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Thai gang attack on Laotian 'gik' - graphic violence caught on tape


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What I am getting at is that these 'men' are largely a product of their society. And in some places around the world where this problem shows its head (gender violence and xenophobia) there are well publicised programs to end it. Thailand will not solve this problem without acknowledging its existence. This needs to be solved before too long.

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The main reason that I will not return to Thailand next season is that personal safety is now almost impossible to predict and is at an all time low since coming here many years ago.

Life is not improving for the average Thai and it only stands to reason that life will not improve for farangs.

Maltreatment and crimes against farangs has been shown to be following an exponential growth curve.

Comments made by farangs in numerous TV forums bear witness and testament to this phenomena.

I wish all TV participants best of luck in escaping unscathed from what is quickly becoming a boiling pot of discontent, jealousy, and acts of violence (which for the most part seldom are found to significantly punish the perpetrators)

I'll return to Cambodia.

That is such utter, and completely ridiculous hogwash. To say Cambodia is safer for a foreigner than Thailand, is a bit like saying Wyoming is more liberal than Oregon, or Libya has better salmon fishing than Alaska. Thailand remains incredibly safe for foreigners. The number of attacks remains incredibly low. A few incidents do not imply the nation has become dangerous for foreigners. Not even close. Exponential growth of violence against foreigners? Would you care to back that up with statistical analysis, or some sort of evidence?

When you said a boiling pot of discontent, jealousy, jealousy and acts of violence, I thought you were talking about the US, or Europe.

Have you lived in Cambodia Spidermike?

i have. Had a business there.

I really hope that you can negotiate a safe path while wearing your rose coloured glasses in Thailand. I'm happy to hear that you feel so safe and have such a firm grasp of the macro-dynamics of the country.

Please don't whine and complain when it goes left on you and that you have been given a head's up.

ps. for years I've been touting the upsides of living in Thailand to my friends ******* I've recently stopped - thankfully I haven't been living an insular life with expats at the local bars and brand name coffee bars because I think one can become quite delusional when considering that "all is well"

It ain't well and it ain't going to be well for a long time to come.

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The main reason that I will not return to Thailand next season is that personal safety is now almost impossible to predict and is at an all time low since coming here many years ago.

Life is not improving for the average Thai and it only stands to reason that life will not improve for farangs.

Maltreatment and crimes against farangs has been shown to be following an exponential growth curve.

Comments made by farangs in numerous TV forums bear witness and testament to this phenomena.

I wish all TV participants best of luck in escaping unscathed from what is quickly becoming a boiling pot of discontent, jealousy, and acts of violence (which for the most part seldom are found to significantly punish the perpetrators)

I'll return to Cambodia.

That is such utter, and completely ridiculous hogwash. To say Cambodia is safer for a foreigner than Thailand, is a bit like saying Wyoming is more liberal than Oregon, or Libya has better salmon fishing than Alaska. Thailand remains incredibly safe for foreigners. The number of attacks remains incredibly low. A few incidents do not imply the nation has become dangerous for foreigners. Not even close. Exponential growth of violence against foreigners? Would you care to back that up with statistical analysis, or some sort of evidence?

When you said a boiling pot of discontent, jealousy, jealousy and acts of violence, I thought you were talking about the US, or Europe.

Have you lived in Cambodia Spidermike?

i have. Had a business there.

I really hope that you can negotiate a safe path while wearing your rose coloured glasses in Thailand. I'm happy to hear that you feel so safe and have such a firm grasp of the macro-dynamics of the country.

Please don't whine and complain when it goes left on you and that you have been given a head's up.

ps. for years I've been touting the upsides of living in Thailand to my friends ******* I've recently stopped - thankfully I haven't been living an insular life with expats at the local bars and brand name coffee bars because I think one can become quite delusional when considering that "all is well"

It ain't well and it ain't going to be well for a long time to come.

I have visited Cambodia many times, and have two good friends that lived there for years. Got a pretty good inside view of the place. I like Cambodia. But, consider it infinitely more dangerous than Thailand, on many, many levels.

I do not wear rose colored glasses, though I have been accused of being a positive person, at times. I do believe it depends on one's perspective. I do consider Thailand to be very safe. Granted, I rarely hang out at the bars, around drunk people. Thailand remains a lovely place to live for many of us, despite the occasional incident, like the ones we have seen lately.

One thing that has to be taken into consideration, is that the entire world is changing, not just Thailand. There is an increasing amount of intolerance all over the world now.

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Says a lot about the Thai view of manhood. Perish the thought that the Vietnamese might come one day: the prospect of seeing these types running for the hills would be of some amusement

Please could someone explain. I am not being facetious. I really do not understand. Are Vietnamese supposed to be tough or something?

The Thai army has never in the last century fought a war against any other nation. I suspect it wouldn't do too well if the occasion arose.

Just another demonstration of the flower of Thai manhood. I wonder how many would fill their underwear if they had to fight alone. And I wonder when the judiciary will start handing out attempted murder sentences for these kinds of acts. I won't hold my breath.

The North Vietnamese won a war against the pre-eminent military power in the world in 1972. Doesn't that tell you something?

Thailand sent troops, not large contingents, but they did send troops to Vietnam to assist both the French and the Americans. If you read the book about Dien Bien Phu written by the victors, the Thai troops are mentioned as being annilhilated. I had a buddy in the US Army who served alongside Thais in Vietnam and became friends with many of them.

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Where are the idiots who want to find ways of justifying this kind of violence?

I mean really - what kind of mentality? Someone asks you to beat up a woman for money so you grab a load of mates to help you. I can't help but feel that this was less about the money and more about having an excuse to inflict pain on another human being. That's very scary and sad.

Sadly, brutish behaviour towards women is common fare on Thai soaps. Why the military government which portrays itself as a champion of morality hasn't clamped down television providing such sorry male role models to the Thai audience is a mystery to me - unless the subjugation of females is a part of Thai culture considered worthy of being valued and cherished. BTW, the many episodes of women being brutalised on the Thai soaps is one of the many reasons why I don't have a TV, as I don't take kindly to this kind of degradation. .

Where do you think that the writers of the soap operas get the plots from?

Think they make them up from scratch?

Or maybe they are written through observation of what really happens here...................wink.png

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Reading through (most) of this thread, i am surprised with the number of posters that refer to this incident as a fight and that this is the only way Thai males can fight, etc.

This was not a fight, it was a punishment beating which happened to be captured on CCTV and released on the social media. As horrible as it sounds, the girl got off fairly lightly, no deliberate broken bones, no weapons used. The show of force was for intimidation purposes, there were only two who carried out the beating.

As appalling as the actions were, this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis. The only difference being that they do not get captured on CCTV or that the incident doesn't justify national (or international) media. Because it is so common and, unless supported by visual coverage as in this case, it is not a selling story. Despicable isn't it?

This is not a baiting post, it is just an insight into the reality of today's world. Just to clarify my position on this, where scum like this (everywhere) overstep the boundaries of our separate societies, their entitlement to human rights should end.

As someone once said:

There can never be true justice again in this world because of the laws we have made and are bounded by.

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Reading through (most) of this thread, i am surprised with the number of posters that refer to this incident as a fight and that this is the only way Thai males can fight, etc.

This was not a fight, it was a punishment beating which happened to be captured on CCTV and released on the social media. As horrible as it sounds, the girl got off fairly lightly, no deliberate broken bones, no weapons used. The show of force was for intimidation purposes, there were only two who carried out the beating.

As appalling as the actions were, this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis. The only difference being that they do not get captured on CCTV or that the incident doesn't justify national (or international) media. Because it is so common and, unless supported by visual coverage as in this case, it is not a selling story. Despicable isn't it?

This is not a baiting post, it is just an insight into the reality of today's world. Just to clarify my position on this, where scum like this (everywhere) overstep the boundaries of our separate societies, their entitlement to human rights should end.

As someone once said:

There can never be true justice again in this world because of the laws we have made and are bounded by.

You made a mistake. You said "this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis"

No problem, I will correct this for you....

"girls getting kicked in the face by several men happens in Thailand on a regular basis"

Edited by steve654
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Reading through (most) of this thread, i am surprised with the number of posters that refer to this incident as a fight and that this is the only way Thai males can fight, etc.

This was not a fight, it was a punishment beating which happened to be captured on CCTV and released on the social media. As horrible as it sounds, the girl got off fairly lightly, no deliberate broken bones, no weapons used. The show of force was for intimidation purposes, there were only two who carried out the beating.

As appalling as the actions were, this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis. The only difference being that they do not get captured on CCTV or that the incident doesn't justify national (or international) media. Because it is so common and, unless supported by visual coverage as in this case, it is not a selling story. Despicable isn't it?

This is not a baiting post, it is just an insight into the reality of today's world. Just to clarify my position on this, where scum like this (everywhere) overstep the boundaries of our separate societies, their entitlement to human rights should end.

As someone once said:

There can never be true justice again in this world because of the laws we have made and are bounded by.

You made a mistake. You said "this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis"

No problem, I will correct this for you....

"girls getting kicked in the face by several men happens in Thailand on a regular basis"

I'm not sure where you saw reference to girls getting kicked in the face from my post for you to correct.

Denial of a subject does not make it go away. The subject of the post (albeit slightly off topic) was punishment beatings, are you telling me that these do not happen on a global scale?

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Reading through (most) of this thread, i am surprised with the number of posters that refer to this incident as a fight and that this is the only way Thai males can fight, etc.

This was not a fight, it was a punishment beating which happened to be captured on CCTV and released on the social media. As horrible as it sounds, the girl got off fairly lightly, no deliberate broken bones, no weapons used. The show of force was for intimidation purposes, there were only two who carried out the beating.

As appalling as the actions were, this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis. The only difference being that they do not get captured on CCTV or that the incident doesn't justify national (or international) media. Because it is so common and, unless supported by visual coverage as in this case, it is not a selling story. Despicable isn't it?

This is not a baiting post, it is just an insight into the reality of today's world. Just to clarify my position on this, where scum like this (everywhere) overstep the boundaries of our separate societies, their entitlement to human rights should end.

As someone once said:

There can never be true justice again in this world because of the laws we have made and are bounded by.

You made a mistake. You said "this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis"

No problem, I will correct this for you....

"girls getting kicked in the face by several men happens in Thailand on a regular basis"

Just as a matter of interest, how long have you lived in Thailand?

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chrisinthai. I do not know how long you have lived overseas? To me what happened to the young lady is nothing short of attempted murdered. The Thai man probably did not say he was married. When the Gik found out that he was married, called the relationship of. The wife should have sent the 8 idiots to beat up her husband.

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Reading through (most) of this thread, i am surprised with the number of posters that refer to this incident as a fight and that this is the only way Thai males can fight, etc.

This was not a fight, it was a punishment beating which happened to be captured on CCTV and released on the social media. As horrible as it sounds, the girl got off fairly lightly, no deliberate broken bones, no weapons used. The show of force was for intimidation purposes, there were only two who carried out the beating.

As appalling as the actions were, this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis. The only difference being that they do not get captured on CCTV or that the incident doesn't justify national (or international) media. Because it is so common and, unless supported by visual coverage as in this case, it is not a selling story. Despicable isn't it?

This is not a baiting post, it is just an insight into the reality of today's world. Just to clarify my position on this, where scum like this (everywhere) overstep the boundaries of our separate societies, their entitlement to human rights should end.

As someone once said:

There can never be true justice again in this world because of the laws we have made and are bounded by.

You made a mistake. You said "this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis"

No problem, I will correct this for you....

"girls getting kicked in the face by several men happens in Thailand on a regular basis"

its not only foreign girls who are kicked in the head, recently a 70 yo japanese was heavily beaten in north thailand by a thai taxi driver, because he refused to get overcharged.

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Kicking young women and d women in the heD is never right - is it ?

It's not right to kick men in the head either - but women ??

Reggie n Ronnie would come looking for you if you did that to a woman in the old days - and they were quite capable of coming to look for you alone - if necessary !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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chrisinthai. I do not know how long you have lived overseas? To me what happened to the young lady is nothing short of attempted murdered. The Thai man probably did not say he was married. When the Gik found out that he was married, called the relationship of. The wife should have sent the 8 idiots to beat up her husband.

I'm not sure about your post is about with reference to what i have said in this thread. I was trying to separate perspectives between fighting with beatings.

As graphic as the CCTV coverage is, i certainly would not call that attempted murder. They walked away while she was still conscious.

Why did the wife send the thugs after the gik instead of the husband? The wife doesn't have to live with the gik after this is over.

How long have i lived overseas? I have lived in Thailand for the last 19 years from the age of 40, left home at the age of 15 to work overseas. All my working life would be close. Still not sure what the relevance of that is though. If it was to establish if i was street wise and not an armchair observer, then it will do that..............................wink.png

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Reading through (most) of this thread, i am surprised with the number of posters that refer to this incident as a fight and that this is the only way Thai males can fight, etc.

This was not a fight, it was a punishment beating which happened to be captured on CCTV and released on the social media. As horrible as it sounds, the girl got off fairly lightly, no deliberate broken bones, no weapons used. The show of force was for intimidation purposes, there were only two who carried out the beating.

As appalling as the actions were, this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis. The only difference being that they do not get captured on CCTV or that the incident doesn't justify national (or international) media. Because it is so common and, unless supported by visual coverage as in this case, it is not a selling story. Despicable isn't it?

This is not a baiting post, it is just an insight into the reality of today's world. Just to clarify my position on this, where scum like this (everywhere) overstep the boundaries of our separate societies, their entitlement to human rights should end.

As someone once said:

There can never be true justice again in this world because of the laws we have made and are bounded by.

You made a mistake. You said "this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis"

No problem, I will correct this for you....

"girls getting kicked in the face by several men happens in Thailand on a regular basis"

Just as a matter of interest, how long have you lived in Thailand?

and your point is? My wife is Thai, I have a very large extended Thai family and I know exactly how dangerous Thailand is to the unsuspecting tourists and choose not to live there.

This link may help you realize how Thailand rates for tourist safety http://reports.weforum.org/travel-and-tourism-competitiveness-report-2015/economy-rankings/#indicatorId=TTCI.A.02

Edited by steve654
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I was living in Thailand when Thaksin said that he welcomed foreigners to come to Thailand for their holidays, enjoy the beautiful country and the beaches and then go back to their own countries. At the time he was trying to dissuade the back packers who were travelling on a shoe string overstaying and not bringing in the tourist dollars. Didn't work then and won't work now with the Europeans and Americans but will work with the new rich, the Chinese and the Indians. It is unlikely that the violence and scams will deter them as they are common practice in their home countries.

I dunno. Indians are used to scams, Chinese to some extent too but I reckon few actual victims would be encouraging their brethren to come to Thailand on holiday; in fact, the contrary is much more likely to happen.

For example, sometime last year I read a story right here on Thai visa about another jetski extortion scam (I say another because there are so many) involving a group of Indian travelers, who were violently attacked when they refused to pay the agreed amount of fake damages on the jetski they hired. In the end, they ended up paying an agreed amount with the help of the police (no doubt the police got their cut too) but vowed never to return to Thailand.

It's only because there are well over a billion potential holidaymakers from each country, making it around 2.5 billion and growing and with more and more wealth that tourism from these countries is likely to continue growing, for a while at least. That doesn't mean very many Indians and Chinese are going to be repeat visitors to Thailand though - the ones who have experienced scams, intimidation and violence will make this known quite clearly, when speaking with their family, friends and colleagues about their travel experiences.

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Reading through (most) of this thread, i am surprised with the number of posters that refer to this incident as a fight and that this is the only way Thai males can fight, etc.

This was not a fight, it was a punishment beating which happened to be captured on CCTV and released on the social media. As horrible as it sounds, the girl got off fairly lightly, no deliberate broken bones, no weapons used. The show of force was for intimidation purposes, there were only two who carried out the beating.

As appalling as the actions were, this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis. The only difference being that they do not get captured on CCTV or that the incident doesn't justify national (or international) media. Because it is so common and, unless supported by visual coverage as in this case, it is not a selling story. Despicable isn't it?

This is not a baiting post, it is just an insight into the reality of today's world. Just to clarify my position on this, where scum like this (everywhere) overstep the boundaries of our separate societies, their entitlement to human rights should end.

As someone once said:

There can never be true justice again in this world because of the laws we have made and are bounded by.

You made a mistake. You said "this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis"

No problem, I will correct this for you....

"girls getting kicked in the face by several men happens in Thailand on a regular basis"

Just as a matter of interest, how long have you lived in Thailand?

and your point is? My wife is Thai, I have a very large extended Thai family and I know exactly how dangerous Thailand is to the unsuspecting tourists and choose not to live there.

This link may help you realize how Thailand rates for tourist safety http://reports.weforum.org/travel-and-tourism-competitiveness-report-2015/economy-rankings/#indicatorId=TTCI.A.02

I've looked at the figures but it becomes clear that Thailand's relatively low ranking when it comes to "safety and security" is due to the large number of terrorist attacks in Yala, Narathiwat, Pattani and eastern Songkhla provinces. In all the years since the resurgence of separatist activity in that restive region (about 12 years now) only a handful of foreigners (mostly Malaysians and one Canadian) have been killed. Otherwise, 99.8% of the remaining victims were Thais, many of whom Buddhist. Similarly, the murder rate, where the victim invariably knows the murderer also skew the statistics to make it appear Thailand is more dangerous than it actually is, for western tourists and expats.

If you take away these two statistics, Thailand is about the same as neighboring countries like Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar (when I refer to Myanmar, I'm excluding known danger areas like parts of Kachin and Shan States, which are off limits to foreigners anyway) in terms of safety and security for foreign tourists and expats.

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Reading through (most) of this thread, i am surprised with the number of posters that refer to this incident as a fight and that this is the only way Thai males can fight, etc.

This was not a fight, it was a punishment beating which happened to be captured on CCTV and released on the social media. As horrible as it sounds, the girl got off fairly lightly, no deliberate broken bones, no weapons used. The show of force was for intimidation purposes, there were only two who carried out the beating.

As appalling as the actions were, this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis. The only difference being that they do not get captured on CCTV or that the incident doesn't justify national (or international) media. Because it is so common and, unless supported by visual coverage as in this case, it is not a selling story. Despicable isn't it?

This is not a baiting post, it is just an insight into the reality of today's world. Just to clarify my position on this, where scum like this (everywhere) overstep the boundaries of our separate societies, their entitlement to human rights should end.

As someone once said:

There can never be true justice again in this world because of the laws we have made and are bounded by.

You made a mistake. You said "this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis"

No problem, I will correct this for you....

"girls getting kicked in the face by several men happens in Thailand on a regular basis"

Just as a matter of interest, how long have you lived in Thailand?

and your point is? My wife is Thai, I have a very large extended Thai family and I know exactly how dangerous Thailand is to the unsuspecting tourists and choose not to live there.

This link may help you realize how Thailand rates for tourist safety http://reports.weforum.org/travel-and-tourism-competitiveness-report-2015/economy-rankings/#indicatorId=TTCI.A.02

My point is that I have lived here for more than 30 years and NEVER seen girls getting kicked in the face yet you( who don't live here) think you know better. I don't need any links to know how safe my adopted country is.

I've put 4 kids through school here and not one of them, despite being half whitey has ever been in a fight. ore than I can say for where I come from.

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Another gang attack?

The attack on the British couple still being fresh.

Thailand, Quo Vadis?

AND LOOK AT THE THIA MEN!!! Totally disgusting

Loving caring families who really don't care!


i am hating this place day by day more and more

Please fly to Miami airport, get lost and please ask some guys for the way to your hotel. You might face a gun and lose all your money, or your life.

Go to Mexico and you might wake up with only one kidney.

Go to Germany and a right wing freak kicks the ' out of you, because you don't agree with his beliefs.

Go to Brazil and experience how nice it can be when people give you drugs that make you to a zombie who does all they want you to do.

Go to Belgium, rent a bicycle, stop at a bakery to buy a drink and when you come back the bike's gone.

The go to's can go on and on and on.

Would I hate this country I would definitely leave it and go home to the place where i was born.

Please do a lot of Thais and maybe even some members here a big favor and go back home. Whining foreigners complaining about all and everything in this country is something I never understood and I do not want to understand it.

If you can't afford it to buy a ticket back home, then please create a farcebook page where people will help you with money to go home.

I'll put a few baht in as well.

This website really becomes to a place where all sorts of people are bashing Thai people in general without even knowing much about this country and its culture.

And look at the Thai men,....( your words).....please have a look at some farang men here. Have a good flight back home.- wai2.gif

Edited by lostinisaan
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What is 'gik' ?

Mia Noi, Fan, Kik. (not necessarily in that order)

In polite society a 'kik' could best be described as a 'Friend With Benefits' - In purely Aussie vernacular, which I suspect is where your are from, it would be - Your (sly) 'Root.'

Not to be confused with 'Fan' being the Thai term for the equivalent of Girlfriend and/or Boyfriend which is generally a more serious and public relationship. Often leading to a long term relationship or marriage

Like a 'Fan', A Kik can be both male and/or female, you can be each other's 'kik'. Kiks are more often than not kept on the quiet. Although unlike Mia Nois kiks are not restricted to married men, single men and single men with a Fan, can also have a kik, or even multiple kiks!

It is not mandatory, but money, and/or relatively expensive gifts do change hands, if you know what I mean. But generally Kiks are not as 'high maintenance', nor as big a hassle as a dedicated Mia Noi. Or even Fan

As for what happened to this Laotian Kik, bloody appalling behaviour, the bastards should be horsewhipped.

Kiks need love too!

Edited by cpofc
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