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Turkey won’t change anti-terror laws for EU visa-free travel – Erdogan


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Turkey won’t change anti-terror laws for EU visa-free travel – Erdogan


Turkey’s president has strong words for the EU saying he would not change anti-terror laws in exchange for visa-free travel to Europe.

The European Commission asked Turkey for changes in their definition of terrorism to avoid conflicts over freedom of expression as a condition for approving visa-waivers as part of the deal agreed to stem the flow of migrants to Europe.

Speaking in Istanbul Erdogan said that “the EU lets terrorists (referring to Kurdish activists) put up tents near the Brussels parliament, and provides them with opportunities in the name of democracy, and then you tell us if we change our terrorism laws, the visas will be lifted. We’ll go our way, you go yours.”

It comes one day after the prime minister Davutoglu stepped down over a rift with Erdogan over several issues including a move toward a presidential system.

“The presidential issue is not directly related to me,” explained Erdogan. “Past experiences show that a presidential system and a new constitution are urgently needed.”

Erdogan is pushing to make the ceremonial position of president into a stronger executive office, something which has critics concerned it would concentrate too much power in his hands.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-07

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Europe really is intent on committing economic and cultural suicide...visa-free travel for 80 million Turks...what are they thinking? Nothing good will come from this.

It was in the planning already ages ago (Weishaupt/Pike). The Islam will destroy the Christians and as you can see these days the whole EU government and the seperate leaders of its countries seem to like the idea of destruction. But they will go down with it as well as there is not enough room at the top.

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Turkey is bearing the brunt of the war in Syria. If the UN and the civilized world can't stop this war, then they should help Turkey deal with the mess.


Erdogan wants to change the Turkish constitution and law so that he is legally a dictator. That includes removing all opposition, free speech and any critics. He is also pushing to become an Islamic state rather than maintaining the secular state status. He refuses to uphold international or Turkish law when it suits him and uses the threat of allowing and facilitating illegal migrants trafficking to try to blackmail a weak EU lead by the idiot Merkel who will agree to anything to get out of the mess she created.

Turkey has been accused of funding ISIS, allowing the low of oil and weapons and recruits in and out of Turkey, with the president's family involved, and Erdogan's response is to arrest any who dare reveal or challenge this.

The EU should take responsibility for policing and securing it's own borders. Turkey might be in NATO but it is no ally or friend of the EU.

The UN can't do diddly squat about anything other than spend very large amounts of money and employ copious amounts of highly educated highly paid people who achieve little.

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Europe really is intent on committing economic and cultural suicide...visa-free travel for 80 million Turks...what are they thinking? Nothing good will come from this.

Visa free, or visa exempt travel is no more than that. It does not permit indefinite leave to remain, allow working, or convey the rights of entitlement to benefits.

That will only happen if and when Turkey becomes a EU member.

BTW - look how quickly the "humanitarian" Merlel has ignored the fact that Turkey illegally invaded a EU member country and still illegally occupies part of that country by military force. But she sees her bigger picture of course. Fiddling while EU burns.

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The EU top in their ivory towers is completely removed from the wishes of the European people.

Only securing their fat salaries, they don't give a damn, ti until the folks get up in arms to remove the horsetraders.

Edited by wabothai
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wink.png The problems with Turkey and the EU are a prime example of why the U.K should NOT be in the EU any longer.

Get the U.K. out of the sinking ship callef the EU before the ship goes down coplwtely.

if the u.K stays in the EU, they will just go down with that sinking ship.

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wink.png The problems with Turkey and the EU are a prime example of why the U.K should NOT be in the EU any longer.

Get the U.K. out of the sinking ship callef the EU before the ship goes down coplwtely.

if the u.K stays in the EU, they will just go down with that sinking ship.

Perhaps. But what's caused this? Almost 3 million refugees in Turkey due to the war in Syria. What's caused many of the immigration problems in Europe lately. The war in Syria. Stop the war and these problems go away. Just my 2 cents worth....and that's what it's worth! LOL

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Turkey is bearing the brunt of the war in Syria. If the UN and the civilized world can't stop this war, then they should help Turkey deal with the mess.


Why? Syrians are mainly muslim and Turkey is mainly muslim. Perfect for them to make a new home in Turkey, ready made mosques etc. In fact tailor-made for each other. Edited by jesimps
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Headline should read ...


I am sure the Eurocrats will have many meetings about this.

When will the Europeans see that their emperors have no clothes?

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wink.png The problems with Turkey and the EU are a prime example of why the U.K should NOT be in the EU any longer.

Get the U.K. out of the sinking ship callef the EU before the ship goes down coplwtely.

if the u.K stays in the EU, they will just go down with that sinking ship.

Game over. The new mayor of London is a muslim.

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wink.png The problems with Turkey and the EU are a prime example of why the U.K should NOT be in the EU any longer.

Get the U.K. out of the sinking ship callef the EU before the ship goes down coplwtely.

if the u.K stays in the EU, they will just go down with that sinking ship.

Perhaps. But what's caused this? Almost 3 million refugees in Turkey due to the war in Syria. What's caused many of the immigration problems in Europe lately. The war in Syria. Stop the war and these problems go away. Just my 2 cents worth....and that's what it's worth! LOL

Tell the terrorist that ,not us,if they put down their arms that would be the end

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Turkey is bearing the brunt of the war in Syria. If the UN and the civilized world can't stop this war, then they should help Turkey deal with the mess.


Yes but Turkey has also done to most to stir up this war. From aiding Western Jihadist

to join Isis, to buying oil from ISIS, to dismantling all equipment and factories in northern

Syria and bringing them to Turkey. Turkey has been a huge benefactor. Now blackmailing

the EU for cash and visa free access to the Schengen countries. The crackdown on Kurdish

groups, press freedoms etc...etc...Turkey supported the overthrow of the democratically

elected Syrian government. Turkey has been the big winner in all this and Erdogan

is smiling. He has now been able to get rid of Turkeys prime minister as he consolidates

power in the Presidency. coffee1.gif

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Turkish PM Davutoğlu resigns as President Erdoğan tightens grip


Erdogan has the EU exactly where he wants them.

Erdogan is about to start playing hardball.

Cannot say that this comes a surprise.

Call it just plain blackmail.

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The EU top in their ivory towers is completely removed from the wishes of the European people.

Only securing their fat salaries, they don't give a damn, ti until the folks get up in arms to remove the horsetraders.

Hence real need for all the Orwellian antiterrorism laws and spying, to make sure the serfs are kept in their place. If not debt slavery then prison.
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wink.png The problems with Turkey and the EU are a prime example of why the U.K should NOT be in the EU any longer.

Get the U.K. out of the sinking ship callef the EU before the ship goes down coplwtely.

if the u.K stays in the EU, they will just go down with that sinking ship.

Perhaps. But what's caused this? Almost 3 million refugees in Turkey due to the war in Syria. What's caused many of the immigration problems in Europe lately. The war in Syria. Stop the war and these problems go away. Just my 2 cents worth....and that's what it's worth! LOL

A war in which Turkey plays a role, and acts according to its own agenda (or rather, Erdogan's).

Stopping the war will be hard enough by itself. To expect that it will solve Europe's immigration problems is very optimistic. Years before refugees and migrants will be resettled, and even then, probably not all. Doubtful that the EU will have the resolve to deport those already there, or to when dealing with future immigration legalization Aid budgets tend to fade away whenever a crisis "cools down" (one reason Erdogan wants to get as much out of it upfront).

Problems are here to stay, at least for years to come. The EU ought to be thankful if things don't get worse.

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Turkey is bearing the brunt of the war in Syria. If the UN and the civilized world can't stop this war, then they should help Turkey deal with the mess.


Yes but Turkey has also done to most to stir up this war. From aiding Western Jihadist

to join Isis, to buying oil from ISIS, to dismantling all equipment and factories in northern

Syria and bringing them to Turkey. Turkey has been a huge benefactor. Now blackmailing

the EU for cash and visa free access to the Schengen countries. The crackdown on Kurdish

groups, press freedoms etc...etc...Turkey supported the overthrow of the democratically

elected Syrian government. Turkey has been the big winner in all this and Erdogan

is smiling. He has now been able to get rid of Turkeys prime minister as he consolidates

power in the Presidency. coffee1.gif

100% agree. But, there are many more foreign powers involved. Many in the middle east. All doing what you describe above. Trying to influence things.

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And all that is only happening because Merkel opened the gates, somehow trying to argue having to take in refugees was something positive and potentially helpful when everyone right in his head thought of it as a burden in need of controlling, and for every grateful "refugee" and everyone else -just really everyone, immigration laws be damned- that then made it to the promised land two more got on their feet and nobody can handle the flood now in motion. Well OK, not only because of Merkel, mad Erdowahn is a power in his own right.

And he got big rich Europe exactly where he wants it. Asking what Europe would do if he put the two-something millions of Syrians and Iraqis on buses to have them transported to the Greek-Bulgarian border.

I suppose we need to call the present scale of "migration", half of them gold-diggers, exactly what it is or can be used as: a weapon of mass-migration.

Because it is, in the bitter end and final result not that much different from an armed invasion. Which should, in a pinch, be answered in kind.

From what I hear, Turkey and Russia are the bestest friends ever nowadays. Wanna stay in NATO?

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And all that is only happening because Merkel opened the gates, somehow trying to argue having to take in refugees was something positive and potentially helpful when everyone right in his head thought of it as a burden in need of controlling, and for every grateful "refugee" and everyone else -just really everyone, immigration laws be damned- that then made it to the promised land two more got on their feet and nobody can handle the flood now in motion. Well OK, not only because of Merkel, mad Erdowahn is a power in his own right.

And he got big rich Europe exactly where he wants it. Asking what Europe would do if he put the two-something millions of Syrians and Iraqis on buses to have them transported to the Greek-Bulgarian border.

I suppose we need to call the present scale of "migration", half of them gold-diggers, exactly what it is or can be used as: a weapon of mass-migration.

Because it is, in the bitter end and final result not that much different from an armed invasion. Which should, in a pinch, be answered in kind.

From what I hear, Turkey and Russia are the bestest friends ever nowadays. Wanna stay in NATO?

Some say, Putin is helping fuel this immigration problem to try and destabilize the EU. If so, it's working!

As for Turkey and Russia. They hate each other. Have for a long time, but more so after Turkey shot down Russia's plane.

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And all that is only happening because Merkel opened the gates, somehow trying to argue having to take in refugees was something positive and potentially helpful when everyone right in his head thought of it as a burden in need of controlling, and for every grateful "refugee" and everyone else -just really everyone, immigration laws be damned- that then made it to the promised land two more got on their feet and nobody can handle the flood now in motion. Well OK, not only because of Merkel, mad Erdowahn is a power in his own right.

And he got big rich Europe exactly where he wants it. Asking what Europe would do if he put the two-something millions of Syrians and Iraqis on buses to have them transported to the Greek-Bulgarian border.

I suppose we need to call the present scale of "migration", half of them gold-diggers, exactly what it is or can be used as: a weapon of mass-migration.

Because it is, in the bitter end and final result not that much different from an armed invasion. Which should, in a pinch, be answered in kind.

From what I hear, Turkey and Russia are the bestest friends ever nowadays. Wanna stay in NATO?

Some say, Putin is helping fuel this immigration problem to try and destabilize the EU. If so, it's working!

As for Turkey and Russia. They hate each other. Have for a long time, but more so after Turkey shot down Russia's plane.

Russia and Turkey had pretty solid relationship up until not long ago. Wouldn't know that there's a longstanding bad blood between Turks and Russians, at least never noticed anything of the sort. The actions and policies of de-facto dictators leading both countries are sometimes conflated general sentiments.

I doubt that the migrant/refugee crisis was contrived or even fully predicted . More like being harnessed by some actors to further longstanding agendas and achieve certain gains.

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