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Angry protest outside Trump rally in California


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How convenient.rolleyes.gif

Rasmussen is well known to have a right wing bias so it's a BOGUS source.

Also, that result is a FAR outlier.

Good for Trump-aganda purposes though.

I seriously want Trump to be nominated.

He is the easiest to beat.

Second is Cruz.

Kasich the hardest (but not that hard).

I knew an attack on the source would be forthcoming. Did you even bother reading the links?

When that's all you have.....

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I guess the general public hasn't seen Hillary's ode to women in her latest ad.


Trump 38%, Clinton 38%
Friday, April 29, 2016
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are again tied up in a head-to-head matchup.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump and Clinton each earning 38% support. Sixteen percent (16%) say they will vote for some other candidate if they are the two major party candidates, while six percent (6%) plan to stay home. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Real Clear Politics, which is owned by right wingers, doesn't use Rasmussen's phone polls in its compilation of various polls. That should tell you something. But probably what it tells you is that its controlled by liberals or Republicans who just don't get it.

"Real Clear Politics, which is owned by right wingers, doesn't use Rasmussen's phone polls in its compilation of various polls."

You're zero for six.

Put on your bifocals and find the Rasmussen poll in the RCP recap. It's right there for the whole world to see.


What your post tells me is you don't seem to know what you are talking about. Maybe it will get easier for you after a week or so.

I frankly doubt it but good luck anyway.

Edited by chuckd
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