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Trump takes aim at Clinton over her husband's infidelities


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Most foreign observers and most Americans themselves see Americans as puritanical ding dongs, particularly when they hear stories about infidelities in high offices. The US had the Puritans at Plymouth Rock, the Salem Witch Hunts, the Mennonites, Quakers, and more recently; televangelists and other anti-science Bible-thumpers. A significant proportion of Americans are against condoms, for crying out loud (maybe they have a secret love for STD's, I don't know). This tempest in a teapot by Trump, digging up a nearly 20 yr old scandal by a husband of a candidate, is a new low for Trump, (if it's possible for him to go lower than ridiculing a handicapped person). It will further cripple his faltering campaign, and that's good. Keep it up dumbo.

Lol, you need to step say from the net and television land and spend some time in the real world.

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I wonder if all these guys were equally incensed at the lies and cover-ups of nixon, reagan and bush??

Newsflash, not likely that any of those three are once again trying move back into the whitehouse, especially since two are dead. Hilarious how some get so worked up about something and they don't even completely get the point . . . Forrest for the trees kind of folks and exactly the type that buy into, focus on or even care about garden variety political rhetoric from the standard politician.

The vast, vast majority of Americans actually get it, but are much less concerned about the media created circus than many of you guys living abroad.

PST, it's called having a life and being intelligent enough not to be manipulated by the selective media blurbs.

Oh and BTW, most Catholics do take birth control and practice safe sex . . . They just don't talk about . . . in response to the other moronic thought process.

Keep up the good work. You guys are hilarious.

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“I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.”

That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

He never was impeached...

Republicans tried to impeach him, but basically that was because he was a none Republican President, same with Obama because he was black, did not work either, and I assume if Hillary makes it too the White House they will want her out because she is a women.

The Republicans are like a broken record...

Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives.

He was not convicted by the Senate.

The charges were lying under oath to a federal official (perjury) and Obstruction of Justice.

There was never an attempt to file articles of impeachment against Obama.

I don't know where you are getting your information but it is wrong.

And lets not forget that Slick Willy was disbarred for his lying under oath...

He was officially disbarred without comment from practicing before the US Supreme Court in October 2001:

In April [2001], Mr Clinton's Arkansas law licence was suspended for five years and he was given a $25,000 fine. He had agreed to that disbarment as a form of plea bargain in January, on the day before he left office, after reaching a deal to bring an end to the Lewinsky investigation, in which he could have faced charges for contempt.

Funny how so many Non-American forumites are such experts on American law and culture...

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I pondered whether such attacks were fair game. At first glance it seems below the belt, perhaps even another cliche, over the top. But then I considered "If the genders were turned as were a male who aided and abetted..." would it be fair game?

The Clinton presidency was marked by many landmarks, some bad, some good to others. One constant landmark was the drip drip of a very ugly environment in the White House and I recall at least one book that was published by a secret service agent that revealed many outrageous behaviors, and Hillary's behavior in particular. This non-stop train of dirt extends way back into Arkansas and continued through... actually, it never stopped. Its a non-stop telegraph of contempt, corruption, immorality, and degradation. Wherever there is Hillary there is controversy. At a certain point claims to innocence strains credulity.

There is reason that few people surrounding the life of Billy Graham came forward with horrid and sordid tales. Its the same reason that little horrors do not leak about about Barbara Bush, Tom Hanks, Warren Buffet, Joe Biden's wife, etc. It is because these terrible tales are not likely present. Likewise, the non-stop train of outrageous charges regarding Hillary are so likely to be true that were historians of tomorrow just reviewing the never-ending charges against HRC, they would have to finally consider the claims true.

Bill Clinton's legacy and untoward behavior is fair game not just because both he and Hillary were on (have always been on) the public's 'dime,' but because she singularly defined herself as [passively] "Stand[ing] by her Man." Charges to the contrary speak to credibility; she made the invitation. She then is fair game. (Warning: Watching this video causes visceral recoil).

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I wonder if all these guys were equally incensed at the lies and cover-ups of nixon, reagan and bush??

Nope, Bush's lies led to thousand of American deaths and wasted trillions of dollars looking for something that never existed and that they knew never existed, as Trump said a Big Fat Lie and they knew they were lying. Reagan just sold missile systems to people who had kidnapped American diplomats, but no legal action taken against an American president who had flagrantly flouted the law, As for Nixon well that also went off the Richer scale. Better save impeachment for a blow job, far more serious.

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I wonder if all these guys were equally incensed at the lies and cover-ups of nixon, reagan and bush??

Nope, Bush's lies led to thousand of American deaths and wasted trillions of dollars looking for something that never existed and that they knew never existed, as Trump said a Big Fat Lie and they knew they were lying. Reagan just sold missile systems to people who had kidnapped American diplomats, but no legal action taken against an American president who had flagrantly flouted the law, As for Nixon well that also went off the Richer scale. Better save impeachment for a blow job, far more serious.

Ah yes, more leftist ideologue spin... always ignoring the facts. And all these democrats frenzy feeding off the same misinformation..

58% of Democratic senators (29 of 50) voted for the resolution. Your girl Hillary #9 on the list...

Those voting for the resolution were:

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And before anyone goes on another rant, Mzzzz. Hillary in her own words regarding the Iraq War Resolution....

Clinton later said that she did not read the full classified National IntelligenceEstimate that was delivered ten days before .....

The same Hillary picking up that 2am phone call.

All politicians of all parties are lying, corrupt degenerates....

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I wonder if all these guys were equally incensed at the lies and cover-ups of nixon, reagan and bush??

Nope, Bush's lies led to thousand of American deaths and wasted trillions of dollars looking for something that never existed and that they knew never existed, as Trump said a Big Fat Lie and they knew they were lying. Reagan just sold missile systems to people who had kidnapped American diplomats, but no legal action taken against an American president who had flagrantly flouted the law, As for Nixon well that also went off the Richer scale. Better save impeachment for a blow job, far more serious.

Ah yes, more leftist ideologue spin... always ignoring the facts. And all these democrats frenzy feeding off the same misinformation..

58% of Democratic senators (29 of 50) voted for the resolution. Your girl Hillary #9 on the list...

Those voting for the resolution were:

I guess like most they didn't think that an American President would lie about such a serious matter as Iraq having WMD and especially when someone of the stature of Colin Powelll confirms that. However even Powell admits that he took his eye off the ball. The fact remains that we had an American president that lied and knew he was lying. As the current contender for President has said many times. It was a big fat lie and they knew they were lying. They have never been called to account for those lies which led to the deaths of thousands of American and Allied servicemen wasted trillions of dollars, destabilized the Middle East and caused the present refugee crisis in Europe. I know lets hold an inquiry into Benghazi after all that is very important.

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Mrs. Clinton is so lovely and ladylike; shocking her husband would even think to stray.

She stuck by her husband during tough times. Trump is like Palin, ....quits if things are a little bit tough - always the opportunist, looking to denigrate. He even denigrated Carly Fiorina's face and ridiculed a man who had a physical disability. He had a personal tiff with Rosie O'donnel. Anyone else (with a modicum of decency) would have kept it private or at the most, made a public mention. Trump not only shouted immature taunts from the rooftop, he called her childish names again during a publicly televised debate being watched by millions, in the US and overseas.

He is to being a gentleman what a gerbil is to being a guitarist. Probably the nicest thing a person can say about The Donald is he suffers from arrested development, and that development was arrested from the time he was the 7 year old bully brat of the neighborhood. The kind of kid who would pee on a neighbors doorstep, then ring the bell and run and hide in the bushes. ha ha ha, Donnie. You haven't matured a day since those carefree days.

The Donald can wear expensive suits and appear to be decent, just like a circus chimp can be trained to ride a bicycle and win the Tour de France.

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Not getting into the debate of political tactics that both are/will be using.

Back on topic: From the actual OP: "Discussions will center on "the kind of Republican principles and ideas that can win the support of the American people this November," Ryan said."

​This makes me laugh out loud. Doesn't that antiquated idiot realize that ALL but 1 of the GOP candidates ran on Republican principles and ideas and ALL but 1 were soundly blown out of the water by the American people?

This should be an interesting meeting. Ryan: "Now Donald,in order for you to win we will need to completely remake you in our image as we know what's best for the American people." Donald: "Go get schlonged! I already have the support of the American people. More people have voted for me than pretty much ANY of you losers in the past 2 decades. Get on board or get off my ship!" rolleyes.gif tongue.png

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Not getting into the debate of political tactics that both are/will be using.

Back on topic: From the actual OP: "Discussions will center on "the kind of Republican principles and ideas that can win the support of the American people this November," Ryan said."

​This makes me laugh out loud. Doesn't that antiquated idiot realize that ALL but 1 of the GOP candidates ran on Republican principles and ideas and ALL but 1 were soundly blown out of the water by the American people?

This should be an interesting meeting. Ryan: "Now Donald,in order for you to win we will need to completely remake you in our image as we know what's best for the American people." Donald: "Go get schlonged! I already have the support of the American people. More people have voted for me than pretty much ANY of you losers in the past 2 decades. Get on board or get off my ship!" rolleyes.gif tongue.png

the american people? lol.

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Doesn't Trump realize that the Clinton impeachment hearings was an all time low for the Republicans?

The Republicans took their eye off the ball, were busy with their unpatriotic political witch hunt while Bill Clinton was tracking down Bin Laden.

You see, legal harassment is the Republican strategy.

They spent/wasted $60,000,000 taxpayer dollars on lawyers investigating the Clintons history, hoping to come up with some 'dirt'. They found ZILCH on the Clintons.

So the Republicans that wasted all that money on a failed investigation were desperate to save face.... decided to mention Bills girlfriend while under oath. "Lets ask him about the BJ" Hahahaha...

The Republicans behind the BJ impeachment case? Perhaps the biggest scumbags in Washington.

R. Newt Gingrich, he was caught banging secretaries in his office!

R. Livingston, was busted hiding 4 girlfriends from his wife.

R. Dennis Hassert, was busted for raping 4 little boys in his high school gym class.

And while these immoral, unethical clowns were pushing the impeachment hearings, Bill Clinton was busy going after Bin Laden.

Bill Clinton sent cruise missiles in an attempt to kill Bin Laden.

What did the Republicans have to say? They said Clinton was attacking Bin Laden to take away attention from the impeachment hearings!

That's why I say the Republicans are dangerous and unpatriotic scumbags and they owe the taxpayers a refund on the $60,000,000 bogus investigations.

Edited by LarryLindsey
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Gess the truth hurts, eh? Hillary has been covering up for Bubba since day one. Calling her a 'nasty enabler' is actually too kind.blink.png

He is making a big mistake bring up personal family matters.

What a scumbag.

A hundred of Trumps old lady friends (conquests) are ready to expose him as a serial philanderer.

I feel sorry for Trumps wife. She is gonna learn allot about her husband. A divorce before the election?

This is the sad state of affairs in US Politics...and people wonder why qualified presidential candidates refuse to run. The scumbags in politics (and fake news) will try to ruin their family.

Edited by LarryLindsey
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Gess the truth hurts, eh? Hillary has been covering up for Bubba since day one. Calling her a 'nasty enabler' is actually too kind.blink.png

He is making a big mistake bring up personal family matters.

What a scumbag.

A hundred of Trumps old lady friends (conquests) are ready to expose him as a serial philanderer.

I feel sorry for Trumps wife. She is gonna learn allot about her husband. A divorce before the election?

This is the sad state of affairs in US Politics...and people wonder why qualified presidential candidates refuse to run. The scumbags in politics (and fake news) will try to ruin their family.

"Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen" - Harry Truman.

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I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.

That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

Bill is only human I am sure we have all had a Lewinski moment in our lives at one time or another we just were not famous.

Not many of us I'd reckon. Lowering one's self to the lowest common denominator isn't in most folks play books.wink.png

BTW, on topic - here's the updated list of Hillary's crimes:


It will take Trump several lifetimes to approach this low standard.blink.png


My dear lord how desperate is that.


There really is no bottom to the low standard. These are Trump's people with their lemmings approach to hate.

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This item will resound with legions of women all across America.

Nobody likes a serial abuser such as Bubba Clinton and Hillary will have an impossible time defending him. smile.png

Trump has this one right.

Hillary needs to shut her yap...the Clintons did nothing but throw parties and Bill used his office to sexually abuse employees.

Trump would never stoop to that low morality position.

Imagine Hillary, checking for chewed "bubblegum" underneath the Desk in the Oval Office. Just a place to stick the gum when getting down to business.

and yes...she ruined the lives of the employees while in Charge.

awful stuff.


I don't know about you people, but I resent Bill getting "serviced" in my "White House", while I was pulling duty overseas, in the Military. If that is your Idea of being "Command in Chief" then who needs it ! Same for Hilly. After all the lies about not doing anything, he escaped being impeached. Both of them should hang their heads in shame. If Bill would of been impeached, then there would be no danger now of Hillary abusing women in the white house by enabling her husband to pursue using the Presidential Office as a brothel.

Edited by slipperylobster
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This item will resound with legions of women all across America.

Nobody likes a serial abuser such as Bubba Clinton and Hillary will have an impossible time defending him. smile.png

Trump has this one right.

Hillary needs to shut her yap...the Clintons did nothing but throw parties and Bill used his office to sexually abuse employees.

Trump would never stoop to that low morality position.

Imagine Hillary, checking for chewed "bubblegum" underneath the Desk in the Oval Office. Just a place to stick the gum when getting down to business.

and yes...she ruined the lives of the employees while in Charge.

awful stuff.


I don't know about you people, but I resent Bill getting "serviced" in my "White House", while I was pulling duty overseas, in the Military. If that is your Idea of being "Command in Chief" then who needs it ! Same for Hilly. After all the lies about not doing anything, he escaped being impeached. Both of them should hang their heads in shame. If Bill would of been impeached, then there would be no danger now of Hillary abusing women in the white house by enabling her husband to pursue using the Presidential Office as a brothel.

Hillary abusing women in the White House. Did you receive a head wound overseas?

Republican outrage is so ridiculous.

I could care less about Bill being serviced. It effected nothing but the Republican outrage machine. I'm outraged that the White House was used to lie the United States into a war and a million people died.

Do you see the difference between those two things? One thing makes no difference and the other thing was a disaster for the United States.

The tin foil hat brigade should PRIORITIZE otherwise we get people who consumed by bathroom use. Bill's dalliance in the White House is old old news.

Get some credibility. Find a new angle to get outraged. Something that actually matters. I would be very worried about my party being taken over by Donald Trump rather than Monica. Again, prioritize.

"Madame President"...get use to it.

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This item will resound with legions of women all across America.

Nobody likes a serial abuser such as Bubba Clinton and Hillary will have an impossible time defending him. smile.png

Trump has this one right.

Hillary needs to shut her yap...the Clintons did nothing but throw parties and Bill used his office to sexually abuse employees.

Trump would never stoop to that low morality position.

Imagine Hillary, checking for chewed "bubblegum" underneath the Desk in the Oval Office. Just a place to stick the gum when getting down to business.

and yes...she ruined the lives of the employees while in Charge.

awful stuff.


I don't know about you people, but I resent Bill getting "serviced" in my "White House", while I was pulling duty overseas, in the Military. If that is your Idea of being "Command in Chief" then who needs it ! Same for Hilly. After all the lies about not doing anything, he escaped being impeached. Both of them should hang their heads in shame. If Bill would of been impeached, then there would be no danger now of Hillary abusing women in the white house by enabling her husband to pursue using the Presidential Office as a brothel.

So what. The president of the USA gets a little consensual sex during a coffee break. I'm sure you are sincerely outraged.

He didn't rape her like your Navy buddies at a Tailhook convention where personnel assaulted 83 women in their hotel or thousands of servicemen that regularly visit brothels all over the world....

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Who care if Bill had an affair, who cares if Hillary has an affair. I am quite sure this does not impact the work done.

However we can clearly see that US politics is becoming every day more a "tv show" and Trump should call TMZ for his campign as they spit the same trash.

One more proof, if needed, which show the level of intelligence of the Donald..

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That a greaseball like Trump, who has been married ...what...4 times (I bet all these changes from missus to the next went easy as a clean sh1t...no behind the scene flirting, touching and....), one of his wives accused him basically of rape, he is a misogynist, if I have ever seen one and if any of YOU would speak of your daughters, ther way Trump does about his, I hope, someone would smack you in the face!

That guy, is fingerpointing at other peoples marriage!

That is rich!

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That a greaseball like Trump, who has been married ...what...4 times (I bet all these changes from missus to the next went easy as a clean sh1t...no behind the scene flirting, touching and....), one of his wives accused him basically of rape, he is a misogynist, if I have ever seen one and if any of YOU would speak of your daughters, ther way Trump does about his, I hope, someone would smack you in the face!

That guy, is fingerpointing at other peoples marriage!

That is rich!

That's pretty much it. He knows what he is and how he's perceived especially by most women. So it's proactive deflection to attack Hillary Clinton based on women's issues. It's not going to work but in a way, he has no choice.

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That a greaseball like Trump, who has been married ...what...4 times (I bet all these changes from missus to the next went easy as a clean sh1t...no behind the scene flirting, touching and....), one of his wives accused him basically of rape, he is a misogynist, if I have ever seen one and if any of YOU would speak of your daughters, ther way Trump does about his, I hope, someone would smack you in the face!

That guy, is fingerpointing at other peoples marriage!

That is rich!

Richard Quest, caught with drugs and a rope tied around his privates in NYC's Central Park at 3 AM and Jerry Springer, who resigned from the Cincinnati city council for hiring hookers were both discussing Trump's morals on CNN last night. What a hoot!

I don't think Trump has had as many/if any, charges of abuse and rape thrown against him as Hillary' husband has. I think the point was maybe Mrs. Clinton should tell Bill to stop abusing women.

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Hillary's campaign has pre-paid many millions for many hours of TV ads between the conventions and Nov. 8th. Methinks Trump staffers got wind of some of the stuff they're going to unleash on Trump. Probably specifics. There are mountains of ugly crap in Trump's past, and much of it is in video, audio, in his books, and best of all, from first person tellings. Trump is going to unleash a shitstorm of lawsuits (or at least his customary threats) before Christmas. There's nothing that pisses him off more than people saying unpraising things about him, or his business or political ambitions (he sees them all as intertwined). In other words, if you say something unflattering about him, he takes it as an affront to his business, and vice versa. More than a few times, when that's happened, he flies into a rage and says things (to writers/reporters) like, "you'll never work in this town again! You're finished! I hate you!"

Here's a suggestion for HRC's ad staff: Showcase Donald's flip flops. There are many minutes of footage to choose from: He claims one thing, then he claims the opposite. He's done it dozens, maybe hundreds of times. It could be split-screen, with The Donald on the left making a statement, then The Donald on the right directly contradicting it. He's got the steadfastness of a newt.

Doesn't Trump realize that the Clinton impeachment hearings was an all time low for the Republicans?

The Republicans took their eye off the ball, were busy with their unpatriotic political witch hunt while Bill Clinton was tracking down Bin Laden.

You see, legal harassment is the Republican strategy.
They spent/wasted $60,000,000 taxpayer dollars on lawyers investigating the Clintons history, hoping to come up with some 'dirt'. They found ZILCH on the Clintons.
So the Republicans that wasted all that money on a failed investigation were desperate to save face.... decided to mention Bills girlfriend while under oath. "Lets ask him about the BJ" Hahahaha...

The Republicans behind the BJ impeachment case? Perhaps the biggest scumbags in Washington.
R. Newt Gingrich, he was caught banging secretaries in his office!
R. Livingston, was busted hiding 4 girlfriends from his wife.
R. Dennis Hassert, was busted for raping 4 little boys in his high school gym class.

And while these immoral, unethical clowns were pushing the impeachment hearings, Bill Clinton was busy going after Bin Laden.
Bill Clinton sent cruise missiles in an attempt to kill Bin Laden.
What did the Republicans have to say? They said Clinton was attacking Bin Laden to take away attention from the impeachment hearings!

That's why I say the Republicans are dangerous and unpatriotic scumbags and they owe the taxpayers a refund on the $60,000,000 bogus investigations.

The above could be BEST POST OF THE DAY !

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Now that the spouses are fair game, let's hope they dig into Trumps wife's past.

He's had a series of hot wives. Let's hope they uncover some juicy scandals. Hopefully some embarrassing sex movies. That would be excellent.

Who cares about the issues.

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Now that the spouses are fair game, let's hope they dig into Trumps wife's past.

He's had a series of hot wives. Let's hope they uncover some juicy scandals. Hopefully some embarrassing sex movies. That would be excellent.

Who cares about the issues.

I doubt it will top Vince Foster and the testimony of the Arkansas State Troopers that were the Clinton's bodyguards and the White Houses staff. Hillary has quite a vocabulary. Try googling Hillary's vulgarity-makes-trump-look-like-Shakespeare.

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Now that the spouses are fair game, let's hope they dig into Trumps wife's past.

He's had a series of hot wives. Let's hope they uncover some juicy scandals. Hopefully some embarrassing sex movies. That would be excellent.

Who cares about the issues.

I doubt it will top Vince Foster and the testimony of the Arkansas State Troopers that were the Clinton's bodyguards and the White Houses staff. Hillary has quite a vocabulary. Try googling Hillary's vulgarity-makes-trump-look-like-Shakespeare.

Thank you for proving my point.

Bodyguard rumors. Yea those are great.

Let's personally attack the other side. Harass them and their families, investigate them, file lawsuits and start a fake news show to denigrate them 24/7.

Who cares about issues.

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