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Deadly flare-up in violence as Israel finds Gaza tunnel


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Deadly flare-up in violence as Israel finds Gaza tunnel


A Palestinian woman has died in Gaza amid the worst flare-up of violence there with Israel since the war in 2014.

Hospital sources say the 54-year-old was killed by Israeli shelling that hit her home east of Khan Younis.

Israel blames the escalation on Palestinian militants firing mortar shells at Israeli forces working to unearth secret tunnels near the border fence. It says this prompted return fire from Israeli tanks.

Israel on Thursday said it discovered a cross-border tunnel built by the Islamist Hamas group, the de facto ruler of Gaza.

Israel’s Shin Bet undercover intelligence agency said a Hamas operative arrested last month had provided useful information about the tunnel networks in the area, although it did not explicitly attribute Thursday’s discovery to his data.

The Israelis mounted a major search operation, using surveillance balloons and other means.

Its aircraft have been bombing targets in the Gaza enclave, amid violence that threatens a truce that has largely held since the war.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to convene senior ministers on Friday to discuss the situation. Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said, after touring the area, that Israel would not be deterred by Hamas’s threats and would continue to search “until all the tunnels are found”.

Hamas has not confirmed responsibility for the shelling.

A senior Hamas official, Khalil al-Hayya, said efforts by Qatar and Egypt were ongoing to try to restore calm but he warned that “Israeli incursions into Gaza would not be tolerated”.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-07

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Hamas are quite possibly trying to distract Israel from dismantling its tunnel network. At least fourteen have 'collapsed' of late. All those thousands of tons of building materials which could have been used for urban regeneration turned into terror tunnels, which were then turned into rubble. What a waste.

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Hamas are quite possibly trying to distract Israel from dismantling its tunnel network. At least fourteen have 'collapsed' of late. All those thousands of tons of building materials which could have been used for urban regeneration turned into terror tunnels, which were then turned into rubble. What a waste.

"Peace will come to the region when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us."

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Quote from Steely Dan:

"All those thousands of tons of building materials which could have been used for urban regeneration turned into terror tunnels, which were then turned into rubble. What a waste. "

I assume you mean by "urban regeneration" the building of power stations, flour mills, sewerage treatment plants, hospitals, schools and homes. If they built these the IDF would just use their USA donated amour to blow all of these up, turning them into rubble anyway, often with people still inside them.

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Quote from Steely Dan: "All those thousands of tons of building materials which could have been used for urban regeneration turned into terror tunnels, which were then turned into rubble. What a waste. " I assume you mean by "urban regeneration" the building of power stations, flour mills, sewerage treatment plants, hospitals, schools and homes. If they built these the IDF would just use their USA donated amour to blow all of these up, turning them into rubble anyway, often with people still inside them.

And the Israeli attacks got nothing to do whatsoever with Palestinian attacks?

At the very least, the same tunnel know-how could have been used for constructing civilian shelters. Apparently, order or priorities is somewhat different.

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Hamas are quite possibly trying to distract Israel from dismantling its tunnel network. At least fourteen have 'collapsed' of late. All those thousands of tons of building materials which could have been used for urban regeneration turned into terror tunnels, which were then turned into rubble. What a waste.

The "terror tunnels" is the only way for people to get building materials in to Gaza as Israel is blocking that, medical supplies, school books and anything else needed to build a peace full society. Israel don't want peace with the Palestinians because the only way to get peace is Israel returning the land they have been occupying for over 50-60 years.

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Hamas are quite possibly trying to distract Israel from dismantling its tunnel network. At least fourteen have 'collapsed' of late. All those thousands of tons of building materials which could have been used for urban regeneration turned into terror tunnels, which were then turned into rubble. What a waste.

The "terror tunnels" is the only way for people to get building materials in to Gaza as Israel is blocking that, medical supplies, school books and anything else needed to build a peace full society. Israel don't want peace with the Palestinians because the only way to get peace is Israel returning the land they have been occupying for over 50-60 years.

And of course no weapons would ever be brought through,would they? Some people live in a different world to the rest of us

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Hamas are quite possibly trying to distract Israel from dismantling its tunnel network. At least fourteen have 'collapsed' of late. All those thousands of tons of building materials which could have been used for urban regeneration turned into terror tunnels, which were then turned into rubble. What a waste.

The "terror tunnels" is the only way for people to get building materials in to Gaza as Israel is blocking that, medical supplies, school books and anything else needed to build a peace full society. Israel don't want peace with the Palestinians because the only way to get peace is Israel returning the land they have been occupying for over 50-60 years.

Tunnels used for smuggling goods (and weapons) into the Gaza Strip were dug across the border with Egypt, not Israel. Decisive actions by Egypt led to this route being severely curtailed. Tunnels dug from the Gaza Strip across the border with Israel were intended for carrying out attacks. The OP and SD's post refer to the latter.

The Israeli restrictions regarding import of construction materials to the Gaza Strip is related to their use. Hamas repeatedly rejected offers which implied third-party control over use of construction materials. Instances in which such understandings were achieved, were summarily breached. Other than often being used for non-civilian purposes, construction materials also offer unique financial opportunities for those in position of power. Obviously, no mention of Israel's restrictions being meaningless without Egypt applying pretty much the same on its end.

One sided portrayals of either Israel or the Palestinians being not-interested in peace are off mark.

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Hamas are quite possibly trying to distract Israel from dismantling its tunnel network. At least fourteen have 'collapsed' of late. All those thousands of tons of building materials which could have been used for urban regeneration turned into terror tunnels, which were then turned into rubble. What a waste.

"Peace will come to the region when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us."

Pretty much.

School play in GAZA.

Another generation down the drain of hatred:

Edited by Jingthing
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Hamas are quite possibly trying to distract Israel from dismantling its tunnel network. At least fourteen have 'collapsed' of late. All those thousands of tons of building materials which could have been used for urban regeneration turned into terror tunnels, which were then turned into rubble. What a waste.

The "terror tunnels" is the only way for people to get building materials in to Gaza as Israel is blocking that, medical supplies, school books and anything else needed to build a peace full society. Israel don't want peace with the Palestinians because the only way to get peace is Israel returning the land they have been occupying for over 50-60 years.

So the building materials used for the tunnels..Do you think they arrived by magic or something?

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Hamas are quite possibly trying to distract Israel from dismantling its tunnel network. At least fourteen have 'collapsed' of late. All those thousands of tons of building materials which could have been used for urban regeneration turned into terror tunnels, which were then turned into rubble. What a waste.

The "terror tunnels" is the only way for people to get building materials in to Gaza as Israel is blocking that, medical supplies, school books and anything else needed to build a peace full society. Israel don't want peace with the Palestinians because the only way to get peace is Israel returning the land they have been occupying for over 50-60 years.

In other words, according to you Israel shouldn't have existed in the first place and Israeli Jews should just give it all up now after building a great nation. Nice try. No cigar.

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Following the fighting in 2014, there were unofficial understanding which led to de-facto ceasefire. The sides were to avoid hostilities, which on the Hamas side also meant curtailing actions of other organizations.

While these conditions were generally kept, the Hamas did not cease efforts to dig additional attack tunnels leading into Israel. Through a combination of intel and technology, Israel seems to have come up with adequate means of detecting such tunnels. The recent flare up is to do with Israel's efforts to destroy the tunnels, and the Hamas aggressive reaction as it is being denied one of its relatively successful means of attack.

Things are somewhat more complicated on both sides, though.

In Israel, a recent report on the government's performance prior to the Gaza fighting brings up serious issues, some pertaining directly to the Hamas's attack tunnels. Questions being raised regarding information being withheld from cabinet members, level of IDF readiness to deal with the threat, etc. It is a political storm in the making, yet to see how it pans out. It is doubtful that the current IDF efforts are directly related to said report, but certain politicians sure do use it for their advantage.

In Gaza, the Hamas is at a problematic situation. The military wing fears losing its attack tunnels but at the same time yet unprepared for another round of fighting. The political wing fears full scale fighting might result in serious public backlash. Hence, the Hamas fire is, so far, aimed at hindering Israel's efforts. Escalating things will present a further strain to the already difficult relationship with Egypt (another episode exemplifying how frictions within Hamas leadership might cause unfavorable results).

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The guards are never happy when they find a prisoners tunnel...

That's a poor analogy.

First of all, Gaza is not a prison.

Second of all, prisoners digging a tunnel do so to escape incarceration.

Gaza tunnels into Israel are for INVASION purposes.

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The guards are never happy when they find a prisoners tunnel...

That's a poor analogy.

First of all, Gaza is not a prison.

Second of all, prisoners digging a tunnel do so to escape incarceration.

Gaza tunnels into Israel are for INVASION purposes.

Indeed, they were also bankrolled by Qatar and dug using child Labour resulting in at least 160 deaths by the time of the last Gaza incursion.
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Yes, I agree attack is more apt than invasion. They are definitely being built for attacks and Israel has every right to crush them. Invasion implies an attempt to take over Israel which is indeed the intention of Hamas (which is on record as having genocidal intentions towards Jews) but of course as Hamas doesn't have anything close to the CAPABILITY for such an invasion, the word doesn't currently fit and hopefully will NEVER fit.

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The Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip are also not "allowed out" by Egypt. Opening their border would render all the Israeli restrictions useless.

Invasion is a poor choice of words with regard to the Hamas tunnels, but the fact stands that they were intended (and used) as means to carry out attack.

This topic is about the Gaza Strip, no Israeli military presence there and no settlements.

I know full well that Egypt also guards the prison camp.

The tunnels are used for more than one purpose. Yes They are used to bring in small arms and rockets but they are also used to bring in materials, food and medicine that doesn't need 'approval' from the overlords.

There may be no Israeli military presence in Gaza now but it doesn't take much for them to 'invade' it whenever they like.

If you are aware of Egypt's role, why make it all about Israel? Probably the same reason that using "Palestinians" instead of "Hamas" muddies the water.

The tunnels referred to in the OP were not meant for smuggling, those would be the tunnels which led across the border with Egypt. The tunnels across the border with Israel were meant for attack purposes. The smuggling tunnels were mostly destroyed following an Egyptian effort, related to Hamas's association with the Muslim Brotherhood and IS affiliated organizations in the Sinai peninsula.

I'm glad we agree that there is no Israeli military presence nor illegal Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip. As for "doesn't take much" and "whenever they like", not really objective or even factual.

Edited by Morch
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I get the feeling Hamas is baiting for another war. Why they would do that now I don't know.

I seriously doubt there's a will to force a major confrontation.

This is more to do with Hamas being caught off guard, while having very limited options to respond. First, Iron dome deals with rockets, now seems there's a viable way to counter them attack tunnels. This happens with Hamas in an isolated position diplomatically, military capabilities not fully restored, and the Gaza Strip still suffering the aftermath of the 2014 fighting.

In more "technical" terms, this is about the agreed upon terms of the unofficial understandings achieved following the last round of fighting. After previous clashes such understandings included a security buffer zone along the Gaza Strip side of the border, in which Israel had the right to conduct emergency operations (not routine patrols and such). The width of said zone was 500 meters at some points, and generally speaking pretty much a no-go zone. Post 2014, Israel agreed to cut the width to 100 meters max, and civilian presence.

Hamas took advantage of these new conditions to further its fortification and tunneling efforts (within the security zone) .Some of the recent Israeli efforts vs. the attack tunnels went over the boundaries of the zone. So basically, yet another instance of terms being breached and each side placing the blame on the other. Currently, seems as if Hamas is getting caught up in its own rhetoric, rejecting any Israeli activity over the border. Israel, on the other hand, will probably press for a return to the former (pre 2014) terms.

Can't see Israel letting up efforts to counter the attack tunnel threat. Not when there seems to be viable means to deal with it. Not with that previously mentioned report looming. Not when Hamas is in a relatively weaker position than usual. Much harder to predict the Hamas moves - mainly due to decision making being a product of a balance between the military and political wings (disregarding other divisions/factions). Without getting into too much details - diplomatic and economic constraints ought to make a new set of understandings a possibility. If these indeed come about, they would hinder Hamas on security, and benefit Gaza Strip economically. But as said, hard to predict, and it could go another way (or simply get there by stalemate).

So, no....nobody really wishes for a full blown confrontation now. Then again, things being as fragile as they are, anything might set it off. Even if no one intends to. Hopefully, it will be sorted without things coming to a head.

EDIT: typo

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I get the feeling Hamas is baiting for another war. Why they would do that now I don't know.

Their fanatical, extremely violent agenda is similar to ISIS, and their blindness assumes an eventual world caliphate. It’s not surprising that Hamas translated in Hebrew means ‘violence’.

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In short: You post lies. Pretty much a standard.

There is no information offered that the tunnel (which? there were more than one referred to in the recent context) is pre-2014.

It was the Hamas who opened fire to obstruct IDF efforts destroying the tunnel. The Israeli response came later. This was then followed by rockets launched from the Gaza Strip, and again, an Israeli response. The Israeli attacks are not ongoing non stop for 4 days straight, as you try to imply.

Those are not smuggling tunnels, as they lead into Israel. The tunnel smuggling efforts into the Gaza Strip are more to do with the Egyptian border.

The first picture linked can be traced at least back to 2013 (in an article that does not support your claim - http://jewsdownunder.com/2013/10/19/arabs-down-under/ ). Probably not the original, though, but only that much time to shed light on your nonsense posts.

The second picture is both baiting and off topic, nice touch bringing the holocaust into any topic relating to the conflict.

EDIT: Make it 2010...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZp1tGWVN9U

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