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PM Prayut urges Thais to innovate


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I wonder is there anyone out there who can name a single pure Thai innovation? (except Thainess)

Kind of an exotic list

Thai measurements system

Thai calendar

Muay Thai martial arts

MMA voting system

Khimm musical instrument

formula for Red Bull

Water pond aeration machine

Certainly nothing one would expect from a developing country with the exception maybe of Red Bull.

You forgot rain making sorties.

Red Bull is a copy of Lipovitan which was invented by Japanese as well as Tuk Tuks

The technique of rain making and sorties were invented in Australia.

Som tam is Vietnamese.

The Khimm musical instrument is originated in China

For the invention of Muay Thai two theories exist- one says it was brought to Siam by Chinese

What's left? A calendar, a measurement system and a petty weird time system...

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Perhap's the Thai should heed some of the unelected P.M.'s innovative musings...

"In promoting a new education policy, Prayuth said, “Teachers assign difficult homework to students.

The other day, I had a look at homework of a por neung student (first-year elementary school).

I must say that I didn’t even know how to do it. Homework is too difficult for students.” laugh.png

"Advising Thais, Prayuth said, “About 53.8 percent of Thais are swamped under the heavy debts from financial institutions. You can solve this problem by not going shopping.”

"Talking about a threat to his position, Prayuth complained, “I am a victim of a black magic by the anti-coup elements.”

Prayuth also complained, “Today, I have a sore throat and suffer a pain in the neck. Someone said there are some people putting curses on me.

I had so much lustral water poured over my head I shivered all over. I’m going to catch a cold now.”

And there are some unique "innovative" approaches already implemented in Thailand. A few examples:

The Slave Fishing Industry.

The Sex Slave Industry.

Soldiers being granted sweeping authority to conduct warrantless searches of homes, seize assets and detain civilians without charge.

Being arrested for not responding to Facebook messages.

The taking of citizens by force and without charge, by the illegal government to undisclosed Military bases for "atitude adjustments".


Or course, the list goes on and on... wai2.gif

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I had no idea the General was a mate of that waffling fool Malcolm Turnbull.

I have been watching 'The Innovators' on the History Channel lately. Carnegie, J P Morgan, Edison, Rockerfella, Ford, etc.

Can't wait to see the Thai version.


Thailand notwithstanding, and surprising though it might be, there have been, and are, innumerable innovators from far beyond the borders of the U.S.

Edited by Jonmarleesco
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One problem of course is that Thailand does not actually exist. It is a fiction like from Jules Verne or Enid Blyton. China exists as does SipSongPanna; Myanmar and Khmer exist.Even a country as huge as India has some problems with integrating diverse peoples. Lanna and Laos exist and all these communities have existed for centuries. Sukothai existed for a while. Phuket or Junk Ceylon and most of the the southern provinces have not much to do with "Thailand". Thailand is a melting pot of many cultures and traditions. Many of them have found ways to survive and innovate. I don't think the "Thai" hegemony has helped much.So if you urge "Thais" to innovate who did you have in mind?

Edited by laolover88
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I had no idea the General was a mate of that waffling fool Malcolm Turnbull.

I have been watching 'The Innovators' on the History Channel lately. Carnegie, J P Morgan, Edison, Rockerfella, Ford, etc.

Can't wait to see the Thai version.


Thailand notwithstanding, and surprising though it might be, there have been, and are, innumerable innovators from far beyond the borders of the U.S.

Don't I know it mate! I am from the Great Southern Land!

Did you know we invented the Wine Cask! (aka Chateau Cardboard)

Now THAT'S innovation!


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I had no idea the General was a mate of that waffling fool Malcolm Turnbull.

I have been watching 'The Innovators' on the History Channel lately. Carnegie, J P Morgan, Edison, Rockerfella, Ford, etc.

Can't wait to see the Thai version.


Thailand notwithstanding, and surprising though it might be, there have been, and are, innumerable innovators from far beyond the borders of the U.S.

Don't I know it mate! I am from the Great Southern Land!

Did you know we invented the Wine Cask! (aka Chateau Cardboard)

Now THAT'S innovation!


Coconut scrapers look the same all over the tropics.

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I had no idea the General was a mate of that waffling fool Malcolm Turnbull.

I have been watching 'The Innovators' on the History Channel lately. Carnegie, J P Morgan, Edison, Rockerfella, Ford, etc.

Can't wait to see the Thai version.


Thailand notwithstanding, and surprising though it might be, there have been, and are, innumerable innovators from far beyond the borders of the U.S.

Don't I know it mate! I am from the Great Southern Land!

Did you know we invented the Wine Cask! (aka Chateau Cardboard)

Now THAT'S innovation!


Coconut scrapers look the same all over the tropics.

yes but Wine Casks are Universal!

(Anyway, in the future I will try to refrain from any further attempts at humour)

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Wow this guy really does not see the forest for the trees. A number of cars are built in Thailand. Why doesn't Thailand build its own car brand ? Surely there are skilled, capable people. Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan, China, Korea have their own brands. What is holding back Thailand. Would it be that they would need a small amount of foreign help ?

"Surely there are skilled, capable people."


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Thai innovation takes different forms. Farmers get subsidies from the government and have innovated by spending those funds on chemicals to improve their fruit and vegetable "quality". This has been most successful and production has improved substantially in quality and presentation.

Problem is that they have over-innovated with the consequence that their produce now is highly toxic and some importing countries have woken up. When will they learn.

This is nothing more than an innovative scam which has the potential of being lethal to children and adults. But who cares so long as Thai farmers turn a baht. Some of this lethal produce was even claimed to be organic. Honesty seems to mean nothing.

Fortunately the Vietnamese authorities have twigged and will now be checking and limiting imports. Unfortunately the Thais themselves will continue to consume their own toxic produce. No one in Thailand is going to let on the locals.


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I wonder is there anyone out there who can name a single pure Thai innovation? (except Thainess)

A mate of mine asked his university educated wife "what Thailand has invented".

She replied 3 days latter with "copying"

I suspect they copied that from the Chinese!!

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Another absurd statement from a patently absurd man.

How about the freaking armed forces innovate by assuming their proper role in society for once? Focus on preparations for national defense rather than business interests, stop meddling in politics, cease your pillaging of the country's financial resources, quit lecturing the rest of society on how to live their lives, and for F sake quit pretending to love institutions for personal gain. You are pathetic. World's worst armed forces. Only prepared to fight your own countrymen. F off. Thailand deserves better than you imbeciles.

Hmmmm .......

Lessons in keeping populationd under control :

1. Keep them ignorant

2. Indoctrinate them from birth

3. Look after those with money


Not gonna work is it?

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I wonder is there anyone out there who can name a single pure Thai innovation? (except Thainess)

Kind of an exotic list

Thai measurements system

Thai calendar

Muay Thai martial arts

MMA voting system

Khimm musical instrument

formula for Red Bull

Water pond aeration machine

Certainly nothing one would expect from a developing country with the exception maybe of Red Bull.

Thai measurements system.... only need this in Thailand

Thai calendar only need this in Thailand

Muay Thai martial arts.... copied from the French

MMA voting system .... only need this in Thailand

Khimm musical instrument .... only need this in Thailand

formula for Red Bull Sold this out to anothr international company, made money, don't need anymore

Water pond aeration machine

You forgot rainmaking!!!

Edited by RigPig
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These leaders are following a global trend .. All governments are telling their folks to innovate recently.

It's the new world order.. Only problem is Thailand is stuck in a time warp. No chance they will ever do it.

The bozos in charge here couldn't innovate anything, especially for instance, governance!

Maybe unicorn and tinfoil hat factories would be a good start?

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Let's see at the brighter side, the fact that the top man acknowledged that there is indeed a need for "innovation", it's itself a step forward into the right direction, now, if they could keep going that way, rather than doing 20 steps backwards for each step going forward, perhaps we will really see a change for the better.

Now, i am going to suggest an easy shortcut to get results with the minimal effort, and what it's better, is that i am not even asking for a ministerial's position in exchange, so, they can consider this their very lucky lucky day.

Give foreigners the right to do any jobs as the locals, if the locals would see their customers to chose a different kind of service/product than what they offer, they will be automatically stimulated to follow suit and improve their services/products, it's a win solution for all.

Free transfer of useful skills to improve everyone's life, that's free teaching, what else could you ask for??

Obviously it's only going to work if you let local's understand that they should get better in what they do, rather than allowing them to pull out silly excuses that will only keep things in a worse state, not rocket's science, really

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Let's see at the brighter side, the fact that the top man acknowledged that there is indeed a need for "innovation", it's itself a step forward into the right direction, now, if they could keep going that way, rather than doing 20 steps backwards for each step going forward, perhaps we will really see a change for the better.

Now, i am going to suggest an easy shortcut to get results with the minimal effort, and what it's better, is that i am not even asking for a ministerial's position in exchange, so, they can consider this their very lucky lucky day.

Give foreigners the right to do any jobs as the locals, if the locals would see their customers to chose a different kind of service/product than what they offer, they will be automatically stimulated to follow suit and improve their services/products, it's a win solution for all.

Free transfer of useful skills to improve everyone's life, that's free teaching, what else could you ask for??

Obviously it's only going to work if you let local's understand that they should get better in what they do, rather than allowing them to pull out silly excuses that will only keep things in a worse state, not rocket's science, really

lets not go and turn thailand into the countries we all left behind to move here. place is cheap and interesting. i prefer that over expensive and boring any time.

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I wonder is there anyone out there who can name a single pure Thai innovation? (except Thainess)

Kind of an exotic list

Thai measurements system

Thai calendar

Muay Thai martial arts

MMA voting system

Khimm musical instrument

formula for Red Bull

Water pond aeration machine

Certainly nothing one would expect from a developing country with the exception maybe of Red Bull.

Close, except Muay Thai is basically stolen from pradal serey or Khmer boxing. No innovation there the rise in popularity in Muay Thai internationally could be pointed to the fact that Khmer boxing was basically outlawed when pol pot came to power. Funnily enough a time when a lot of the world's eyes were focused on south east Asia.

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lets not go and turn thailand into the countries we all left behind to move here. place is cheap and interesting. i prefer that over expensive and boring any time.

Sorry WGA, while i respect your opinion, understanding that everyone might have different reasons behind the choice to come and live here, i can guarantee that this was not my intention.

I am not asking for taxes or overcharges of all sorts, just some general's improvement, sounds as a pun but was not intended...

Someone must have decided to move because it wanted to experience the challenges of being discriminated because of its race/skin color, or to feel the thrill of falling victim of a scam, a serious assault or even a murder, with the added point of being blamed for it after the facts.

Then to expect to be given the same opportunities and rights of a thai residing into our countries, must to be something extremely boring for some people.

Apparently i moved here for all the wrong reasons, and expecting to improve something that even the locals might realize it's not exactly the best possible choice, it's not really well accepted by the thrill's seekers i was mentioning above, i only wish everyone could have what they really wanted, to each his own.

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Thais are masters of innovation in many ways. I am constantly amazed at their skills when it comes to jerry-rigging, finding the path of least possible resistance or effort, doing things as cheaply and quickly as possible, making things work with the wrong parts or equipment, and doing it all without reading instructions or taking advice.

You forgot to add: charging as a high a price as possible.
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