and Thai Air nice discounts in my restaurant and it paid good dividends. When I would go overseas I would always get a special discount from Thai. CAT kept my customers in the 300 seat covered restaurant happy with wifi.

To months ago I had TOT fiber optic service installed. I pay B600 a month for excellent 20 down and 10 up service. I ha been using BBB but they added so many customers that the service was really slow.


Where are you living Don ? I thought you were out of town. I have tot but only adsl and supposed to be 20 and 10 but more like 7 or 8 and I just got an unheard of 14.16/ 2.30. But its 10.30 at night. I have repeatedly asked for fiber but every time no. So if you have it out of town there still might be hope for me. By the way for my non existent service there charging me 875 baht a month.


I live in Doi Hang which is on the road to the National park 7 km from town. Amphur Mae Yao has had fiber a long time. Pu pla Fah 18 km out of town has had it for a long time. Go to the mall and ask them to pull your address up on Google Earth and then they have a program that will tell you if fiber is there or how far away it is. The whole thing is a mixed bag. The government has ordered TOT to install high speed wifi in 179,000 villages in Thailand. CAT will spend 5 billion on new international gate way. My TOT system works great. It was interesting watching the young guys do the installation and welding individual fibers for the connection. I have 2 boxes. One has the small insulated fiber coming into it and then out to the wifi modem. Pretty slick.


Baan Doi Hang is part of Amphur Muang. I waited a long time but they finally put the fiber out here. In 15 years I have had everything including IpStar and none has ever worked well until I put in the fiber. I have spent all the years busting the ball of TOT. One time that a group of 18 people here they started testing my system and TOT went off line. They had to leave. It used to be when they saw me coming into the main office the internet people would run upstairs. I always followed them up. It turns ot that all of the control is done by Chiang Mai and they don't have much says so.

Recently i wrote up a very nice thank you letter to TOT and delivered it to the mall supervisor. What a pleasure it was to do this after 15 years of aggravation. Times are changing and the military is serious about Thailand entering the digital age.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The dog's looking his age today, yesterday some small chickens came under the gate leaving the larger and extremely vindictive mother hen on the outside so he was in hot pursuit all day.

I think I got them all out but he's still hobbling around hopefully checking each clump of bushes.


The local ants were celebrating the arrival of the rain with massed winged fornication last night.

Virtually impossible to keep the little blighters out, they were in through even briefly opened doors.

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The local ants were celebrating the arrival of the rain with massed winged fornication last night.

Virtually impossible to keep the little blighters out, they were in through even briefly opened doors.

The last two nights have been terrible at our place.

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  • 1 month later...

Got a visitor coming so will probably take a run up to Doi Chang in the next few days.

Quite looking forward to it, clean cool air and will be able to see for miles when the cloud breaks.

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  • 1 month later...

Had a random thought today about all those mussels in the half shell and Alaskan crab I ate at Le Meridien on Sunday.


Worth every satang.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Do shaver manufacturers deliberately make several different designs for their product so people like me constantly buy the wrong replacement cartridges?

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Watson's declined to exchange them, I'd lost the receipt, but gave me two sample tubes of whitening cream as a  consolation prize.

Day deteriorated further when I walked around to the clocktower optical shop to see about new frames for my glasses and they have closed their doors.


At least Tops gave me a free laundry basket as some part of my membership card rewards.


Callooh callay...

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