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Happy Margaret Thatcher Day everyone!

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Unfortunately it would be a further 34 years before she was dead.

On a related topic - Why is it that the ignorant people from the looney left are so .................. inhuman? Do you remember when they booed as Maggies coffin went past? Have you ever heard any right wing supporters being so inhumane - never.

IMO part of the greenie/leftie mental problems means they don't understand how to 'play with others'. By that I mean they play 'the man' and not 'the ball' - they just cannot see the forest for the trees. I guess it would be sad to live one's life with a brain that works that way, but the reality is that most of them don't ever realise how screwed up they are until they get old. In the end they usually fade away from life with a bitter and twisted attitude to life. Sad. Such a waste of a life. Not all - but many - probably this one too.


Do you remember when they booed as Maggies coffin went past? Have you ever heard any right wing supporters being so inhumane - never.

The point was that Mrs. Thatcher was one of the most inhumane right wingers of all time with an almost pathological hatred of the working class, smashing unions, promoting greed and selfishness, depleting the country's stock of social housing, destroying the coal industry, getting young men killed in a pointless war, inequitable taxation, flogging off industries, even snatching milk from the hands of young children. She was the vilest of women, and I was glad when she left office and could do no more harm.


Unfortunately it would be a further 34 years before she was dead.

On a related topic - Why is it that the ignorant people from the looney left are so .................. inhuman? Do you remember when they booed as Maggies coffin went past? Have you ever heard any right wing supporters being so inhumane - never.

Wasn't Hitler a tad right wing?

Or am I confusing him with Pinochet? Or is it Mussolini? Or was it the National Front? Or the BNP? Might they be called right wing? They are not famous for their humanitarian ways.

Humans can be nasty and this is not a preserve of one or other side of the political divide.

I though Thatcher was vile.


Margaret Thatcher best prime minister since Winston Churchill.

Did you ever use the NHS?

Winston Churchill campaigned against it, and declared that a Gestapo-type police force would be necessary to enact this and other benefits brought in by the Attlee government, who were triumphantly elected when Churchill was kicked out in the 1945 General Election.

“No Socialist Government conducting the entire life and industry of the country could afford to allow free, sharp, or violently-worded expressions of public discontent. They would have to fall back on some form of Gestapo, no doubt very humanely directed in the first instance." Winston Churchill, 4th June 1945

He was good in war, bad in peace.

Thatcher was just bad, though a war saved her from being one of the most unpopular Prime Ministers of the 20th century.

She turned my country from a place where people felt a sense of community and interdependence, and duty to help each other into a dog-eat-dog free for all , where selfish accumulation became somehow the accepted norm.

"There is no society, just individuals and families" was one of her favourite sayings.

I hated her actually, and for once that isn't exaggeration.


wonderful prime minister wrongly accused of many things such as the destruction of the mining industry when labour closed down 20x the amount of pits and the decimation of manufacturing when one of her first acts as PM was to bale out British Leyland with tax payers money. The right to buy enriched millions of working class people and did more for them than 'socialism' ever did, she was even right on the poll tax. Betrayed by gutless blokes in the end. God bless her.


Margaret Thatcher best prime minister since Winston Churchill.

Had you written "least worst" I might have agreed. Churchill was a bloody warmonger, racist and antisemitic. He refused to authorise the bombing of the rail tracks leading to Auschwitz, effectively sealing the fate of countless Jews. As for racism, let's remember:

"I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion"

"Relief would do no good. Indians breed like rabbits and will outstrip any available food supply."

"I do not understand the squeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using poison gas against uncivilized tribes. It would spread a lively terror."

"barbaric hoards who ate little but camel dung" (about Palestinians).

"I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place."

Etcetera, ad nauseam.

However, my favourite quote of his "the Aryan stock is bound to triumph". What would he think of England today, overrun by mongrel races and a Moslem Mayor of London?

One last quote:

"But the Mahommedan religion increases, instead of lessening, the fury of intolerance. It was originally propagated by the sword, and ever since, its votaries have been subject, above the people of all other creeds, to this form of madness."


As she was involved in the Hillsborough cover up, I don't think any of the relatives of the 96 share your sentiment.

Ding Dong the witch is DEAD.


Margaret Thatcher best prime minister since Winston Churchill.

That just about sums you up.

Intelligent patriot yes


As she was involved in the Hillsborough cover up, I don't think any of the relatives of the 96 share your sentiment.

Where is the evidence of this? I erased the childish hate comment


that's 5 and she was crap

Have to agree with the Cilla crap bit, but capital of music, capital of humour, 5 European cups, and a week on Wednesday, the Europa League final !

Just off out to celebrate.


It's ironic, but in 1982 she was the most unpopular Prime Minister the country had ever voted for. Then some obscure general in south America made a diplomatic blunder and the rest is history, even though that conflict need not have taken place if Mrs T had listened to the US brokered proposals from general Haig. Apart from no end of Argentinians and near 300 British lives being lost, Mrs T was politically saved in an atmosphere of jingoistic fervour.

I remember one of her admirers who shot off to open a fish and chip shop in the Falklands, but he made a mistake - they were not in the south pacific.

Clearly, I never liked the woman one little bit, but I realise she has adoring admirers, even to this day.

Reminds me a bit of Gorbachov. In my view he was the key to ending the cold war and bringing down the Berlin wall. (Even though many would say it was Ronnie R). Gorby was admired around the world but was deeply unpopular in the Soviet Union (as it was then).

Oxx (post 6) makes many of the points I would have made.


Yup she stood up to fascist bullies, the EU and undemocratically called strikes- and people re elected her twice.


Yup she stood up to fascist bullies

Good god, man, are you really so totally out of touch with reality? She was the fascist bully - fascist bully par excellence.


Unfortunately it would be a further 34 years before she was dead.

On a related topic - Why is it that the ignorant people from the looney left are so .................. inhuman? Do you remember when they booed as Maggies coffin went past? Have you ever heard any right wing supporters being so inhumane - never.

IMO part of the greenie/leftie mental problems means they don't understand how to 'play with others'. By that I mean they play 'the man' and not 'the ball' - they just cannot see the forest for the trees. I guess it would be sad to live one's life with a brain that works that way, but the reality is that most of them don't ever realise how screwed up they are until they get old. In the end they usually fade away from life with a bitter and twisted attitude to life. Sad. Such a waste of a life. Not all - but many - probably this one too.

The one thing that Thatcher got right is that the modern Labour Party is essentially useless. Unfortunately, because she couldn't see the wood for the trees she neglected the fact that the Conservative Party had also rendered itself useless in the process of sucking up to the feckless global elite. Ditto all other UK parties currently in Parliament. Perhaps that is because they don't see the man, they only see the balls.


wonderful prime minister wrongly accused of many things such as the destruction of the mining industry when labour closed down 20x the amount of pits and the decimation of manufacturing when one of her first acts as PM was to bale out British Leyland with tax payers money. The right to buy enriched millions of working class people and did more for them than 'socialism' ever did, she was even right on the poll tax. Betrayed by gutless blokes in the end. God bless her.

Enriched - Are we talking here about the millions who have to rely on foodbanks, national minimum wages and minimum hours contracts to get by? The thatcher government and all its followers have done little else other than decimate British industry, with the thought that finance will sort everything out eventually. Unfortunately, the taxpayer eventually had to bale finance out. And almost ten years on the banks are acting as if it never happened.

Where is the competence in any of that? The Thatcher Revolution has produced a system that is probably going to end up being even more disastrous than Russian Communism.


Unfortunately it would be a further 34 years before she was dead.

On a related topic - Why is it that the ignorant people from the looney left are so .................. inhuman? Do you remember when they booed as Maggies coffin went past? Have you ever heard any right wing supporters being so inhumane - never.

IMO part of the greenie/leftie mental problems means they don't understand how to 'play with others'. By that I mean they play 'the man' and not 'the ball' - they just cannot see the forest for the trees. I guess it would be sad to live one's life with a brain that works that way, but the reality is that most of them don't ever realise how screwed up they are until they get old. In the end they usually fade away from life with a bitter and twisted attitude to life. Sad. Such a waste of a life. Not all - but many - probably this one too.

We don't have to look much further than Margaret and Trump to realise that bitter and twisted is something that rightwingers are also rather good at. RWs have also been known to engage in death squads, torture, genocide and a whole long list of other things that only nasty leftwingers are supposed to be good at. Such a waste of life!


Ach, well, there's a pattern, isn't there? Labour wrecks it in the sixties, Tories try to sort it in the early seventies, Labour completely wrecks it in the late seventies, Tories sort it out, Labour wrecks it by 2010, Tories.....

The poor(ish) haven't changed their beliefs for 2,500 years (at least), and they've been wrong for 2,500 years. This is what a social scientist would expect. If you're daft enough to believe bad economics and political theory you're probably not going to be smart enough to pass exams, earn some money and have it stick to your fingers.

"Margaret Thatcher, milk snatcher". I remember the 1970's. The milk was hot, unlike Labour's ideas. Margaret Thatcher sorted the country out, and it's only a violent sub-set of working class exploiters (print-workers, steelworkers, car workers - enemies of their own class) who can't bring themselves to admit it.

[stand by for incoming biggrin.png ]


As she was involved in the Hillsborough cover up, I don't think any of the relatives of the 96 share your sentiment.

Ding Dong the witch is DEAD.

Surely you mean "one of the Hillsborough cover ups"?

I mean, there was more than one. The cops lied to try to avoid blame, and the dead were lied about, but we've all lied to ourselves about the behaviour of the fans. Liverpool had a massive number of thugs among the support in the 80's and honest Liverpool fans will admit the reality of the behaviour.

I'll bet fans are misdirected by stewards and police somewhere in the world every single week, and probably every day. It takes bouncing drunken defiance and aggression to produce a tragedy. When ordinary Liverpool fans can't wear scarves on the way to the ground for fear of being filled in by "Scallies" for their tickets we have to admit that there's a problem. The cops didn't open the gate at Hillsborough for no reason.

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