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3 Mobile Apps Useful In Thailand | Part 2

This week I will tell you about 3 Most Useful Thai mobile app, such as Nemo Thai, Grab Taxi and Amazing Thailand.

-- Inspire Pattaya 2016-05-07


Yes.............yawn.........let's all turn into those pathetic, moronic,dullard prats who spend their miserable, dull, dreary lives peering into small, black plastic screens while wobbling along the streets or sitting in restaurants oblivious to the real world around them. The art of conversation is dead. Hooray to Henry. Yah for sure. Let's do lunch soon and run it up the flagpole and see if the baby barks. Sorry, have to go....taking a pic of my KFC dinner to post on Farsebook so all my "friends" can like and take a "selfie" to see how important I am and how desperate I am to be liked.

Sent from my phone using a 2 bob coin and a pish in the phone box.


It's individuals like you that are the problem with society everywhere in the world. Instead of contributing you sit and troll... Try being helpful to others. Get off of your high horse and go volunteer your time here in Thailand and make a difference. Try to become part of society instead of mocking it

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk

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