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Trump begins weighing VP options


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Trump begins weighing VP options
By Jeremy Diamond, Jim Acosta, Sara Murray and Daniella Diaz, CNN

(CNN)Donald Trump's campaign is scrambling to ramp up its planning for the general election, including scraping together a list of potential vice presidential candidates, after Trump abruptly became the presumptive Republican nominee Tuesday night.

The Trump campaign, blindsided by rival Ted Cruz's sudden exit from the race, is now beginning internal deliberations about potential vice presidential candidates, two Trump campaign sources tell CNN.

The campaign will also begin coordinating immediately with the Republican National Committee to calibrate a general election ground game, including staff hires and deciding in which battleground states to deploy field staff, a senior Trump adviser said.

Full story: http://us.cnn.com/2016/05/04/politics/donald-trump-vice-president-search/index.html

-- CNN 2016-05-05

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were it legal, I could imagine Trump choosing a full length mirror as his running mate.

"my choice for VP is da best...this guy huge! look at those hands...are those great hands, or what"

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Well we know of at least one person (and the total number has to be pretty limited) who apparently wants it desperately, almost pathetically. Not sure if a combination of New York and New Jersey roots would do much for the ticket, but then what would?


Edited by Suradit69
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When my friends from around the world, ask me why Americans have allowed this clown to get into this position, I tell them that the US is getting what it deserves. Popular American culture has dumbed down the populace to the point that they actually believe this man is a viable candidate, to rule the free world. Although, in my opinion Obama was very, very subpar, as a candidate, and has been a very inferior president, at least he is a little bit presidential. This guy? A huckster for Ringling Brothers circus, maybe. A snake oil salesman. A used car salesman. A four times bankrupt businessman. Not the president. Please.

I am not a fan of HRC either. There were no viable candidates this time around, as the US has reduced itself to the level of not attracting, the best, the brightest, the most noble, nor anyone of integrity to this office anymore.

As far as VP choices go, why not Dave Chappelle? He would attract black voters, and there would be two jokers on the ticket.

Edited by spidermike007
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When my friends from around the world, ask me why Americans have allowed this clown to get into this position, I tell them that the US is getting what it deserves. Popular American culture has dumbed down the populace to the point that they actually believe this man is a viable candidate, to rule the free world. Although, in my opinion Obama was very, very subpar, as a candidate, and has been a very inferior president, at least he is a little bit presidential. This guy? A huckster for Ringling Brothers circus, maybe. A snake oil salesman. A used car salesman. A four times bankrupt businessman. Not the president. Please.

I am not a fan of HRC either. There were no viable candidates this time around, as the US has reduced itself to the level of not attracting, the best, the brightest, the most noble, nor anyone of integrity to this office anymore.

As far as VP choices go, why not Dave Chappelle? He would attract black voters, and there would be two jokers on the ticket.

"the US has reduced itself to the level of not attracting, the best, the brightest, the most noble, nor anyone of integrity to this office anymore."

Generally those running for "high" office in the US are drawn from those who already have a track record as politicians at the Congressional or gubernatorial level. So basically you're looking for the best and the brightest swamp dwellers, who will end up having to deal with the truculent swamp residue once elected.

Essentially "good" people, like Jimmy Carter, don't make effective presidents. Just being a president tends to wring out whatever good was in someone.

DT as a supposed outsider might seem attractive to a small number of the unwashed masses who are totally p.o'd by Washington and politicians generally, but they'd probably have been even more excited if Batman or the Cookie Monster had run. DT has certainly churned up the denizens of the political swamp, which at least has its entertainment value.

The problem with the political system in the US is that politicians have only two real mandates: to raise money and to get re-elected. To change that would require that they make suicidal changes to it all. Genuine democracy has some attractive characteristics, but it's debatable whether or not it can exist outside some controlled laboratory setting.

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Donald, t's not hard to work out. You need somebody extremely boring and old school to try to counter your extreme nutty views. Make the people feel that he will be the one making the big decisions and tell them that you will start taking your medication again. Only chance you have buddy!

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That's a good suggestion. Republicans select Trump as their Presidential nominee. Go the whole enchilada and make Palin VP. Brilliant that pretty much rounds up Republican ideology. Divisive hatreds and a depth of stupidity so far unplumbed.

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Donald Trump becoming a Presidential candidate actually shows how mad many Americans are at mainstream politicians who cannot compromise and get anything done to help struggling Americans. Their vote for Trump is really against the current political establishment and not a real endorsement for Trump himself. Trump is the anti-candidate; he blames Americans problems on illegal immigrants; minorities; poor trade deals and all the other bogeymen he can find. The truth is something else. If he would become President nothing much would change. He is of the wealthy and for the wealthy. He has no idea how much suffering the economic meltdown caused for the middle class and the poor. Peaple are still suffering as government bailed out bankers; Wall Street and the wealthy.

America needs a real healthcare system- not the nonsense which Obama tries to pass off as akin to the Canadian or UK National Health Service. America needs reform of the whole election process- and getting rid of money politics- so everyday; learned and successful Americans can strive to become President and actually have a chance to be elected; America needs tax reform in which the rich actually pay their fair share and stop living off the backs of the other 99%; America needs a living wage which means raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour; America needs to cut its huge defense spending which is over $632 Billion per year-the largest in the World; America needs to provide a university education without having its youth become indentured servants to the State for 20 years. All of this has to be paid for by the wealthy and wealthy corporations that have gone abroad to avoid hiring Americans and keeping their money offshore.

Neither Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will do any of these things and America will remain static with little change. Bernie Sanders would do all of those things but he can't get elected for the very reason that he fights against each day-money politics. Americans are fed up and rightly so. However, the day will finally come when most Americans will finally realize that there must be a real change. The status quo cannot continue. The next American Revolution has already begun but I can't predict how it will end.

Edited by Thaidream
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Trump and Sanders, problem solved.

Better yet...Hillary.

Best to get a woman....for obvious reasons (the votes).

Hillary might need a job out of prison.

Call it community service...or a prison employment program for inmates. No reason to lock her up 24 hours a day.

and she can get some bills pushed through the house and senate (when not peeling potatoes in the brig kitchen)

Edited by slipperylobster
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Donald, You need to team up with Jessie Ventura and Ron Paul, if you are sincere. Chris Christy ,? are you kidding me? Ted Cruz? What are you smoking? Get it right. You said yourself " it is now or never". lets get on with the effort of making America Great again before we ALL live in Amerika. Go for it Donald.

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Now if we have a Clinton Presidency with Sanders as a VP. there may be a few changes that actually better the poor and middle class. What the Wall street elite in America have not come to grips with is that their days are numbered. They won't survive the next revolution. The 99% will gobble them up and spit them out and a new economic system will emerge. That system will be a mix of capitalism without the materialistic bent and socialism where the Government provides retirement; health care and education.In addition, America will not be intervening in the affairs of the World and other countries will be paying for their own defense. The private sector can never be trusted again with the lives of Americans or American residents.

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Now if we have a Clinton Preidency with Sanders as a VP. there may be a few changes that actually better the poor and middle class. What the Wall street elite in America have not come to grips with is that their days are numbered. They won't survive the next revolution. The 99% will gobble them up and spit them out and a new economic system will emerge.

Though I am a lifeblood democrat, I can say that a HRC victory would virtually insure that the middle class continues to erode, and that the poor get poorer. She has no interest in lifting up the masses, despite her rhetoric. In addition to that, she will do everything in her power to protect both the banksters, and her Wall Street friends. A major banking debacle, that would make 2007-2008 look like a dress rehearsal, would be far, far more likely under her leadership, as her policies will do nothing to correct any of the mistakes and market manipulations the banks are currently engaging in.

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Now if we have a Clinton Preidency with Sanders as a VP. there may be a few changes that actually better the poor and middle class. What the Wall street elite in America have not come to grips with is that their days are numbered. They won't survive the next revolution. The 99% will gobble them up and spit them out and a new economic system will emerge.

Though I am a lifeblood democrat, I can say that a HRC victory would virtually insure that the middle class continues to erode, and that the poor get poorer. She has no interest in lifting up the masses, despite her rhetoric. In addition to that, she will do everything in her power to protect both the banksters, and her Wall Street friends. A major banking debacle, that would make 2007-2008 look like a dress rehearsal, would be far, far more likely under her leadership, as her policies will do nothing to correct any of the mistakes and market manipulations the banks are currently engaging in.

There is more real potential for downside in a Clinton presidency if for no other reason than she has a very realistic chance of getting a Congressional majority who will bow like brainless lemmings to her every demand.

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Trump is no fool and should not be taken lightly. He is a consumate actor who knows how to bend with the wind. He is the ultimate flim flam man- he can make you believe that his snake oil is for real and because so many Americans want someone to believe in they could vote for him. He will also moderate his speeches and attempt to appeal to a wider audience. However, he will be up against the Clinton money machine which cosists of hugely wealthy people; the Wall Street Elite and the military industrial complex. In addition, there is the Bill Clinton element. He is extremely popular and if you get Hillary you also get Bill. Neither candidate will make any real changes that will better Americans.

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Well we know of at least one person (and the total number has to be pretty limited) who apparently wants it desperately, almost pathetically. Not sure if a combination of New York and New Jersey roots would do much for the ticket, but then what would?

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VP: newt Gingrich

Homeland Security: Rudy G.

DoJ Attorney Gen: Chris Christy

Health and Human Services: Dr. Ben Carson

New Gingrich the guy who left one of his wives when she was recovering from cancer. That should definitely help Trump regain some ground with the women's vote.

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No one on here is billionaire so it's pretty easy to down a guy who is in a position maybe to make my country USA great ? again because the lack luster President Barack Obama that I voted for hasn't changed anything but give Iran a crapload of free money

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And another thing I'm a second lieutenant in the United States of America Army and love my country USA with great pride and love so the haters who are on here just keep hating because their has to be some kind of reason why you hate us so badly.

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